Saturday, February 26, 2011

Garlic Shrimp with Broccoli

It's a Friday night, usually a pizza night at my daughter's...and if not, then shrimp night at my son's. We were all there together, to enjoy the easy shrimp dish that even the little ones like, including broccoli...and let's not forget the pasta, in this case it was whole wheat penne, with basil tomato sauce, which I did not photograph...(been done) so many time. The focus was on the shrimp, in a nice fresh garlicky lemon sauce-no butter, just extra virgin olive oil that it was sauteed in, and broccoli florets steamed, and added the the shrimp. Extra virgin olive oil wast drizzle on the top, and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. The sauce was the best part, to dip your bread into it. Yumm! No recipe required...just common sense, and pure enjoyment!
As I was sitting outside at Lora's house on the patio in the back yard yesterday afternoon, and just gazing at the gorgeous Bougainvillea bushes, I realized "spring is here"'s been here, in S. Florida, since the beginning of February. This is our spring season, with all the trees in bloom, all the beautiful flower bushes...I'm sitting in the midst of it...why not take a snap shot of all this natural beauty surrounding me? I got my little camera, and took some clicks...thanking God, and Mother Nature for what we have, and how fortunate we are, when others are suffering, the floods, storms, earthquakes. Never take life, and nature for granted. Every day is a "wondrous" never know what's in store for us, or our future!
The beautiful old mango tree that has been trimmed down, because it was reaching for the its glory of bloom, waiting for the summer kiss to bring forth its glorious fruit. This is all in Lora's back yard, on a sunny and beautiful Friday afternoon. Thank God, she is on her way to full recovery, from her procedure.
In the corner of the patio, I noticed that the Christmas Poinsettia is still in full bloom next to the potted aloe plant, and other little herbs, and plants. It's time to plant the Poinsettia in the ground, so it will bloom again for next Christmas. So, this was my observation of nature, and beauty, right before my eyes, that I have taken for granted, because it was in front of my eyes every day. Just take a moment, and view the nature, and beauty that surrounds you...does not have to be in "bloom"...but every precious creation has its own beauty, if you just take the time, and meditate upon it!

This is the very back yard. the screen fence you see, is the fence, surrounding the swimming pool. All the trees are in their super glory, so full and healthy. The back fence is dividing the neighbor with their two gigantic trees, that have been destroyed in the 2005 Hurricane, to the point, that one of the trees broke, and uprooted and fell over to my daughter's property, but the owner was determined to re-plant the broken tree, and he did, and it came back again...alive, and well. That's nature for you! now, I'm off to the gym, and later visiting the Greek Festival, right here locally. Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!

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  1. Family, food and flowers! Beauty all around, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli looks like you just set it in front of me to enjoy...yum and I sure would. Your flowers look beautiful and give me hope that spring is around the corner for us.Have a great week end!

  3. Beautiful garden, lovely!! I am glad Lora is doing well. The shrimps look delicious.
    Have a great weekend :)

  4. Nagyon-nagyon guszta ez az étel, biztos, hogy egy nagy tányérral meg tudnék enni:-)
    Ez a rák a legnagyobb kedvencem:-))

  5. Shrimp is one of my favourites. I'm having some shrimp as an appetizer tomorrow with a dip for my Oscar party which consists of me and my daughter, lol. More food for us! Hope you're enjoying your weekend Elisabeth.

  6. Fantasztikus micsoda színei vannak ennek a fogásnak

  7. Beautiful garden, lovely!! fabulous shrimp with broccoli..

  8. Awesome Bougainvillea. I miss them last frost they died after that I didn't planted them. Shrimp with garlic and broccoli sounds deliciosu.

  9. I love the simplicity of the garlic-prawn-broccoli dish. I would even toss in some red pepper flakes and ginger- would go great with lemon! Yum!

  10. yeah true elisabeth, never take anything for granted. thanks for those clicks and shrimps are forever to die for!!

  11. Thank you for sharing with us sweet spring essence through your vivid photos! It is necessary to sometimes just stop, take a deep breath, and look around us and admire the creations that surround us for us to keep our souls alive and minds fresh. Thank you for the reminder, Elisabeth!!! Have a wonderful Saturday evening :) Oh, almost forgot, your colorful plate looks very invivting and yummy!

