Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pan Seared Salmon...and Pinched Nerve!

I seem to have been MIA for the last two days...and actually I was. Did any of you experience a pinched nerve in the neck, back, shoulders? Well, I do not wish the excruciating pain on my worse enemy. (don't have one, luckily)
I woke up two days ago with tingling, numbness on my shoulder, only to find out later in the day that my arm, hurts so bad, and my shoulder feels, like someone punched me in the arm. a stabbing pain, that went down to my forearm, on the right side. I immediately went to my chiropractor, who is also a physical therapist, and he said the it is cause by a pinched nerve on my neck that went down to my shoulder. I could not move my arm, or lift it, could barely drive my car, just with the left hand, which was not the problem, but putting the car into park, or taking the key out of the ignition was even painful.
Here's a little bit of info I found online about pinched nerve, which does make a lot of sense. This afternoon I'm at least able to use my hand...arm is still "frozen"...numb...good thing I have my son, and family near by, granddaughter helping with the seared salmon. I can't wait to go back home to recuperate!...pretty weird, and scary...never had this happen to me before!

Pinched Nerve In Shoulder

Typically, pinched nerve in shoulder occurs when too much pressure is applied to the shoulder nerve by the surrounding tissue, such as cartilage, tendons, bones and muscles.Symptoms include muscle weakness, numbness, pain and a tingling sensation that radiates along the shoulders and into the neck or spine. While pinched nerves may occur anywhere in the body, they most commonly affect the neck, shoulder and lower back.
A pinched nerve in shoulder can cause debilitating pain. It can seemingly come from out of nowhere, waking you up from a night's sleep, or it can be the result of an accident or sports injury. In many cases, a pinched nerve results in severe pain and disability in the shoulder and upper arm. After treating the pain with moist heat, consult your physician. Exercise therapy is one of the first courses of treatment.

I am so sorry if I haven't commented back on your's just that I even went to bed last night at 9:00PM taking 2 Ibuprofen, which knocked me right out for 10 straight hours. Just could not get myself to the computer until now, and will comment back as soon as I'm able to. I do appreciate your kind comments, and I thank you for accepting the 7 Link challenge, to round up your favorites.

I don't even remember how I instructed Sophia, just told her to dip the salmon pieces into the mixture of
Canola oil, brown sugar, little bit of cider vinegar, soy sauce, and just sear it in the cast iron skillet, which was done by her mom, Cara.

Spoon some of the sauce on it, and it's ready to add in a preheated cast iron skillet to sear 5 minutes on each longer than that. Also, some roasted white sweet potatoes were added to accompany this easy and perfect seared salmon.

Add about 1 Tbsp. of the Canola or vegetable oil in the cast iron skillet, or a non-stick heavy skillet, and like I mentioned, sear it on med high for 5 min. on each side.Generous 4 portions, served.

My next project is to rest, and try to get my arm back into motion...right now, it feel like I'm carrying around a "dead weight" which happens to be my right arm. I should be all right soon, as long as I can try to move my arm!
I also been wanting to link up on my usual favorites...sorry, I just can't now!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. This looks so good...and feel better soon...take care of yourself...

  2. Oh that is really painfull.Hope this fantastic salmon dish gave you some comfort;)

  3. Awww I KNOW that is painful, you poor thing!! On a happier note, your salmon looks wonderful!! Love the flavors! :)

  4. Oh my how aweful for you, I have had a pinched nerve in my back for 2 years, it comes and goes, been to every one that is helpful including acupunture. Hope you dont go through what I did, mine is chronic. I love your salmon and that really captured awesome in photo's not an easy one to make look this good nice job!

  5. ouch! Please take care of yourself,, that sounds miserable,, salmon on the other hand looks delicous,, yum!I'm so glad you have family close to help,

  6. That does sound painfully, luckily you have your little helper. I think you just need to go and crawl up into bed and rest. Hope you get well soon.

  7. Oh wow! I am sorry. I know that is terribly uncomfortable. I hope that you recover quickly.


  8. Poor dear! Those groggy instructions seem to have brought some excellent results. The salmon looks great! And that's good training for the little one too LOL! Rest well. Hug.

  9. Oh no :(( I hope you are doing better!! Sending you some well wishes!!

  10. I really admire you Elizabeth!Even though in so much pain,you pulled out such a great looking dish!I'm glad you have family around to help you (as well as ibuprophen) until you get better...Praying for you,XOXO

  11. i am totally bookmarking this salmon recipe! they are perfectly caramelized! i've done a maple syrup soy sauce glaze before which is fabulous, so i'm sure brown sugar with soy sauce would be awesome! i hope you are feeling better soon! hug*

  12. Oh My....dear Elizabeth please take plenty of rest and do the exercise dr had asked you to.
    Salmon looks very yummy...
    Hope u get well soon..My prayers are there for u.

  13. This dish looks amazing, Sophia did a wonderful job! I hope you fell better and that the pain will go away soon :)


  14. Elisabeth, don't worry about visiting, just take care of yourself!! Your salmon looks healthy and delicious - one of my favourite meals. Get well soon!

  15. Ouch! I am so sorry! I hope you feel better soon!
    The salmon looks delicious!

  16. Elisabeth,
    Sorry that you aren't feeling well. Hope that you are on the mend soon. Your salmon is gorgeous, and so mouth watering. My hubby doesn't like salmon so I would make this for myself, with leftovers.

