Monday, August 22, 2011

Farm Fresh Eggs...or Egg-Land's Best!

If in to make a perfect omelet...simple or filled with your favorite vegetable, ham, or bacon, mine is just a simple sliced sweet onion omelet, for 2 servings, with 4 eggs. Farm fresh eggs?...Well, daughter Lora, her friend, Lauren and her 3 girls, and my grandchildren Gabby and Luca went on a real egg farm...or correctly, chicken farm, to get fresh eggs! To be perfectly honest, Egg-Land's Best is fresh farm eggs. There is no doubt in my mind that they are the best, as far as I'm concerned, and that goes for my family. I want nothing, but the best for them!

I sauteed thick sliced sweet onion, which I love so much, in 2 Tbsp olive oil, and just added salt and pepper right into the skillet, over the onions for more intense flavor.

Scramble the 4 eggs lightly, and just pour over the sauteed...actually caramelized onions. Do not stir, just lift the pan from side to side, and jiggle the eggs, so they spread evenly. With a spatula, you can lift the bottom around the edge a little, after a few minutes.

At this point, you can flip it over to the other side, and just fold over, as it's shown in the top photo!

For an additional delicious version omelet...check out my friend Michael's @Me, My Food and I
also linking this to my friend Linda, @Vittles and Commitals
...and also to Akheela, @ Torviewtoronto
I'm also a fan of Egg-Land's Best on Foodbuzz, and have been cooking and baking with it for a few years now. Every time my daughter and I go to Costco, we buy the 18 carton of these beautiful eggs. I prefer the Extra Large eggs, although there's not too much between the two sizes.
These are the farm fresh eggs that my daughter purchased, all different colors...price? Triple the cost for the dozen farm fresh eggs, compared to a dozen Egg-Land's Best! Mind you...I did not eat even one egg...just wanted them to enjoy it, but come to think of it, I did take one or two from Lora, and it's still in the carton.

I would like to thank all of you for your kind and caring comments and mostly for your advice for helping ease the pain.
This happened to me last Tuesday, and it has gotten worst after a few days. Not fun, having a pinched nerve, anywhere on your body. I am so glad to have read about some of your similar problems, and thanking you for sharing your experiences with me. Finally, after my most amazing chiropractor, Dr Keith, who is also a Physical Therapist as well, and travels around the globe treating sport stars! Also, I had a massage on the shoulder which did help, but the most therapy that helped was stripping the knot with a gadget (that was so very painful but really helped)...he even suggested that I get it x-rayed and see and orthopedic doctor, but by Saturday, I was starting to be able to actually lift my arm slowly! Now, it is so much better, and I'm getting the use of my right arm back!
Still have not cooked or baked anything, accept my simple easy omelet, and I thought I would share the photos of the egg farm with you. It was so much fun for the kids, and a nice little morning outing on Saturday!
Have a wonderful week!

A "No Name egg farm?"...still don't know what name it went with, I just took a photo of the sign...
OK that part we did...12 miles from West Palm Beach, near my old stomping grounds neighborhood from where I moved 3 years ago. This small hidden section, is still part of the old country living, and right around the corner is the highway, if you just peek around the corner from this little ranch you will hear, and see the traffic.
There goes the gang...Lola, with the scarf on the right...her older sister Sydney in front of her, grandson Luca in the turquoise shorts, Whitney, twin sister of Lola, and Gabby in orange baseball cap, leading the way...getting ready for new adventures!
Here they spot a Goat...a Billy Goat?...don't know if she gives milk. I remember when I was a kid growing up, I used to drink fresh goat milk...being allergic to cow's milk! Now, you can buy it at the grocery supermarket, expensive, but well worth it!
Now here's a team of chicken, being led by the rooster...eggs can't be too far away!
No! This turkey is not being fattened up for Thanksgiving! She is a "token" old you can see the long ripply neck...all saggy and wrinkle. From now on you get the idea when someone refers to a "turkey neck" wouldn't want to let yourself go, to have one!

Here's Lucy Goosey...well, not necessary her name, just called her that!...and it's actually a duck!
Taking a peek at the little farm shop...Ahh, "the golden eggs!"...well, not really golden, but they are expensive as gold!
 The owner. at the counter, and a list of the items they sell!
You can buy fresh cream, fresh butter...just don't ask the price!...My daughter bought 1 dozen eggs, 1 pound of butter, and fresh cream...3 items for $50. Cash only! Not too shabby for the owners...with a line of people buying the same. Only open 1 day a week!
The famous chicken coupe!
Here are three friends...having their snacks!
Here are another three friends...since they were babies...BFF's ... Sydney, on the left granddaughter Gabby in the
middle, and Sydney's sister Whitney on the right! They have been loyal friend since they can remember!

Ahh! Where's the chicken that laid this beautiful egg?
Grandson Luca waiting for more chickens to pass through!
Perhaps this is the chicken that laid the "golden egg?"...Sydney, (Gabby's BFF since they were babies) got the chance to hold a actually have to catch it, to pick it up!
 Lola, Whitney's twin sister...holding that huge old turkey, probably weighing about the same as she does...brave little girl!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. you make that sound so easy to make,, my daughter loves those eggs as well, i'm so sorry to hear that you're still suffering,, I wish something would hasten the healing,, my thoughts are with you,

  2. Eggland are the best and boy do your eggs look great! I hope you feel better soon, I know all too well how bad you feel my dear, its so depressing! but patience it will heal I promise you! take it easy!

