Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cross Country- Oatmeal Cookies and Blog Award

This morning was a cloudy, and gloomy morning that turned into a half way decent looking day, here in South Florida, but temperature only at about 68 degrees F. My daughter dropped off my little grandson at my place for a couple hours so she could go take care of errands, son-in-law had his only 1 day off, and he had to take care of things, as well. My little sweetheart came all set with his "Finding Nemo" CDVD, as he calls it, and I knew I didn't have his favorite little "Goldfish" crackers snack for him, so I thought, I better start making something real quick and yummy for him. Sure enough I had Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chocolates, but no chocolate chips. Found some quick cooking oats, and I knew I had the rest of the ingredients...so why not, some chocolate chunk cookies, instead of chocolate chip cookies?

Ready to jump into action, and in less than 30 minutes, warm cookies were waiting for my little guy, with a big smile on his face. For some reason, every time I'm looking for a recipe, that I have just about all the ingredients for, is the "Best Recipes" book, the latest copyright, 1982, that have a compiled great list from backs of boxes, cans, jars, but you really have to do some adaptation to make it up to date by switching, and adding ingredients, which I love to do, and adapt it my way. Interesting, about the Mazola corn oil, which the original recipe calls for 3/4 cups? and no butter?...well, I quickly narrowed the amount down to 1/3 cup of vegetable oil, instead, and I knew it would need at least a little butter, so I added 1/2 unsalted butter, and had to confidence of knowing it will turn out better, than with all oil, which would make it too wet, as well!...The result, was a light, perfect, chocolaty goodness with healthy oats!

Cross Country Oatmeal Cookies
adapted from Best Recipes by Ceil Dyer

1/4 cup=2 oz. unsalted butter
1/3 cup vegetable or canola oil
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 cup quick-cooking oats
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 oz Ghirardelli Bittersweet chocolate chopped coarse
(or 4 oz chocolate of your choice, chopped)
1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts (optional)

In a large bowl with an electric mixer, beat butter, oil, and sugar, until well combined. Add sugar, vanilla, and mix until thick and creamy. Add flour, oats, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Beat at low speed until well combined.
Stir in walnuts.

Drop by a large tablespoon 2 inches apart, on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, or use small teaspoon to make small ones. Bake at 350 degrees F. for about 12 to 15 minutes, until golden brown.  Makes about 12 large, or 24 small ones.

Blog Díj

Krisztina, Igazán meghatott üzenetével hogy vár rám egy meglepetés. Megajándékozott ezzel a kitüntető blog dijjal.

Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy gondolt rám! 

A szabályok a következők:

- Írj egy bejegyzést, amelyben közzé teszed a Liebster-Blog képet, és másold be ezt az útmutatót.
- Linkeld be annak a személynek a blogját, akitől a díjat kaptad, és hagyj nála egy hozzászólást, hogy elfogadod a díjat, és add meg a bejegyzésed elérhetőségét.
- Ezután gondolkodj el, melyik az a 3-5 blog, amelyiknek tovább szeretnéd adni a díjat, linkeld be őket a bejegyzésedbe, és értesítsd őket egy hozzászólásban a jelölésről.
- Tehetséges kezdő blogolókat részesíts előnyben,
(ne olyanokat jelölj, akiknek több 100 követője van.)
Szeretettel továbbadom a díjat az alábbi blogger társaimnak:

Bianka-Kiskonyhám Izei 
...and now! on to an Award, received from a sweet, and talented beautiful blogger, whom I had the pleasure of befriending on Foodbuzz when I first joined, back in Sept. 2010. Her name is Krisztina from Krisztina's Kitchen,-Krisztina Konyhája from Budapest, Hungary.

She is a talented young mom, who has some really wonderful desserts, and dishes. Also she has the Google Translater, which can be converted to any language to view her recipes.

She has awarded me with this award, and I would like to pay it forward.
Thank Krisztina, I'm really honored!

Here are the rules:

Copy and paste the award to your blog... link, and mention  the blogger who gave the award to you, and thank them.
Pay it forward to 3-5 talented bloggers  Make sure you link them and contact them to let them know.

Sara-Culorile din farfurie 
Mina-Angel love's cooking 
Indonesian in Turkey
Anna-Simply Italian Style
Barbara-Cucina di Barbara 

I wanted to do a nice little restaurant review from City Cellars, at City Place in West Palm Beach, where we shared a nice lunch, thanks to Fabrizio, my sweet son-in-law, on his day off from his restaurant. All I was allowed to take actually, in "secret" was my amazing Pomegranate Green Tea, which came in a small bottle. Isn't this gorgeous?
It certainly was refreshing, and the restaurant was packed with business people, and no doubt, tourists! 
This was part of the decor, so chic, and modern...the ambiance, and the service of this place was amazing!...oh, and the food was very South Floridian. I had a blackened grilled Mahi-Mahi, on a toasted sesame bun, and share a beautiful spinach salad, with gorgonzola, toasted pine nuts...yumm!...sigh...no photos of it!

My daughter's friend manages this most unique and famous ice cream-gift-and chocolate shop, where we stopped after lunch. You've never seen anything like this...it's a magical place for kids, and adults, alike!
 Mona Lisa greets you at the counter. On the right is a private "party room" for kids' parties.
 A magical ice cream place...indeed!
 What child would not want to hang out in this "Ice cream palace Wonderland?"

