Friday, September 9, 2011

Hungarian Cottage Cheese Noodles...and a Book Giveaway!

We have an old Hungarian tradition, that I remember from childhood, that my grandmother used to make, at least once a week called "túrós tészta (csusza)"...cottage cheese noodles! My mom used to make it, and my aunt, and sister, as well. The only difference is that my mom would make it with homemade noodles, and use fresh "farmers cottage cheese" and farmers sour cream, and real bacon, which could be considered "organic" bacon without "nitrates" added that we could actually buy these days, in Whole Foods Market.

Now, I don't have a step-by-step directions for this delicious and satisfying dish, that you can serve, with or without the crispy bacon bits, if you want it meatless...but oh, my! those organic uncured crispy bacon bits really, really add some extra flavor.

Hungarian Cottage Cheese Noodles
hand me down "oral" recipe from my mom

1 lb. wide egg noodles
1lb. small curd cottage cheese, or farmer cheese
(dry cottage cheese "Friendship" brand)
1 lb. sour cream
1/4 lb unsalted butter or margarine
salt and pepper to taste
4 slices of bacon (I used organic uncured)

Boil noodles till done, set aside. Cook bacon till crispy. Set aside on double paper towel to soak up
the excess grease, and chop coarse. Set aside.
Spray a casserole with cooking spray. As soon as
you drain the pasta, put it back into the pot, add the butter or margarine, half of the cottage cheese, half the amount of the sour cream, and mix together. (also, you can fold in half the chopped bacon.)
Top with the rest of the bacon, and bake in a 350 degree F. pre-heated oven for about 25-35 minutes, till it gets nice and crispy on the top.

To serve, spoon extra cottage cheese and a spoon of sour cream, and serve...Serves 4-6

note: this is so delicious, even the little ones love this dish, and look forward to having this. My daughter and I make this this at least once a week!

...and now, for the Book Giveaway!
Signed by the author!

Here's a yummy cucumber sandwich photo, and recipe!

1 cucumber sliced in half lenghtwise, seeds removed, and cut into 1 inch cubes
1 teaspoon kosher salt
6 Tablespoon butter, and room temperature
6 white rolls cut in half
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh dill

In a bow, combine the cucumber and salt. Divide the cucumber mixture evenly among the roll halves, and
sprinkle with the dill. Makes 12

Pineapple, Strawberry, and Banana Salad

1 pineapple cut into small chunks
5 bananas sliced
1 pound strawberries, stems removed, cut into thirds, or halves

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and serve immediately. Or, if you want to prepare the salad ahead of time, cut the pineapple and strawberries, and wait until the last minute to slice the bananas, so they don't turn brown.
Serves 12

Classic Tomato, Basil and Garlic Topping

7 to 8 plum or heirloom tomatoes roughly chopped
10 basil leaves finely chopped
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Combine all the ingredients in a serving bowl, and stir well. Let the topping sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to allow the flavor to develop. Makes about 3 cups

Butternut Squash and Barley Soup

1 Turkey wing
1 large butternut squash. peeled, seeded, and cut into 2 inch chunks
4 celery stalks, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
4 carrots, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1 onion, cut into 1/2 inch wedges
5 parsley sprigs
6 sage leaves, plus 1 Tablespoon finely chopped sage
1 1/2 cups barley
2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Place the turkey wing, squash, celery, carrots, onion, parsley, and whole sage in a large soup pot with 16 cups (1 gallon) of water, and place over high heat. When it comes to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and cook for 45 minutes. Add the barley, and cook for another 45 minutes. Just before serving, add the salt, pepper, and chopped sage, and stir. Serves 16

Mussels in Beer

5 pounds mussels debearded
1 bottle dark beer
1 head garlic, peeled and sliced
1 bunch parsley, roughly chopped
2 teaspoons coarsley ground black pepper
1 loaf crusty bread

Place all the ingredients except the pread in a pot. Place the pot over high flame, and cook covered for 2 minutes. Give the pot a shake, and cook 3 minutes more, until all mussels open. If any refuse to open, discard them. Serve straight from the pot with a loaf of crusty bread. Serves 8

OK, so you get the "picture?"...I mean, you get the idea what I'm giving away, a nice 176 page of appetizers, brunches, main meals for a crowd, and lots of recipes, and picture illustrations! Great book, great thrift find, and a great giveaway gift.

You don't have to do a thing, just let me know if you would like to receive this book...if you don't follow my blog, you do not qualify, to win this. I'm also on twitter, and facebook...but not really acitve, so you are not obligated to follow me there!
I will ship anywhere in the U.S. and Canada...sorry for excluding all the other countries this time!

The winner will be determined at generated number, and you have till Monday, September 12, 11:00PM Eastern Standard time to let me know, and comment on my blog!
I will announce the winner, on Tuesday, September 13. 2011.

