Saturday, June 4, 2011

Salmon Burger...a Winner, and Blogaversary!

First things, first...I have so much to share with you today. !st. is the winner of my giveaway!. On, the #18 came up which is Lizzy, from That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!!
Congratulations Lizzy! Hope you will enjoy this fabulous book and I know you will find some really nice dishes in there to make. Will contact you for the mailing address.

Just would like to let you all know, that yesterday, on June 3rd, 2011 was my 1st. First Anniversary of my blog, which really started out as just a few foods, and more thrift finds.I came a long way since last year, making friends with other food blogger around the world, and locally.

I do appreciate the support and friendship from my fellow blogger friends, and follower who have supported me throughout this past year. Without your support and kindness, I would never have made it this far. It's a lonely place out there in "blogsphere" when you have no one commenting, and for that, I do have the Foodbuzz community to thank for and all the members who have befriended me. So, I just want you to know that I'm planning, and hoping to hang around here for another year longer at least...and who knows how long after that! So just bear with me, I will take you along on more of my food and life adventures.
Love to all! ...
Do check out my first post!
Also, I did want to announce that I am attempting to make my first...ever...homemade garlic rolls, filled with delicious garlic and herbs. This should have been my post, showing of my homemade delicious (hopefully)...garlic rolls, with "dry active yeast" 125 g. that comes in the cutest little canister, sent to me by my new and sweet friend, Suhaina, living in Singapore, and at this moment, on vacation to her homeland in Kerala, India.

I was so inspired by her homemade garlic rolls, that I was so determined to make it... so she sent m the yeast that she uses, all the way from Singapore. I was totally in "awe" but mostly shocked, because not very often do we find such amazing good hearted people who do not know you from "Adam" that would want to do something like this for you. Please check out Suhaina's fabulous Garlic Rolls and be sure to click on the get you back to the current page of My Singapore Kitchen. She is such a talented cook, and baker, and she makes the most amazing breads, and rolls, as well.
Truly a blessing from this gracious and beautiful lady, who became my dear friend:DDD

Turkey Burgers with Honey Mustard Dressing
 adapted from Rachel Ray's Website

About 1/3 cup Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons honey
4 skinless salmon fillets (6 ounces each), cut into cubes
1 egg
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
Salt and pepper
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley
1 tablespoon Old Bay seasoning (about a palmful)
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), for drizzling

In a small bowl, stir together the mustard and honey. Using a food processor, pulse the salmon to finely chop. Place in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add 2 tablespoons of the honey mustard, the chives, Old Bay and lemon zest. Form into four large burgers.

Drizzle some EVOO into a large nonstick skillet or griddle. Add the burgers and cook, turning once, over medium-high heat for 6 minutes for medium-rare, 10-12 minutes for medium-well doneness.

note: My burgers were grilled, actually rare, for extra burgers, and froze the extra burgers. When need them take out from freezer, and finish baking in a conventional oven, or for easier work in a toaster oven, for an additional 15-20 minutes, or less if you want medium doneness.
You can also make extra honey mustard to drizzle on top, and serve it over rice pilaf or on buns.
The adorable little tomato garnish is from my daughter's garden.

With all the busy activities going on this past week...2 pre-kindergarten graduation, of my two little grandchildren a piano recital by Gabby, the oldest.. spending the weekend with my son, and my 2 granddaughters, I did miss commenting on quite a few blogs. I do apologize for that.

Also, I missed Brenda's delicious Salmon Burgers, @ Brenda's Canadian Kitchen ...she used Paula Deen's check it out!
I'm linking my Salmon Burger to Melynda's  Cookbook Sundays @ Mom's Sunday Cafe
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. what a wonderful surprise, I will go check her out for sure,, garlic rolls sound good for sure,

  2. Happy Blogoversary to you!!! :) Your salmon burgers look and sound really good and I love the rice pilaf instead of bread! I must try!

    Congrats to Lizzy!!!

  3. Salmon Burger sounds great! Healthier too! HAPPY BLOGGYVERSARY!! Hey, I didn't realise your blog started out just 2 months before mine. Thought it's been around for longer looking at the number of followers and professionalism of it all. Well done, my dear friend. Hugs.

  4. Happy blogiversary, friend :)! I love the idea of salmon burgers...healthier than beef for sure!!

  5. Happy Bloogyversary Elisabeth...!!!
    Enjoying reading your page here, and your burger seems tempting....

  6. Lovely burger...with that honey mustard sauce, you've got me mouth watered. Happy blogiversary! Hope to visit your kitchen many more times!!

