Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grilled-Boneless Center Pork Loin Chops

Being in the culinary industry for over 30 years...there are two important cooking equipments I learned to rely on, and the first one, is a large cast iron skillet, and/or a heavy duty stainless steel skillet, and a cast iron grill pan. or a Calphalon grill pan. Those are my "lifesaving" most important equipments, which is a "must have."  Also, there are two other important ingredients which is a "must have" is a high quality Dijon mustard and/or a high quality Stone Ground Mustard. Also, I rely on a special jam, or "preserve" which I use for glazes on my grilled meat, and also for glazing my fresh berries, melting it down, and this is my most favorite, which is sometimes hard to find. "Pure Seedless Boysenberry Preserves" that I gave away my "must have" secrets, I would like to share my super easy recipe for my Grilled-Boneless Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, along with My Roasted Red Potatoes, and Caramelized Onions to pair with it....and of course my most favorite sweet and spicy glaze. Here's and interesting link Boneless Center Pork Loin Chops that will help you with the grilling these lovely super moist and tender pork chops, which is called "the other white meat" true...yes, indeed!

These lovely small red potatoes are so tasty, and stays firm when roasting them at a high 425 degrees temperature for about 45 minutes along with sliced sweet onions, and sprinkled with fresh rosemary. All you need is a good quality sea salt, and freshly ground pepper for the spices. Just make sure you add them first to a large bowl, and turn them with enough vegetable oil...not olive oil, because olive oil tends to burn. add them to a cast iron skillet, or aluminum lined baking dish, and that is all. You're ready to roast them and it makes a beautiful side dish, with any meats, or other vegetables, including a salad which I used! Yumm! how could you possibly resist this roasted goodness?
Here's the finish result...just a simple mixed salad, with your choice of toppings. I happened to have grape tomatoes, pitted Nicoise olive, and Feta cheese on hand...these are always my most beloved staples. Just a splash of extra virgin olive oil, and white balsamic vinegar, mixed with a teaspoon of Stone Ground Mustard, for the dressing!

Grilled-Boneless Center Pork Loin Chops
my own recipe

2 to 4 pieces Boneless Center Pork Loin Chops
2 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
1 Tablespoon White Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, stripped
(one for the potato, and one for the pork)

First step is to marinade the pork chops in the marinade, by combining the ingredients and spreading it on the chops, on a large plate, or platter. Cover, and leave it out on the counter, for no longer than 30 minutes, while you are heating up your indoor grill pan, or electric grill pan, or an outdoor grill. You could marinate it longer in the fridge, for up to 2 hours, but not necessary.
Place chops on the heated grill that has been seasoned with oil, or cooking spray, make sure you put the exhaust fan on. Grill for about 3 minutes, turn it a slightly to the right to get the "criss-cross" effect, and grill another 2 to 3 minutes. Flip over to the other side, and cover the grill pan with a large lid, lower the temperature on the stove, and proceed grilling the same amount of time. Total time should not be more than 10 minutes, or the meat will be tough.
This is not the kind of pork you should cook for a long time, or it will get tough. It is pure white meat, and NO fat!

For the glaze:
2 Tablespoon Stone Ground Mustard
2 Tablespoon seedless Boysenberry Preserves
(you can also use seedless raspberry or other seedless berry preserves)
1 Tablespoon dark Balsamic Vinegar
1 teaspoon Vegetable Oil

Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. Lower temperature, and cook until it reduces somewhat to a syrup. You can double the ingredients if you would like more glaze. Just drizzle around the plate at serving time, and drizzle some on top of the meat. Very festive, and delicious! Serves, 2 to 4.

One last note of Thanks to Sharon @Shosh's Yummy Foods for hosting this truly amazing giveaway with Progresso, and their fabulous Panko, which I already have been using, and love it...and the most Gorgeous Cookbook, ever, from Michael Chiarello. I love this chef, and all...seriously all his recipes. I don't mean to "toot my own horn" but this is my style of cooking which I have been doing all these years...that's my specialty, the homemade pastas, the grilling, the meats, sea foods, and vegetables and the simple, but elegant desserts. On the final note on his book. He has the most amazing black and white photographs, but as for the color photos, the lighting seems to be off, and most of the photos were taken inside, where they did not focus on the lighting, and they tend to have a darker image, not bringing out the true vibrant color of his famous dishes. The action photos are really superb, for that matter.

