Friday, April 1, 2011

Chunky Tomato Sauce... and a Book Giveaway!

As I mentioned in my last post, that my son Joe has finally published his first novel, self-published through I'm proud to offer a copy of his book, as a giveaway. Yesterday, he stopped over for a last minute lunch, and wanted to check out the waves on the beach, since we've been having such windy and rainy days in the last few days. He is also an avid surfer, since the age of eleven, and has won several awards, over the years. By profession he is an "Equity Trader" and these last couple years he's been working out of home, so he could finish his novel. Also, he decided to go back to college to get his masters degree in creative writing, after 14 years, graduating from college. He is a fabulous artist, as well, doing totally different for instance, surf board art designs, and creative designs on canvas. He also designed his book cover. Now, the latest project is his "political cartoon, daily art" which I myself don't quite understand, which has a lot to do with the "stock market."

Anyway, the emphasis now, is on my quick pasta sauce, served with fettucine that I made within 30 minutes, tops.
I always have fresh, dry, and frozen herbs on hand, for which is a "must" in my kitchen. Canned, or fresh tomatoes, is always a "must"...of course, onions, and garlic, and there you have it, a vegetarian meal to enjoy, even if you are not vegetarian. Joe and his wife Cara have decided to take that route now after and on-again, off-again route, for the last few years. Actually, they do eat seafood, and they are "pescatarians?" there such a thing?

In a large skillet, all you do is saute, one sliced onion, 3 cloves of garlic sliced, 2 stalks of celery sliced, in 2 Tbsp.vegetable oil till  soft, and slightly golden. Add a 15 oz. can of diced tomatoes, 1 teaspoon tomato paste, mixed in 1/2 cup of water, 1 Tbsp.extra virgin olive oil... salt and pepper, dry, or fresh basil, and let the tomato sauce cook for about 20 minutes, on medium heat, open. Stir from time to time, and after the 20 minutes, add pitted olives (I used Nicoise pitted olives) you can slice the olives, or cut them in half. (I left mine whole)...Serve over pasta of your choice, and add chopped fresh Italian parsley, or fresh basil for flavor and for a nice appearance. You can drizzle more extra virgin olive oil on the top, and serve.

note: I sauteed the vegetable in vegetable oil, because it absorbs the flavor of the vegetables better, since it's cooked on medium-high, and it prevents burning of the oil. Adding the extra virgin olive oil, when you add the tomatoes, gives it a nicer and more flavorful texture. Also, instead of adding the tomato paste directly into the 1/2 cup of water will give it an even texture, and prevents lumpy and too thick of a  texture. 
Now, for the book giveaway:

Lamb's Bread: A Marijuana Fueled American Revolutionary 


About the book, and Joe's art and Cartoon

Adrian Amato is a pot-smoking, marijuana-dealing, equity trader with a plan to set a trap and imprison the president of the United States on Palm Beach Island. His revolutionary intentions seize the imagination of his brother-in-law, Jeff Silver, who assists Adrian and serves as his biographer, believing that it is an unprecedented, inside opportunity to document the rise of a radical aimed at reshaping the world. Loosely based on the recent collapse of the nation’s economy, Joseph Pregadio’s subversive allegory about a new 

American age is as captivating as it is thought provoking. A suspense-thriller full of unexpected twists and surprising turns, Lamb’s Bread captures the anarchical soul of American discontent and channels it into a fictional tale far more plausible than anyone should feel comfortable with.

Attacking the hubris of the ultra-wealthy and the indiscriminate profiteering of corporate America, Pregadio dares to lay bare the very schemes by which many investment practitioners got rich and then watched the economic system cave in—and funnels that outrage into a broadside indictment through the eyes and actions of Adrian Amato, a modern-day pirate whose goal is to attack the establishment at every possible turn. Bracing in its honesty and entertaining in its method, Lamb’s Bread is a modern parable everyone should put at the top of their reading list. 

As for the giveaway, all you have to do is to comment, so you will be on the list. If you don't follow either on my blog, or Twitter, you will not be eligible. I will ship this signed copy of the book anywhere in the United States, Canada, anywhere else, in the world. YES!... for the first time! I will announce the winner Monday morning. Giveaway ends on Sunday, April 3rd, at 11:00PM, EST.

My son Joe, catching some waves in Palm Beach...Breakers Hotel on the left.
We do get waves like this and higher, on the beach. A surf competition. at the Breakers Hotel, just behind the hotel, on the beach.

 "Wipe out"...a dangerous, and daring sport, not recommended for every one. My son has always been quite daring since he was a little boy...and me as a mom, constantly worried about him.

