Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No Bake Raspberry, Cheesecake...and Hungarian Game Plan

I've been blogging for ten months now, and I came a long way, just like all the other food bloggers did. I made a lot of friends along the way, and I truly value everyone's friendship. The best part about blogging is, that every blog is unique, every post, food, desserts, are different...but we all contribute and have something beautiful and interesting to offer. As for me, I have never done a guest post...nor did I have someone guest posting for me.

As a matter of fact, it has not even crossed my mind, probably because...I never offered, although I was asked from a couple bloggers, but since I have not guest posted, it seemed awkward to start. I have not asked either for someone to guest post for me. So, how do you even get started on guest posting for someone?...and what is the purpose of it?

Is it to promote their blog?...or are you promoting yours! As for certain bloggers, it seems to work fine. When you guest post for a popular blogger, it benefits you, to get you on your "feet" if you just started blogging, to get more followers... but then...have all these bloggers been asked?...or do they ask the popular blogger if they can guest post for them?...Well, that gets me off the "hook" because I have never asked if I could guest post...and if I did...I could not say: "I've been asked, when that's not the case!

I'm linking this to: Bianca-Foodie Friday@ Little Brick Ranch

I made this cheesecake, and originally posted it on August, 25, 2010

I decided to cut this recipe out from the back of the Nabisco Grahams, but did not use the 8x8 square pan, instead I used my  8x8 removable sides Wilton cheesecake pan. Used less raspberries and my own marshmallow creme, from scratch.

No Bake Raspberry Marshmallow Cream Cheesecake

1 pkg. (6oz.) raspberries
8 Graham crackers (1/2 box) crushed in food processor
2 teaspoons sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 pkg. (8oz). light Philadelphia creme cheese at room temp.
1 jar  (7 oz) JET PUFFED Marshmallow cream, or
1 cup of home made marshmallow frosting/cream
grated zest of 1 lemon
juice of the same lemon, after grating
2 Tablespoons of seedless organic raspberry spread

Mix graham crackers sugar and melted butter. Press firmly with a back of a large spoon onto the bottom and up the sides, 1 inches in an 8x8 spring form pan. Chill, in refrigerator, until cream is assembled. In a large bowl, make marshmallow frosting, according to recipe. Take out 1 cup to use, and save the rest for frosting cup cakes, or cake, or divide recipe in half to use. Beat creme cheese and marshmallow frosting, adding zest of lemon, and juice. Beat until light and fluffy. Fold in half the raspberries, and gently swirl in the raspberry spread, Spread evenly over crust, and decorate with the remaining raspberries. Chill in refrigerator for at least 4 hours before serving. Makes about 8 servings.

I must say, something wonderful happened...because I received and invitation from a sweet Hungarian blogger friend, Kati @Makacska Konyhája who passed this invitation on to me. It just came at the right time, because of my ankle injury, I'm off the "hook" cooking for Easter...LOL

Thank you Kati...Köszönöm hogy gondoltál rám!

I have still yet to figure out why they call it a JÁTÉK=GAME...which is literally translated, as such. I think it's  more like  a TAG or a GAME PLAN... interesting, and fun, that would involve for each person that is tagged, to come up with 5-10 suggested MENU for EASTER. You have to upload these entrees, appetizers, desserts, from your previous posts with the photos, and link them back for the recipe.

After you did that, link it to 10 bloggers for the invitation to do the same! So here's the original game plan in Hungarian, from Kati. You can click on the TRANSLATE for it in English, but this is what the game is about, the way I explained it!

Húsvéti ajánlat

A következő játékra való felkérést kaptam...
A játék lényege:
Írj egy bejegyzést Húsvéti ajánlat címmel! Az ünnepre való tekintettel javasolj 5-10 ételt bármilyen kategóriában, egy feltétel van, hogy a korábban már közzétett receptjeid közül válogass!
Ha megkapod a játékot, akkor kérlek küldd tovább 10 bloggernek! De a játékot szabadon is "elviheted" nem kell megvárni, hogy hozzád is eljusson!:)
Játékra fel!!!