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. lovely recipe for the cookies and congrats on the well deserved award !

  2. Cookies looks super scrumptious..Congrats on ur award..

  3. I love your stories about your grandchildren...how lucky they are to have you (and your fabulous cookies!). I can see that cookbook from my computer chair...and need to crack it open and look for this recipe and more. Congrats on the wonderful blogger award...can't think of a more deserving recipient! I'll never forget how kind you were to befriend me when I joined foodbuzz :) xoxo

  4. Sounds like you have one very busy and interesting life . . . full of good food, good people. That spells love!

  5. Congrats on the award and the pictures of the cookies are beautifully done just perfection!

  6. I can't wait to try the cookie recipe, they look great and it is a nice sized recipe for the smaller households. Congrats on your award. That is quite a wonderland!

  7. The cookies are perfect and I just wish I had one now. Congrats on your award! I had to chuckle about it being only 68 degrees there, that would be like summer to us! We've been in the single digits until it warmed up to the 20's yesterday! I'm new here and really like your blog so I will enjoy following to see what's next.

  8. Congrats on the award. The cookies look wonderful and that ice cream store is incredible! I wish we had a location here to visit.

  9. Lucky little guy! I wish I had warm cookies waiting.

  10. Look at that big stack of cookies!! WOW!!!

  11. This post has made me realize it has been WAY too long since I've had oatmeal cookies! Looks delicious n so perfect!
    Congrats on your award Elisabeth...very well deserved :)

    US Masala

  12. Elizabeth,You are a wonderful grandmother,and I can bet the little guy likes to be dropped off at your place while his mom runs errands :) The cookies look just perfect & thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures. We are not yet done with snow here:(

  13. Nagyon szépen köszönöm a díjat

  14. This oatmeal cookies looks delicious, love the choco chips in them. congrats on your awards,

  15. Hálás köszönet, hogy gondoltál rám, és evvel a kedves díjjal jutalmaztad eddigi munkámat.

  16. What a great grandmother you are :-) This post makes me miss my grandmothers all that much more for they were lovely women. Hoorah for oatmeal cookies, especially with chocolate chips added to them!

  17. Great job with the award. I wish I could take a bite out of one of your cookies right now:)

  18. Dear Elisabeth,
    happy new year!
    You're right, it's been a while since I've visited your blog, but I'm really happy to come back now!! Many thanks for the award! Much appreciated.
    See you soon!

  19. I've also noticed you've changed something in your header, I think we have something in common now....

  20. Kedves Elisabeth,
    nagyon szépen köszönöm a díjat-igyekszem mielőbb megírni a blogomon, de egy kis elmaradással küzdök, pici türelmedet kérem!
    A fenti zabpelyhes kekszhez hasonlót én is szoktam sütni, nagyszerű, ki fogom próbálni ezekkel az arányokkal is!

  21. Elizabeth, what an inviting photo; I love the chocolate oozing out of the cookie. Your grandchildren are so lucky to have you bake these luscious treats for them.
    Anna's Table

  22. I just sighed up to follow your wonderful blog! Your pictures are amazing and I love this cookie recipe!

  23. You are making me want chocolate chip cookies really bad right now! Congrats on the award. What a fun ice cream shop, I bet your grandchildren love it. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  24. Those chunky chocolate cookies look marvelous, esp. the one with chocolate oozing out.. :-))
    That ice cream shop looks like a paradise for kids!

  25. Elizabeth, nagyon köszönöm, hogy rám gondoltál:-)

  26. scrumptious n crispy recipe...wanna try soon...
    Love all the fascinating clicks...!
    Tasty appetite

  27. I wish I had one of those cookies right now. I adore oats and chocolate. Congratulations on your award too--you deserve it. Thank you so much for sharing with me tonight...and thanks for all the sweetness you leave on my blog...it means so much to me!

  28. Elisabeth, your cookies look so tempting and inviting - as everything you do!! Congratulations on the award, you absolutely deserve that!!! And mamy, many thanks for sharing that with me - you are such a great person!!! Your friendship means really much to me!! Oh, :) and congrats on top 9 too!

  29. Wish I was a kid again! Congrats on getting Top 9, my dear friend. You deserve it :D Oh, and a very well deserved award too!

  30. hi Elisabeth
    those certainly are some delicious cookies, I don't know why I never thought of adding oats to chocolate chip cookies, it makes all the sense in the world! Congrats on your much deserved award and the top 9 today!

  31. Back again, Elisabeth -- just wanted to add my congrats on the FB Top 9, too! Lovely picture. And thanks for the lovely comments about my mom and her best cookies!

  32. I simply loved you oats cookies. It seems very healthy and delicious !

  33. I haven't made CC cookies in over a year! However... I am always stocked with those Ghirrardeli choc chips. Unfortunately, I just reach in for a handful every now and then and before I know it the bag is gone!
    Congrats on the well deserved Top 9 Elisabeth!

  34. Those cookies look scrumptious! I wish my grandson were closer- we love to bake cookies together.

  35. The cookies look fantastic, I bet your grandson was so excited :) Congratulations on your well deserved award! As for the review, definitely looks like a wonderful time for kids of any age :)

  36. Pictures are so beautiful ! I love it! and thx for the award passing to me. ^_^
