Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Carrot and Pineapple Cake a Giveaway, and a Thanks!

March has been a month of birthdays, from the beginning of March to the end. On the 3rd, was my father's...may he rest in peace, same as with my uncle, on the 7th. and at the end of March on the 25th. my son Joe's, on the 28th which was yesterday, my grandson Luca's 5th, on the 30th, our dear friends' young son's River's 10th birthday. I did mention the birthdays on the title of my last post, which I did not mention, as to who's birthday it is. The important birthday which I would like to talk about, and also an amazing autographed book...my son, Joe's first self-published book through Amazon. It is my giveaway gift, on my next post.

About Lamb's Bread, @Amazon,com

The delicious cake, which was my son's birthday cake, is his very favorite.
A Carrot cake, filled with crushed pineapple, and loads of freshly grated carrots. He was so sweet to take us out to a charming little cafe, which is strictly VEGAN, and not just vegetarian. You would think that the food is not filling enough, but trust me, there was so much food, so fresh, so yummy, and so affordable, served casually, and in a Key West type atmosphere, just right around the corner where my son, wife, and two precious daughters live.
The recipe is adapted from Ina Garten's Carrot and Pineapple Cake, from the Food Network site. I have two other recipes, one, from my previous post, back in October, which is a simple one that I made in a heart shape for my granddaughter Sophia's birthday, and also a more involved fancy recipe that my daughter Lora used for a guest post, last fall, as well. I did not use walnuts in this recipe, since they don't like walnuts...if it was for me, I would have added it.Recipe, and more about the book, to follow!

Ina Garten's Carrot and Pineapple Cake 
slightly adapted

For the cake:

For the frosting:

  • 3/4 pound cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1/2 pound unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 pound confectioners' sugar, sifted

For the decoration:

  • 1/2 cup diced fresh pineapple


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Butter 2 (8-inch) round cake pans. Line with parchment paper, then butter and flour the pans.

For the cake:

Beat the sugar, oil, and eggs together in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment until light yellow. Add the vanilla. In another bowl, sift together 2 1/2 cups flour, the cinnamon, baking soda, and salt.
Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Toss the raisins and walnuts with 1 tablespoon flour. Fold in the carrots and pineapple. Add to the batter and mix well.
Divide the batter equally between the 2 pans. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow the cakes to cool completely in the pans set over a wire rack.

For the frosting:

Mix the cream cheese, butter and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment until just combined. Add the sugar and mix until smooth.
Place 1 layer, flat-side up, on a flat plate or cake pedestal. With a knife or offset spatula, spread the top with frosting. Place the second layer on top, rounded side up, and spread the frosting evenly on the top and sides of the cake. Decorate with diced pineapple.

I'm linking my Carrot Pineapple Cake to... Miz Helen's Counttry Cottage, say "hello," and browse through all the wonderful recipes... featured on Full Plate Thursday!

Miz Helen’s Country Cottage

A special thanks to my lovely friend, Lizzy,

@That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!!  for this fantastic set of walnut oil, dark chocolate balsamic vinegar, and a nice sample of ginger sugar, from Artisano's, as a giveaway gift, which I won on Lizzy's fabulous blog that she was hosting about 10 days ago.

Do check her blog out and say "hello". She will certainly welcome you. The blog name is very "befitting"...she is a skinny chick, I think it must be the metabolism, because my daughter is also a "skinny" chick that bakes...LOL, must be on the father's side of the genes...certainly not my side!


One thing for sure, it's very rare when you get a personally written card from the hostess, and also from the owner, on the back of the Artisano card, from David.  Thank you Lizzy, and thank you David!

There are endless possibilities to use this unique and yummy Dark Chocolate Balsamic Vinegar. For starters, I will certainly marinate the beautiful fresh, and ripe strawberries we are having, here in season now, in S. Florida.





Do contact ARTISANO'S and see all the gourmet treats for yourself, to order online!


As for the frosting, and filling, I used 3- 8oz. blocks, of cream cheese at room temperature, along with 1/4 lb.(1stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature, 3 cups of powdered sugar, 1 grated orange, and 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. Just follow the direction for the frosting, in the recipe.

It makes 2- 8 inch round cakes, be sure to line cake pan with parchment, or wax paper, which I used, the same size as the pan. Spray the pan first, and place the paper to fit, and also spray that, and the sides of the pan, as well.

This is the finished cake, not a pretty picture, the lighting was bad, I'm not a professional cake decorator...no talent in that department, but I can assure you that the cake, and the frosting was amazing. I did take a photo of it in the daylight, at my place, before I took it over to my son's house. (No cake dome to use, gave it to my daughter) I used a large soup pot for a dome for the cake...LOL, it worked, just a little smudge on the side.

With my adaptation of the frosting, and filling, there was more than enough, now who can resist this yummy carrot cake, with the pineapple, and addition of golden raisins?...I know we didn't hesitate, and there was only a small chunk left over...smiles!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE...Buon Compleanno a te...és Isten Éltessen Sokáig!

(aka..Joey, Joseph, Giuseppe, Józsika)

Me and my son Joe (I'm a young mom,(LOL, at least young at heart)... and grandmother of 4 ...yeahhh!

This is the Vegan Cafe where we ate dinner, in West Palm Beach.

Over looking the canal, in the back lot... in a charming Key West type setting...we were "early birds" just before 5:30 PM when they open for dinner.

A magical garden to relax in, and enjoy your fantastic vegan dinner.

Outdoor setting, with a canape roof, and lots of fans, and natural air from outside. By 7:00 PM when we left the place was packed, with only about 50 seats.


