Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cook Book Sundays-Crab Cakes

We're having such lovely weather here in S. Florida, I really feel bad for everyone else in the Mid West, and in other areas who are still dealing with all the snow, icy roads, and the horrible cold. Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, and I thought these crab cakes would be ideal for 4, or if you'd like to double or triple the recipe, you can serve it up to at least 12, and if you wish to make it mini crab cakes, you can feed a crowd up to 2 dozen excited, and hungry friends, who will thank you, and love you for it.

Although, crab meat is a little expensive, buying a large container of it at Costco will make plenty to pass around, as a gourmet appetizer. I don't know about you, but I love to eat it just simple, with maybe little baked sweet potato wedges, and a beautiful mixed spring salad, with home made authentic Classic French Dressing, from Lora...( and remember, you can substitute the vinegar to your choice) ....drizzled over the crab cakes, and the salad...and still have room for chicken wings, pizza, party meat balls, you name it. Games on! ...Hope your favorite team wins. Mine is the Packers!...Go Packers!!!

I'm linking this post to:
Brenda-@Brenda's Canadian Kitchen
 I mentioned to you in my previous post, that this book by Mark Bittman is one of my best, of the best thrift find, that I got from Goodwill, which cost 79 cents...yes, 79 cents. Someone obviously did not want it, and it may have been a present to them, because it was brand new. Every soft cover book at Goodwill...regardless of the size, or the type of book cost, $.79 ridiculous as it may seem, but it really is true! Just recently, I stumbled on an awesome blog, called  Miz Helen's Country Cottage and she has the hard covered version of the same, exact book. We sure would love her amazing Cheese cake from the Mark Bittman, How to Cook Everything book, and she even included the page # along with the recipe and beautiful photos. I just had to comment, and follow her, and she immediately followed me back, and while you are checking out the yummy cheese cake, check out her amazing game plan recipes, and it will surely put a smile on your face...I promise!

Now, that's how you make friends! Don't be shy, take a chance and pay someone a nice compliment, and follow. If they don't return the comment, and do not follow you at least within a week...well, it's up to you, what you should do next, just take a doesn't cost you anything, in fact you will make other friends, as well!

Crab Cakes
adapted from: How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman

1 lb. lump crab meat
1 egg
1/2 cup minced red bell pepper (optional)
1/2 cup minced scallion
1/4 cup good quality mayonnaise
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
2 tablespoons plain bread crumbs, or Panko-Japanese style crumbs
About 1 cup flour for dredging
1 teaspoon curry powder (optional)
2 tablespoons vegetable, canola, or olive oil
2 tablespoons butter, or use all oil
lemon wedges, or tartar sauce

Mix together the crab meat, egg, bell pepper, if you are using it, scallion, mayonnaise, mustard salt, and pepper.
Add sufficient bread crumbs to bind the mixture just enough to form into cakes; start with 2 tablespoons and
use more if you need it.

Refrigerate the mixture until you're ready to cook (it will be easier to shape, if your refrigerate it for 30 minutes, or more) but it's ready to go when you finish mixing.

Season the flour with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and curry, if you like. Preheat a large heavy skillet, preferably non-stick, over medium high hear for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the oil and butter and heat until the butter foam subsides.
Shape the crab meat mixture into four cakes, or eight mini ones. Dredge each in the flour, and cook adjusting the heat, as necessary and turning once, very gently.Cook until brown on both sides. Total cooking time will be about 10 minutes. Serves 4 large crab cakes, or 8 mini ones.

Take your choice: Steak, or crab cakes...or both. Grilled steak could be sliced into bite size portions, and it could be served as sliders on those cute little buns, which would serve at least ten portions, and if your make the mini crab cakes, which I did not, it would be perfect for appetizers served with Mark Bittman's Real Tartar sauce. which consists of 1/4 cup minced sour pickles, preferably cornichons, and 1 tablespoon minced shallots or scallions, into 1 cup good quality mayonnaise. Add prepared horseradish to it, and you have the best tasting tartar sauce that you will make over, and over, again

Now, on to something real exciting. I am a winner, of Progresso Panko, and a wonderful cookbook, by one of my all-time favorite T.V. chefs Michael Chiarello!
This gifeaway was hosted by Sharon, of Shosh's Yummy Food... and I happened to be the lucky winner. Also, I was so thrilled to see the amazing, yummy shrimp stuffed potato she made, and I must say I'm really loving it. I have never made this nor even heard of it, but it's definately on the top of my list to make, because I always have a bag of shrimp in the freezer, and potatoes in my fridge. So, thank you Sharon. I will certainly take a photo of it when I receive it!


  1. I really need this cookbook, Lizzie, but I think I'll follow your lead and check out the used book store first. Both dishes look exquisite...perfect for company, but also something I'd cook for just our family. You're so right about making new blogger friends...I'm going to check out the friends you mentioned :) Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!!

  2. Looks so yummy and pretty colorful and very tempting. Cant wait to make this

  3. Your crab cakes look delicious! I have never had crab cakes, but I am sure they are simply wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  4. I would love this entire meal,but I am really fond of crab cakes. Thank you so much for the very kind words about my Country Cottage. I am so happy that you stopped by so we could begin this friendship. See you soon!

  5. I almost envy you for having that lovely weather! Here in Nashville is so cold! I tried to make crab cakes just once but since they turned out "bleh" I didn't even think of trying again. Yours looks so yummy and perfect! Thank you for sharing Elisabeth :) Maybe I should move to Florida ?!

