Monday, May 2, 2011

Chocolate Chip Biscotti to bid on... Becky's Bake Sale

Today is a very important's the day of the Bake Sale!

Becky @ Baking and Cooking-A Tale of Two Loves 

is hosting for a very important cancer drive, for the American Cancer Society. There are at least 27 ...31 participants...including myself, to contribute some really awesome baked goods. Almost, a year ago, just about 11 months ago, when I first started my blog, I made my Chocolate Chip Biscotti and posted the recipe, as well. Becky has posted that photo of my biscotti, which really did not look as great with my old camera, not to mention the biscotti was done, quite mediocre.

Now, just look, I baked these yummy biscottis, even with my sprained ankle, which is healing very braces, no walker, just ace bandage on it...still can't stand on it completely, but I have to start little by little. It's such an honor to do this, and I'm ready to ship the biscotti, carefully wrapped, to the person that has the highest bid on it. All 2 dozen, with Nestle's chocolate chips folded inside, and drizzled with more chocolate, of the same kind, melted down.

Actually, if I were to sell these...which I have done so, in the past, it would cost $1.50-$2.50...each, depending on the size...multiply even, $1.50 times 24 would still cost $36.00.
Becky is starting the bidding, at $15.00 on all the what are you waiting for? Check out her blog, and bid on 1 or two selections, from all the talented bakers from our Foodies...and Foodbuzz Community friends. It is for a tremendous cause to save lives, and honor the ones who have lost their lives to cancer. Becky has worked so hard on this project. Please do visit her, and bid on your favorite. As for me...I'm ready to ship this out to the person who has won the bidding!
Thank you, for participating!

Good News: The Bake Sale will still be on till e-mail note, from Becky!

Hi everyone!

I have decided to leave the Bake sale open for another day! There are many items that haven't received bids.  All of you were wonderful to participate and Bake for the Bake Sale.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Now, if you wouldn't mind spreading the word that the bake sale will remain open another day. and definitely close tomorrow at 9PM EST.
Becky Higgins

Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves

Here's the e-mail address to bid...bidding starts at $15.00

I'm linking my Chocolate Chip Biscotti to: Tuesday Night Supper Club, #39 @Fudge Ripple 
 also to:  Heart and Soul Hop#46
and, to: Foodie Wednesday @Daily Organized Chaos
 and, also to: What's on the Menu Wednesday @Dining with Debbie

Chocolate Chip Biscotti
my own adaptation from 3 different sources
"tried and true, many times over"

You start out with preheating oven to 350 degrees F.
Take out 2 bowls, 1 medium, and one large.
In medium bowl crack 2 eggs, and 2 egg whites
1 cup sugar, 3 Tbsp. vegetable, or canola oil, 1 pat-Tbsp. unsalted butter, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
With a wire whisk, mix all these ingredients together, until well combined. Do not over whisk.

In the large bowl, combine, 3 cups all purpose unbleached flour, 1/4 C. cornstarch, 1/4 C. ground corn meal. 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mix in the wet ingredients, and with a wooden spoon mix lightly, and add about 1 cup chocolate chips, to fold in. Do not over mix, and this should be done by hand...actually the whole process electric mixer. Dough should look like this, kind of course, and mealy.

On a floured surface, work the dough together, adding
flour on the board, or surface to work better. Divide
dough in half, and shape into 2 logs, patting it down gently, to stretch, to about 12x 3 inches each, it's OK
if the logs are not exactly the same.

Score the dough diagonally, or straight, but don't cut through. Score about 1/2 inch apart. (I didn't have a ruler to measure) this is how they look.

Bake the logs for 25 minutes...this is how they look fresh out of the oven. Take the logs out of the baking pan, and let it rest on the board, or counter surface, for about 5 minutes, before cutting them.

Be sure to use parchment paper to line bake pan, letting it over lap a few inches.

Cut through carefully on the marked spot, they don't have to be exactly on the spot as in the photo, I had to alter it a little.

Now place them back on the baking pan flat side  down, in the same order, and bake for 10 sure to lower the temperature down to 325 degrees F.

After they are baked on one side, flip them over on the other side, and bake again, for 10 minutes.

Now, here comes the best part. Take 1 C. of chocolate chips (semi-sweet)...! Tbsp. of Crisco shortening, and place in a microwave proof bowl, and melt, for 1 minute, stir, and melt for an additional minute. Total, about 2 minutes, maybe a few seconds more. Not longer, or the chocolate will shrink up, and harden.

Stir it till smooth, and with a small funnel pour into a plastic bottle with a tip...forget the plastic bag, with a little corner snipped...they never work right. You can purchase these plastic bottles at Wal-Mart, for 99cents.
Start from one end to drizzle, right on the baking pan with the parchment paper lining.
Now don't be "shy" have exactly 1 hour to bid...and I will ship to you 2 dozen of these very same biscottis, tomorrow, to enjoy, and you know in your heart you did a MITZVOT....a GOOD DEED!
Now, I have to prop up my foot again...because I've been on it too long!
God Bless!!!

