Friday, May 6, 2011

Coconut Chocolate Brandy Crackles...and Awards

I was browsing through Konstant Kraver @ The Sweet Tooth Chronicles
blog last week, and I happened to bump into this yummy dessert...which is a "no bake"...and oh, so easy to make. With the permission of Konstant Kraver. I befriended Konstant Kraver through Foodbuzz, a while back, and have been admiring her's/his gorgeous and fun desserts, but lost touch, even though we are following each other's blogs. If you do not comment on another's blog, chances are they will not comment on yours, either.

There's way too many food blogs out there and sometimes it's hard to keep up. I'm one of those people that like to make friends easily, but as the saying goes..."it takes two to tango"...if  they don't want to continue, there's nothing you can do to force the issue. Again, I have to mention the Guest Post issue...if this is a guest post, then it's "an animal of a different breed"...because, I don't require my guests to do anything or make anything other than what catches MY EYE...and ask them if I could feature that on my blog, and mention their blog, of course. It's that easy!

They don't have to do any "write up" to be "gushing" about me, or my blog, it's my HONOR to represent them!
I bought all the ingredients to make this easy, fun, and yummy dessert...Kellog's Rice Krispies is what you need, and the rest of the ingredients, you are most likely to have on hand, except for the flaked coconut, which I had to buy. Do try this recipe out, and do visit Konstan't Kravor's The Sweet Tooth Chronicles, and mention that I sent you...and be a friend, and follow their blog, as well!

I would like to share this dessert with you, and for the recipe, click over to Konstant Kraver's blog.

Just so we're on the same page and  understanding, Konstant Kraver left me a comment on Foodbuzz, regarding the use of the fabulous photos, and link to the recipe!

« back to inbox . .. KonstantKraver has left you a comment!

Apr. 29, 2011 at 08:39 PM..

Thanks again for the lovely comments :) I would love for you to use the photo :)!! Thanks again

Recipe for:Coconut Chocolate Brandy Crackles

Now, a Peek Preview of my Soba Noodles Salad with Broccoli Florets, and Spicy  Tofu...which will have to take a "back seat"...till the next posting!
Now, on to the Awards: 
I received this beautiful award from Parsley Sage
@The Deep Dish
a couple weeks ago, and would like to pay it forward!

Konstant Kraver-The Sweet Tooth Chronicles
Becky-Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves
Mina-Angellove's Cooking
Kathy-Bakeaway With Me
Patty-Patty's Food
Bianca-Little Brick Ranch
Claudia-Pegasuslegend-What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine
Heather-Pass the Cayenne Pepper Please
Bianka-Kiskonyhám Izei
Kati-Makacska Konyhája
Michael-Me, My Food and I
Tina-Pinay in Texas Cooking Corner
Lani-Food Cooking & Capturing
Lin Ann-Vittles and Committals

Congratulations to all, and I wish I could have more time to link up a lot more, but unfortunately it takes so much time, and you all deserve the award...also, I would like to thank the person who started this award, and passed it on! ...Let me know if you see this message, because this is so "awesome!"...a genius idea...8 awards, in 1...or you can break it up, but then again, why would you?
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I love no bake treats for summer time. I am glad you featured this and will have to pop over to see the recipe. They sure look delicious.

  2. What a brilliant idea! Looks totally delectable, I could eat that whole thing!
    Congrats on your award Elisabeth ~ Enjoy!
    US Masala

  3. Thank you so much for including me I am honored... This is quite the selections and Congrats on all your awards you really keep up much better than I ...I am terrible at these things... sorry :( thank you so much again xoxo

  4. Hú de jól néz ki mindkettő!
    Nagyon mókás a fordítás!
    Gratulálok a sok díjhoz!!Nem véletlen!!

  5. This sounds great and easy. Will have to try this. My kind of cooking. Thanks for sharing.

  6. This looks amazing! I can just imagine how it tastes!! Wow!

  7. Elizabeth, Thank You for thinking of me again. I am honored. Congratulations on all your awards…you deserve them. This treat looks so good..whats not to love..coconut, brandy, chocolate. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day…have a great week-end!

  8. These are such cool treats...I will stop over and check out the recipe :) And congratulations on your awards, well deserved :)
    Also want to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!

  9. These look like fun, easy treats! I love that they're no-bake. :)I'm off to visit the sweet tooth chronicles now- thanks!

  10. That treat sounds awesome Elisabeth. I like your guest post idea. It is always a honor. congrats on your awards wishing many more to come.

  11. Yum do those look delicious and no bake to boot?! Fabulous:) Congrats on your award and to the lucky recipients - looking forward to more of your delicious posts!

  12. Weather is getting warmer and I guess it's about time to make No Bake Desserts and it's nice to know there are lots of recipes like Coco-Choco Brandy Crackles. It looks delicious!

    Many thanks for selecting me as one of your awardees. I really appreciate it!

    Have a great weekend ahead of you!

  13. Congratulations on all the awards, Elisabeth! Well deserved! Thanks so much for passing them to me! I'm so grateful!
    Btw, your Coconut Chocolate Brandy Crackles as well as your Soba Noodle Salad look so scrumptious!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  14. i awoke this morning to someone on the radio talking about bourbon bon bons and that got me thinking all day about liquor soaked sweets...and now i see is a sign that i have to break out my brandied cherries and make something!

  15. How sweet Elizabeth!! Thank you so much!! I love those little krispies...chocolate and coconut, one of my favorite combos!

