Monday, December 20, 2010

Goat Cheese with Pistachios, and Cranberries

We had such an eerie glad it's Monday, and in 4 days, Christmas Eve will be here. All last week, my daughter and I were involved with the last of the Christmas presents for our close friends' children, and last of ours, as well. We're still trying to go on with our lives missing Sheryl, knowing how we spent quite a few Christmases together. Her horrific accidental death left such a toll on my daughter-in-law, and son, that it will be such a long healing process. On Saturday, we hosted a memorial for her, at my son's house. Out of respect I only took a few pictures of 2 of my appetizers, and some of the fabulous sweets from Costco.I will share the recipe with you for this awesome cheese ball-which really supposed to be a cheese log, but as usual, I want to adapt it my way.
So, my daughter-in-law requested to make a baked brie, and suggested that I serve it with pepper jelly, which is a great combo with the brie...I suggested to wrap the brie in puff pastry, and just spread the jelly on the top. Not knowing, that there's an actual recipe for it, I proceeded to make it my way, the first thing of course; scraping off the rind from the cheese which comes off so easily, and let the puff pastry thaw out for easier rolling. Also, unfortunately I did not bake it in a high 400 degree temp. I baked it at 350, which is a med. temp. for 35 minutes. Also, I brushed the entire finished crust, before baking it, with an egg wash. Same result, just from memory, of baking with puff pastry. Recipes, to follow!

Goat Cheese with Pistachio, and Cranberries
Adapted from Real Simple Magazine, Nov. 2010

2 tablespoons roasted pistachios, chopped
2 tablespoons dried cranberries, chopped
1 8- to 10-ounce log fresh goat cheese
crackers or bread, for serving

On a large plate, combine the pistachios and cranberries.
Roll the goat cheese in the fruit-and-nut mixture to coat. Serve with the crackers or bread.
note: I rolled the cheese into a ball, and then rolled it in the fruit, and nut mixtures. Serves 8

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Baked Brie with Pepper Jelly
adapted from Best Bites

Puff pastry comes with two sheets per box, so remove one sheet and allow it to stand at room temperature for about 40 minutes. Place the remaining sheet in a freezer-safe bag and save it for another use.
When the pastry has thawed, gently unfold it on a very lightly floured surface. If there are any cracks, lightly moisten them and gently press them back together.

Carefully cut the wheel of brie in half lengthwise (it helps if it's cold). Place one half, rind side-down, on the pastry. Spread a layer of pepper jelly over the cheese. Place the other half, rind side-up on the jelly, almost like a brie sandwich (let's not even go there).

If you want, you can spread another layer of jelly on top of the rind.
You'll want 2-3 inches of pastry surrounding the cheese, but any more than that will get bulky, so you may need to trim about 1" of pastry on one or more sides (reserve the scraps for decorations). Carefully wrap the pastry around the cheese, sealing the edges shut so the melted cheese and jelly won't leak out when it's baked.
If you want, you can have a jar of pepper jelly handy so if there isn't enough of that flavor in the baked brie (it actually ends up coming out pretty subtle), you can add a little more. Because it's awesome.

Ingredients, and directions

1 8-oz. wheel of baby Brie
1/2 package puff pastry, thawed for about 40 minutes at room temperature
About 2-4 tablespoons pepper jelly (try to find some without onions, garlic, or other spices; fruit juice is okay; Tabasco is a great, widely available, reliable choice.
1 egg white mixed with about 2 teaspoons cold water
Preheat oven to 400.
Gently unfold the puff pastry sheet, mending any broken spots. Cut the brie in half lengthwise and place one half, rind down, on the pastry. Spread with jelly and then place the other half of the brie, rind up, on the cheese. If necessary, trim the excess pastry and then fold it over the cheese, sealing the edges. If desired, decorate the brie with decorative shapes cut from the excess dough and brush it with the egg white/water mixture
Place the bundle, seam-down, on a lightly greased baking dish. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. Serve with crackers, bread, and fresh fruit (like strawberries, apples, pears, and grapes) if desired. This is perfect as an easy, elegant holiday appetizer.

Baklava, from Costco is always a nice addition to your holiday table. It sure eases up on your dessert dilemma.
These pastries are especially yummy, they are flaky and light, filled with raspberry, or cheese filled. In the center, are, mini deviled chocolate cakes, with white chocolate shavings. Yumm!
The edible fruits are such a joy, and beautiful addition to your holiday table, that you are very fortunate to have someone send this beautiful fruit bouquet to you.
There were more foods which I did not take a photo of, a huge tray of all kinds of delicious deli foods, and a huge restaurant pan of lasagna...we all celebrated the life of Sheryl, a beautiful lady, and blessed soul!

My son stopped by this morning to catch some waves, on the beach. Such a beautiful day in S. Florida today...plenty of sunshine, temperature a nice pleasant sixty+ degrees. My granddaughter Sophia, and I took a little ride, just over the bridge from the Palm Beach island, to Lake Worth, a trendy little section, full of the cutest shops, and eateries. This particular eatery, is Dave's, and it's like a Key West style place, with such great typical Florida tourist food, that we all welcome, to feel the special S. Florida atmosphere, that we take for granted, most of the time, at this time of the year.

You can actually see, how it's getting darker, gradually. My trusty little new Canon camera, even captured the full moon...or is it the full moon yet?...By the time I arrived to my condo, unpacked, checked my mail and "schlepped" all my packages upstairs, it has gotten totally dark, before 7PM...end of story! Thank you for having the patience to accompany me!


