Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cayman Fish...and a Collage of Awards

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. Spring is hear, and so is Passover, and Easter. Actually, Passover ends tomorrow at sundown. We had a very nice and relaxing Easter Sunday at my daughter's with her in-laws who will be going back to Italy, but before they go back, on Wednesday, Teresa was cooking up a storm for Easter...but before I get into that, there's something even more exciting that I want to share with you, is this amazing fish dish, from the Grand Cayman Island, by a recently befriended blogger, by the name of Parsley Sage...sorry, I never did ask for her real first name, I figure if they want to let you know what their real name is, they would have told you so it's all right, after all it's such a cute name...maybe I should have picked Rosemary Thyme for my name on my blog,

I also like that name. Parsley Sage has such a cool and refreshing blog called The Deep Dish and she actually lives on Grand Cayman Island...and here I thought in the beginning that she is just visiting the island. When I saw her making this delicious fish with peppers, and onions, and island spices, I immediately fell in love with this colorful and yummy fish...knowing that I did have everything on hand, including fresh Salmon, but not the fish that she recommended. Also, I used scotch bonnet, and sweet peppers, shallots, and sweet onions, and I'll tell you, those scotch bonnets will set your mouth on "fire" no matter how you are trying to tone it down. Now for the recipe, you will just have to click over toThe Deep Dish blog, to find it!
Just think, you don't even have to travel to the Cayman Island, or even to West Palm Beach...on the beach, where I live, to get this authentic island recipe...I did a few minor adaptations to the dish, but over all, it was superb, over a bed of rice.

I'm linking the Cayman Fish to the gracious hosts @ Hearth and Soul #45
Thanking all of them for hosting this fun, event, to share, every Tuesday...so link up with them!

                                   The Hearth and Soul Hop Team!
The Hearth and Soul Hop Hub

...also, I have an exciting announcement to make re: my 300th follower on my
food blog (not to mention on the other 54)
Shelby, from Yum de la Yum  isn't that such an adorable, name for a blog?
You just have to check out her blog and try not to get hypnotized by her amazing decadent chocolate cake, before you bookmark, and copy her recipe!

I'm linking my Cayman Fish to Full Plate Thursday, 4-28-2011 
@ Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Just a little addition to Melinda's Mom's Sunday Cafe  "What We are not Eating on Wednesday"...surprise, surprise! When was the last time you had Glazed Tongue, in Aspic?...Yumm, or Yuk...Ughhh!

Start out with a 5lb beef tongue boil it for 3hrs, peel skin, refrigerate overnight...slice thin, then proceed with the gelatine to make the aspic...does this bring back fond memories from about 30 years ago?...original McCall's recipe...I think I'll skip this one!!!

I'm going to show you step-by-step photo directions.
I have my salmon fillet ready to marinade, Have my
extra virgin olive oil ready, my tomatoes sauce, sweet and hot peppers, tomotes to dice, shallots, and half of a large onions to slice. The recipe did not call for olive oil, but I used half olive oil, and half butter which is how I cook fish.

This is how I started out too, marinade fish in water, in a deep glass dish, add fresh lime juice, and lime slices, sea salt, and freshly ground pepper, and marinade for 15 minutes.

In a large preheated cast iron skillet, I added the 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, and the butter that the recipe calls for, along with red pepper flakes, and the lime slices.

Add the fish first, skin side down, and cook over medium high heat, then turn over, and cook for an addition 2 to 3 minutes.

Remove the fish to a plate, and let it rest, until you're ready to add it back int the skillet when vegetables are cooking.

Add the sliced onions, peppers, and saute them together until they start to get soft, and the onions start to look golden. Takes only a few minutes


Add the dice tomatoes, and stir together, gently.Add sea salt, and freshly ground pepper.

Add 1/4 cup tomato sauce, and stir together.

I'm a little daring because not only did I use fresh scotch bonnet pepper, I added a few drops of the crushed scotch bonnet pepper sauce, as well...hot!

The best part, is adding a splash of the famous Key West Lime Juice...all natural, no preservative!

Also, I parted the pepper-tomato mixture to one side, and added the salmon carefully in chunks, right into the skillet. Mix gently together with the vegetables and cook for no longer than about 3-5 minutes, till heated through and gently incorporated. Serve over a white rice, or pasta if you like.

Enjoy...and so I thought I did, until the phone rang, and I put the plate down on my coffee table to get my cell phone which I left in the other room...I hobbled out there without my walker, and  when I returned within a minute  or two...somebody wanted to enjoy my yummy fish, as well.
My fair "Prince" ...who is 18yrs old, and supposedly on his "deathbed" according to my Vet, lately has been wanting to eat salmon, and chicken...people food. Not just any old people food, but nice fish, salmon, white meat chicken, cooked ground sirloin, white albacore tuna, and rarely wants to eat his beloved "fancy feast"...even been buying
Paul Newman's organic, but sticks his nose up at it. Since he pulled this piece of salmon off my plate, I put it on his dish, crumbled up, so he can eat it easier. He even licked his plate.
So, I scraped off the rest of my food, changed plates, and finished my delicious Cayman Fish...and gazed out the window,  from my condo apartment, from the second floor, watching the palm trees swaying in the gentle warm April breeze!

So now, on to the awesome award I received from  Parsley Sage@Deep Dish. She is such a cool, and pretty red haired young lady, with such amazing vitality for the island life, and her love of seafood....she brings such joy, and pleasure, just browsing through her blog, I feel the energy... and her enthusiasm and  adventures with other people on the island. Must be awesome to live on Grand Cayman Island....although, I should not be complaining about my home in S. Florida.

Thank you so much for this most amazing collage of awards...8 in 1...Wow! I never received anything like this. I will pass this one on, and link it, tomorrow... it's such an honorable award to receive!

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  1. Hi Liz, that looks really yummy. Love the ingredients that add colour to the dish.

  2. I love the step by step instructions here, even if I don't eat fish (though my hubby does so I will so this to him). I bet that scotch bonnet sauce is awesome...wish we had such things here! But then again the lack of it forces us to make our own, which is a good thing too!

  3. Very inviting cayman fish,simply fantastic..

  4. Wow that looks amazing! I love all the bright colors in it. Definitely a beautiful dish.

  5. this dish absolutely make me hungry! *Nyum!
    and check my blog.. I have 'something' for U dear :)

  6. That's a lot of awards in one...lol..Congrats. That fish looks really good but I wondered how your cat liked the scotch bonnet sauce.

  7. Congrats on the awards! Does the marinade act like a brining and firm up the fish? Your dinner looks lovely, lovely enough to share!

  8. Én nem szeretem halat,illetve szeretném,csak a baj az,hogy többször akadt a torkomon szálka,és íziben rohannom kellett a gégészetre,nem kívánom senkinek,azóta nincs az az esemény amiért halat tennék a számba.Viszont a többi a köret jöhet!!!

  9. Questa ricetta è buona per mio padre...lui è un pescatore accanito sempre in cerca di nuove idee per cucinare dentice, cernia e "capone" (mahi mahi): la proviamo!

  10. HA! Prince has excellent taste! That's so cool. And girl, you are BRAVE with that scotch bonnet! I love the little additions you made and I've totally made the notes to my recipe. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with Cayman Style Fish and all the kind compliments!

  11. Hi, Elizabeth. It is a beautiful way to make fish. Thanks for tagging me again. I apologize but I couldn't find the time to play the game yet as we had a death in the family. Please let me know if I can still play it or it was just for Easter!Take care!

  12. Lilla-Tu sei cosi fortunato ad ad avere tutto-cio che de pesce e fresco dalla di tuo padre!
    (Lilla's father is a keen fisherman who catches all kinds of fish, like snapper, grouper, and Mahi-mahi...wow!:DDD

    Donnie-My cat didn't eat the salmon with the scotch bonnet sauce-I caught him in time, and rinsed the fish with clear water before I crumbled it, and served it to him...forgot to mention that...LOL

    Mellisina2-thinks the fish bones will get caught in her throat and that's why she doesn't want to eat fish anymore...she had that experience before. (she needs to come to Florida to try our fresh fish...no small bones)
    Sajnálom, hogy ez történt veled, igérem a Floridai halnak nincsenek pici szurós csontjai!

    Katerina-and all who I tagged, and was not able to feature your Easter Menu-now would be a good time to do it, after Easter...sorry if I left others out from the tagging, was not sure how this would work out!

  13. Fish looks awesome dleicious,back home both cat and dogs eat whatever food they make in home. Not the store bought one as here. Congrats on your awards. Thanks for linking to Hearth and soul blog hop.

  14. Oh my looks so good, it almost makes me want to ignore the fact that I have seafood allergies and just dive in!

  15. You are building such a sense of community with posts like these. I love your very generous nature. That fish dish looks amazing. So many colors and that wonderful flavor. I am so looking forward to moving to FL this summer so I can get my hands of fresh seafood!

  16. The salmon looks superb Elisabeth! Who could resist? I have to tone down the chilli a bit for me though :) Prince is brave.
    Congrats on the award.. that is really cool.

  17. ooo i like the water marinade idea with lime and spices~~~ the dish looks very tasty!

  18. Lizzie, I got so distracted going to all your links that I forgot to post :) Congratulations on yet another well deserved award...you are such a dear friend to us bloggers! I am next off to Parsley Sage's blog...to see another rendition of this fabulous fish dish...so glad Prince got a nibble. You are such a good mama to your fur baby! xo

  19. Wow these are some awards Congrats! That fish is exquisite have had this type in the Caymen Island style... she knows her food there!

  20. Beautiful dish...it looks so yummy! Glad to hear you had another piece after your cat got to it :) Congrats on the awards!

  21. This recipe looks incredibly delicious! I love the color, but I am a wimp and would have to tone down the heat just a tad. :) Thanks for sharing your post with the Hearth and Soul Hop. And thank you also for sharing the Hearth and soul Hop with your readers!

    BTW, I am 301. Congrats on the milestone!

  22. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you for your kind commnents on my website, and nice to meet you! Wow this is such a beautiful dish! I like citrus flavor and when you added the lime juice I was so ready to eat this delicious food! Thank you for sharing!

    Nami @ Just One Cookbook (http://justonecookbook.com/blog/)

  23. A delicious, fresh dish as always Elisabeth :)

    I received your book today! I'm looking forward to reading it and so is my fiance. You must be so proud of your son! Please tell him thank you.

    Cheers and hugs to you and your family


  24. I am honored to be your 3ooth!! You have an amazing blog that I look forward to reading every update ;)

  25. Hello, just dropping by to say I am sharing this recipe on my Wednesday post wandering links. thanks!

  26. Hello Elisabeth,
    I hope you had a wanderful Easter with your family.
    Here we have finally summer time (almost)
    Have a nice day,

  27. wow Can't tell your prince is already 18 years old!!
    I love your salmon too, eps. it's prepared with so many colourful dilicious veggies.
    p.s Ramsons is mainly used as a herb. According to wiki, it's wild relative of chives.

  28. looks amazing! fish with onions and peppers - so yum! thanks to parsley sage and the cayman islands for this recipe. I loved the crystal blue waters when I was there but never tasted anything as yummy as this looks!

  29. Sounds like a sizzlin hot dish but sweet as well with the peppers and onions. I like hot food and would love to give it a try sometime. If I set my dish down on the coffee table my 6 month old german shepherd would have probably inhaled most of it :)

  30. Nem rossz ötlet,Florida!!!! Rajta leszek!!!:):):):)de nem biztos,hogy menni fog a hal evés!!!:(:(:(:(

  31. Your fish dish sounds amazimg, with all of those colorful peppers, even the hot ones. I don't do "hot food" very well, so I would have to temper the peppers a bit. Gorgeous pics.

    I saw your walker in the background of one of the pics. Hope that your ankle is getting better.

    Congratulations on the awesome award!

  32. Thanks for visiting my blog dear :)

  33. Your salmon sounds wonderful though I'll take a pass on the Scotch Bonnet. You are very brave. I hope you had a great day. Blessings...Mary

  34. Hope you're recuperating well with your sprained ankle. So glad you had a lovely Easter! Love the salmon dish..I would have to pass on the Scotch Bonnet!! Not much for hot and spicy!! It looks scrumptious!

  35. Ciao Bella!!!
    How are you??:-))
    è sempre un piacere passare da te sul tuo bel blogghino...sempre foto e ricette meravigliose..e anche il micio è troppo carino,complimenti!!!
    Un abbraccio forte

  36. Hey Elisabeth,

    Thanks so much for the mention and follow... For now I can only imagine the incredible flavors in that salmon recipe. Wow!

    Love your site and am number 302..


  37. I love this post and the photos are beautiful...I would just let Prince eat anything he wants to...he deserves it!!!

  38. I saw this recipe on Parsley Sage's blog. I just recently discovered her blog and have been enjoying it. I smiled at your remark about the scotch bonnet peppers. Many years ago, I naively chopped them with out covering my hands, and proceeded to rub my eyes, and wipe my mouth. I was on fire for what seems days (laugh).

    Awesome post.


  39. Your Prince is just like my Sushi...turn away at your own risk. LOL

    Elisabeth, the salmon dish sounds perfect...as perfect as the awards that you've recieved for all the dedication you forward towards sharing great prepared dishes.

    Hope you're doing better...walker be gone!

    Ciao for now,

  40. Elisabeth, this is such a wonderful dish...bright and flavorful! Congratulations on the awards :)

  41. Hi Elizabeth,
    I want to move to your area, so I can smell the wonderful aroma's that must come from your kitchen. I just love to come to your kitchen and check out what your cooking, it is always out of this world, just like this fish. It is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!