  12. The Bougainvillea are gorgeous! And your shrimp look completely delicious! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  13. Hi Elizabeth,

    Your Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli looks delicious. Love that beautiful garden and the flowers in it. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Oh, my Elisabeth! What are you doing to me! This dish looks so wonderful to me! And you have spring 10 months out of the year, don't ya? :)

  15. Hi Elisabeth. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I've been praying for Lora all week. Her backyard is beautiful, and such a gift from God to remind her of how wonderful and abundant this world can be. And of course, your shrimp looks stunning too! I would love a bowl right now :-) Thank you for sharing, my sweet friend.

  16. Isteni a garnélás étel és gyönyörűek a virágok! Kis napsütést küldj már hozzánk is, légyszi-légyszi!!! :DDD

  17. Oh Yum. Look at those succulent shrimps! I need to spend Fridays (or any days really) with you and your family.
    Spring is not quite here yet in the UK. Still chilly outside unfortunately.
    Enjoy the Greek Festival.

  18. The Bougainvillea are gorgeous! oh, how I wish I had my own mango tree in the back yard.
    Good to hear Lola is doing well. The salad looks amazing. Thanks for sharing Elisabeth, hope you're having a wonderful Sunday

  19. Szuper a rák! Minden áldott nap bírnék enni. Ez a brokkolis is jöhet. Csodás a kert és a virág. Jó pihenést!

  20. oh Elisabeth, what a classic dish you have created. Shrimp and garlic are a match made in heaven then you throw in that beautiful broccoli and what more could you want. I think I know what were having for dinner tonight, I just happened to have all the ingredients on hand.
    thank you for the inspiration!

  21. Look at the amazing foliage! i was born and raised in south Florida. I can visualize the beautiful colors and beauty.

    Your shrimp and broccoli dish.... Its fresh, flavorful, healthy and delicious too. Awesome.


  22. Hi Elisabeth, thanks for joining my virtual potluck party and bringing long this lovely dish.
    Such lovely flowers and that huge mango tree?.... reminded me of my childhood home.

  23. Elizabeth,these are such colorful and beautiful pictures,it is so wonderful to enjoy dinner in the comapany of your loving children. The broccoli and shrimp dish looks and sounds so yummy,I know what I am preparaing with the shrimps I have in the freezer :)Thanks for sharing your love of nature with everyone here,it brought so much joy to this end as well:)love & hugs!!!

  24. Your Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli look so amazing and delicious! Love those vibrant colors, and other pictures are just it!

  25. Oh, this looks so wonderful and healthy. But the pictures of your gorgeous flowering plants are making me wildly jealous, as we just got 6 more inches of snow yesterday. Blah!

  26. New combo for make me hungry....lovely the bright clicks...

  27. Those shrimp are lovely. You are absolutely correct abut the simplicity of shrimp, a squeeze of lemon and a few turns of the pepper mill makes them sing. Your picture of Lora's garden has me longing for spring in my mother's yard, just to sit next to the lilac bush and breathe in its fresh scent.

  28. Lizzie, you live in paradise...those bougainvillea are awesome! If last night's thunderstorms with accompanying tornado sirens are any indication, spring may be on its way...though the 35 degree temperature drop isn't thrilling me! I'd love a south wind from Florida, please :)

    With Lent approaching, I'm eying your gorgeous shrimp dish thinking it would be a perfect Friday night meal. As always your yummy ideas and beautiful photos have me inspired! xoxo

  29. I love bougainvillea, the home I grew up in had bougainvillea growing all over the front of the house, was beautiful. What lovely flowers and garden.

    Also, the best recipes are like your prawn stir fry, simple, fresh ingredients and no recipe! Looks delicious as always Elisabeth.

    I'm glad to hear your daughter is recovering well too.

  30. Love shrimp and am always looking for new ways to make it!'re the winner in my Red Gold Tomato prize pack giveaway!! I sent you an e-mail...I need your mailing address so I can get it sent to you. Drop me a line to

  31. Elisabeth, I guess your Garlic Shrimp might be the only thing that could tempt my son enjoying broccoli also!!! Amazing recipe!:)
