Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Perfect Brownie Pan" Brownie...and a Giveaway!

In all my years of baking brownies, I have never come across a brownie bake set called, Perfect Brownie Pan. It's a
bake, slice, and serve pan, with a cooling rack, that is included with it. Just to prove how easy it is, I put my 5 year old granddaughter Mattia to the test...but first check out this gadget!

Hi friends-here's the link to Wal-Mart for the Perfect Brownie Pan Set

I'm linking this to: Full Plate Thursday, 6-2-11 @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
I did not purchase this brownie friend Barbara gave this to me as a gift. They sell it at Wal-Mart and she said it literally flies off the shelves. She should know, because she works there. Now, if you take a good look, the way the slice that I featured on the first a "fluke"...really, it turned out that way because I decided to take the cutter insert out of the pan before I baked it, and then put the divider back into the brownie pan, so when the brownie was done, some of the slices came out with little borders around them that was kind of cute!
Actually, the brownies turned out extremely yummy...recipe book that was included with the brownie pan has a nice selection of brownie and other sheet cake recipes.

Traditional Homemade Brownies
adapted from Perfect Brownie Pan recipe book

2 1/3 cup butter (1 1/2 stick)
2 cups sugar
5 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
4 ounces semisweet chocolate
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 1/4 cup all purpose. flour

Preheat  oven to 350 degree F. Melt butter, chocolate, and cocoa powder in a saucepan, or in a microwave proof dish in the microwave. Whisk eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Add the flour, and stir until smooth, as in the photo on the right. Stir in most of the chocolate chips, and leave a few for the top, just before baking, scatter some on the top of the batter.

Granddaughter Mattia  volunteered to be my helper...standing on her little stool.

Add the melted chocolate, cocoa, and butter mixture, and the vanilla. Whisk until smooth without any lumps.
Spray brownie pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, for fudgy brownies, or 30-35 minutes for more firm.

You can of course bake this in a regular brownie square pan, or a rectangular pan, but if you can get a brownie bake pan like this it's really easy, and fun. The bottom of the pan is removable for easy handling.

This is a classic photo...while 5yr old Mattia was taking the photo of her "work well done"...I clicked my own photo, as well. At any rate, the brownie was a winner:D
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day...we had a very nice relaxing day, with mostly sunny skies, and a delicious cookout. My son is a very neat grill cook. He has to have everything neatly set up, The flank steak marinated, the asparagus already marinated as in my previous post for the indoor pan grilling, salmon burgers as well.
 A beautiful combination of potatoes being d-in-law Cara!
Have you ever seen a more perfect, tender and juicy flank steak?...perfectly grille by my son!
Thai, the 13 yr. old Black Lab mix, was keeping my son company at the grill...we came inside to eat, because it was quite hot outside...even at 5:PM...She darted right to the back patio door.

She was patiently waiting at the door to be let inside...She is such a sweetheart, so sweet, loyal, at the ripe old age of 13, still going strong and is quite healthy and happy:D

Now...about my Giveaway!

It's another great cookbook (a thrift find)...which in this case is a rarity...autographed by the author, brand new book, 2007 edition. You don't have to do a thing, just let me know if you are following me on Twitter, on my blog, or on Foodbuzz. That's all! You can enter as many as 3 or 4 entries if you like...entries will close Fri. June 4th, 2011 and I will announce the winner on Saturday morning, June 5th. Winner will be chosen by generated number. It's really a great book, so don't miss it!

About Impress for Less by Hope Fox

In Impress for Less!, Hope Fox takes recipes from 100 of the top restaurants in the nation, and re-creates them with ingredients that can be found in the grocery store. Impress for Less! already is resonating with celebrated chefs, authors and personalities, like Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Bob Bowersox and Patti LaBelle. And, restaurants, retailers and cooking schools are lining up to sell it. Impress for Less! hits store shelves nationwide in early August 2007.
Ever since Hope was a little girl, she was taught to entertain with a full heart and cook with love. For more than 30 years, she has been entertaining with a generous yet simple approach and style. Hope makes every occasion – from birthdays to holidays to afternoon summer picnics – inviting and memorable. She makes the complicated look easy and takes the ordinary to extraordinary, whether it is planning for a fabulous dinner party or connecting with viewers on television.
For the past 10 years, Hope has regularly appeared on QVC, the world’s largest and most successful electronic retailer. Her keen sense of what women want has helped her capture their attention and sell some of the world’s most respected brands, like Conair, Farberware, Pollenex, Sabatier and Weight Watchers, to more than 90 million households.
Outside of television, Hope is a passionate cook, fervent entertainer and regular restaurant patron. She simply loves food, style and people. Hope has more than 200 cookbooks in her personal collection and frequently combs through them to share recipes with family and friends – and even strangers.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. wow...!! everything sounds perfect Elisabeth, especially the chocolate brownies... I loooovvvee it !! and thx or sharing the recipe too... Have a nice day! ^,^