Én titeket hívlak játékra:

I am inviting you to play the TAG GAME: 

Barbara-Cucina di Barbara
Brenda-Brenda's Canadian Kitchen
Citra- Indonesian in Turkey
Katerina-Culinary Flavors
Lizzy-That skinny chick can bake!!!
Ping-Ping's Pickings
Roxana-A Little bit of Everything
Sandra-Sandra's Easy Cooking
Susi-Susi's Kochen und Backen
Wendy-The Weekend Gourmet

My Suggested Easter Menu, as follows:

Unfortunately I'm not a bread or rolls baker, although "every now and then " I do bake some yeast rolls, and even attempt to bake a simple bread in the bread machine. I've been pondering about not having a nice bread or rolls on my Easter Menu...
 and when I visited my dear friend Swathi's Zesty South Indian Kitchen blog, to comment,  I simply fell in love with her Real Garlic bread. She mentioned about the national Garlic Day, which was on April 19th...knowing I missed the Garlic Festival here locally, which is such a fun event, she went on to tell the story about her sweet grandmother, and the amazing mythical story in India about the garlic. 
I asked her if I can add her delicious, and perfect bread to my 
Easter Menu, and she was so gracious to oblige.  I really do not want to wait till next year to bake this beautiful loaf of bread,  since she has the step-by-step recipe with photos, right on her blog.

Now, I said I've never done a guest post, and I never asked any blogger to guest post for me..."never say never" me, this is better than a guest post, any time. I am featuring someone, who is talented, and a lovely hostess @Hearth and Soul Hop, which I also participate this is an honor for me to feature this gorgeous bread, and sink my teeth into...well, not just yet...maybe I can get Lora's mother in-law- to bake this before she goes back to Italy!

HAPPY EASTER to all my blogger friends...enjoy my Easter Menu...and break bread with your loved ones, and friends!!!

From appetizers, to  main course, and desserts:
Goat Cheese with Pistachios and Cranberries:
Moroccan Whole Chickpea Hummus:

 Greek Cucumber Salad: Tzatziki
 Bake Crab Cakes:
Hungarian Steaks, Smothered with Onions:...pickled beets, and mashed potatoes: Yumm! Real comfort food:D
Israeli Chopped Salad
Moroccan Spicy Shrimp:
Angel Food Cake with Fresh Strawberries, and below ...Cross-Country Oatmeal Cookies with chocolate chunks

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I dont know what to eat first but if I had to really pick it would be all the raspberries on that gorgeous cheesecake!

  2. Oh yes...the cheesecake is making me swoon. But the shrimp are really calling me. They look so good. Thank you for sharing your delicious meal tonight. I hope that the end of your week is full of peace and joy. Your words make me smile, week after week! As for guest bloggers? I have had people fill in for me during times of was amazing to see how many people offered. So touching.

  3. When I found out about no bake cakes a little while back I was completely thrilled it was really nice to find a new recipe for it! Thanks for sharing Elisabeth!
    Hope you are feeling better now..
    US Masala

  4. Delicious Easter Menu.....I just loved shrimps and beautiful cake.
    For the amazing Easter I wish you to be always healthy, happy and loved.
    Happy Easter Elisabeth!!!

  5. Such yummy dishes for Easter! I'm spoilt for choice now

  6. No bake cheesecake looks simply fabulous,fabulous menu for Easter, am drooling over that shrimps..

  7. Hello My dear Elizabeth ^_^ .. Actually I stop by to ur blog many times to see SOMETHING NEW that I always found here! ^_^
    To be frankly, I don't really familiar with 'easter' tradition, not in my original homeland Indonesia nor in Turkey :)))
    But since you invite me to join this interesting activity... well girl.. count me in ! :)) I'll just share what I got in my blog (and I hope you can give me a 'hint' which one are perfect ur 'easter' tradition ^_^)

  8. Do you think you could freeze a slice of that cheesecake and send it on my way! That is if there is any left. :)
    Your Easter menu looks good from top to bottom! I like all the different selections...nom nom nom

  9. YUM! Everything on this post looks delish! I love this Easter fun...I'll try to get a post ready later today :) Thanks so much for inviting me~

    PS...if I ever need a guest blogger, YOU are at the top of the list~

  10. Elisabeth, thank you so much for inviting me to play the tag game. Unfortunately, I'm leaving town in a couple of hours and won't be back until next week so I'm unable to play. I appreciate you thinking of me though. :o) I hope you have a wonderful Easter and I'll "see" to you next week!