  1. Both of those recipes sound wonderful. I love goat cheese with fruit, but I really, really, really love brie en croute.

  2. I loved both the recipes,and what a wonderful update Elizabeth,I enjoyed every picture and all the yummy treats and the fruit basket looks so juicy and fresh.Sophia looks like an angel herself and it is so good to know that at such a young age she is aware of the less fortunate and feels for them. Thanks for sharing your day with us:) Love& hugs!

  3. I have been praying for everyone in your family. Lora let me know about sweet Sheryl, and I know that this is a very hard time for you and so many people that you love. But all of this food looks amazing. Thank you for taking the time to share it with me.

  4. Everything looks really, really good! Wonderful and fantastic photos!

  5. Goat cheese with pistachios looks delicious, sure taste awesome with crackers. wonderful spread and awesome pictures.

  6. loved both the recipes and the entire post is a very good labour of love !

  7. Elisabeth, a full day to be sure. Sophia is beautiful, she looks to enjoy her time with you, a blessing for you I am sure. I also love time with my own granddaughter. I have recently had baked brie and it is delicious, I shall remember your pepper jelly tip. Thanks for a heartfelt post.

  8. oh my good lord these two recipes are making me drool, I thought my cheese was great until coming here, this is fabulous love the pastry, have everything to make for Christmas cant wait to try this and going to for sure on Christmas Eve my family is going to love you for this! Merry Christmas!!! and thank you, the pictures of everything are fabulous! Love the calamari and the apples and the family I could go on an on ....cheers!~

  9. Wonderful looking goat cheese, looks absolute rich and nutty..wat a beautiful post, lovely..

  10. Beautiful post. Good to hear that you got your new camera :)

  11. Both recipes sound wonderful! I am sure you are enjoying your new camera as the pictures are beautiful. Your pictures of the coast make me want to go on vacation. We are snowed in here in Minnesota. Another several inches yesterday...sigh!

  12. What a beautiful post Elisabeth and your appetizers look wonderful - especially the goat cheese and brie. I'll be making a baked brie Christmas, have never made one before. Enjoy your week!

  13. I just came back from a funeral myself so I know how heartbreaking losing someone you care about.. on a lighter note, these appetizers look fabulous. Mountain Man is going to go crazy over that goat cheese!

  14. Thank you for the feast for our eyes, Elisabeth! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  15. I'm very sorry for your loss and I do hope you can still have a Happy Christmas. You also have a very nice blog. Love the photos and recipes!

  16. I'm so sorry you and your family have to go through this. Your camera does take better pictures. I saw that cheese ball and came over right away to check it out. I'm hoping you and your family will have a Merry Christmas!

  17. I'm so sorry to read about your loss. It can really be tough at the holidays. I hope your family can comfort each other during this difficult time.

  18. I am really sorry about that...
    I wish you a Merry Christmas,

  19. Stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

  20. It seems that you and I have the same tastes. I have made both of these. The brie I usualy use a orange/fig preserve from Dalmacia. Also, we have beautiful granddaughters.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message. I visit a blogger friend, Foodalogue, in West Palm a few time a year and will let you know next time in town.

    Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

  21. Neste NATAL...fechem as suas chaminés. Visita que verdadeiramente vale à pena chega é pela porta da frente. Na noite de Natal fujam dos tumultos e dos barulhos. Descubram a felicidade silenciosa. Ela é discreta, mas existe! Eu lhes garanto!Não tenham a ilusão de que seu Natal será triste porque será pobre. Há mais beleza na pobreza verdadeira e assumida que na riqueza disfarçada e incoerente.
    O que alegra um coração humano é tão pouco que parece ser quase nada. Ousem dar o quase nada. Não dá trabalho, nem custa muito...E não se surpreendam, se com isso, a sua noite de Natal tornar-se inesquecível. "

  22. From Tati-Translation-
    In this NATIVE ONE ... close his chimneys. Visit that really is worthwhile reprimand is for the front door. In the night of Christmas escape of the uproars and of the noises. Discover the silent happiness. She is discreet, but exist! I guarantee them! Do not have the illusion of which his Christmas will be sad because it will be poor. There is more beauty in the true and confirmed poverty than in the disguised and inconsistent wealth. What cheers a heart up human is so little that it seems to it that be hardly anything. Dare to give it hardly anything. Do not give work, it does nor cost very much... And do not be surprised, if with that, his night of Christmas becomes unforgettable. ' GOOD PARTIES!

    Thank you for visiting my blog...and thank you for your kind comment!

  23. Lizzie, my condolences to you on the loss of your son's MIL...the sudden death of such a special woman must be so tough on your family.

    But look at your gorgeous appetizers! I agree about baked brie...I don't think I could dislike any one of them! And your cheese ball is beautiful and it!

    Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family. I've been blessed knowing you! Thanks for showing me the ropes at foodbuzz...looking forward to sharing our blogs in 2011 :) xoxo Lizzy

  24. Elisabeth ,this is a wonderful post!First of all Sophie is sooo cute!!
    And am sure she love the thrift stoe!
    Loving all the pics u snapped , what a wonderful day u spend!
    and the food and recipes are fantastic too!
    Happy hols with love and Merry Christmas!

  25. Áldott, békés Karácsonyt kívánok Neked és mindenkinek, aki közel áll Hozzád !

  26. Love goat cheese, pistachios and cranberries. Never thought to put all 3 together. I have to save this for future use. Thank you for sharing!

  27. What a wonderful memorial Elizabeth. I am again so very sorry for your families loss.
    Your granddaughter looks so precious and the food looks amazing.
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas :)
