Friday, August 26, 2011

Chicken Enchiladas...and Vegetarian Burritos!

I have not made chicken enchiladas in such a long time that I have almost forgotten about it...not really how to make it, just not thinking about making it. There are so many choices to make for dinner, but I really like to try new and healthy dishes out, instead of the "humdrum" basic things.
Now that I'm feeling a lot better and get the full use of my arm back, I feel so relieved that I can go about my daily routine.
We were worrying about hurricane Irene coming to us in South Florida, but it decided to go towards the East Coast which does not look too good. Reaching all the way up to New York, and Maine.
We are experiencing the heavy winds, and storm, but nothing compared to what tha Bahamas is going through, and now the Carolinas.
Just peeking through my balcony to check the pouring rain on Thursday afternoon, in a matter of minutes you would thing the hurricane was coming through. This poor palm tree lost a few branches from the heavy wind, and for an hour we were getting pummeled with the heavy rainstorm. I was not about to go outside to venture out anywhere! Now it's calm again, but it will start up all over.

If enchiladas is not something you prefer with homemade enchilada sauce, then you might like a burrito filled with refried beans, black beans, chopped tomatoes, pickled jalapeno, fresh corn shaved from the cob, cheddar, and Colby cheese...and don't forget the sour cream. just heat up, and enjoy. Really delicious and filling!

I love Mission Flour Tortillas, especially the large burrito size. I like to use this for my enchiladas.

The Multi Grain tortilla wraps I used for the burritos, which were really very good!

It's so important to make your own enchilada
sauce...there's nothing like homemade!

Just start out sauteing a chopped onion, chopped garlic in 2 Tbsp vegetable oil, add 2 15 ounce of canned tomatoes 1 vegetable bouillon cube melted in 1/2 cup warm water, 1 Tbsp chili powder salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, a few dashes hot sauce, and cumin.
To thicken the sauce mix 1 Tbsp corn starch added
to 1/2 cup cold water. Add that at the end of simmer time which will take no more than 25 minutes. Stir, let it come to a bubble and turn off heat
You can leave the tomatoes in chunks when you cook them, or put them int the blender
Also, you can use tomato sauce in place of the canned tomatoes

The chicken, is already cooked (leftover store bought rotisserie chicken breast) flaked and heated up in about 1 cup of chicken broth.

With a tong, dip both sides of the tortilla shell in the sauce, transferred from the pot, to a large skillet.

Put about 1 Tbsp. of the shredded chicken on the dipped tortilla shell, a portion of the shredded cheddar, and Colby cheese.

Roll up as best as you can, and place them side
by side.
When they are all rolled up, add some more sauce
on top, bake in a 350 degree F. oven for about 25
minutes,  add the shredded cheese, and bake for an
additional 20 minutes, until cheese melts and gets
nice, and golden.

Roll up enough tortilla shells filled with chicken, and top with shredded cheese.

For the vegetarian burritos, start out by spreading
refried beans, add black beans, tomatoes, corn,
and last, add shredded cheese, roll up, and place in
vegetable sprayed baking pan, top with cheese and
heat up in a 350 degree F. oven till heated through and cheese melts, for about 25 minutes.

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  1. Very delicious looking meal. Good news for you guys that the cyclone decided to take another route, bad news for New Yorkers etc

  2. Omg, just drooling over that fabulous looking meal..super inviting..

  3. oh those look incredible! I always forget to dip the tortilla in the sauce first. It really does make a difference. For gluten-free I just use corn tortillas, I think they taste more authentic too. Thanks for the wonderful homemade sauce recipe!!

  4. Örülök, hogy a karod jobban van. A burritók nagyon guszták, én a csirkéset választanám. :)))

  5. Meal looks fanatastic, sorry I am not able commenting as earlier. Hope Irene is not doing any harm to you.

  6. Those are exactly the dishes I am making these days.Harty from the oven.To wartm me up in every way.I make my own tortillas .It is easy and fresher than the bought ones;)

  7. My daughters and I are big fans of chicken enchiladas! We'd love to drop by your place the next time you make your very delicious looking chicken enchiladas! Even your vegetarian burritos look so good, Elisabeth!

  8. We haven't had Mexican in a while so this is a great opportunity to dig in such a fiesta!!!Love your home made sauce! I'm glad you're feeling better now and that Irene didn't cause any damages in your area,Elisabeth!I think we'll experience some related weather problems on Sunday :( Have a great weekend!

  9. We've just had chicken enchiladas for dinner last night. I learnt how to make it from other US blogger and it's now my favourite dish. Thanks for the recipe of the sauce, it sure will improve my enchiladas.

  10. A fabulous meal! But I expect nothing less, Mexican is my second fav and this looks great!

  11. my favorite meal to make is green enchiladas! but its so much work to so i always settle for tacos or fajitas.