  11. Elisabeth...where do I start?
    Your menu has me packing my bags and shortly you'll have an extra guest at your kind of food ;o)

    That no-bake cheesecake with homemade marshmallow creme and no geletin is certainly going to be tops on my to try list ;) I go on the limb...and my two cents on guest posting. Once I had decided to turn down a offer to guest post, that set the response for the rest of the offers. I let them down politely and even though I didn't need to explain my reasons, I did explain why after all simply because they considered me. Secondly, as much as it seems popular right now to do so...I do not particulary enjoy going to someone's place and get surprised with a blogger that I did not necessarily want to visit. After all, aren't our personal blogs our place and not the neighbours? way of thinking has made me slightly unpopular with some bloggers...and it's really too bad that the acceptance factor is not always respected nor understood...sigh.
    At the end, there are always consequences, but as long as you stay true to who you are, you can never go wrong. Afterall, your passion for great food and sharing is all that really matters ;o)

    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

  12. WHOA! I so very much want to eat this entire meal. I wouldn't share any of the hummus either. All mine! Thanks for the no bake cheesecake recipe! I love food that involves me NOT baking. :)

  13. Hi Elisabeth! Thanks for tagging me. Gosh, Easter isn't a big thing here so I've got to wrack my teeny brain and check out my collection of recipes to see what I can come up with. I haven't been blogging long, so the collection isn't very large. Anyway, I'll try my best! :D
    Hope your family is pampering you silly while you're hobbling around. Get well soon!
    The cheesecake and the menu looks real appetizing!

  14. Hello dear, thank you for tagging me:)) I don't have any menu for Easter, but will see what I can come up with and if I can in this short period of time haha
    That menu is just awesome..I just wish to reach through and grab some :)))

  15. your cheesecake looks divine! :)

    i just did a guest post yesterday for another blog and she asked me b/c we were pretty similar in terms of our outlook on food, nutrition, and blog focus! :)

  16. Hi Elizabeth, thanks for tagging me! This one along with your award I am going to post them next week since it is Easter here and things get pretty busy, but I promise I will do it next week for sure! Your cheesecake looks totally scrumptious and appetizing. Take care and thanks again for thinking of me!

  17. I am so glad you are enjoying my blog and recipes! This cheesecake looks like a piece of heaven. And my favorite is Raspberry!

  18. Igazán nemzetközi menüsort állítottál össze, és a málnás meg epres sütid... Hm... szívesen megkóstolnám most. És az előételed is nagyon tetszik, mikor lesz egy kis időm elolvasom a receptjét is nálad, tetszik. A translatort még nem sikerült letöltenem, de igyekszem, hogy a külföldiek is olvashassák a recepteket. Hátha találnak kedvükre valót. És köszönöm, hogy játszottál velem, velünk.

  19. Your no bake raspberry cheese cake looks awesome. Easter menu sounds delicious. If I ever post a guest post in my blog you are first in the list.

  20. I love no-bake desserts coz I never have an oven, and using microwave oven for baking is really limited. I got really excited finding out that this is no-bake!
    Oh my, seems like I'm getting a lot of food stuffs to try getting here in foodbuzz.. Just started today. :-)

  21. This looks amazing absolutely gorgeous yummy! Thank you So much for sharing with Hearth and Soul Hop

  22. oh my goodness Elisabeth, this is a feast!!! I love how you think if you could dream up the perfect feast....How I loooove mediterranean food. Every single bit of it looks mouthwatering!!!

    I truly am sorry to hear of your sprain :o( and prayers coming your way for a quick recovery!!

    Things are holding up here, I have been more exhausted then I ever have been in my entire life!! I guess having a 2 year old and a 1 year old and being pregnant have something to do with that, huh :o) - my energy levels have been maxing around 10% each day, I haven't had the energy to post a blog post in weeks, but am hoping now that I am entering the 2nd trimester this weekend that maybe I'll get a boost of energy!

    Wishing you a joyous Passover and Resurrection Sunday Celebration (Happy Rez Day as I like to say *wink*)

    hugs to you from New Mexico...

  23. Thanks for tagging me...we have family in town for Easter week, so I'm just now getting to sit down at my computer for a bit before bed. I'll get my menu posted later tonight...come check it out!

  24. Hi Elisabeth. The cheesecake looks superb. And your Easter menu is so mouthwatering.
    Regarding guest blogging, I never asked other blogs if I could write for them. Like you, I don't think I will ever ask.
    It's normally with invitations from blogger friends and I am well-flattered when receiving emails from them.

