Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grilled Striped Sea Bass... and Online Bake Sale

I have to confess, I did not make the delicious and so flaky Striped Sea Bass...not even the hand chopped side veggies. It was delivered to me yesterday by my daughter Lora, and her mother-in-law Teresa. Such a sweet gesture. They stopped by just in time for lunch, bringing so much food, from my son-in-law's restaurant, and also my son Joe, and wife Cara brought more goodies, and cat food supplies...and why? you may ask.

Clumsy me, I sprained my ankle Friday afternoon, picking up my granddaughter from her elementary school, as I have been doing for the last two weeks, and running errands for Lora, until she recuperates and can drive. Well, that was cut short...thanks to me!

Sometimes, taking a short-cut walking,  after you have parked your car three blocks away because there wasn't any parking available near by is not the answer...especially with shoes that are not the most comfortable. I missed stepping off a curb, and literally "wiped out" embarrassing...and to top it off, it was in the school yard. Luckily, a friend gave her a ride home whose daughter is in the same class. In the meantime, my daughter called me on my cell phone and wanted to know why I was late...there I am on the ground...can't get up, people around me, and so much my phone went dead, so I could not explain what happened.

Long story...short, this is how I look now, badly sprained ankle...went to the walk in clinic with my daughter-in-law Cara. She left work early to take me...did not want to go to the ER and wait for hours. Tomorrow I have to go to the orthopedic, and probably be fitted for one of those cute orthopedic boots. In the meantime, Lora found a "walker" for me at a local thrift shop (takes after mom with thrifting) brand new, it cost $8.00. What a bargain! I cannot stand on the left foot now, at all...just hobbling around.

Linking this to: Swathi @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen  Hearth and Soul Hop #44  
                                   Home Sweet Farm , Delectable Tuesday Blog Hop

In the meantime...before my sprained ankle, I did agree to do the Online Bake Sale for Becky, who is hosting the event to Fight Cancer.

I am honored that she asked me, and of course I want to do this. I lost both my parents to cancer, my younger sister is in her sixth year of "cancer free"...from breast cancer, and as you know, what my own daughter went through with her cancer surgery...but she is in full recovery...thank God!
Please visit Becky's blog for more information: @Baking and Cooking...a Tale of Two Loves
My donation is: Chocolate Chip Biscotti
Click on the link, and you will see this is where I started my blog...actually, on June 3rd. 2010...soon I will be celebrating my one year Blog Anniversary!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Sorry about your ankle... U have a lovely blog. And loved the sea-bass.

  2. Aye...feel better soon! Your choc chip biscotti sounds wonderful. I think I finally settled on a cookie for the bake sale: white choc-lemon graham cookies. Going to make a trial batch for Easter so I can guinea pig them on my family!

  3. Nagyon guszta étel, nézz be hozzám kátékra hívlak.

  4. Feel like finishing that platter...get well soon..

  5. Get well soon Elisabeth!
    Have a good rest. X

  6. Hope you feel better.. Cooking is like therapy for me I see your doing a great job of doing just that.. the bass is perfection!

  7. Ouch, do take care. Your busy schedule will slow down for a while, but I know you will be right back at it, as soon as you can.

  8. Get well soon Elisabeth :(, as if you didn't have enough on your plate. Sometimes the universe conspires against us I think!

    At least you got injured in style (I'm spying some pretty toenail polish there).

    Take care :)

  9. Oh dear! If its any consolation, those boots are very fashionable right now :) Enjoy the food and company and coddling in the meantime and rock that walker like a hurricane! Feel better!

  10. I am so sorry to read about your ankle ..I hope it feels better soon!
    Your meal is so colorful and beautiful! I love how you made it and present it!!!
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  11. Oh no!!! Get well soon!! Wonderful, high quality protein from fish and good nutrition with help with a speedy recovery :)

  12. Elisabeth, sorry to hear about your sprained ankle. Let yourself be spoiled while you recuperate. Pretty good "take out"....the sea bass looks delicious.