  2. The idea of visiting your site at this time is quite a bad idea, Elisabeth...your steak & grilled asparagus & potatoes made me so hungry!!! LOL.
    I found something like your brownie pan at Kitchen Collection outlet before. I didn't buy one though. But I must say it looks cool!
    Btw, I would love to win your cookbook! You know I'm following you on Twitter & GFC! ;) And I just added you on Foodbuzz! It's only now I realized we're not Foodbuzz friends yet.

  3. Ooooh ... I want that pan! Those "collared" brownies are adorable! I gotta get my girl to go to walmart and bring it over (the pan, I mean, altho it would be nice to have the brownies in them as well :D) when she visits in a few months time.

  4. Én még sosem ettem browniet, de ezek tényleg tökéletesnek tűnnek, nagyon szépek.

  5. Seriously am drooling over that beautiful brownies...marvellous..

  6. WAW ez nagyon ütős, tetszik

  7. Hi Dear,

    I am fallen in love with all the pictures. I really loved the idea of involving the little one in kitchen. the pictures are amazing. I am feeling very very hungy.

    I loved the perfect brownie pan. I am looking forward to buy one bake pan or atleast a muffin tray. Have been hunting since 2 months for it at the local stores.

    I want to win the giveaway. I have never won any.So a I am following you on twitter and on your beautiful blog.


  8. the ruffles on the brownies are really attractive,, I've never saw that pan before,, such a sweetie your grandaughter,, love the curls,,

  9. I've seen those pans and wondered if they worked I know! May have to put that on my birthday wish list for next month!! Glad you had a great Memorial Day...and I'd love to win the cookbook. I follow you here...

  10. Elisabeth, your brownies avery time look awesome!! I love the pan too :)

    And you have such a beautiful helper!!! Congrats to both of you for the great job! :)

  11. Great pan! I would love that, too and will keep an eye out for it. Your granddaughter is so sweet. What a beautiful girl.

  12. Elizabeth!
    Fantasztikus jó ez a sütő, hát még a süti, nagyon tetszik. Finom ételeket készítettél,de a brownie viszi a prímet:-))

  13. Everything looks so good, especially the steak...yummy!!!

  14. Wow those brownies look good!!

  15. Your brownies look great! I have seen those pans online as well as in stores, but Have not broken down and bought one. Maybe I will now though.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Memorial Day. The roasted veggies look great! Your granddaughter Mattia is precious! Love those curls! I cannot wait until my grandson is old enough to bake with me.

    I am a follower of your blog and am now also following you via twitter @FlourChild2006

    ~ Tracy

  16. OMG...I have seen those pans but never brownies like that...and the Memorial Day cookout...amazing...

  17. Looks great. Following you on foodbuzz. Thanks.

    Chris M.

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  18. Oh, gosh, I want to join your family :) What glorious meals you all make...and the young baker, Mattia, in training is adorable! So fun to visit your blog and experience your food adventures! Thai is another darling member of your crew! OK, now I think I need that brownie neat. And you are once again offering such a generous give, fun, fun! You know I follow you in ALL ways possible...xoxo

  19. This is so inviting and your pics are just worth drooling ~ YUM!
    US Masala

  20. i've heard of that brownie pan before!!! its perfect for ppl who like the crispy edges :)!! and that roasted pan of veggie goodness... looks heavenly!