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  1. Oh my....Elisabeth, this look awesome. If I make them, I'll eat them all. Thank you so much for the recipe :)

    Have a great week and may you feel better soon.

  2. Hope you feel better these looks fabulous!

  3. Ouch, do relax, and take care of that foot! Your biscotti looks fabulous! Great tutorial.

  4. I want these too! I might have to buy everything it all looks so good. Thank you if it was you that bid on my cookies. I'm so glad we can all help Becky and I'm so glad she is keeping it open longer.

  5. I don't suppose I'll get to eat those even if I bid? Sigh, maybe I should consider moving and join my brother in Pensacola.

  6. Your post reminded me of the big jars of biscotti we used to buy from our local Costco - haven't bought in a while though and this looks like a fabulous recipe with all the sinful chocolate drizzle n your perfect explanation and I love baking anyway - Just perfect :)
    US Masala

  7. I did good on the goodies I selected for my bid, oh yum, I'll keep an eye on this to make sure no one else sneaks in there;-) Becky is going to keep the auction open for one more day but I really hope I get your biscotti;-)

  8. these look superb! And that too u made these with a sprained ankle... hope u get well soon

  9. Questi biscotti sono irresistibili! Come sempre bravissima :)

  10. Wow they look really nice! All the chocolate on top makes these biscotti extra yummy. Good luck with the bake sale!

  11. Elizabeth Thanks for the huge shout out and your beautiful new pic of these yummy biscotti. I will post the picture soon. I appreciate all of your help and support so much!

  12. OMG..! *drolling
    and the picture also great, make them even scrumptious on my comp ...^_^

  13. OMG, Elisabeth, your biscotti are awesome - the ones to kill for :)!! I love all the chocolate there and your pics are so stunning!!!

  14. Még sosem készítettem, ezek viszont nagyon szépek lettek

  15. such yum looking biscotti- have bookmarked the recipe and best wishes to your bake sale !

  16. ahhhhh i love biscottis + chocolate! my favorite is with almond extract! this looks delicious!!! yes, i hope the bake sale goes well!

  17. HAvent prepared biscottis since a long,very addictive and addictive biscotti..

  18. Jól néz ki ez a keksz, remélem sikerül vele több pénzt gyűjteni.

  19. Elisabeth, the biscottis look absolutely heavenly. Get well soon :)

  20. Ooh, these look delish! I may have to go and outbid somebody for these :)

  21. hi elisabeth...your biscotti is gorgeous...and for such a beautiful cause. i best get to the bidding site! thank you for linking these to tuesday night supper club and welcome to the party! i'm your newest follower too :)

  22. wow Eli, those biscotti look terrific! You know what? I would have possibly finished some before they were brought to the Bake Sale. ;-)) So tempting!

  23. Wow! Those look really good, I feel like grabbing a piece. Thanks for sharing them with us! Have a great day!

  24. Oh my, Elisabeth! That's so mouth watering! I'm sure it will be a hit on the bake sale!
    Thanks for dropping by Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner! Following you now via GFC & Twitter!
    Have a nice day!

  25. Chocolate chips biscotti looks awesome delicious.

  26. OMG !!! this is the second post on biscotti I am drooling over , now I have to make me some , these look gorgeous Elisabeth

  27. The biscotti look delectable Elisabeth! Glad you doing well!

  28. these biscotti look so heavenly...I have never made biscotti, but you make me want to give it a try - this is such a worthy cause, and I love the idea of these online bake sales...I was just telling Chef D why is it that everyone knows someone who has struggled with or is struggling with cancer....sigh....these fundraisers are so important. God Bless you now and always

  29. Oh my your biscotti look amazing! wonderful pictures too! I am glad you are helping with the bake sale!!!

  30. Hi Elisabeth,
    I put your cookies in the mail today, I do hope you get them soon and that the post man doesn't rough them up too much. He He
    Thank you again for buying them, it means a lot to me.

  31. What beautiful biscotti - and for a wonderful cause! I am glad you linked this to the Hearth and Soul Hop!

  32. Your recipe looks delicious and bless you for participating in such a worthy cause!

  33. I'm sorry that I missed these! They look delicious, and I'm sure they were scooped up quickly! This is such a great cause. :)

  34. Such a great cause your helping with, I'll head over and see what the bidding is all about. Wonderful biscotti recipe. Biscotti is probably my favorite treat with coffee. Sending healing wishes to you. Have a great weekend!

  35. Oh, I guess it's over. I was away earlier this week so I missed it :-( Hopefully next time!

  36. These look fabulous! Sorry I missed the bake sale...sure that it did wondrously :)

  37. Húú, ez nagyon finom. Egy jó nagy pohár habos kakaót mellé, egy nyugágyat, és heverészés. Vagyis hízás.

  38. I love biscotti though I dont make it nearly often enough! I love the idea of chocolate chip! :)