  12. This post reminded me how long it's been since I've made enchiladas myself. Like yourself, I've been busy trying other things and they just slipped off the recipe radar. Well, that's going to change. Thanks for the reminder! They look fab.

  13. Can you believe that I have never made chicken enchiladas? Definitely perfect for rainy days!

  14. You outdo yourself again, this look awesome! This is my step daughter's favorite. She loves Mexican food. I am going to send her your recipe. I hope Irene will not cause harm to anywhere she heads to.

  15. Glad you're feeling better!! And that you were spared the worst of Irene...growing up near the Gulf of Mexico, I've had to deal with too many tropical storms/hurricanes in my life. Your enchiladas look them!!

  16. We're getting hit by Irene this evening and into Sunday night... perfect night for baking though! Thanks for your comment from the other day. It's hard to keep up with everything sometimes with 2 little ones and I would certainly love to find the time to sit down and really figure things all out. My priorities are just more focused on the boys for the time being. Cooking and baking is something that keeps me sane! :) haha. Thanks for adding me to the roll, it's always nice to share recipes, ideas, and see what other creative minds are up to (like yourself!) Take care! Always love your recipes...

  17. So strange where the hurricane is going - I've never heard of the east coast experiencing this althougn up north here in Australia we get this kind of weather pattern. I hope it's over soon.

    I love Mexican food - your enchiladas look amazing, so cheesy and tasty, I love that you used chicken and vegies/beans.

  18. Mmmmmmm, a veggie burrito for me please. It looks so good. *drool*

  19. mmm, I love these vegetarian ones,,

  20. These look so good, I must admit I have not made my own enchilada sauce yet...well except the verde enchilada sauce. It would be great with my wet burritos.

    We didn't get anything from Irene on this side of the state, nothing unusual. This time.

  21. Love that photo of the storm's effects taken from your balcony! Your enchiladas looks so scrumptious and I've been craving Mexican food for a few days now so I think you've just pushed me over the top with your recipe. Have a great week and stay dry;-)

  22. These all look incredibly delicious - the perfect comfort food! I'm glad the storm didn't hit you too bad. xoxo

  23. Oh, these look heavenly, Lizzie! Once it cools down, I need to put chicken enchiladas on our've given me a huge craving. Glad Irene didn't cause too much destruction down your way~whew.

  24. Ínycsiklandók a felvételek! Magyarul olvasható a szöveg valahol?

  25. Glad y'all are safe from Hurricane Irene. Great recipe. Love it.

  26. Ciao Bella!!
    Come stai???
    Mi mangerei tutta la teglia di questa delizia..:-P
    Bravissima Darling

  27. There is something about enchiladas at our local Mexican restaurants that I don't like very much. But I like the idea of how they are made. So I've been looking for a good recipe for a while now so I can make them at home. With your post I think I might've just found it. Looks really authentic and tasty.

  28. Chicken enchiladas are a 'basic' NECESSITY! Soooo good :)

  29. My oldest makes his own enchilada and it is fantastic...yours looks wonderful as well! I love cheese enchiladas and they go for the chicken :) Your veggie burritos will do me just fine though!

  30. I am so happy that you are better now..looks like it was heavy rain down too hah? Hope that you weren't effected by Irene!

    Your enchiladas are full of how you made them and the fact that you used chicken is huge plus in my opinion..much lighter!
    Have a wonderful week ahead Elisabeth!!

  31. I love Mission Tortillas too and they have such a great variety. You know I've never made Chicken Enchiladas and I'm not sure why, since I enjoy eating them so much. Thanks for the inspiration. I may have to make some this week.

    So how's the Watermelon Knife? I hope you're enjoying it.

  32. Elizabeth,

    So glad that you escaped the wrath of Irene, and that your arm is back to cooking and baking use;)
    Your enchiladas and burritos look so delicious, with all of that cheesy goodness. When my husband makes his enchiladas, he uses an immersion blender to puree the sauce. No messy blender to deal with.

    Have a great week!

  33. you're such a doll, thank you for checking in on me, I have had a bit of a tough time this past month so it's been hard to get in there and blog but I'm getting close. 31 weeks along and the baby is already head down in position. Still lots of contractions but I'm trying to take it easy when I can. These enchiladas are so pretty, I love the variation of the sauce, so different than what I'm used to here in New Mexico - I sure would love to try yours :) wish I was right there sampling some of it now! Sooo glad you are safe from Irene and sending much love and prayers your way sweet bella

  34. So craving enchiladas now. Excellent dinner item.

  35. Oh looks so good! Chicken Enchilada is one of the dish I wanted to learn. Great timing! I'm going to keep this recipe and try out soon. I really need to improve my oven cooking skills... It's nice to eat warm food right out of the oven and I think a big portion of Enchilada is nice for the family. =) Looking delicious!!

  36. wonderful..never made or tasted anything like this to give it a look so tempting..slurp
