Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lemon-Glazed Zucchini Bread...and More Tomatoes!

I have not made zucchini bread for years, maybe since my children were little, and they actually loved it!...why not now?...I really don't know!

I used to have a fantastic recipe from Bon Appetit, but that was from the seventies, or eighties and those recipes almost, always called for at least 1 cup of vegetable oil, and 2 cups of sugar...yikes!!! there goes your cholesterol level, and killing you with sugar!...no thank you! At any rate, this recipe, I assure you has very little oil (1/4 cup) and lot less sugar (1/2 to 3/4 cup)...so, no wonder I didn't make it until now, although I've always been relying on my banana breads with excess ripe bananas always at hand. ...also having zucchini on hand, but using it in savory dishes!
Whatever you do, just don't tell your 5yr. old child that this is zucchini, the green vegetable that they are being served, tucked away, inside this wonderful lemon-sugar glazed bread. I made that mistake, and my 5yr. old granddaughter would not touch it with a 10ft pole! I posted this photo, because I wanted to show off the glaze on the top, and also the photo itself. Both was done by Sophia, my 10yr old granddaughter. She certainly loved the bread, and even had seconds. What a difference 5year makes! If you really want to camouflage the zucchini, all you have to do, is to peel it first, then grade it, the way my daughter Lora made it, with the same recipe. I, of course left the little green specks in it...which is the "beauty" of this delicious and moist zucchini bread!
See the little specks of green?...that's what real zucchini bread is all about...seeing the actual specks of the beautiful shredded fresh zucchini.

 Lemon-Glazed Zucchini Bread
adapted from The Best of Cooking Light 2.

2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup finely shredded zucchini
(pat zucchini dry w/ paper tow after shredding)
1/2 cup low-fat milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil 2 tablespoon grated lemon-rind
2 eggs

For the Glaze:
1 cup sifted-powdered sugar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray 8 x 4 inch loaf pan with cooking spray. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a medium bowl. Set aside. In a large bowl, add the sugars, the eggs, oil, and milk. Whisk together till well incorporated and creamy. Add the flour mixture together, to the wet ingredients, add the grated lemon, and fold in the shredded zucchini.

Spoon the batter into the loaf pan, and bake for 30 minutes on 350 degrees. Lower the temperature to 325 degrees, and bake for an additional 25-30 minutes, until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan. Remove from pan to cool completely, before drizzling the glaze on it!

Combine the powdered sugar, and lemon juice. Stir with a whisk. Drizzle over loaf. Yield 12 serving (1 slice)

These tomatoes... each of these portions came in a plastic bag just like the ones you see in the photo. They are ripe tomatoes, some have a little blemish as the one you see in the foreground, but otherwise, they are perfect and ripe...ready to can them or cook with them. They also make the best salsa, a well. They would be perfect for a tomato tart...Yumm! All the possibilities, endless! Each of these portions cost only $1.00 at our local produce market. Even those apples in the upper photo. My daughter Lora and I divide these up (she gets the apples) because she makes pies and tarts, and I take a bag or two of the tomatoes. You can also blanch them, take the skins off and flash-freeze them if you don't want to take the time to can them! Great "thrift finds"...and huge savings:DDD
Hope all of you had a wonderful Labor Day, and now it feels like a Monday, and yesterday felt like a Sunday!
...maybe it's just me who feels it!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. this is beautiful, just lovely, I have one of those recipes fromthe 80's,, I made it many times,, many many times! Yikes for sure,,I would love to lighten up my recipe thankyou so much for posting this,

  2. I dont bother to enjoy a slice rite now,fantastic..

  3. what a great zucchini bread. Elisabeth, this looks wonderful, delicious, I want to eat the picture!!! Great tomatoes for dessert. I cook them in a sweet cinnamon and cloves syrup. If you like you could find it here http://mariscakes.blogspot.com/2010/02/dulce-de-tomate.html

    Sorry I haven't come bye for a few days, how was your Labor day weekend?


  4. Everything looks beautiful!!!
    I have been slow resting the plum tomatoes in our garden and I am so proud og my four little containers!!!
    I will need you to tell me what to do with them this winter...

  5. Oh...I love the new look...it is fresh and lovely!!!

  6. I only recently started using zucchini in baking and really like it. It adds so much to the texture n make the bake moist in my opinion. Your bread looks like a stunner n the glaze is so luscious!

  7. I love zucchinis and your bread came out with perfection Elizabeth! Wow that is loads of tomatoes..love them too! Great post, hope you are having great evening!