That's me, toasting, while taking the picture with my right hand! Cin Cin-Cheers! Joey, and Cara!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Elizabeth, that carrot cake looks AMAZING! Pineapple and carrots are nice healthy additions making it a little less sinful right? hehe :)

  2. I absolutely adore carrot cake -- any kind, but this Ina's tops the list. A great birthday cake to end a great month! No better way to spend (up here, anyway!) March! Congratulations to Joe on the book!

  3. carrot pineapple sounds like a delish combo!!!

  4. U looks soo young, wat a great birthday cake..looks absolutely delicious..

  5. Nagyon finom lehet az ananászos tortád, és az ajándékaidról és a hímzett terítődről még nem is beszéltem...

  6. Belated birthday wishes to your son. carrot pineapple cake looks awesome. Nice giveaway. If you don't mind you can link this to Hearth and soup blog hop in my blog.

  7. Oh, you are such a sweet friend (I hope you don't get sick of me telling you that!)...I hope you enjoy your goodies. I will send David a link to your post :)

    Now to your carrot cake! My favorite cake in the world...and yours looks superb. Lucky family who got to enjoy. Happy birthday to your Joe...and you look fabulous...definitely a YOUNG grandmother. Looking forward to hearing more about Joe's book...so exciting~ xoxo

  8. Elisabeth, your cake looks out of this world! All that yummy cream cheese frosting. Delicious! Enjoyed the pics - Happy Birthday to your son!! Looks like a fun time. :o)

  9. Gorgeous family and so is the cake!

  10. Great cake, Elisabeth! Sounds like a fun birthday for your son. You are a young mom...aren't we all ;)

  11. This looks beautiful, Elisabeth. And your son is very blessed to have a mom like you. Yes, indeed. Love seeing your family photos!

  12. I totally like the the flavor of pineapple in my carrot cake always make it that way..an absolutely fav in our household and you done it perfectly! They will fly like hot cakes in my home :))

    US Masala

  13. That looks luscious! Belated birthday wishes all round from this end of the world! Chocolate Balsamic vinegar .... Oooo I gotta get my hands on some of that!

  14. That cake looks so good! I'd love one of those for my birthday- walnuts for me please! :)

  15. What a amazing cake - you can tell it is made with LOVE for your birthday boy. thanks for sharing this with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop!

  16. A very Happy Birthday to your son and such a gorgeous cake :) And congratulations on your winnings :)

  17. Elizabeth, that carrot cake looks terrific!
    Joe, I wish you a very Happy Happy Birthday!
    Congratulations to your winning! Love walnut oil.

  18. Congratulations on winning the giveaway! Chocolate Balsamic vinegar…wow! I'll have to look for some of that! Your carrot cake looks absolutely beautiful! Your frosting is so fluffy! Carrot cake is one of my all time favorites! And you do look like a beautiful, young grandma to me! Happy Birthday to your son!!

  19. What a fantastic looking cake Elisabeth. I often pair carrot cake with orange, but pineapple does sound delicious and refreshing.
    Congrats on winning the giveaway as well. Chocolate balsamic vinegar sounds delicious.

  20. Great looking cake Elizabeth! Carrot cake is one of my favorites and it sounds wonderful with the addition of the pineapple.
    Congrats on winning Lizzy's giveaway and Happy Birthday to your son. Looks like you all had a lovely day :o)

  21. Elisabeth you cake looks delicious! I always add pineapple to my carrot cake too! Lovely photos!

  22. Your cake looks so yummy! I so love cream cheese frosting! I enjoyed all your pictures too!

  23. sounds like your son had a wonderful birthday.
    the cake is so wonderful, love a good carrot cake and the addition of pineapple makes it so light and gives it an exotic touch
    thanks for sharing Elisabeth

  24. I am SO in love with this cake already!! Perfect for Easter! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  25. Your son is so handsome and you are so beautiful. I'm not surprised though. And of course, your cake looks just beautiful. Even though I have a heavy heart tonight, I find joy in reading your words and seeing your sweet birthday treat. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your creativity with me. I hope you have a blessed end to your week!

  26. Congrats for your son on his book!! And that carrot cake looks massively delicious. I like walnuts too! I'll have to make this for my girlfriend soon because we are both big fans of it. Thanks!

  27. Húhhh Elizabeth, ez láthatóan nagyon finom lehetett, ez az ananászos répatorta. Csodaszép, azt hiszem elkészítem én is itthon, mert szeretjük az ilyen habos-krémes sütiket:-))))

  28. Ciao Bellezza,how are you??
    è sempre bellissimo leggere i tuoi racconti e naturalmente le tue ricette,con tanto di amzing photo!!!
    Happy birtday to yuor son!!!:-)
    Bellissima torta,bravaa!!!!!
    Un mega kiss*

  29. Good Morning Elizabeth,
    This is an awesome cake, I wish I could have the next slice, so moist and filled with goodness. There was a technical error on your first entry today, so I have re entered your cake, it is now # 66, I wanted everyone to have a change to have this wonderful recipe. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week. I can delete the first entry if you want me to. Have a great day!

  30. Love the post and photos and the cake...one of my husband's faves but I love your recipe more!!!

  31. Your cake is a gloriously delicious sight! I wish I could have a huge slice! Congratulations to your son - that is great news!

  32. Fantasztikus párosítás. Kiváncsi lennék rá, de majd kipróbálom. Gratula a fiadnak!

  33. Hmmm..finom lehetett biztosan!

  34. I don't think, I have ever seen such a delicious looking carrot cake.

  35. this is a terrific post...Joe's bday plus his book plus the luscious cake wow. i looked up the book and realised he's a witty writer and the book stands out for his punchlines. a real page turner apparently! is it available on flipkart? i can only buy it three months later when i get my next permanent address for the following year!
