Thursday, January 27, 2011

Angel Food Cake and an Award for Angels

While I realize this is not Spring or Summer...but after all, this is South Florida, and we cannot deny how blessed we are, not to be trying to dig ourselves out of the snow, being stuck in our homes, or even worse, stranded on the highway because of the impossible driving conditions. I feel for all of you, who are in this situation. Almost hate to say..."been there, done that"...when our last snow storm in the seventies while still a very young couple, me still in my early twenties... with a tiny toddler, less than 2yrs old... visiting my aunt and uncle for the Christmas holidays, glorious Florida sunshine, and 75 degrees in December...pure heaven! Returning back to Cleveland to the that point, we decided...
Florida, "here we come!"...and made the big move!, the rest is history!...over 35 years in the tropical climate, and would not change 1 minute of it, except for a "White Christmas."

This is all you do...1 ready made angel food cake, 1 container of sliced sweetened, frozen strawberries, 1 container of Cool Whip...we all know what Cool Whip is, sorry-but it may sound terrible, and unhealthy, but my children have grown up, and love...we all love the frozen whipped topping, that is oh, so good, and you can concoct it into so many dessert. I actually heavy whipping cream but saved it to use for another dessert, which is totally home made. I am not going to lie to you, but you will not regret making this wonderful light dessert, that will disappear within minutes. Cut the angel food cake in half, scoop out some chunks from the middle, and mix it with half of the frozen whipped topping (get the large size Cool Whip) mine is a med. size, did not have enough to spread the entire cake, but it's not too bad. Fold in the thawed out strawberries, and spread it on the bottom part of the cake.

This is the finished result...just add some fresh beautiful ripe whole strawberries...would be even nicer dipped into chocolate, which in this case does not require; like I mentioned, the cake will disappear...within minutes! Enjoy!


Cool Whip

Cool Whip logo for brand section
Cool Whip created the frozen, whipped "non dairy"
 whipped topping... category in the supermarket and many Americans can't imagine a holiday without it. While pumpkin pie wouldn't be the same without a dollop, Cool Whip is very versatile and consumers use it in desserts, sweet dips and salads.

I happened to click over to Sandra's blog, from Sandra's Easy Cooking  a few days ago, and to my surprise, I noticed the beautiful widget, Called...Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I said to myself..."hmm, I've never seen an award like that" I scrolled down to the meticulous alphabetical list, and my heart just skipped a beat! Wow, my name was on it! I really did get a bit emotional, because I saw all this list of talented food blogger ladies, and I am so honored to be a part of the list from around the world, but mostly so proud to have been chosen by Sandra, because she has such an amazingly beautiful blog, she is so, so talented, such a beautiful "SISTER" of the food blogs, that whatever she creates, makes you drool, her recipes are so clearly defined with beautiful photos, that you cannot miss, and do want to make all the fabulous dishes, and over the top yummy desserts she posts.

Thank you so very much, Sandra certainly made my day, and I am so thrilled to pay the award forward to my favorite food blogger SISTERS around the globe, whom I would love to meet in person, to sit down...chit, chat, over a nice cup of tea, or coffee with a wonderful dessert, and just talk about whatever comes to mind, and share stories...sigh...this is such a nice dream, that could come true!


Doesn't this sound beautiful?...I really wanted to call it the ANGELS, in my book, it is the

"What a treasured gift to have a friend who knows how to empathize. She laughs with you when you're happy and cries with you when you're sad. A friend like this is a rare jewel indeed" 

Only one catch:...I'm compiling my list, so I'm really not ready with it yet, because there will be numerous SISTERS on it from all over the United States, Canada, England, Romania, Malaysia, India, Hungary, Bulgaria, Australia, Italy, France, Dominican Republic, Thailand, and several other countries (I think)...just please bear with me, and in the next two days, I will present the award, on a separate post!
Have a wonderful day my sisters, my friends!...try to stay warm...sending Florida sunshine, your way!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. First let me say, that cake looks so good - light and refreshing. I'm drooling, really! And Sandra's award was such a great idea and I loved the name she gave it. I have had such great support and encouragement from my fellow bloggers since I just started this month. It really has meant so much!

  2. Ez egy igazi habos epres álom!! Kérlek, küldj egy szeletet!! :DDD

  3. This cake looks so delicious. I have made a similar one during strawberry season with heavy cream. Just so tasy. Yes, you are very fortunate with your weather.