  6. Elisabeth, everyone is cooking from this cookbook today and it's driving me crazy because I don't have it, lol!! (I'm jealous!). I love the idea of buying the crab from Costco. The next time we're there I'll have to look for it. These look fabulous!! They're something I've never made before but I know everyone would love them. Thank you so much for sharing these yummy crab cakes with Cookbook Sundays! Enjoy the rest of your day.

  7. Fantastic! A great combination and those crab cakes look delicious.

    We invite you to share this post and some of your favorite food posts on Food Frenzy.
    Please check out our community at

  8. This looks sooo so good!! I could eat whole plate:)) I miss Florida Sunshine..I can't wait for the summer break:))

  9. Omg, those crab cakes makes me drool..truly inviting spread..

  10. every time i come to read your blog i dream about sunny days.
    since i don't eat meat, I'll take the crab cakes, thank you
    congrats on winning the giveaway Elisabeth, can't wait to see the dishes you'll make out of the book.

  11. Crab cakes looks awesome. I like Mark bittman's recipes .Congrats on winning the giveaway Elisabeth.

  12. I've gotten some of my favorite cookbooks at our local thrift store! Seventy-nine cents is a bargain. :) Those crab cakes (and the steak too) look delicious!

  13. The crab cakes definitely got my attention. I can never pass them up!

  14. Interesting recipe, Elisabeth. I've never tried making something like this.

    I couldn't find the award you mentioned on your comment on my blog. I had a look through your blog and went back few of your posts. Where can I find it?

  15. I paid a whole lot more for the cookbook!!! Great find for you, Elisabeth! The crab cakes look delightful and I'll be making them this way. Love 'em.

  16. WOW, I would never suspect :) there might be crab cakes... So original and stunning!! Thank for sharing this recipe with us, Elisabeth!!

    And I have a Sunshine blog award for you :)


  17. Ezt a garnélás gyönyörűséget most én is bevállalnám! Régebben már készítettem hozzád hasonlóan, csak egy kis parmezánnal megbolondítva..
    Amúgy a héten már nálunk is jó az idő, bár nem annyira,mint nálad,de mi már ettől is boldogok vagyunk itthon! Kis napfényt küldhetnél még! :DDD

  18. Congrats again !! So jealous of the nice weather, here in Massachusetts its been snow, rain, sleet and just plain blah!!
    The crab cakes look delicious, and what a steal/deal on the book, love when that happens!!

    Thanks so much for the shout out!! Cant wait for you to get the giveaway, you will love it!!!!

  19. I lovee crabs but cant clean them , and if i ever did , i couldn eat them and u sure dont want to know why , not on a food blog !
    Its the same on the meat scene too , and believe me cant elaborate here and i hope u didn understand either:-)lol!
    But i totally love crab cakes and every time i see Nigella making them ,i want some too, and ur look so gooddddd!
    Mark Bittman is fantastic too n u choose well from his recipes!
    Ur thoughts on making frens is good , and am so looking forward to ur giveaway prize too, congrats!!!
    Was also jus replyn to ya , i didn know about the buzz thing either , jus added the top 9 widget today , is there any other widget that says to buzz my post:-) that would be wonderful!
    And are u on Food Buzz too?
    am lookin out there for u already:-) if i dont find u plz do send me a request !
    Wonderful week to ya!

  20. My choice will be both. That's no surprise because I am greedy and indecisive. And I couldn't do mini crab cakes. I like big, chunky ones. Yum.
    Have a great day.

  21. Your crab cakes look delicious Elisabeth! And steak too! (Yay the Packers won!) I have this cookbook but haven't had much of a chance to cook from it yet. I need to crack it open!

  22. We love crabcakes...and I think that this post might make me change my dinner plans tomorrow. Mark Bittman never lets me down (and you don't either!) Thank you for sharing your words, your photos and your thoughts. I'm blessed to have you in my day! I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend!

  23. They both look excellent, esp. the crab cakes served with salad...just marvelous!

  24. Oh My! mouthwatering post! ^_^
    Ah ya..I'd like to passing an award for U, check at:

  25. Hi Elisabeth - I just found you at Cookbook Sundays. I am a huge Bittman fan, and I sure love the look of the crab cakes. Crab meat is not so easy to come by where I live, but I'm thinking I would substitute some chopped shrimp or flaked, smoked salmon.

    I'd love you to share this recipe at the Tackling Bittman Recipe Hop (first Thursday of every month). This months's linky is still open and if you're interested you can link up here

    I look forward to stopping by again.

    Sue :-)

  26. I love crab and those look soooooo delicious!!!

  27. Nagyon gusztusos ez a rák-vagdalt, amúgy is imádom a tengeri herkentyűket.
    Salátával isteni lehet!
    Itt is kezd már szebb idő lenni, most éppen ragyogóan süt a nap és a hóvirágok is kezdenek kibújni.
    Persze, nincs olyan meleg, mint nálatok, mindössze 1-2 fok, de legalább már nem mínusz:-)

  28. I love crabcakes and yours look very flavorful. I envy your great weather. It is soooo cold up here.

  29. Hy Tesoro!!!
    Congratulations for this delicoious recipe,really fantastic!!!;-)
    Kisses 1000

  30. Can I have one of each please! Love crabcakes, I wish our season had lasted longer, but they already went back up in price. I love your advice. Hope you are having a wonderful week.

  31. I love crab cakes, but have never tried making them. But now I've got a craving, so I may have to give your recipe a shot!

  32. I love Mark Bittman. And I'm looking forward to his new op-ed pieces in the NY Times. Love both recipes. I'd like to try those crab cakes, they sound fabulous!

  33. I love the flavors here in your crab cakes...Love the idea of the sweet potatoes and salad together like that :)

  34. Looks very appetizing, a perfect starter.
