Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mushrooms in Adobo Sauce-Cookbook Sundays

Today is Sunday, April 3rd. and I've been counting the days when I could proudly feature my Cookbook Sundays,
now, being hosted by Melynda @Mom's Sunday Cafe.
I am happy to stay in this group, especially knowing that Melynda is an expert hostess and will do so well. We had such a busy week with celebrating birthdays for a week now, and I cannot look at another piece of cake for a while...well, maybe for a (few days.)
I've been craving for more vegetarian foods, since last weeks feast at the Darbster's Vegan Bistro, so I decided to do my own little version of vegetarian feast, but will only post one recipe, which is for this amazing Spanish Mushrooms in Adobo Sauce, which requires very little time, and effort.
This book has all your tapas-which are appetizers, in English. I can just have tapas, when I go to a restaurant, and a nice chilled glass of white wine, and I'm happy.
This can be served as a side dish, or eaten just like this with a nice crust piece of bread. If you like mushrooms, then this is the ultimate way  to prepare this. All I can say is, you will want second serving, or you will gobble this whole serving up just by yourself!

Tapas (Revised): The Little Dishes of Spain
Rather than marinating, these mushroom are in adobo, which means, that they, are cooked, in sauce instead of marinating.

Chapinones en Adobo (Mushrooms in adobo sauce)
by Penelope Casas
recipe adapted

2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 of sweet, or regular yellow onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic sliced
2 Tbsp tomato sauce
1/2 cup white wine
2 cloves
1.2 teaspoon saffron
salt and pepper to taste
1 pint (2 cups) fresh button mushrooms, stems removed,
cut in half

Heat the oil in a medium heavy skillet. Saute onions, and garlic till onion is wilted and golden.Stir in the wine, and the spices, the salt and pepper,  and cook down the wine till slightly reduced. Add the tomato sauce, and the 1 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Simmer for about 20 minutes, uncovered. Add the mushrooms, and stir to incorporate with the sauce, and cook for an additional 10 more minutes, and serve. 4 side servings, or 2 large servings.

I'm linking this post to Kristen @Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker
 Chaya @My Sweet and Savory and Swathi-Hearth and Soul Hop #42

You can always have another side dish to go with the mushrooms in adobo. This really great potato salad, I made a batch to have a nice side dish, either pairing it with grilled meat, or just by itself. I packed up all these goodies to take them over to my daughter's to share with her in-laws for lunch. Very light homemade vinaigrette dressing, with a little kick from the stone ground mustard, with mustard seeds. Yumm!
You can tell spring is here...although spring has been here in South Florida since January, and by May we will be going full swing into summer, until about October, November is when we have our fall...without leaves turning their gorgeous hues of color...couldn't quite picture our palm trees turning shades of yellows, reds, and orange color. Enjoy a refreshing new small potato,( red, or white ) salad with chopped sweet onions, sliced celery, chopped dill pickles, and can't forget the sliced hard boiled eggs, and a mild vinaigrette made with extra virgin olive oil, white balsamic vinegar and about a teaspoon of stone ground mustard. Just add freshly ground pepper, and some sea salt, and dry herbs if you like. Enjoy!

Now, on to some Awards received from Hungary!

I am so fortunate to have such amazing Food Blogger friends from all over the world. The Award that was received from my Hungarian Food Blogger friends is  such a sweet Award...not only one, but it comes in three parts. I don't know where this originated from but I thought it was a superb type of award that I was honored with, from 4 talented bloggers. So here is the award, and another special one which represents a "Good Word"...translated literally but actually means a "kind word" that I'm supposed to pass on. I have many kind words for all these food bloggers and do not hesitate to let them know!

This is quite an Award with #10, with a Diploma, and an appreciation! Wow! "Where do I begin?"

Thank You: Köszönöm szépen, Lányok!

Tücsökbogár Konyhája
Zamat és Illat-Trinity-Lilian
Krisztina Konyhája-Krisztina

Also a special appreciation for the KIND WORD...actually EGY JÓ SZÓ-...literally translated as
ONE GOOD WORD, which I have mentioned, are many good words to mention to all thes sweet and wonderful talented Hungarian ladies! Do check out their blogs, you will be pleased to see" what's cookin' and bakin'" in Hungary:DDD

This sweet HEART...EGY JÓ SZÓ  ...meaning  One Good Word...actually should be ONE KIND WORD, is a game as it is literally translated, should be passed around to give out, and linked back to the original blogger, Eszter paying it forward, was awarded to my by KRISZTINA, AND LILIAN  aka...TRINITY.
As for me, I feel this way. It takes more than ONE GOOD WORD, or ONE KIND WORD to someone, there should be lots of kind words, for each other, after all, "What you give, is what you get back!" That's my motto!
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  1. Congrats on your awards! Your mushrooms look lovely, come on down to Moms Sunday Cafe and link up, have a great day!

  2. hmm....must try this one! looks absolutely yummy Liz :) and congratulation for the rewards.. You have many collections I think ^_^

  3. Congrats on ur awards, mushroom in adobo sauce looks irresistible..

  4. I know what you mean, about wanting something veggie and light after indulging. (At least for a little while.) This little mushroom dish would do the trick for me . . . so would the potato salad.

  5. Yea, thanks for linking. I think I need to try your potato salad also, I really enjoy a vinegar based dressing on potatoes. Thanks Elisabeth, have a great Sunday!

  6. Oh my goodness! I've only been eating mushrooms for about 8 months and I've been making up for lost time. I love the way this dish looks. The salad looks brilliant as well. Great stuff!

  7. the first award says : This is a A+ blog/10+ blog
    the second : Diploma for the best sweets baker
    the third : Appreciated blog

    congrats on the well deserved awards Elisabeth

    The mushroom and the potato salad look great. Thanks for sharing

  8. Those mushrooms with a nice crusty loaf of bread would be heavenly. They look wonderful! The potato salad looks scrumptious as well! :)

  9. A well deserved award its so adorable too! Love the food here as always a job well done!

  10. What fun awards. Congratulations. And what fun food you have shared with us. The mushroom dish sounds outstanding.

  11. Congrats on the awards. Well done. I think both recipes you showed look light and filling and I hope to try them soon.

  12. Congratulations on your awards! Delicious mushrooms and potato salad! One of the things I look forward to eating during the warm months is potato salad - I love it!

  13. Congrats on your awards. Mushroom and potato salad looks awesome. love it, both are my favorite.

  14. i love tapas! esp. sitting in tapas bars in spain :) yours looks delicious~!

  15. Congratulations on your Awards awesome. This is a great mushroom recipe that I will try very soon. It just looks delicious. Your photo's are always outstanding! Thank you for sharing and have a great week!

  16. Congratulations on your awards and thanks for that wonderful mushroom recipe. This is my first visit to your site and I've spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I especially like the food and recipes you feature here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  17. Oh, I love anything featuring sauteed mushrooms...and this one looks A+...just like your blog! Congratulations of your fabulous blog awards...I will definitely check out your blogger friends' sites~

  18. Congrats on your awards and thank you for sharing this mouthwatering recipe! You have a beautiful blog and I'm looking forward to exploring your recipes.

  19. Congratulations on your awards, they are certainly well deserved! I love mushrooms and this recipe sounds simply wonderful! Very flavorful!

  20. You are definitely giving me some great ideas here. I think this would be a perfect dish for a little party we're having for my Mom's birthday. She would love this!

  21. You are so nice and food is so good that you deserve all the awards in the world :)
    Adobo sauce is something that has enticed me for a while now using it with mushrooms sounds like a very good idea- Thanks for sharing Elisabeth..
    US Masala

  22. Congratulations on your awards Elizabeth, they are well deserved;-)
    I'm loving your mushroom dish and could gobble it up with a piece of crusty baguette to mop up all that scrumptious sauce;-)

  23. Those mushrooms look divine!

    And isn't that cool to have contact with people from all over the world? Congratulations on the awards!

  24. Your pictures are perfect. This is a very appetizing dish Elizabeth! Thanks for visiting my blog. I am a follower to your beautiful blog as well!

    i really liked this mushroom preparation...perfect lent period meal!

  26. Those mushrooms looks utterly delicious. I could eat the whole serving just by myself :). Congratulations on the awards! They are certainly well deserved.

  27. I have never had fungus cooked in adobo. Now I am totally intrigued! The egg salad looks delicious too.

  28. Thanks Elisabeth for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop.

  29. Good job on the awards!! When I saw the potato salad I was thinking spring must be around the corner. Looks fresh and yummy!
    Parli Italiano? :)

  30. Hi Elizabeth, nice to meet you. I love mushrooms and saffron is one of my favorite spices. This dish looks amazing. Congrats on your award and thanks for visiting my blog. See you soon, hope you have a great week

  31. love, love, love mushrooms and this dish looks scrumtious.

  32. When I read Mushrooms in Adobo sauce, I was prepared to see shoyu, vinegar, black pepper, bay leaf, chili pepper, or garlic. But that just goes to show you, terms can mean different things in different parts of the world. The Pacific region, especially the Philippines, and Hawaii use the above mixture to make Adobo.

    That said, your recipe sounds really delicious.

  33. Elizabeth, Great post!! Love the Mushrooms in Adobo sauce…they look so scrumptious! Your potato salad looks wonderful too! I love that there is just a light dressing on it and no heavy mayo dressing. Congratulations on your awards! You certainly deserve them. So cool to be recognized by the international community!!

  34. Your mushroom dish is my idea of a perfect dinner! It looks amazing and so does the potato salad!

  35. Thank you for your kindness, I so appreciate your being a top supporter in the foodie industry of blogging! You so deserve these awards and congrats to you! Have a wonderful week! xoxo

  36. I should have known....I immediately thought, "yummmm" when I saw your mushrooms. Penelope Casas is one of my favorites! Absolutely lovely!

    Thanks for linking to the Hearth and Soul Hop.


  37. Hi sweet friend. Your dishes look amazing. I'm particularly drawn to the first. Ryan and I are in love with mushrooms. And congratulations on your awards. You deserve them...and more! Thank you for sharing your creative culinary inspire me, and I'm glad to know you. I hope you have a blessed day tomorrow. Much love and hugs from Austin!

  38. Congratulations on your awards! These mushrooms are fantastic, I would have no trouble just eating a plate of these :)

  39. I just made my way to you through A Little Bit Of Everythings site and I am sold. Your pictures are beautiful and I can't wait to try your dishes! Hope you visit me sometime at

  40. I want to make those mushrooms and would definitely devour them with some good bread. And what a terrific potato salad. I love the chunkiness so you can see what you're eating.
