Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

I've been compiling my's endless, and I am not even half way linking it. Please, if you see your name on the list, just grab the award...Thank you Sandra for giving me this beautiful award!

copy and paste, and pay it forward to as few, or as many SISTERS bloggers that you feel deserve it. No rules apply...just mention who it came from: Thanking you in advance, you are all a Blessing to me, my Angels!

I am not quite finished yet with the list...too many to mention. If I left you out, please remind me,
Hugs, to all!

All day I dream about food-Carolyn
Anecdotes and apple cores-Monet
Angie's Recipes-Angie
Anna's Table-Anna
Annie's Dish-Annie
Angellove's Cooking-Mina
Attimi di Dolcezza
Bake away with Me-Kathy
Baking Without a Box-Amanda
Belly Konyhája-Molly
Books, and thoughts and a few adventures-Patty
Boulder Locavore-Toni
Brenda's Canadian Kitchen-Brenda
Bright Morning Star-Mia
Cake Duchess-Lora
Cardamom Hills-MJ
Cinnamon and Spice and Everything Nice-Reeni
Chow and Chatter-Rebbeca
Cucina di Barbara-Barbara


Food is Love-Laurie
Food for Every Season-Kat
Food Fun Freek-Sabby
Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker-Kristen
Gesztenye Receptjei-Zsuzsa
Greengirl-A little bit of everything-Roxana
Indulging Life-Mateja
Kavita's Kitchen-Kavita
Keep learning keep smiling-MaryMoh
Kimba's Kitchen-Kimba
Kiskhonyhám Izei-Bianka
Krisztina Konyhaja-Krisztina

La Bella Cook-Bridgett

Live Life-Kim
Mari's Cakes-Mari
Mom's Sunday Cafe-Melynda
Mother Rimmy's-Kristi 
My kitchen in the Rockies-Kirsten
Ping's Pickings-Ping
Priya's Easy and Tasty Recipes-Priya
Quay Po Cooks-Veronica
Roti n Rice-Biren
Scrambled Hen Fruit-
Shosh's Yummy Foods-Sharon
Spoon and Chopsticks
Sprigs of Rosemary-Rosemary
Sunflower Days-Emma

The Ardent Epicure-Alisha
The Country Cook-Brandie
The Church Cook-Kay
The Kitchen Maid-Lucy
That skinny chick can bake-Lizzy
The Mistress of Spices-Ramya
The Weekend Gourmet-Wendy
US Masala-Aipi
What's Cookin Italian Style Cuisine-Claudia
What's for dinner across the Statelines-Gina

Zamat és Illat-Trinity-Lilian
Zesty South Indian Kitchen-Swathi 


  1. the soup sounds so good Elisabeth, it reminds me of home :)
    the sisterhood list is impressive, i have a lot of blogs to check out now, thanks

    have a wonderful and peaceful weekend

  2. Thank YOU! :-) I am honoured to receive the award.
    It's minus 5 here and I would really love a large bowl of this delicious and nutritious bean soup!

  3. Wow what a shot, I can eat the picture this is one of my favorite soups, as you can imagine we ate often when mom and grandmom were cooking this was part one of the next 10 entree's for dinner for Sunday lol! What an honor to be on this list of tremendously talented foodies... you are a fabulous supporter and have an amazing blog! thank you so much!

  4. I am so honored and humbled to be included on your list. Thank you so much. The soup looks amazing. So warm and filling on a cold winter day.

  5. Fantasztikus! Anyukám főzött ilyen jó tartalmas levest. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

  6. What a wonderful soup...I bet that the Hungarian paprika adds a great taste. And thank you so much for the award, I am honored!

  7. I love this award! Such a sweet one. Our blogging community continually amazes me, the way we reach out to each other and cheer each other on.
    This soup is gorgeous! I could use a bowl right now in our frigid, snowy New England winter.

  8. This is a wonderful soup and a sweet award. I love cannelini beans, eat them all the time. WIll have to try you soup soon, can't wait. I much prefer hearing about the good over the bad.

  9. That is so true,Elizabeth.The freedom we have is priceless:)!!! The soup looks so hearty,I could not read the recipe,the script is over written,I wonder if the problem is on my end...The award is wonderful,I loved it and want to thank you with lots of love & hugs :)I will right away post it on my blog-It is such an amazing and stylish award,my daughter and I watched the sisterhood of travelling pants together,and loved it :)

  10. THANK YOU, Lizzie!!! This is the best award...we really do have a sisterhood! Looking forward to seeing all the other blog award winners. Happy Monday!!! PS...with our ominous forecast, I'd really love to pack up and move to Florida :)

  11. Thanks a ton Elizabeth for sharing this fabulous award..

  12. Elisabeth, köszönöm, igazán aranyos vagy, hogy megint gondoltál rám:-)

  13. Thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful award.

  14. Thanks Elisabeth for the award..really appreciate it :)

    US Masala

  15. Elisabeth!
    KÖszönöm szépen a díjat, nagyon kedves vagy!

  16. Thanks, Elisabeth! There are so many wonderful blogs to discover! :)

  17. Elisabeth, I'm so touched by your generous gesture towards your blogger "sisters". Thank you for the lovely award. It is truly appreciated.
    Your bean soup is perfect for the cold weather we are experiencing in Montreal. Thanks again and have a wonderful week.