I have learned to pay more attention to the photos, every since we've been so involved with the Foodbuzz Community, and you can take some serious Tips, from Chef Dennis, @More Than A Mount Full, and just take a look at Gina's blog @ What's For Dinner Across State Lines who also took serious time to make her lighting better. You don't necessary have to run outside when the temperatures in your area have been in the teens, cloudy, or rainy...even here, in S. Florida I can't always capture the sunlight, but I do have a better new camera now, and focus on better lighting, and most important. "The Plating of my Food" that is my little trick and  secret, plus, honest reviews from Family members. They will surely tell you their honest opinions, so just listen, and learn!

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  1. I love the sound of your marinade for the pork loin. I think pork loin can taste pretty bland sometimes. It may be a tender cut of meat but it can lack flavor. I think this marinade combined with the glaze would taste absolutely fantastic with pork! Thanks for sharing this one!

  2. This looks so delicious, even the salad. Thanks for sharing the recipe I will copy it.

    Have a wonderful Thursday! :)

  3. A wonderful recipe!! Pork is one of the things that I can always count on everyone eating. This looks like a winner!

  4. Nice clicks.. such vibrant colors..

  5. Your pictures really showcase the deliciousness of that meal. Oh, the potatoes . . . oh the pork chops . . . I'm hungry now!! =)


  6. Yumm yumm, sooo tempting chops..

  7. Awesome meal, love the pan roasted potato.

  8. Elisabeth, I know I wouldn't be able to resist that roasted goodness. The dish looks superb. I love all the elements of the dish. The fragrant rosemary, sweet onions, sharp mustard and tangy glaze. YUM!
    My large iron pan is my great friend, as well as great quality dijon mustard and sea salt.
    Have a great day my friend.

  9. Oh my, your grill marks are so beautiful! I'm a huge fan of pork, seems like however it's prepared, always comes out tasty.

  10. What another delish meal here, I buy boneless chops all the time and they end up in the sauce since I don't really eat them any other way till now that is, going to give this one a go!

  11. Thanks for this one, it certainly looks like the thing to cook on this ccccooold wintery day in the Great Northwest.

  12. Those are some beautifully done chops...but for me the potatoes, I could eat those all day long :)

  13. I'll take the potatoes and the salad, thanks you.

    I have to look into the white balsamic vinegar, my husband HATES dressing a salad so I try to keep as light and tricky as possible when making.

    Have a wonderful Friday Elisabeth

  14. Elisabeth, these are the tastiest chops I have seen recently!! And those red baby potatoes look so cute and delicious also! :) And I love the photos too

  15. My mouth is watering just looking at this! Thanks for the mustard and boysenberry preserves tip, I could see those going incredibly well with pork. And the caramelized onions with potatoes looks soooooo good. I've got to show this to my boyfriend, he will be all over this recipe!

  16. Delicious Post! I just printed off the Sicillian Putanesca Sauce, can't wait to try it.
    Thank you for visiting and the sweet comment on Maddie's Birthday Party. The party was a success!! xo Glad & Cel

  17. Lizzie, the grill marks on your chops are picture perfect...and I have noticed that your photos keep getting better and better! Thanks always being so generous with your tips...I've been working on the photography, much to learn. Happy weekend, my friend...hope you have some fun planned! I'll be making potatoes your way for our Sunday dinner~

  18. Excellent click! And the pork loin looks mouthwatering!

  19. Elisabeth, your food always looks so darn good!! Your pork chops are perfect and I just love those little red potatoes. What a gorgeous meal!

  20. That glaze has my name written all over it! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing Elisabeth!

  21. I now have a sudden craving for pork chops. :) This looks so good.

  22. Elizabeth, What a beautiful dish…I can't wait to give it a try. Pork is one of my favorite meats and yours looks amazing. Thanks for the tips and sharing your glaze recipe…your secret is safe with me!! Great photos!

  23. I saw those perfect grill marks on those chops and my mouth started watering. Those are my favorite kitchen items too, I have a grill pan, so I never have to go without grilled meats. Thanks for mentioning me, that was so sweet. Your photos are getting better and better, but I know your recipes are good, even if the lighting is off. Congrats on the cookbook, I want to get it soon. Hope you have a great week.

  24. Hi there, I'm glad I came across your blog. Your food looks amazing especially the loin chops. The sauces looks delicious as well!! The finished result is well presented and looks mouth watering! I will have to try some of your recipes in the near future. Thanks!

  25. I'm thinking I'll be making these tomorrow. They look yummy!