  4. I am drooling over that cake. Yum!

  5. I am so glad that you liked the award! That makes me smile! And your cake looks amazingly tasty! I am waiting for that Florida sunshine!:))

  6. Angel food cake looks delicious and fresh strawberries, love to have them. Here strawberries cost a ton now. congrats on your award

  7. Wow that cake looks light as fairy wings.

  8. I've made a similar cake but w/ fresh strawberries. I don't bother to cut the cake in half (lazy here!). Wish I had a slice right now on this snowbound day. :-)

  9. A delight ... very appetizing. Kisses.

  10. This is more than delicious, it's heavenly delightful! I am now craving a piece.
    Have a great afternoon!

  11. Looks pretty! This time of the year, we rarely get nice looking strawberries..

  12. So thankful not to be shoveling snow either. This cake is a delicious reminder of a lovely summer to come. I am a fan of anything with strawberries.

  13. Yummmm, thats a gorgeous cake,soooo tempting..

  14. The cake looks heavenly and I'm sure it was gone within minutes.
    Congratulations for the award Elisabeth. You deserve it. :)
    Have a great one.

  15. This cake looks absolutely, hands down, DELECTABLE. Yum!! I'm craving cake so bad now!

  16. Congratulations on your well-deserved award. Your cake and backstory are a perfect example of why your name is listed there. I'm new to your blog but a good long browse through your earlier entries has convinced me I must come back. I love the food and recipes you feature here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  17. That cake looks really light and sweet. Much like your award for the angels in your life. May the Florida weather continue to treat you and your family kindly.

  18. It's so wonderful that there are recipes that are so easy and so good. Congrats on your award!

  19. Hi Elisabeth- congrats on your well deserved doing a little dance for you :))

    That cake is one of those that you would automatically pick from a line of a dozen others..the pics are SPECTACULAR!!

    US Masala

  20. congrats on top 9 :). thanks for the blog visit and i look forward to your future posts!! :D

  21. Congrats on your award. That cake looks so light and fruity. I would love to have a slice of that with my cup of tea...hehe
    -abeee @

  22. Looks so yummy! I make a version of this with pineapple, but the strawberry looks great, my husband is a big fan of strawberries and angel food cake so this recipe is a win win for us. I am one of those digging out here in Massachusetts... Over 60 inches of snow so far this winter..... I like the snow but I;m starting to think this is a bit much.

  23. That is one GORGEOUS cake Elisabeth!! You are quite an angel yourself :)

  24. O, Thank you, Elisabeth! A slice of that wonderful dreamy dessert would be just great. :)

  25. De kár, hogy nálunk még messze az eperszezon:( Ennél szebb tortát elképzelni sem tudok!! Na, majd júniusban lesz nálam is hasonló, imádjuk. Csodás lett a tiéd!

  26. congrats on the award and tht's one cake to drool over...done it up so prettily...

  27. as much as I hate the snow and the shoveling and the outages that comes after I like living in VA, not to hot over the summer and still not that cold over the winter.
    I received the dolls today, but between cleaning the driveway, praying for the power to come back I forgot to take a photo. I will write about it and post o photo on my weekend's post.
    Thanks Elisabeth.

    Hope you'll have a wonderful Friday

  28. Beautiful cake, beautiful pictures! Thanks for following my blog and your lovely comment :)

  29. WOW!!!These look too fantastic...Well done Elizabeth..;)

  30. Gyönyörű, eszméletlen jó lehet

  31. That cake is so easy and pretty! I love shortcuts, perfect for a work day!

  32. That cake looks great! Definitely jealous of your Florida sunshine (my brother lives in West Palm and rubs it in every chance he gets, hehe)!

  33. A beautiful presentation of a great classic combo! I live in the great NW and there is something to be said about the joy of finding your first primrose blooming after a long cold winter. Found mine yesterday!

  34. What a wonderful and delicious angel cake! I am jealous that you still can get fresh strawberries at this time of year.

  35. Ó, de finom, nyarat idéző ez a torta!
    Én azért a telet és a havat is imádom:-))

  36. Congratulations again on the award...I agree it is a delightful one :)
    And so is your gorgeous cake, I am allergic to strawberries but they always look so beautiful to me. Have an amazing weekend :)

  37. Oh you've found my weakness Elisabeth, that cake is divine! I love strawberries and cream. I'll have to google cool whip because I'm not sure what that is - it looks really good though.