  16. Atya gatya nagyon szépen köszönöm
    És a képeid nagyon ínycsiklanodzóak

  17. Wow chocolate and coconut together works out always wonder..congrats on ur awards..

  18. i love raw desserts!!! mmmm. yours looks delicious!!!

  19. Wooow! This page is full of chocolate recipes! I really like chocolate and can eat everything including it..
    The pictures are especially beautiful. And the chocolate recipes seems to be close to Turkish Cuisine.

  20. This looks wonderful!! Thank you so so much for my award...awards? I am truly honored and have posted it on my featured/awards page!! :) I am still playing catch up from being gone all week but I promise to post on it asap!! :)

  21. Elisabeth,
    Thank you so much for my awards. I am truly honored.

    I love the recipe for these no bake bars! Good for you in Florida, and for me, if it ever warms up here in Chicago. Thanks so much for sharing.

  22. What a great idea for a guest post! Coconut and chocolate??? Oh, yum! And no bake? Wow. I'll have to go peek at the recipe.

    You are so right about so many great blogs and not having the time to visit them all! I am in the midst of a big 2 week volunteer stint...and the floor of my kitchen is being I am without computer/refrigerator/microwave access for the next 12 hours...again...sigh...I hope to get through a few food buzz posts...but for now, I'm doing the best I can. I hope to visit your awarded bloggers soon...many are my favorites. You're such a good friend to us all, Lizzie. Have a great weekend! xoxo

  23. Hi Elizabeth, congratulations on your awards! Thanks so much for thinking of me, this is much appreciated;-). I'm going over to The Sweet Tooth Chronicles to check out these treats. The soba noodles look delicious!
    Thanks for sending your chocolate biscotti, can't wait and will let you know when they arrive. Have a Happy Mother's Day;-)

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog and I love to find new great blogs like yours! Those soba noodles look fantastic!

  25. Gosh..those coconut chocolate bars look so WOWED!
    Love the texture of those sweets.

  26. Jó kis recept, imádom a csokis sütiket!! És persze gratulálok a díjhoz!

  27. Hi Elisabeth! Thank you so much for the awards! I'm honored to accept and can't wait to talk about it on my next post within the next couple of days - been so busy after my mini vacation early this week trying to catch up and now Mother's Day!

    I will definitely head over to Sweet Tooth Chronicles later to check out the recipe. I'm all for a no bake dessert! Thanks for sharing.

  28. Hi Elisabeth! Just dropping by to let you know that I just made a post about the awards you passed on to me. Check it out! Mother's Day Greetings and Another Bunch of Awards
    Again, tnx!

  29. Way to go with the awards...I envy you all of your are one popular cooking chick...hee hee hee...I love that dessert and your salad...I love soba noodles...another one to try...

  30. YAY! You awarded some fantastic blogs :) Totally deserving. Great yummy crackles as well. Choco-heaven!

  31. I love it!! That's my kinda food :-)

  32. looks swell elizabeth- am bookmarking this and congrats on ur awards- keep rocking !

  33. Lizzy....Happy Mother's Day to you . After reading Lora's post, I was so touched by her post and you are a wonderful mom ! She is so blessed to have you ;) Have a wonderful and blessed fun filled day with your family .

  34. Hi Elisabeth. Your soba noodles looks absolutely scrumptious. Very refreshing with the radishes and I love cashews. They're my favourite nuts.
    Thank you so much for the awards! This is just the coolest awards (7 in 1). I'm very flattered.
    Happy Mother's Day to you as well. I hope you are having a great day with your family!
    Your friend, Michael.

  35. Just popping back in to wish you a happy Mother's Day! You are a very special mom, and I'm so happy I've gotten to know you this year~xoxo

  36. This look so beautiful..Amazingly delicious and perfect sweet treats! Happy Mother's Day!!!

  37. Awwww thank you so much for the award ! It means a great deal coming from someone who has worked with Food on a professional bases :)!

  38. Those soba noodles look amazing!!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday. I hope to see you again next week!!

  39. I loved this recipe when I first saw it - great post!! I hope you had a nice weekend Elizabeth! Congrats on your awards! :) ♥- Katrina

  40. Just pop by to wish you a belated happy mother's day. I learnt that you had a great one. I just had soba noodles a few days ago. Soba noodles salad sounds great to me.

  41. Hi Elisabeth! I'm here again...this time to let you know that I'm passing on The Versatile Blogger Award to you! Check it out on my post!

    Have a nice day!

  42. Elisabeth, I've been trying to post my message a couple of tiomes, but for some reason I couldn't get throuh... Hopefully I will succeed now :)) as I so much want to thank you for sharing your lovely and well deserved award with me and for being such a wonderful and dear friend of mine!!!

  43. Oh, and I almost have forgotten to say what an adorable recipe you present here :) I will try sometimes that for sure!!

  44. Köszönöm szépen a díjat, nagyon jól esett, hogy rám is gondoltál.

  45. as much as I love baking, when the weather gets hot I love no bake desserts.
    these look so tempting, love the choco-coconut combo. Thanks for sharing Elisabeth and sorry for being so behind with my reading :)

  46. no bake and delicious and easy...ahhh tailor made for a busy mum of toddlers like me...
    it so much resembles my lamintons...
    thank you for this...flagging it!!

  47. this is something different to me,, I'll have to try this one for sure,,sounds really good,