  13. What a flavorful dish!! Very healthy and tasty!
    Take care and get well soon- HUGS!
    US Masala

  14. Nice sea bass!! I hope your ankle get well soon.

    Have a blessed week :)

  15. So sorry about your ankle- best wishes for a speedy recovery! It looks like you have been well taken care of though. :) Your biscotti look yummy- I know they'll bring top dollar!

  16. Ouchie on the ankle. You'll be back up to speed in no time. I bet you are one tough cookie!
    Also, nice color on the toe nails :)
    The seabass looks good though.

  17. Sorry to hear about your ankle, wishing you a speedy recovery .My mother in law is breast cancer survivor. I know what you meant.

  18. Un caro saluto e tanti auguri di pronta guarigione :)

  19. oh dear, i've sprained my ankle before when i was younger and it was painful!!! rest lots and i hope you enjoy the pampering :)!

  20. Örvendek, hogy tetszik a játék, kiváncsian várom az ajánlatodat, és majd megkukucskálom azoknál is akiket te kérsz fel játékra. Jó gyógyulást kívánok, sejtettem a képről, hogy valami történt a lábaddal, mert sajnos angolt nem tanultam, csak annyit értegetek amit a televízióból elloptam, de a párom jól tud angolul, így a receptjeidet, ami nagyon tetszik lefordítja nekem.

  21. Oh, you poor thing!!! But you do have pretty toes :)

    I hope you heal quickly, my friend...till then, keep your foot up, eat simply, and feel better.

    PS...I have had those embarrassing moments, too...I turn as red as a beet!

  22. So sorry for your accident Elisabeth! I hope you will recover soon. I can see that you have people around you who love you and support you!

  23. Elisabeth,
    Take it easy with your ankle. You are very fortunate to have such wonderful children, that bring you wonderful goodies:)

    Thank you so much for the shout out about the bake sale. I can't thank you enough for all of your help and support. Together we can make the bake sale a success.

  24. Csodás tálalás, és remek étel. Kedvelem a halat, és ez így jó ahogy van.

  25. Oh goodness, sounds (and looks!) like you too quite a spill and a painful one at that. I hope you are feeling a bit better by now!

  26. Oh no you poor thing. I hope you get well soon. I know Becky really appreciates all the hard work everyone is doing. I'm hoping you are bake on your feet soon, gets some rest.

  27. Hi Elisabeth, I just wanted to see if you'd like a Babble badge for Readers' Choice award to put on your blog as people have nominated it for Babble's best food mom blogs of 2011. If you're interested, please email me at: hannah at babble dot com.


  28. Oh Elisabeth, I'm so sorry to hear you fell and hurt your ankle. A sprain can be just as painful as a break. Just try and take it easy for a few days. Sending lots and lots of healing vibes your way :o)

    I'm so glad you are part of the baking sale as well. Such a great cause and I know a very dear one to your heart as well. Hopefully we can raise lots of money and make a difference :o)

  29. If you'd live closer...I'd lend you my orthopedic boot from 2yrs. ago...a sprain I got running after my dog when he'd gone to do his business in the wrong place!
    Suggestion: Don't rush the healing process...that was my mistake...and then I was in for more trouble than I expected.

    The sea bass looks very appetizing. How nice that your family helps out the way they do ;o)

    Hope you get better soon,

  30. Dear Elisabeth, I hope that you are feeling better.
    The striped bass is one of my favorite fish dishes and your version looks delish!
    Blessings, Catherine xo

  31. What a lovely dish....and what rotten luck with your ankle! So sorry! I know first hand how much that can hurt :(

    Thanks for sharing at the Hearth and Soul Hop :)

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. Get well soon! That was nice of them to bring food to you... it sure does look great.


  33. Elisabeth, sorry to hear about your sprained ankle. Take care of yourself and get well soon!!!

    Grilled Sea-bass looks scrumptious.

    Also, wanted to let you know that I finally made my Seasons greeting card/Award for all my blogger friends. And I would be glad If you have that too in your blog too.

    Loads of Love!!