    Hugs :)

  7. Happy blog anniversary .. Salmon burgers are new to me and I like the idea of serving it with rice.. yummy:)

  8. Happy blog anniversary:-)
    Yummy,yummy and yummy :-D

  9. Happy blog anniversary...Burgers looks irresistible and fantastic..

  10. Elisabeth, boldog blogszülinapot kivánok,még sok-sok finom receptet!

  11. Happy blogiversary Elisabeth! It's been such a pleasure getting to know you this past year. I hope you have many more fun-filled years of blogging. I recently made salmon burgers too - love them. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  12. Woo hoo! Congrats to Lizzy. I'm sure she'll show off some of the recipes in the book on her awesome site :) Very cool of Suhaina to send you that yeast. Isn't it cool how nice everyone really is? :)

  13. Happy blog birthday Elisabeth :), you have delicious recipes and a friendly blog here, it's lovely to visit.


  14. Congratulations Elizabeth on your one year anniversary;-)
    Also, Congratulations to Lizzy, might want to head to Vegas Lizzy;-)
    I haven't made a salmon burger in awhile but I sure do love them!

  15. Eli, Happy Blogoversary to you!!!
    Salmon burger ;-)) that could bring a big grin on my face.

  16. Hi Elisabeth! Happy Blog 1st Anniversary!!! :D
    So sweet and nice of Suhaina to send you the dry active yeast! This is a double happiness for you! ^.^
    Your salmon burger is making me hungry! LOL
    Enjoy your weekend and have fun! :D

  17. Congratulations :D! Thank you for following my blog! Burger looks yummy.

  18. Felice anniversario Elisabeth! Mi piace seguire le tue avventure e le tue ricette: sei bravissima :)

  19. Happy, happy anniversary, Lizzie! It seems so long ago when I met you via were so kind to a newbie! I'll never forget that! And how exciting to win your give away...I'm so thrilled...and can't wait to peruse each and every page. THANK YOU!!!! And once again, congratulations, my friend. xoxo

  20. Burger looks great!

    Happy blog anniversary!

  21. I am sorry I got bit late for the celebration of your blog..but better late than never right!:)
    Happy Blogaversary dear Elisabeth! I wish you many many more!!! Your salmon burgers looks fantastic, I can only imagine the taste!!! Just wonderful!!!

  22. Happy Bloogyversary Elisabeth!!
    love that salmon burger. can't wait to see the garlic rolls :)

  23. Happy blogoversary Elisabeth , The burger looks good and I think I am gonna make it today as I have some salmon in the fridge , and will go check out your friend's blog .

  24. Happy 1 year blog anniversary Elisabeth! I look forward to reading your posts for years to come and hopefully one day I'll fly to Florida and cook/eat with you and your family :)
    The burger looks excellent. Burger is one of my favourite meals. Yum!
    Have a great day.

  25. Hаppy Blogaversary Elisabeth!!! I wish you many more ones ahead!!

    And I have a blog award for you my dear friend :)

  26. A Happy Blogoversary!We would love to see you celebrating 100 more friend!:)
    Burger looks delicious and I like the pairing with rice pilaf!

  27. Happy Anniversary Elisabeth! Wish you many more,with lots of health,enthusiasm and more delicious recipes! I love salmon burgers,especially accompanied by that delicious sauce you've made!!XOXOXO

  28. Happy Biogoversary! You've done so well to make such a lovely blog within a year. A lot of hard work and friendship built for sure. I haven't had salmon burger before although I have salmon at least once a week. Must try your recipes. Keep blogging and I will keep reading your post! Cheers!

  29. Elizabeth, Happy Blog Anniversary!! Your blog is so enjoyable and you are such a joy…not just on your blog but also with your words of support. You have made my blogging experience truly wonderful with your kindness. And your salmon burger…looks incredible!

  30. Congratulations on your first blogoversary! Looking forward to many more. Those salmon burgers look delicious! I think everyone at my house would like these. :)

  31. Happy Blogiversary! I like the sound of your salmon burgers - mustard is such a good flavor to pair with them! I hope you have another great year!

  32. Happy Blogiversary, and thanks for sharing this lovely recipe with Cookbook Sunday! Your food is always bright and festive, and I thank you!

  33. Happy Blogiversary! Your burgers look wonderful! And it was fun to go and read your very first post!

  34. Happy Blogiversary!! It's a great milestone and I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Now I've been away from computer last week and I have several posts to catch up on your blog....

  35. Yay! A blogaversary!! Good times! I tried stopping by the other day but I couldn't get you page to load. So glad I cam by - DELISH!! And it was fun to go back to your first post :) ♥- K

  36. i dont think i've the guts to add a link to my first post :P

    congrats on your blogoversary and it's a blessing to have your company on this planet!!

    the burger looks gourmet and absolutley inviting!!

  37. Elisabeth, congratulations on your blog anniversary! What an amazing job! Wishing you many more years of success in the blogging world.

  38. Lizzie, my fantastic new cookbook arrived today! I've already browsed through it...even found a few restaurants I've eaten at :) I'm thinking Katie would love the gnocchi from Spaggia...mmmmm. THANKS so much, my friend!! xo

  39. Happy Blog Anniversary!!! I was just thinking about making salmon burgers for everybody this weekend :)
    And congrats to Lizzy too :)

  40. salmon burger looks perfect for this time of year! thanks for popping over to hungry homebody! glad I found your blog!

