Monday, February 21, 2011

Pizza...Awards...and PGA Mall

Last almost every Friday, Lora made this amazing pizza dough that has become a staple meal, with a side salad, or a vegetable dish. In this case she had the green beans, and leftover pancetta, to add to the pizza topping...and oh, yes caramelized onion, and homemade sauce that she always has on hand for a quick pasta dish. I keep bugging her to post the pizza photos, but she not only does not take photos of it, I always end up taking the photos. Her pizza dough is the easiest and best, made with all, or half whole wheat flour, and half bread flour. Here's Lora's homemade pizza recipe, @cake duchess
Just look at this yummy goodness...Sweet caramelized onions, crispy pancetta homemade tomato sauce, and ooey-gooey mozzarella cheese topping the thin, crispy, crunchy fresh, hot, homemade pizza dough. Trust me on this comparison to take-out!, for the lovely blue dish of  Lora's. Long story behind this set of 12 English china set, that was a gift to daughter's hubby, from a lovely English young lady that was a mutual friend to both Lora, and Fabrizio, that he brought into the marriage 10 years ago. They still manage to have most of the set, even if a plate or two breaks, lucky me...I find the same dishes at my thrift finds, but not cheap. Each plate costs $2.99. My daughter finally told me after I replaced 4 plates..."please mom, don't get any more, I'm trying to get rid of these, so I can get a new set"...

...and now, for the Awards!

I have not received such a lovely award as this, so far. This award came from my sweet friend, Mateja @Indulging Life. She actually designed this award herself, and personalized it. She really put her "heart and soul" into this. Do visit her beautiful blog, and make friends! I'm simply quoting what she said in her own words, when she completed the award, and what it meant to her. I am so honored by this...Thank you, Mateja!
This is what Mateja said:

February 1, 2011I think it is time for me to create my own appreciation award. And I was sitting and sweating, working hard on creating that perfect picture that would express exactly what I wanted to say, adding and removing, than adding some more. (ratatatata- drums) So here it is, "Most Deserved Award", the award for all my friends who make me feel like home, who spark the most beautiful memories from my childhood, inspire me, support me, introduce me to new foods, teach me new cooking/baking techniques, and challenge my imagination! 

These next 3 lovely awards, I received from a sweet couple,Anu Santanu who I recently befriended. They were ever so kind to honor me, not just with one award, but three! These come with rules, and I've been down the road before on the rules, from the previous ones. As far as promoting them to 15 bloggers, which I have done in the past, not just 15, but 30 or more at one time, and letting them all know...or not letting them know, some have not even responded even when I let them know...and some I left out, not on's difficult to keep track on paying it forward.
Thank you, Satu Santanu, for giving me theses generous, and lovely awards!

I regret to break the rules, and just let everyone take for themselves. and pay it forward if you would like to do so, with my "blessings"...You all deserve the awards, All of you who are out there all over the world, in different countries, states, or even local ones! Blogging is "time consuming" but so well worth it to stay in touch with other bloggers who have similar interests, and making friends to me is so important in this fast moving world, with so much happening, and ever changing events that changes our lives...forever!

Rules to claim and share these awards:....(optional)
  • Thank and Link the blogger who has given you the award.
  • Copy and paste the Logo in your blog.
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other Great Bloggers
  • Comment and let them know of the award.
Last amazing and unique award, I received from my dear friend, Toni, @Boulder Locavore. She is also a very talented blogger, and has such a lovely blog, so interesting and have got to check her blog out!
Thank you Toni, for giving me this lovely award, I appreciate your kindess!

Help yourselves to the awards...take one, or take them all, pay it forward, or just keep it for yourselves!

I would like to show of one of the most beautiful malls of all the malls I've seen. It's the Palm Beach Gardens Mall, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, about a 30 minutes drive from us. Lora and I went there last Friday morning to exchange her Valentine's necklace that she was allergic to...(funny, but not so funny)'s this amazing little fun jewelry and gift shop that is totally affordable. Loved everything in there! Such a relaxing shopping mall, so beautiful, and they have everything there...not to mention, great sales!
Just look at the natural "sky light"...very efficient in saving electricity.
That's the it!
They have such fun things like these little crystal fishies, for only $86.00.
Crystal Butterflies...$110.00.
 Now, we're getting into the "bling"...a little more expensive, like this beautiful silver, or is it white gold bracelet?
for $475.00

Crystal beads...baubles, or little disco balls?...not exactly what I would hang in my living room, or on the car rear view mirror, but they're fun!
At last, have some early lunch, the Cafe at the Gardens Mall was really enjoyable, a lot of food courts to choose from. We had Chinese, which was pretty decent...somehow all the foods at these food courts, or cafes, as they call them leaves you reaching for the Pepto Bismol...the minute you get home, promising not to eat there, again!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Congrats on the award! I love Mateja's blog, and she made it and said it so beautifully! Your photos are just stunning..and pizza mmmm..delicious!!!

