Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas to all!

You might find this decoration "weird, or silly" but I think it's really chic, and festive. Since I don't have any foods to post, after the last two days of spending time with my granddaughters, and helping out my daughter with last minute shopping, this is all I have to show for my Christmas decoration, which is my "smart" thrift find, that I'm posting...after all this blog is called "food and thrift finds" I'm showing off my silk plant, which I bought at Goodwill, like new, and so perfect, for $3.99, the whit lights were $1.99, the pretty dark blue liqueur glasses, with the wrought iron case, $2.99, and last, but not least, the pretty cobalt blue vase, that I filled with our local sea shells, $, just think, under $15.00 for all. Actually $12.00. Can't beat that, and it's so enjoyable!
My amazing kitty Prince,...little old, and wise guy, almost 18 yrs. old. I took this photo, in pitch dark, and turned out so nice. He is a Maine coon, with the longest legs I have ever seen on any cat. So sweet, and protective, my little alarm clock, every morning at 7:00AM!
Today, we went to City Place, in West Palm Beach...a magical city, within a city. Very popular place where everyone goes, and meets. Full of shops, and restaurants, and they actually are surrounded by condos, that people own, or rent. Oh so beautiful! These poinsettias are found at just about every Christmasy!
This was an original church from the thirties that is still surviving, and renovated into a theatre. The entire City Place is built around this lovely former church. Every hour, the church bells chime, and the water falls comes on to a wonderful this case, it's to Christmas carols.
The Christmas tree at City Place is so beautiful at night, all lit up with  lights. Plenty of parking space in the 4 story garage, and on the streets, as well!
Only in Florida, you get to witness something like this...Flip flops, on one girl, and boots on the other. The weather, about in the low seventies!
OK...Last, but not least...Yeahhh1 I just received my awesome giveaway gift, from Veronica, 
The Enchanted Cook. who had a giveaway, and I was one of the winners. Thank you so very much Veronica, and Thank you O for sending this pair of Olive oil, and vinegar combo. So amazing, I can hardly wait to try this pretty, that I'm almost afraid to open it. Wow!... this is my best Christmas present, ever!
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  1. I love the lighted plant! Have a very Merry Christmas and the best in the coming year!

  2. Merry Christmas to you Elisabeth my sweet foodbuzz friend........have a great year ahead....

  3. I want to go to FL, it looks beautiful and my kind of weather! Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and family! Your grand daughters are beautiful!

  5. MERRY MERRY MERRY X'MAS Elisebeth!!! have a great time, infact it already luks like u keep going!!!

  6. Merry Christmas to u too!!! Loved all the pics...esp of ur granddaughters & the kitty.. ;)

  7. Merry Merry Christmas to you and family Elisabeth..have a wonderful party..

  8. Merry Christmas! I love the picture of the flip flops and boots!

  9. Merry, merry Christmas, Lizzie! I know you will be surrounded by your lovely family...just look at those darling granddaughters! Love seeing your Floridian holiday fun and festive! xoxo

    PS...what a gorgeous, regal kitty!

  10. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  11. Have a very Merry Christmas Elisabeth and Congrats on winning the O from Veronica's blog!

  12. Merry Christmas Elisabeth! Wishing you and your family all the joys of the season. :)

  13. hi Elisabeth
    I am happy to hear it finally warmed up in Florida, we are a balmy 34 today! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  14. May you and your loved ones be blessed with the essense of Christmas — Love, peace, joy and hope — all your lives through. Have a most wonderful Christmas

    Merry Christmas Elisabeth

  15. Gorgeous setting, lovethe kids feet too! beautiful kitty...have a wonderful holiday and the best year to come

  16. Love the silk plant with lights! We actually did that in place of a tree when we were not in a really good financial situation and my son was a bay. Worked well, we had lights, a few decorations, but nothing dangerous for the baby and it was cheap!
    Love the picture of your girls... both are so beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about the loss...

    And I love the pic of the flip flops and boots! We saw a lot of that at the beach yesterday. We were in the 60's, but lots of flip flops, lots of boots with shorts, then the occasional person in a snow jacket with gloves and mittens. You see it all!