  8. Hi Elizabeth, Oh, you read my mind- I've been thinking about zucchini bread....The glaze is beautiful;-) A little lighter is a great idea after a Summer of indulging myself with every delicious morsel and then some that has crossed my path!

  9. I always want to try making zucchini in sweet bake, that a good way to disguise vegetable for the kids. Love those tomatoes, so red and fresh.

  10. Elizabeth, I love zucchini bread and actually just made one that I will post next week. Yours looks absolutely wonderful and healthy too! Love the glaze! Great minds!
    Beautiful tomatoes!

  11. this is one beautiful zucchini bread Elisabeth, and I concur, never tell the children about the zucchini in the bread LOL (or in my case, don't tell the hubs either!)...and those are some fabulous tomatoes and apples...what a find!!! Thank you for checking in on me, boy I am really slowing down...oh how lovely it would have been to have you join us for lunch, imagine the fun we would have! I hope your holiday weekend was amazing bella, sending love vibes your way

  12. I love zucchini bread and haven't had it in years. With the fall weather moving in, it's the perfect time to make some. Yours looks yummy and my recipe as well is from the 70s. I'm going to have to eyeball it now to see how much oil there is.

  13. wow thats so healthy and delicious bread,luks perfect and yum...

  14. Hey!! I like the new look!
    I don't believe I've ever tried zucchini bread. I do like zucchini, roasted, stewed, fried but never in a bread. Gotta try this out one day. Looks lovely!

  15. First, of all I wish I had just one of those bags of tomatoes! Second, I love the zucchini bread and such a nice touch with the lemon glaze. The second photo of the bread is perfect...so pretty with the flower and the relfections on the table! Perfect! Third, I did finally get my 7 links post up! Thanks!

  16. i LOVE zucchini bread! yay for lighter healthier baking :D. and the glaze looks beautiful! baking must run in the family :)

  17. I totally need a slice of that. Looks incredibly tasty.

  18. Zucchini bread? This is the first for me.. how I wish I can have slice right now. I'm always open to try new food, well maybe new to me but not to you ;). Lovely recipe and photos.. Hugs, Jo

  19. Hi my friend. This looks so very good...and I love zucchini bread, especially with the flavor of lemon. Thank you for making me smile and my stomach growl. I hope you are having a wonderful evening!

  20. The zucchini bread looks so good! And the lemon sugar glaze.... oh how yummy! Good coffee + zucchini bread = perfect morning!

  21. Love it and that your wee one doesn't realise with that lovely glaze on top, too. These green specks would be sensational served at Hallowe'en - can you imagine the kids' imaginations? Brilliant.

  22. And I forgot to mention that your new website look is fabulous!

  23. Oooh! Looks delicious! I probably wouldn't have wanted any of it when I was five either...or 25 for that matter. My relationship with veggies is still blossoming :)

  24. wow Eli, the zucchini loaf looks spectacular and the photos are making my mouth water!

  25. Wow, your bread look soft and moist. Can I have 2 slice with a cup of coffee, pls? Lovely tomatoes, good bargain too.

  26. Oh, my hubby is like your 5 y/o granddaughter when it comes to zucchini! But your bread looks fabulous!!! I think I made the same one from BA...but yours looks just as wonderful. Sophia did a perfect job with the glaze :) And what great tomatoes...I need to get to our Farmers' Market this weekend before the tomatoes are gone~

    Have a great weekend!!!!

  27. I haven't had zucchini bread in years! This looks fabulous - especially with that tasty glaze =)

  28. Here in Alabama, we usually use lard instead of that fancy/smancy veggi oil :)
    That bread looks delich!

  29. I have never made (nor eaten) zucchini bread! This looks so delicious!!! And a great way to make my 4 year old eat some veggies... but yes, I would need to peel them so she doesn't see them!!! Kids can be sooooo picky!

  30. Elisabeth,this looks amazing!!!I've never tried it and,in all honesty,I don't care about what my kids think of the green specs,I can devour the whole loaf by myself!!!LOL

  31. Elisabeth,
    I had the 80's recipe also, so I love your lightened recipe and thw lemon glaze on top. Kids eating preferences change at the drop of a hat, at my graddaughter's do. Your 5 yr old will be eating this gorgeous bread soon, I bet.

  32. Now I know what to do with the rest of this huge zucchini I have! Thanks... and the icing looks like the best part! Awesome...

  33. What a gorgeous zucchini bread! And wow with the $1 bags of tomatoes :)

  34. Hi Elisabeth, I am posting lemon glazed zucchini bread on my blog tonight. I hope you will check it out. Dawn @ wordsofdeliciousness.com

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