Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Awards, and Norton Museum's 70th Birthday

I am so thrilled with all the awards given to me, and so honored, humbled, and overjoyed. This award was from Mina @Angellove's Cooking  and from Citra, @ Indonesian in Turkey. Mina is food blogging, from Bulgaria, and Citra, is blogging from Turkey, although she is originally from Indonesia. Both ladies are so, over the top amazing with their cooking, and baking talents that I just feel right now to be insignificant, and that I still have so much to learn. That is why we all gather together as a food blogging community, and have the support for each other, and give praise, where it belongs. Thank you my two lovely friends. for honoring me, with your lovely award!
This lovely award is given to me by my Hungarian blogger friend, Erzsebet, from Citromhab. You must visit her food blog. She is the most talented young bake that I have known, other than my own maternal grandmother, from Hungary. She makes the most amazing breads, and rolls, that you will only find, in the finest bakeries, here in the U.S. or in her native Hungary, and it will cost you a lot to buy something even similar to hers...but she puts her love, and her heart and soul into her baking, cooking, and the most amazing chocolate bon bons, or as we call them truffles. So mouthwatering is her latest one, that you would think it's almost impossible to make at home...but she did! Such talent can only make me feel humbled, and honored!
Thank you Erzsébet!
Köszönöm Erzsébet ezt a szép dijat...nagyon hálás vagyok érte!

Finally, I am sorting through my recent awards that have been given to me by some of the most amazing, and talented food bloggers. These two lovely awards, from Alisha, Adam, and Grely, the fabulous trio from
The Ardent Epicure. It is strictly a vegetarian blog, with the most unusual healthy and gorgeous dishes you have ever heard, or tasted, along with the most droolworthy scrumptious and beautiful mousse, cheesecake, and other exotic delights. I am so honored by these awards, and cannot thank them enough! Thank you Alisha, Adam and Grely!

We all know about this award, I have a long list of who I awarded this very special Sisterhood Award, received from Sandra @Sandra's Easy Cooking,  and from Mateja @Indulging Life. I especially love thie Sisterhood award, because it represents, all of us from so many different countries, and so many different cultures, fabulous dishes and desserts, that are truly remarkable and amazing. Thank you, Sandra, and Thank you Mateja. Both of you ladies have truly beautiful blogs, and I'm learning so much from all the different and beautiful things you both cook and baking. You are so talented, and wonderful friends!
I still have the original list of this Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award  if you haven't seen it, check for your name on the LIST

Last, but not least this award I received last year, from several bloggers, and this year from
Kathy@Bakeaway with me
I recently met Kathy who is a lovely lady, and she also has a beautiful blog. She mostly does the
French Friday's with Dorie, which I don't get involved with because my daughter...
Lora, @Cake Duchess posts about the fabulous Dorie's desserts, and dishes,
and so does my friend...
Lizzy, @That Skinny Chick can Bake, and also my sweet little friend from Goa... 
Mia@ Bright Morning Star. All these ladies are so talented, in their baking skills and cooking, as well! I am so thrilled and honored, and I love you all!

Thank you Kathy, for giving me this familiar award, that I really cherish, just like all the others.
If by any chance, I have forgotten other awards bestowed upon me...speak now...or "forever hold your peace"...I would not want to eliminate some generous blogger that might have given me an award, and I would be oh, so rude, not to thank them!

Also, I would like all of you wonderful blogger friends to please, HELP YOURSELF...GRAB any, or ALL, and pay it forward to whoever you would like to...or, JUST KEEP IT for yourself. I only ask one thing, just please mention who it came from, and link it back to ME!

Thank you all,  for the love and support you have given me. I wouldn't have this far without you!

Happy Birthday Norton Art Museum – Come and Have Cake!

February 8th, 2011 · 

norton Happy Birthday Norton Art Museum   Come and Have Cake!I’m judging 15 cakes for the 70th anniversary of the Norton Art Museum today – and entry is free all day. Come and get in on all the fun events – including lectures, tours and  – cake!

....and no, I wasn't doing the judging, this was from a local article!

Just found this article re: The Norton Museum's 70th Birthday Bash, in West Palm Beach which just by chance, at the last minute I attended when it started. There was a large crowd already lined up waiting to get inside, to view all the exhibits, programs, and it was all FREE....seriously, free! The admission, the cocktails, appetizers, but I don't know who ate all the fabulous cakes, 15 in all, including from my son-in-law's restaurant. I am not posting about his cake, or the restaurant, just the photos that I took, when we delivered his cake, to be donated, for the judging!
All in all, it was a beautiful event, you couldn't even drive through the main section in front of the museum. It was another gorgeous sunshiny, and breezy day, with skies so blue, that all you had to do, is just be outside, and inhale the fresh humidity, just a crisp low 70 perfect is that?!
 These are four of the fifteen cakes donated to Norton Museum's 70th Birthday Bash! from various restaurants, and hotels...aren't they amazing?

as I was browsing through the museum, a procession of young choir singers came through, so I grabbed my camera, to take a quick click. I hung around long enough to hear them, but could not see them from the "sea" of people, but they sounded like a "Harold of Angels"
one of the art exhibits from Norton Museum...I was asked by the security guard, not to use flash...don't know why, took a very nice photo without the flash!
Another beautiful piece of art, from Norton's Museum!