    A wonderful Christmas to you and you family! May your days be filled with treats and treasures! I'm happy to have "met" you this year. XO

  17. Nice clicks Elisabeth,

    Wish you and family a Merry Christmas and happy holidays

  18. Wish You A Very Merry Christmas,Elizabeth & wish you the best from 2011 :)!!! I love how you share all the happiness you felt while you experienced all this beauty around you. Your thirft finds I must say are a steal and the way you have used them is very classy:) I like the cobalt blue,it has so much personailty and one of my favorite color for lifting up the corner spaces. Your granddaughters in flip-flops and boots,I found that sooooo shweet and a nice observation by their granny too:) Congratulation on your super win,what a wonderful time of the year to recieve these wonderful gifts,Go ahead and enjoy them,you desreve it so much,Lots of love & hugs and God Bless :)!!!!

  19. Merry Christmas to you! Great pictures! Congrats on your win too!

  20. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    Your kitty doesn't look like 18 years old...your granddaughters look so adorable.

  21. Thanks for the wishes. Merry Christmas and New Year with joy!

  22. Hi Prince! Give your mommy a hug for me!

  23. What great photos! Prince is adorable and your Grangdaughters are just gorgeous:) I lived at CityPlace when I first moved back to Florida - it's dangerous living so close to all those shops! Hope you girls had a great day there. Also, congrats on your win - the olive oil and vinegar look yummy! I'll be picking a winner for the Waterford Crystal wine glasses this week. Thanks for entering - I'll keep you posted - Cheers!

  24. Your granddaughters are so adorable! Wishing you happy holidays and all the best to you and your family in the new year that is already knocking on our doors, God bless you ^_^

  25. Ciao Elisabeth!
    I hope you had a great Christmas!
    Love to see your pictures...don't worry about your granddaughters:))
    In London too we have this kind of "contrasts":)))))))


  26. I wish we could wear slippahs this time year! It's too cold for that here. Such beautiful girls I bet you really enjoy spending time with them! I LOVE your treasures that you found! I love shopping for treasures at the thrift stores. We found some great stuff at garage sales last year too. I bet your Prince has quite a personality. I love Maine Coon's for that! I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  27. Hi Elisabeth! Loved your post! We've been home for the holidays and feeling unusual with no snow. It's made me dream of going somewhere truly warm rather than in between as we are currently. All your photos and descriptions felt like a bit of arm chair travel. Very fun to jump into your life for a bit! Glad to have found you this year!

  28. I love the plant! And what a lovely cat and cute young girls. As usual your pics transport me to a sunny place (is pouring rain here boo).

    Wishing you and yours the very best for 2011 Elisabeth :)

  29. Your kitty is soooo cute! The grandbabies are adorable too of course. I like the plant with its cobalt vase nearby. Great thrift finds. And I wore flip flops on Christmas. Only in these climates!

  30. Merry Christmas Elisabeth! Your kitty is so fluffalicious, hehe....and your grandchildren are just beautiful! It has been surprisingly warm here in New Mexico, but I am secretly hoping for more sis in law lives in Naples, FL and as much as she wishes we would move there, I simply cannot part from the "soul of the southwest"....oh how i do love my four seasons, especially FALL, my favorite time of year. This time of year I crave the snowfall and I have such a longing to hibernate at home curled up with good books, warm blankets, and a colossal sized cup of hot tea or coffee!!! Wishing you all the best in this coming New Year....j

  31. Merry Christmas Elisabeth!!! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. The photos are lovely, and your granddaughters are precious!

  32. Gorgeous photos Elisabeth!! Belated Merry Christmas to you!

  33. I just had to comment on that photo with the flip flops on one and boots on the other, so funny. It's much like how some girls in Scotland can withstand the freezing cold in mini skirts. Gorgeous photos, I would absolutely love to visit Florida (Disney World :D) one day. Hope you had a wonderfully fab Christmas!! It certainly looks like you have :)