  21. This looks superbly droolworthy & so divine!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  22. Btw, lovely pics...Ur granddaughter is such an angel!!! Showed the pics to my sis too & she loved it!! And the pic of thai is too good!!! And following u on this blog :)
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  23. wow that pan is definitely a must-have in the kitchen! Those brownies look to die for! Great job with flank steak!

  24. I've been eye balling these brownie pans. I think you sold me. Love your blog!!!

  25. Haha, what a great post! That dog is too cute :) I have seen those pans before but never heard about the results, they look good! Already in nice little squares, how great :-)

  26. wow...I love that pan...simply your presentation dear..:)

    Tasty Appetite
    Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

  27. Oooh! Great little brownie tins :) They looks super delish, yum yum yum!

  28. Yum! What a great brownie pan? Does this ensure that each piece is a corner piece resulting in crunchy edges with a chewy center? If so, I must find this at my local Walmart!

  29. What a lovely day you have! Everyone takes part for a particular food and enjoy them together. I love the even shape and crusty side of the brownie and your son's juicy steak with Cara's healthy roasted vegetable.

  30. Ciao Elisabeth!!
    Come stai??:-))
    Questi brownies sono stupendi,come la bimba che li prepara e la teglia altrettanto,non l'avevo mai vista fin'ora..
    Sempre splendide le tue fotografie,complimenti Cara!!!
    Un abbraccio e good week end to you and your family

  31. Elisabeth, these brownies are remarkable!!This is surely one tray I'll buy when I go to the US, how the final product comes out. Mattie is "hermosa", god bless :)

  32. Hi Elizabeth,
    I can't stay here to long because I am off to Walmart to get that pan before they are all gone!Those are awesome brownies and an awesome pan! Thanks for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!

  33. Absolutely delightful brownies! The pan brings a brownie presentation to a new level. Love it.


  34. Hi, what a lovely post, everything looks so good. I love the pictures of your granddaughter making the brownies and taking the photo. Your old lab is adorable, our Aussie turned 15 in May, and he is still going strong the best he can at 15. Just can't hear much anymore and his hind legs have to struggle catch up with the front. But he thinks he's a puppy still.

    The steak looks perfect!

  35. I've seen that brownie pan before and wondered if it was any good. Looks like I might have to pick one up! They look so cute with the border, and it looks like you had some great help from your granddaughter/sous chef :)

  36. oh how fun is this what a great pan and adorable helper!

  37. Hi Elisabeth,

    The brownies are simply mouth-watering. They are perfectly made. Thanks for sharing all the other beautiful photos.

  38. Hi Elisabeth,
    long time since I last left a comment although I enjoyed your posts. So sorry life got a little busy for me.

    I totally agree with you. That brownie pan makes the BEST EVER brownies. I have mine for a couple of months now and I don't see myself without it in the future. Seriously thinking of buying a second one, just in case ...

    The grilled asparagus and potatoes made me a little hungry.

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)

  39. This looks really interesting. All individual brownies will have their own crust. its a nice product since you can also make smaller cakes, perfectly shaped rectangle cookies etc

  40. Your granddaughter is so cute helping you bake! And she's going to be a future food blogger too!

  41. I have always been curious about the perfect brownie pan. Those high edges look so pretty! I'm so happy you go to enjoy Memorial Day weekend with your nearest and dearest.

  42. Ilyen sütőformát eddig nem is láttam, szuper ötlet, én is szívesen beneveznék egy ilyenre, megoldaná a sütiszeletelés nem mindig egyszerű kérdését!
    A süti pedig gyönyörű!!

  43. I need to get Grely one of those pans :)They make the brownies look so cute...
    Gorgeous grilling here, love the look of those potatoes :)

  44. oh my goodness, happy one year blogoversary!!!! I have so much to catch up on at your blog, these posts are mouthwatering...those garlic rolls!!! These last two weeks have been a whirlwind for me, and now I've found myself with the most horrible ear infection...Lord have mercy! I dropped by to show my husband your post on those succulent ribs, and saw it was your blogoversary, I know I'm a few days late but all my heartfelt wishes for another marvelous year!!! you bring a lot of sunshine to so many of us!! I have always loved the idea of thee brownie pans...I must get one of them one of these days!! your memorial day BBQ looks abolutely PERFECT!!! much love bella

  45. Wooooooooow , It looks Very Nice And creative

    i must make it today