    Anna's Table

  18. Oh sweet woman...I feel honored to be on your list. You are such a blessing to my life, and I'm glad that I've found my way into yours!

  19. Oh, Elisabeth, THANK YOU!!!! That's so sweeeeeet!!!! And such a great honor!!

  20. How did I miss your award Elisabeth? It would sound so much better "....and FOUR awards in last 10 days" ;) Thank you for the honors, now off I go to post the thanks on my blog! Hope you have a tasty week ^_^

  21. Elisabeth, köszönöm szépen, nagyon tündér vagy!!! :DDD Igazán megtisztelő számomra!!!

  22. Thank you so much Elisabeth! What a beautiful award. That's so sweet of you to pass it on. Greatly appreciated!

  23. Love the award, too kind, my dear!

  24. Drága vagy, Elisabeth!
    Nagyon szépen köszönöm neked!!! Megtisztelsz vele!

  25. Thank you so much for the award. I love seeing what you're cooking up next, so I'm honored you thought to add me to the list with such wonderful bloggers.

  26. thank you Elisabeth for that really warm award!! Such a feel goo factor to bond with so many sisters miles away but yet so close!!

  27. Oh Elisabeth thank you so much! I love that I'm right next to Kay (The Church Cook). Hee hee - love her!! You have just been so sweet and so supportive since I started my blog up - THANK YOU. Now I just need to you to do my tarot card reading sometime!! :)

  28. You are too sweet...I love this award...thank you very much...

  29. Elisabeth! I'm going to cry....but of course it's well below zero and I need to go outside so my face would freeze so I'll hold off. I'm so flattered and honored to be part of your girl posse. I love the spirit of this award and believe I posted congrats to you when you got it. You embody the spirit of the sisterhood in my book. I was just thinking today of the incredible network of women I have through food and our blogs, internationally, with no sense of geographic or cultural separation. Amazing. What a wonderful way to honor that. Thank you!

  30. Wow this award is incredible! I love how all the "sisters" are systematically mentioned and listed in alphabetical order. This will be the best list of foodie bloggers I've ever seen.

    Thanks Elisabeth i'm very honored!

  31. Elisabeth, you are so kind and thoughtful! I am so blessed to be your friend.

  32. Hi Elisabeth, Thanks for the CNY greetings you left on my blog. You are always very thoughtful and I feel honored to be included in your Sisterhood Blogger Award. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to list the blogs in alphabetical order. BIG BEAR HUGS!!

  33. Hey Elizabeth, how wonderful you are to take such time to honor "your sisters" in the blogging world. I am as well very honored to be on your list, and what a list! I will have to keep checking back, so many for me to explore that I have not yet, as well as seeing so many that I am familiar with and to adore :)

  34. Szia Elisabeth,
    Nagyon-nagyon köszönöm ezt a csodás díjat!!::))) Igazán kedves tőled!
    Ne haragudj, hogy csak most reagálok, de sajnos rossz az internetem.
    Köszi még egyszer, szép napokat kívánok neked!

  35. Thanks Elisabeth! I am so honored to make it to your list. Hugs....Biren

  36. Kedves Elisabeth
    Köszönöm szépen, ezt a Díjat, és tekintsd meg a következő receptemet:

  37. Hi Elisabeth. Thanks so much for your lovely award. It's amazing to be part of the sisterhood blogger award. I'm glad to meet other foodie bloggers and hopefully they will stumble upon my humble site too. Lotsa love and hugs and take care, Jo.

  38. Woaaa Elisabeth , thats cool and a biggg list!
    u sure had some time putting that together and i wanna thank u for the love and including my name in the list too, thannxx a ton babe!
    I have to be back here to meet all the other bloggers too!
    Thanxx a ton also for all the love and encouragement , am glad to meet u online as also to find ur blog!
    Do eat lodsa Nutella today, hay its world Nutella day!

  39. Oh Elisabeth, thank you so much, I'm honoured to be on this list! I've had quite a week and haven't been able to lurk on the internet for pleasure as much as I'd like. Hopefully this week will be a bit easier and I'll be able to check out some of the other blogs on this list. Hope you've had a lovely weekend,
    Lucy x

  40. Oh wow, what a list! I believe you may have already covered every single blogger around :D
    Thank you again, my dear friend. I am so very honored to be in your list.

  41. Hi Elisabeth, my blog name is misspelt in your list. It should read Spoon and Chopsticks and not Food and Chopsticks. That's why I initially couldn't find it. :)

    Anyway thanks a lot for mentioning my blog here.

  42. Kedves Elizabeth!

    Végtelenül sajnálom,de tényleg nem tudtam jönni,nagyon sok dolgom van,nem lustaságból nem jártam erre{de már látom az alagút végén a fényt :-)}.
    Köszönöm szépen a díjat,nagyon-nagyon köszönöm,hogy ismeretlenül is úgy gondoltad,hogy megérdemlem és kommenteltél nálam.
    Megtiszteltél vele!
    Ölelés neked és további szép napot!