  17. Take care Elisabeth..btw salmon looks absolutely irresistible and droolworthy..

  18. Elizabeth, So sorry about your arm. I had a stiff neck all week...from lifting my 3 year old grandson off the monkey bars. I have never had a pinched nerve but can only imagine the pain! Rest and feel better soon my blogger friend! Your salmon looks absolutely lucky to have a chef in training to help you! Have a lovely week-end!

  19. Goodness...feel better soon, Elisabeth! Take care of yourself...and thanks for taking time to comment on my 7 features post today!!

  20. I'm so sorry to hear this Elizabeth, I have experienced a pinched nerve but not as intense as what you describe- it sounds horrible! Take care of yourself, rest and you will be back in top form soon;-)

  21. Oh no !!! That is really painful , my mom suffered it , hope you get better soon , the salmon looks just gorgeous , your grand daughter did an amzing job :) .

  22. Oh, you poor thing! This getting old thing stinks sometimes, doesn't it? I hope you'll be good as new very soon. It looks like Sophia can take over the cooking for you, though...what yummy salmon! xoxo

  23. You are so right about the eggplant needed garlic! And more than a teeny pinch of cayenne....happy weekend!

  24. Néhány napig nem voltam erre, de megint istenieket készítettél,végig néztem, a süti is jöhet,és a fokhagymás tekercset ismét megcsinálom,fokhagyma nélkül.a tortácskára és a többire is alkalmas vagyok.kivéve a lazac.

  25. Ouch....sounds like some serious pain. Hopefully you will back to normal soon.

    Pretty, pretty salmon.

  26. Awww, I really hope you feel better soon. Pinched nerves can be so painful. I'm glad you got some help cooking. Thanks for stopping by, though. I saw your watermelon salad and think I commented. I really liked the combination you had and want to try your version. My husband just told me about a watermelon salad he had at a restaurant with blueberries in it - doesn't that sound good? All my best for a quick recovery!!!

  27. Elizabeth,
    I am so sorry that you are in such pain. I am keeping you in my prayers and watching for a speedy recovery.
    Miz Helen

  28. The pinched nerve has happened to me all the years..the worst for me was once on the back..actually it moved from the neck to the was really a pain on the @$$ meant, neck. So, my dear, apology is really not necessary.
    Sophia, Cara, you two are a great team ;-)) A perfect job in preparing those salmon steaks (with as they are making my tummy grown even on this EARLY morning!

  29. Eli, take a hot bath and relax yourself...
    Have you tried acupuncture? It helped me at that time, but again I guess you must consult with your doctor first.

  30. Oh dear, that must be painful!
    I am so sorry. I hope that you take care of yourself and get better soon!!!
    and your dish looks and sounds divine..Love the color..

  31. Sorry about the pinched nerve but hopefully this pan seared salmon helped lessen the pain and discomfort. I hope you feel better soon.

  32. I hope you'll soon be back to normal. What an ordeal you must been through. Physical therapy might help. I occasionally come down with a frozen shoulder and that really is the only thing that does me any good. Feel better! Hugs and blessings...Mary

  33. It must be painful. I hope you'll recover soon. Btw, your salmons look great. Lovely colours.

  34. I also have a pinched nerve in my elbow and I know how difficult it is. Hope you get better soon.

  35. Elisabeth dear, hope you're feeling much better. After communicating with you over e-mail, I can only imagine the ache you're suffering from. Am sure you will get better in no time. In the meantime, take a break and have a grea tweek ahead. Lovely lovely recipe ;).. Hugs, Jo

  36. The salmon looks wonderful! I'm so sorry you have been in such pain, and I hope your shoulder is better soon.

  37. You poor thing! I have had a pinched nerve from a back injury from nursing 10 years ago, I know how painful it is. Look after your shoulder and back Elisabeth! Go to the physio and get checked out if you haven't already so it doesn't occur again.

  38. Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about the pinched nerve and tremendous pain. :-( It's not fun to feel discomfort all day long. Hope pain will go away soon and you can have your life back! Great seared salmon recipe!

  39. I hope you are feeling much better now Elisabeth. I hurt my shoulder few weeks ago and it's so irritating. The salmon looks fantastic.
    I just uploaded the photo for the omelette post and I am in the middle of composing my 7 links challenge. I'll post it soon.
    Look after yourself. Michael

  40. Una stupenda ricetta,fa veire una fame..bravissima Bella!!!;-))
    Un abbraccio

  41. I'm so sorry to hear of your pinched nerve, praying it all heals quickly and you're back to feeling great with full range of motion! The coloring on this salmon is sheer perfection, just gorgeous.

  42. Gosh, this sounds horrible. Rest up - you are so lucky to have such a wonderful family around you. I've got sciatica just now which isn't the same but can identify with it. Take care of yourself. Bet that lovely salmon helped!

  43. Oh I so sorry about your pinched nerve, they are horrible! Hope you are feeling better by know...
    The salmon looks wonderful!

  44. I hate those headaches. I seem to get them very early am 4 4:30. They are often followed by vomiting. When my neck is really tight I get dizzy and sometimes faint which occasionally is followed by a seizure.

    Ella Baker