  2. The pizza....gosh...that looks so darn good! Congratulations on your award!

  3. Gratulálok a díjhoz, a pizza csodás!!

  4. Love it all but especially the pizza! Feel free to link this one up to the Italian Fest too! :-)

  5. That pizza looks SO good.
    Congrats on the award.

  6. Congrats on your award... Toni is an awesome supporter and wonderful blog to follow~

  7. Pizza looks great... especially on that Blue Willow plate! (Hey that rhymed!) :)

  8. Congrats on your award. The pizza looks out of this world yummy!

  9. Congratulations on your award Elisabeth :) and that pizza, I'd love a piece of that right now as a late night snack!

  10. Pizza looks invite Elisabeth! and again congratulation for your awards.

  11. Wow! Non-stop awards for you! Well, you really deserve them all, being such a sweet and generous person by giving away so many yourself. We have a mall called The Garden here as well. Lovely post!

  12. I really should tackle making pizza at home...takeout is getting so pricy, and I can make it fancier at home with custom ingredients! This crust looks really good!! Congrats on your award, dear...

  13. Congratulations on your well-deserved award. The pizza sounds delicious and it is visually stunning. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  14. Congrats on your award, that pizza is one die for. Mall looks nice. awesome crystals.

  15. Yes, this pizza looks great. congrats.

  16. Wonderful pizza -- I'm tempted to stray from my tried-and-true. And such great photos, Elisabeth. Well-deserved awards for you!

  17. Congrats on your award. The pizza looks sooo delicious, cheesy and yummm!

  18. Elisabeth, congrats on your awards - you deserve them all!!! And your pizza looks so stunning - I can almost feel the taste, looking at your photos!!!

  19. Oh what fabulously delicious looking pizza!!!! I'll definitely check it out on Lora's blog...and I'm LOL about her plates! You're such a nice mom!

    I'm not surprised at all your blog awards...your blog is one of my favorite stops. I also love your new rules...perfect :)

  20. Elisabeth, congratulations, you really deserve!
    This pizza is absolutely perfect! Have a nice evening! Barbara

  21. Elisabeth, you are most welcome. I love reading your blog, all your stories are always so interesting and the photos are always amazing! Pizza looks delcious, will check the recipe!

  22. Nothing, nothing beats home-made pizza. Yours looks amazing! One of my favourite pizza toppings is caramelised onions with goats cheese. But I happily eat yours any time, especially with the pancetta. I, however have not attempted at making my own pizza dough, so thank you for sharing Lora's recipe. Much appreciated.
    Congratulations for the awards. You deserved all of them Elisabeth.

  23. This looks fabulous! The caramelized onions really put this pizza over the top. Awesome.


    P.S. I am your newest follower.

  24. The pizza looks great! Onions are my favorite topping. :)

  25. What a FANTASTIC looking pizza dear..loved it totally!
    Congrats on your well deserved awards..keep up the good work!

    US Masala

  26. Your pizza looks great. I love the caramalised onions.

  27. This pizza looks to die for! By the way, I have a contest giveaway on my blog you might find fun. Take a look.

  28. Congrats on the awards Elisabeth. Well deserved.
    The pizza looks amazing and your photos are wonderful as usual.

    p.s. I hear you about Pepto Bismol, I have Zantac in the car, just in case I end up eating at the Mall :))

  29. congrats on the award! i love those blue white chinas and i really cant believe your daughter is trying to get new sets. i would love to have one set at least :(
    swarovsky never ceases to amaze me and it's always a visual stunner!
    are you in touch with dimah? normally she posts her pretty quaint recipes at regular intervals but not in some time...i emailed her but no reply.

  30. You deserve all the awards and more. Your post made me want to eat a gigantic pizza and go shopping (two of my favorite things!) Homemade pizza dough sounds so good right now. Thank you for sharing such a tempting meal! I hope you are doing well. Stay warm and enjoy the end of your week!

  31. The pizza is calling to me! A big congratulations on your awards.

  32. Hi Elisabeth! I was first totally drawn to the gorgeous pizza photos! You'll be submitting to FoodGawker, right? I found myself wondering (granted it IS first thing in the morning pre coffee) if there is such a thing as a scratch and sniff computer monitor. Though your photo really even conveys that! Love the trip through the opulent mall!

    Love your constant generosity of spirit with the awards. You deserve every single one and more. You set an open arms tone in our blogging community leaving us feeling 'warm and welcome' and part of the same goal. Thank you for all the kindness you've shown to me personally. It's truly heart warming!

  33. Great pics, as always. And the pizza .... I want! I'm really fussy about my pizza crusts and haven't been able to find a recipe that satisfies me. This one sounds real good tho. I'll have to give it a go now that my drool buds have been awakened :D

  34. This pizza looks absolutely delicious and congratulations on your award.

  35. Congrats on the award !!!
    The pizza looks delicious (almost every friday we take it for dinner) my dogther loves it.

  36. Congratulations! You deserve it! Pizza looks terrific. I so want to learn how to make pizza. Will have to dedicate a night soon to pizza making.