Back at the Darbster Bistro, celebrating my son's B-Day, on March 25th...My D-In-law, Cara, and my adorable 5yr. old granddaughter, Mattia...waving, HELLO!

8020 S Dixie Hwy
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
(561) 586-2622
Darbster Bistro, West Palm Beach, FL
Notice the banana bunches, on the right?...this is the gorgeous tropical view right in the back of the restaurant. Just had to enlarge this photo....paradise!

No frills...just fresh roses on every table...SWEET!

...daddy's girl, Sophia, age 9 and has been playing in a girls' soccer team for the 3rd year, and learning how to surf, my son teaching her. She is an excellent swimmer, as well. My granddaughter, Gabriella, (Lora's daughter) is an avid basketball player...same age, as Sophia...super tall, and is also a great in Florida, it's advisable for children to learn at an early age...we are surrounded by water, and swimming pools everywhere.
Have you ever seen such a creamy, and amazing yumminess?...Cream of Avocado soup, topped with healthy crunchy organic seeds...(don't know what kind)...but oh, so good!
Falafel on the left, a spicy chili pepper hummus, organic warm chips, and on the front, cauliflower tabbouleh...out of this "world" delicious. We got so full, just from the appetizers.
Spicy warm tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole...Yumm!
Cara's choice was this awesome vegetable burger on top of mixed salad, everything fresh, and organic, topped with an organic dressing...(that I don't know what kind)
Saved the best for the entree, which was a grilled portabello ciabatta burger, with avocado spread, tomatoes, lettuce, red onion, and the most amazing crunchy, and light french fries, which was shared by all!
...Life is Good!!! Enjoy every day of it...You never know what will TOMORROW bring:-))
Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!xoxo

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  1. As always your posts are vibrant in color informative and so much fun thanks so much for brightening my day... lovely post~

  2. Oh my!!! So much great food here that I don't want to leave you blog. That entree has me mouth watered.

    Your granddaughters are beautiful. Have a blessed weekend.

  3. As usual I will be excited to read your post. congrats you son for his first publication. wishing many more to come in the future years. chunky tomato sauce looks awesome. Nice clicks.

  4. I am in love with any tomato sauce you make :) not sure if that depends on your Sicilian relations in the past, but they are always gorgeous!!!

    Elisabeth, I have a blog for you my dear friend and id be happy if you get a moment to gather that:

  5. Nagyon szuper az összes étel. A Hotel fantasztikus!

  6. Ur posts always makes me hungry...

  7. Well, I decided to push my luck and who knows, maybe the lucky star shines upon me once again and I will be a winner once again. But having you as a friend makes me already a winner, right? RIGHT!!!!! And I just realized that I share name with your super cute grandaughter Mattia (in my homecountry written as Mateja and if I'm not mistaken your grandaughter's name is of Italian origin).
    As for the food: everything from your pasta on looks amazingly delicious! Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend :)

  8. the cream of avocado sauce looks delicious!!!!

  9. What a refreshing dish...I also have a giveaway on my blog to share with you. :)

    I'm hosting a wonderful tea sampler GIVEAWAY! Come check it out when you have time.


  10. What a beautiful pasta dish...and I love your hints about using veggie oil first. Wow, those photos of Joe surfing are spectacular! So cool. And his book sounds must be so proud! Fun post packed full of interesting coming here.

    Happy weekend...xo

  11. I want that sandwich!!!! It's a piece of HEAVEN!
    Chunky tomato sauce looks awesome too.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Hi, I love your blog. Well done!


  13. A great recipe and book review. That reminds's time for a snack :-)

  14. Az a paradicsomos szósz az elején....meg az összes többi: fantasztikus!
    Ezeket a csobbanásokat irigylem nagyon, csodás helyen éltek!!!!!

  15. Congratulations to your son on his first published book! You must be so proud of him. :) Your pasta looks so delicious! (So does all of the rest of the food in your post!)

  16. Elisabeth, congratulazioni per la pubblicazione della libro ha una bellissima copertina! Proverò a fare anche io la crema di avocado, sembra buonissima, come la tua salsa, che ha un aspetto così mediterraneo:)

  17. lovely lovely clicks elizabeth, enjoyed readg ur post thoroughly, the tomato sauce looks chunky indeed and yes congrats on ur son'e first milestone-wishing him many more successes !

  18. I'm too late for the giveaway but just had to say you've outdone yourself with this gorgeous post:

    1. congratulations to your son for following his creative dreams!
    2. love the photos but particularly the surfing ones - they're just wonderful
    3. your rustic pasta sauce is right up my alley
    4. I always feel like travelling to Florida when I see your images! It looks so sunny and fun :)

  19. Én is gratulálok a fiadhoz meg persze az ételek is szuperek! :DD