  25. Ha!! I PROMISE not to ask to guest post or have you guest post!! :)

    This cheesecake looks amazing. I love a good graham cracker crust!! This would be perfect for my Foodie Friday linky party - stop by this week and link up!

    If you have a sec, feel free to pop over now to enter my GIVEAWAY!

  26. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Cayman Style fish! I'm curious to see how it will turn out with salmon, can't wait to see it!

  27. Love your cheesecake and all the other items in the post.. They are all sooooo tempting...
    Bhalo Khabo

  28. hi Elisabeth

    your Easter menu is so exhaustive and utterly butterly delicious...i would grab those shrimps and tuck in huge chunks of the cheese cake...and everything else too :P

    Happy Easter!

    i read in Anna's blog that you're hobbling with a sprained ankle...ach! tht's painful and the wrongest time too...not tht any time is good for tht.

    houz Lora? hope she on the mend!

  29. Still looks amazing!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday.

    Oh, and if you haven’t done so already - don’t forget to pop on over to Little Brick Ranch to enter the Joey Totes Earth Day GIVEAWAY!!!

    **Bloggy Tip of The Day - Make sure you have an email address associated with your profile to make it easier for people to reply to your comments!! :) **

  30. Beautiful cheesecake....all those lovely, fresh raspberries. I do tend to lean towards the no bake cheesecakes for the speed factor, but I've never thought to incorporate marshmallow...this calls for some tinkering I think. :)

  31. Oh wow, everything looks wonderful!!! New follower with GFC.
    Come see me at

  32. That would be a lot of cooking which you know is not my strong suit. I didn't see the Honey Baked Ham which is what I'm cheesecake looks awesome though. Happy Easter.

  33. I was happy seeing the luscious cheesecake and then you went and surprised me with your wonderful Easter menu! What an incredible feast! Happy Easter!

  34. By the way, I've given you an award today over at Deep Dish :)

  35. You will be first on my list if I have guest posters, I hadn't thought too much about it either. Wasn't sure if it is helpful or not. I love your menu, and just wanted to wish you and your family A Very Happy Easter.

    That is truly the best thing about blogging, finding all the different ones with different recipes and ideas about food.


  36. Those Hungarian steaks sound wonderful. In fact, I think I have gained 10 pounds just thinking about all of that lovely food!

  37. wow the cheesecake and with so many raspberries!! Who could ever resist it!
    Happy Easter!

  38. Have a fabulous Easter! Thank you for all your kindness... you have a wonderful buffet here!

  39. Thanks Elisabeth for including the garlic bread in Easter menu. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  40. Your cheesecale sounds wonderful an easy to do. I've been blogging for about 2-1/2 years now and I'm not sure why most folks are interested in guests posts. I think it is designed as a way to fill a void when one blogger can't post (i.e. vacation) and another can step in. In theory the guest poster picks up followers and the the host loses none. This might work if you're asked to guest post on one of the super popular sites. I'm not so sure it works with other. This is just an opinion, mind you.I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Blessings...Mary

  41. I'm back to wish you a happy, blessed Easter! I hope you can keep your foot up for most of the day and savor the time with your wonderful family! xoxo

  42. Aldott Húsvéti Ünnepeket kívánok!

  43. I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter! Sorry that I wasn't able to participate in this fun event. I was out of town to visit my granddaughter, and I have bee "blogged" down, (pun intended) getting ready for the Online Bake Sale, May 2nd, lots of administration, but soo worth it.

  44. I really liked your write-up for the no bake cake.

    Please visit my site if time permits.

  45. Yum! Sounds great! I want a piece. Thanks for sharing!


  46. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you for adding me on Foodbuzz. You have an amazing course of meals here! Nice to meet you!

    Nami @ Just One Cookbook (

  47. Elisabeth, I've been recently busy with some home repairs and couldn't spend as much time as I would like to with you my friends, but now I will try to catch up quickly :))

    And I am so eager to try your No Bake Raspberry Cheesecake - it looks absolutely awesome!!! OMG :) and your Goat Cheese with Pistachios and Cranberries alsooooo!!!

  48. What a feast! I have never prepared a no-bake cheesecake but have though about several time...looks fantastic!
    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter
