Friday, April 29, 2011

Teresa's Zucchini Quiche, and More!

Now that Teresa and Domenico (my daughter's in-laws) departed for Italy, it's been real quiet at my daughter's household...not that they were noisy, but a lot of cooking and baking going on, a lot of "hustle and bustle"...only Italian language heard.

I went there yesterday, to help organize all the many frozen and canned items she made to last for several months. We all miss them, and our Italian language has improved a lot...LOL

Since I attempted to make my last dish, which was the Cayman Fish, I must say I have not cooked anything, because every day my son comes over to the beach to go surfing at lunch time, before he goes to his classes at the local University, working for his Masters degree.

He brings me so much food, all ready to be re-heated, that's all I have to do...literally.
My ankle is improving tremendously, I don't even have to use the walker any's folded up, and will be donated to Goodwill. My diagnosis is all blood clots, no vascular problems...just had to see my chiropractor, because my back, my shoulders, my neck was all "out of line"...a few cracks of the ribs, and everything is back to normal...but I'm still just "tippy toeing" on that foot, time, all will heal!

Getting back to the Quiche, which is part of the Easter tradition, whether it's in a pie form, filled with meats, or just vegetarian, and most of the time, filled with generous amount of grated cheese of your choice. Different regions of Italy, have different traditions, but they all agree that the use of the eggs are the real purpose, for the use of the Easter Pie...Pastiera...or Quiche, even pizza is considered as part of the tradition, especially, in Naples. Teresa made this beautiful Zucchini Quiche, also 2 kinds of pastas, one vegetarian, and a mostaccioli with little meat balls, mozzarella cheese, chopped hard boiled eggs, and with her homemade tomato sauce...amazing.
I want to share my recipe to the quiche which was quite similar to this quiche...the only difference is that this quiche was made with puff pastry dough, but my recipe which I use...and "tried and true" every time, is a Mark Bittman's recipe, for both the Quiche, and the crust!

Here's the recipe that I use for the Quiche: You can add sauteed vegetables, and/or diced ham, crumbled bacon, or, crumbled cooked sausage if you like...the choice is yours.

Basic Cheese Quiche
How to Cook Everything, by Mark Bittman

1 Recipe Generous Pie Shell, or Rich Tart Crust, without sugar,
in a 10-inch tart pan, or 9 inch tart pan, or a 9 inch deep pie pan-chilled

6 eggs, at room temperature
2 cups grated Emmenthal, Gruyere, Cantal, Cheddar,
or other flavorful cheese
2 cups cream half-and-half, or milk, gently heated, just until warm
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Prick the crust all over with a fork. Line it with tin foil
and weight the bottom with a pile of dried beans. Bake 12 minutes. Remove from the oven
and carefully remove the weights, and foil, and turn the oven to 325 degrees F.

Combine eggs, cheese, liquid, and seasonings and beat until well blended.
Place the baked crust on a baking sheet. Pour the egg mixture into the crust, right to the top.
Carefully transfer the baking sheet to the oven and bake 30 to 40 minutes, until the mixture
is set, but is still moist; it should still jiggle just a little in the middle. Cool on a rack and serve
warm, or at room temperature. Serves 6-8.

Not too "shabby"...this gorgeous Lamb Shank, made by son-in-lawExecutive Chef  Fabrizio... over a bed of basic Risotto...(Melt in your mouth)...Sinfully delicious, and beautiful!  He made 8 of these, and this is supposed to be a portion for 1, no way!...(enough for 4 servings)
Pasta al Forno, made by Teresa, Fabrizio (son-in-law's mom)...Baked Rigatoni, with homemade tomato sauce (from real tomatoes-not canned)...with tiny meatballs, chopped hard boiled eggs, and the most amazing combination of cheeses. Yumm!!!
Teresa's Italian Fig Cookies...proudly holding the tray... by my sweet granddaughter Sophia (requested not to take her photo)...OK, LOL, just the platter, Sop

Lora sitting on left, m-in-law Teresa, f-in-law Domenico, hubby, Fabrizio...enjoying a nice Easter Sunday "early bird" my daughter, and son-in law's house!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Now I really miss my mom looking at all these entree's... She always used boil egg and her Region made and cooked many of the same wonderful dishes here.. I wish I was there to sample all of this! Thank the good lord your doing better.. that's so nice of you to donate that walker there are so many unfortunate people who can't afford to help themselves in time of need! God Bless you!

  2. Looks like you had a great day filled with fabulous food and family. Perfect. Please take it easy on your foot and ankel.

  3. I totally enjoy reading your post as I get to learn a lot about food as well as I enjoy reading about you n your family and how you guys have a lot of fun :)
    I need to have a giant slice of that delightful gorgeous zucchini quiche- I'm going to be craving this all day:)
    US Masala

  4. wow everything looks delicious!!! post the recipe for those fig cookies! reminds me of fig newton cookies :D

  5. Would love to have that gorgeous quiche,love zucchini in quiche along with potatoes...Wonderful foods..

  6. Wonderful dishes! Each and every one. Thanks so much for the quiche recipe. I've never attempted quiche before but hopefully one day I'll be successful. Glad to hear your ankle is getting better :)

  7. Love that quiche! Eveything looks so very good. Nice to be with family during holidays. Hope your ankle is good as new soon!

  8. Quiche looks awesome. Glad to hear that you don't need any walker now. Take care. looks like you had a wonder time with family. I always love the Mark bittman's cooking simple and tasty.

  9. Élvezetes,szórakoztató,és étvágygerjesztő a blogod kedves Erzsi!!!Remélem teljesen rendbe jössz!!!Jövök emailben!!!

  10. Gotta love that Teresa!! Can they stay with me next time?? I could use some time off from the kitchen and my Italian is nonexistent!!

    Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday. I hope to see you again next week!!

  11. awesome d fascinating clicks...:)
    Tasty Appetite

  12. Glad you are starting to feel better. Love zucchini quiche, my mom made them all the time when we were growing up. Hope you have a great weekend.

  13. Always nice to have people who appreciate good food around. And that lamb shank? Sheesh! I could hv finished that all by my self .... oink. Yum!

  14. So glad to hear you're on the mend! That glorious food had to have helped the healing process! It looks like a wonderful time you had. (Wish I was back in Florida, although I really think spring may be coming to PA pretty soon. It's almost May, my lilacs want to bloom!)

  15. Lizzie, so good to hear you're healing!!! Good riddance to your walker...hope you're 100 before you need one again! Now, on to the delicious food...I think I could get my family to eat zucchini with such a fabulous quiche! If not, I'd just eat a lovely slice every day for lunch till it was gone. Boy, can your family cook...and they all do it SO well. As always, I enjoy your beautiful family...thanks for sharing them with us. You are blessed :)

  16. Eli, nice to know that you are recovering! Love your early bird dinner :-)) The lamb looks so delectable!

  17. I'm so glad to meet you Elizabeth and to learn that you lived near Agrigento...what a small world. You cook Italian food better than I, I grew up in New York so I prefer American food:) This quiche looks so delicious, it's a great idea for zucchini, my daughter won't eat them but she loves quiches so this is a good way to make her eat them. Best regards from Trapani! I'll go and follow your daughter now.

  18. How fun! Looks like a lovely Easter, sharing gorgeous dishes. I am really loving that quiche. Looks full of veggies and flavor. I have always wondered about trying a flour-less crust.. My veggies and additions of choice would be asparagus and prosciutto for sure!

  19. Hi Elizabeth, sorry to read (and see) about your ankle, believe me I've done the same thing myself but eventually it improves;-)
    I came by earlier today but didn't have a chance to comment so now after Tball(grandchildren) a walk and golf I'm back;-)
    I made quiche last night for dinner so I'm in the quiche mode and I'm telling you that your zucchini quiche is absolutely luscious looking;-)
    I will try a quiche with zucchini next time, thanks for inspiration!

  20. Hi Elizabeth,I'm glad your ankle is healing well..Thank you for posting this really tasty recipe,it looks really delicious! Take good care of yourself!!

  21. Elisabeth, I was happy for your diagnosis to be positive, however, I do admire what a trooper you've been, especially with a few kinks that your body still has to deal with.

    About taking a break from cooking and having others spoil that a problem?!? LOL

    The food looks wonderful, even though the kiddies are still not at the appreciative veggie dish level yet ;o)

    Here's wishing you a healthy, relaxing week for you mind, body and soul ;)

    Ciao for now,

  22. Elizabeth,
    I'm so glad that your ankle is better and you are on the mend! such a good sign that the walker is folded up. Just take it easy, because your ankle is weak!

    Love this quiche, and I have never had zucchini in it before. I'll have to try it sometime, after the Bake Sale is over.

  23. Elisabeth, it's so nice to hear you're on the road to recovery with your ankle. The quiche looks scrumptious. I'm a big fan of Mark Bittman's simple approach to cooking.
    We were away for Easter, so I missed out on all the tradtional Italian goodies served at Easter. I'll have to settle for the photos of your amazing feast. Take care and have a great week.

  24. I'm glad the ankle is getting better. Your quiche really looks and sounds delicious. It is perfect for a lighter spring meal. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  25. Wonderful pics....everything looks so tasty.

  26. Elizabeth, So glad to hear your leg is healing. Such good news to know you don't need the walker any more. Hope you continue to improve. Take care of yourself. Your Easter photos are amazing! Beautiful food! Love the quiche and the pasta..Yum!!

  27. I think I would just about kill for one of those right now!

  28. Elisabeth, I do hope your ankle is getting fine, dear friend of mine!!!

    And your zucchini quiche looks amazingly tasty!! Oh, and so many beautiful photos again :) you are just great!!!

  29. What a wonderful quiche! Thank you for sharing with Cookbook Sundays, and please come to visit again!

  30. Thanks for joining me at Create With Joy - your recipes look FAB! I will have to try your Zuchinni Quiche - I have a variation of Quiche Lorraine currently posted at my site you may also enjoy!

    I am following back and look forward to more yumminess from you!


  31. Everything looks so delicious!! I've never put zucchini in a quiche, but I'm going to remember that for when we have a bazillion zucchinis from the garden this summer!

  32. everything looks soo soo good! Your family is gorgeous, and food delicious..I love this post!!!!!

  33. Looks like a wonderful day, and gorgeous quiche...lovely :)

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