    Congratulations on your well deserved award too :)

  38. We had some Texas sunshine today...and I'm glad that I live in a warmer climate. This angel food cake dessert looks so delicious...a perfect match for my sunny day. I want some berries and airy cake right now! Thank you for sharing sweet woman.

  39. What a gorgeous cake! While it is cold and snowy here (not as bad as some though) we can still get fresh berries in the grocery store! And a dessert like this would remind me that spring is on the way!

  40. Januárban ránézni erre a tortára, maga a mennyország. Ez már egy másik dimenzió. Na jöjjön csak az eperszezon. Degeszre eszem magamat. Nagyot alkottál Elisabeth

  41. Hi Elisabeth! Have been bogged down with winter and have not 'gotten out much' to visit blogs in the last two weeks. What a refreshing spot to visit. When I read you I feel I've gone on vacation! Loved knowing how you came to settle in Florida. Love the light refreshing cake. Love imagining there is a spot in the world that might feel warm and tropical! Hope all is well with you! Toni

  42. You are a stylish blogger, stop by and see! Enjoy your day.

  43. I'm jumping back in to tell you how thrilled I am with your visit to my blog. I hope you'll stop-by often. There is always something going on. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  44. this was my late moms favorite, great memories, thanks for reminding me love this!

  45. Very pretty. Who cares what Cool Whip is - it tastes good!

  46. Oh, my! I know my crew would love this! It's been WAY to long since I've made an angel food cake and you've transformed yours into something extraordinary! I love the simplicity...those gorgeous berries sold me on this immediately :)

  47. I am still grinning on ur comment in my blog and grinned all the way to my reply too:-) and though u already recvd it by now , couldn help but mention it here!!
    U know these days i am thinking about angel foos cakes sooo muc an angel cake tin is even on its way , and u have put up this post and i feel its jus for me!

    I live in a coastal area , and after long there is a nip in the air till this time , but yet i miss the snow , very muc!
    I dont like the idea of being in an airconed home when the heat,heats up and honestly would rather be in the snow:-)))
    I love to think of snow as warm , cozzy and romantic , lol!
    I have had only 1 exprnce with snow and took to it like a fish to water:-))))

    And oh yeah this idea rock though cool whip aint seen here , atleast i havent seen it till date and i really go out lookn for foods:)
    The strawberries on the white snowy dream and the oh soo light cake makes it a very inviting dessert indeed!
    Congratulations on the SisterHood award babe:-)
    Love ur excitement!
    And lovee how u recvd it!

  48. I sure did take a lot of space there but want to take some more to leave u huggies for a wonderful weekend!
    Or sunday:-)

  49. Drága Elisabeth!
    Kérlek, nézz be hozzám, van számodra egy kis meglepetésem:-))

  50. A little something for you when you have time :)
    NO obligation to repost :) Brandie

  51. I love seeing your angel food cake with strawberries, it just brings up such warm spring/summer feelings:-). Congratulations on your award, it is a beauty and great feelings attached to it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend;-)

  52. Semplicemente buonissima oltre che bellissima anche da vedere,complimenti Bella!!!! ;-)
    Mega kisses

  53. Hi Elisabeth, sorry I haven't been over in a while. Looks like you've been busy (as have I, trying to open jars of gherkins!) This cake looks lovely, but can you please enlighten me as to what Cool Whip is? Or am I better off not knowing?

  54. What a gorgeous cake Elisabeth! It looks like something we would eat during the summer here and makes me wish it was so. The award sounds lovely - I have never heard of one like it before.

  55. OMG Elisabeth! I've tried cool whipped once and it was so sinful yet yummmmmm.. I can't wait to try out speedy desserts and love your take on angel food cake. Hmmm.. the sisterhood award is definitely a new thing. Am so happy that you are part of the Sisterhood Award! Congrats my dear friend... Huggsss... Jo.

  56. Gorgeous and tempting pictures..Wish I could get a slice !!

  57. Congrats on top 9, Elisabeth!!! Tha't the most tempting Angel Food Cake I have ever seen!! great photos too :)

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