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  1. Congratulations on all your wonderful awards! I love the cakes and your photos are wonderful.

  2. Congrats on all your well deserved awards, I am just marveling at these beautiful works of art ! wow

  3. Congrats for all your award. I love that clicks awesome.

  4. What a fabulous outing!!!! Cool cakes and lovely art to admire. And I won't even mention how jealous I am of your weather as I sit in my kitchen wearing a scarf :)

    And, again, congratulations on all your lovely certainly deserve them all!!! And much love to you this Valentine's Day, my friend...xoxo

  5. congrats on all of your awards!
    those cakes are all unbeleivably good! i really like the one with butterflies.
    -Abeer @

  6. You certainly are a popular lady, Elisabeth! And very much deserve all the awards.

  7. Congratulations on the awards. I have to admit that I am a bit jealous.

    Those cakes look amazing! I have no talent for baking, but I would sure love to try one!

  8. Congratz on all the awards , you are one popular lady :)

  9. Congratulations on all Awards! Those birthday cakes are stunning.

  10. Gratulálok ehhez a díjesőhöz:-))

  11. Congrats on ur awards, those cakes looks damn irresistible..

  12. I think You deserve all these award. U did great job on ur blog and gain lovely friendship among bloggers.. ^_^ And by the way.. I'm From INDONESIA, not Malaysia ^_^

  13. Citra-Sorry about the mistake...your blog title clearly states where you're from.
    I got caught up in the excitement of the day, and the mentioning of the awards. Should have checked my post twice!

  14. Congrats for all your awards Elisabeth, you do deserve them for your post are always so fresh and I love the photos of all different places, occasions, and all the rest you include in them. Glad you had a great time in the museum event, cakes are divine! Have a nice weekend :)

  15. Congratulations on all your awards, Elisabeth!!! You deserve them all, cause you are such a great friend and your blog posts are always so incredibly delicious!!!

  16. are SO sweet to mention my blog!!! (forgot to comment on it above)...I truly appreciate that! Can't wait to see what Lora comes up with for her tart was one of my favorite dishes so far from the cookbook (well, I guess I do like the desserts the best!). Happy Thursday!

  17. Congratulations for the awards! Now I have to explore all the great things I'm sure I will find here in your blog! Thanks for your visit and kind comment! I really appreciate it.

  18. My gosh look at those wonderful cakes!

    Congratulations on your well deserved awards Elisabeth :)

  19. Congratulations on your awards! This is my first visit and you have a great blog. Those cakes are fabulous - being an artist, my favorite is the cake with the palette and paint tubes, but they are all great.

  20. I hadn't known that the lovely Cake Duchess is your daughter... Like mother, like daughter, that's what I reckon! Congratulations on your well-deserved awards, and much luck in judging all those fabulous cakes.

  21. Hi Elizabeth, didn't know you are
    Lora's mom;) now I know where she got her cooking and baking talents from!! Congratulations on all the awards received and being the winner for
    Chef Dennis's $100 CSNvoucher giveaway.

  22. Wow what a fun thing to do...those cakes are amazing. Congratulations on all of your wonderful awards :)

  23. You are just racking up those well-deserved awards! You're Lora's momma? You have an absolute doll for a child.
    What a wonderful looking event to judge. Hope you had tons of fun.

  24. Congratulations on all your awards Elisabeth! You certainly deserve them! Thanks for all your sweet comments. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  25. Yes, my deserve all the awards and more. How fun and beautiful were those cakes! I don't know about you, but I'm so glad it is finally Friday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend of relaxation, love and laughter. Thank you for sharing, my friend!

  26. Great photos! Congratulations on all your wonderful awards!

  27. Elisabeth, gratulálok a sok-sok díjhoz!!

  28. I love the Norton! If I still lived down there, I'd totally have gone to their birthday party. The cakes look so cool!

    Re: flash photography, it's because of art preservation. You wouldn't think so, but lots of people using the flash all the time can actually damage the artwork! I've never fully understood how it's possible, or whether it means that I should forbid people from using flash photography on me, but as I understand it it's true.

  29. Elisabeth, Congratulations on your well deserved awards! You have managed to connect with so many not only through your blog, but also by your steadfast supportive comments. Thanks for being such a good blogger friend. Wishing you a lovely St Valentine's Day.