  3. What a great post.I have my own chooks whic I let roam around so I know exactly what you talk about when you mention fresh eggs.Great fun for kids here;)

  4. so happy to hear you're feeling so much better, a pinch nerve is such a pain. I have carpal tunnel and boy, brings me to tears sometimes.
    the farm sounds like lots of fun although the fun is quite pricey (here is the same) but the omelet is such a delicious and nutritious way to start the day :)

  5. awww it looks like you had a wonderful time! my friend who owns a farm told me that there is a huge difference between freshly laid eggs and store bought ones!

  6. What a fun farm trip you had! The eggs you got there look like the eggs from the native chickens my dad have in the Philippines...and I love those!
    Glad to know that you're feeling better Elisabeth!

  7. I'm so glad you're feeling better- I've had a pinched nerve before and I know it's very painful and not fun at all. I love my chiropractor though, and haven't had any problems since I started going regularly. Now if I could just sell my eggs for those prices, I'd be in business! :) Actually my hens only produce what we can use right now, because something has been getting my chickens when I'm not home, we think a raccoon. I hate to keep them cooped up all the time, but I've had to do it anyway. That omelet looks wonderful! It's one of my favorite ways to enjoy eggs. :) Hope you continue to feel better and better!

  8. Delicious omelet & loves your farm pictures.

  9. That's my favorite kind of omelet and maybe a few slices of fresh chillies in it for a little oomph. Pretty eggs! I haven't seen those here for a long time. I used to have them daily when I had 3 chickens during my childhood years. I'm betting it must be all those colorful veges that they eat that produces the colorful shells. Whatever it is, there is definitely a great difference between fresh and store bought. Here in the big city, I'm missing them like crazy! Hope you feel better soon. These things take some time to heal. So maybe you should sit back and relax more and not do so much house-hopping :D xxoo

  10. Nincs is jobb, mint az igazi friss tojásból készült omlett. Ezt szeretném reggelire. :))))
    Jó kis program lehetett a farmlátogatás, az unokák úgy látom nagyon jól érezték magukat ott. Helyes gyerekek.
    A karod pihentesd. Remélem hamarosan jobban leszel. :)))

  11. I'm really glad you're gradually getting better,Elisabeth,and I loved all the photos of the grandchildren and friends(human and 2&4 legged,haha)The omelette looks soooo tasty...We have an award waiting for you also..Enjoy your day,XO

  12. Glad to you are getting better now, omelette looks super delicious and makes me hungry..Wonderful clicks..

  13. That looks like so much fun! I would have embarrassed my family playing with the chickens I'm sure :) I'm also glad you hear your on the mend! Pinch nerves are terrible!

  14. nice omelette!!! i am SO BAD at making omelettes, i always mess them up and then end up calling it a frittata :)

  15. so thrilled you are feeling better bella...I am a fan off eggland's best for certain :) my kids got a chance to visit a local farm with my parents just recently and they had a blast, picking eggs, feeing baby goats, milking cows, such a wonderful day! your omelette is fabulous!

  16. Nekem jól jött volna ma vacsorára!!! Sűrű napom volt!!!guszta!!!

  17. We get so many kinds of US eggs here in Hong Kong, but not Eggland's best. This dish sounds delicious and I loved the way you made them. Yum!

  18. indeed, only the best eggs make the best omelettes(:

  19. What a fantastic visit the kids had at the farm, holding chickens and all! I didn't know that much about Eggland's Best. I peeked over at their website, and will spend more time there later. I was glad to see they have organic eggs too, though I don't think I've seen those at the market yet. Great omelette! Love caramelized onions, so much flavor. I bet those omelettes tasted fresh! Thanks so much for linking V&C!

  20. So glad to hear you're feeling better,sounds like you found the right help!
    One of my favorite things in the world to eat is an omelet made with the freshest eggs you can find;-). I've found better eggs in France than I've ever found here in US. If you can pick up your eggs farm fresh once in a while I say, go for it!

  21. What fun photos! Sorry to hear about your pinched nerve Elisabeth :( Happy you're on the mend now!

  22. lovely pictures Elisabeth looks like lots of fun omelette looks delicious
    following you on google friends as well do visit me :)

  23. I haven't seen so many different colours of egg! I have once read a children book saying that hen lays white egg means it's in love. Wonder what the other colours mean? Looks like the kids have a good time. The best way to taste fresh farm egg is making it into omelette.

  24. Elizabeth, So glad you are feeling better. I really enjoyed your post...I live in the country and buy fresh eggs from my neighbors all the time, so I was shocked at the price of the fresh eggs, cream and butter. I pay 2.00 a doz. for my farm fresh eggs. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. Such a nice family day out! Omelets are the best and yours looks delicious!

  25. Oh, I love the photos of the kids with the chickens!!! Such fun. I'm so glad you're feeling better...but glad you could still share a delicious omelet with us. It's not quite time for lunch but your descriptions have my stomach ready for food!

  26. Great post! I am glad you are feeling better!
    Did you see the award we have for you?
    "for beautiful blogs with that little bit extra" LOL!

  27. Love those farm shots...Lola is really BRAVE! I am not sure that I dare to hold such a huge turkey!
    This is the perfect recipe to try the eggs I just bought eggs from the farmer market this morning.


  28. With those big slices of onion it looks great! I am hungry again!!

  29. Oh I bet the kids had such a fun time, what an experience :) Your omelet looks wonderful!
    Sorry that the pinched nerve is getting worse :(

  30. Oh this is fun! But to be honest... I have one weakness among all animals... it's a bird neck. You probably think "huh????" right? I know I am weird. But I can't see the bird neck and I get goose kids playing with chicken is cool...but I just can't look! =P Anyway, I envy your fresh egg omelet! Haven't eaten super fresh eggs for a long time!

  31. wow..the farm looks amazing.. reminds me of my house in Kerala.. we too have hens and one turkey.. But the animals here seems very friendly...Usually hens dont allow u to hold them...
    hope u had a wonderful time.