I know I love this book, have not really looked at it much, I just keep piling up on the thrift finds, one after, another...only to re-donate them. (I cannot imagine having a huge library of cookbooks...been there, done that!) Now, I really am "downsizing"...I don't want to go into a long "song and dance" story, but if you had to move 3 times in the last 6 years (#1. due to hurricane damage #2. help daughter w/her sm. business venture,( which she sold since)
#3. change job/location) you would downsize too. First things that had to go was my huge cookbook collection, Bon Appetit magazine and Gourmet magazine collection. As the saying goes,
"you can't take it with you" when you die, of course...and neither when you are alive, so thank God I'm alive, and well, and thanking God every day for the "small things in life."
Enjoy your weekend, and hug your loved ones!
Hugs, from me to you, as well!
Remembering those who died at the World Trade well as those who gave their lives to save others.
May God give those who lost their loved ones comfort, and blessings! ...God Bless us all, and God Bless the United States of America!

True Random Number Generator

...and the winner is: Nami-Just One Cookbook

Min: 1

Max:  41



Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Congratulations, Nami! I hop you will enjoy the book. I will contact you for your address to ship to!
Thanks, to all for participating, I appreciate you kind comments. I will have other books for a giveaway, I get such nice cookbooks, and I just can't keep them all. At the price that I'm able to buy it (which is practically free)...and excellent usefool books, I'm happy to pass it on and just pay for the shipping cost!

Also, I wanted to mention that I forgot to check the number generator last night and this morning I checked it at 11:00AM, so at this time I had 41 comments...and yes Becky, and Gina, you were not too late, I did include you in the total numbers!


  1. You are seriously torturing my husband...I may have to make this tonight...

  2. Firstof all the noodle recepie is fantastic.Isn't it strange taht our inherited recepies from our aunties and grandma's always taste so good.
    My grandma use to make her own noodles and mix it with baked sauerkaau(it was so yummy I can almost taste it in my mouth;)
    Well fanatstic giveaway you are having.And signed by the author;) I do not have this one and would like;)

  3. Elisabeth! Imádom a túrós csuszát, és most olyan éhes lettem, pedig mindjárt kell lefeküdni, ilyenkor már nem egészséges enni.
    Nagyon gusztusosak róla a fotók is.
    Macskasímogatás, és megyek aludni.
    Kellemes hétvégét!

  4. Ciao Carissima!!!
    Come stai??:-))
    Lo sai che quando vedo i tuoi piatti mi viene sempre una gran fame??!!!:-P
    Sei bravissima..complimenti!!!
    Un bacio e good week end*

  5. The noodles look comforting, I would love those organic bacon, too. Giving you a hug for giving me the awards, and giving you an extra one for being kind friend. Have a good weekend!

  6. Love how you think about downsizing, I've learned early on that material things are just ..things! But books..I still have a tough time aprting with them. This looks like a great book to have, and I follow you via GFC!

  7. The noodle looks so good, makes me hungry. LOL
    Lovely post.

  8. these noodles look so comforting to me right husband won't do cottage cheese but I would be all over this dish!!!! Yes downsizing is fantastic, SO LIBERATING!!!!! We have a friend in her late 60's who says that we spend the first half of our lives collecting, and the 2nd half of our lives giving things away LOL....such a true statement! I think the book sounds lovely, the cucumber sandwich and the squash and barley soup catch my eye...yum! thank you sooooooooo much for the anniversary wishes, sending much love your way, j

  9. Love your noodle recipe,Elisabeth,and although I can't get organic bacon,I luckily have some curd cheese from a farm,that my son brought me..I'm pretty sure my pasta-loving family will deeply honor this..:))I actually believe they would also love the mussels in beer...Keep on cooking!!!XO

  10. I bookmarked this noodle this already. I can't wait to try this! Adding cottage cheese is very unique!

  11. Everything looks seriously filling and delicious..

  12. this is yummy, I'm trying this,, wish me luck!

  13. Yum! creamy cottage cheese and crispy bacon in your noodles look ideal for incoming fall...credo che potrei amare la cucina ungherese!

  14. I would love a cucumber open face sandwich probably with a little soft goat cheese spread on the bread!
    Your Hungarian noodles look delicious, I Love noodle dishes with a green salad on the side;-)
    The book give away looks like a good one,isn't it fun to find good cookbooks?
    Have a nice weekend Elizabeth;-)

  15. Can't go wrong with fresh cheese and bacon in pasta dishes! Really tasty!
    I guess I can use German quark cheese instead for this pasta dish.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Eli!

  16. Hú de jól néz ki a csuszád!!!!és ugyan ilyen finom lehet!Egyszerűen átjön a képen,milyen tökéletes lett!!!

  17. Nagyon jó lett az új külső,jó ez a kék!!!

  18. Great giveaway! Loving looking recipe too. Loooooove the bacon :) Buzzed

  19. Yummy noodles! And neat giveaway too :)

  20. Oh yum !! I have been away to long I have been missing out on all your lovely mouth watering creations!!! :)

  21. wow the egg noodles look so comforting!!! i love entertaining! enter me into the drawing! have a great weekend elizabeth!

  22. Mmmm... cottage cheese ... mmmm ... bacon .... mmmm ... pasta're killing me!

  23. Nagyon guszta! Örülök, hogy megmutatod az olvasóidnak, hogy milyen az igazi magyar csusza. Biztos csurog a nyáluk. Megjegyzem nekem is...

  24. Beautiful photographs! I don't think I could ever make cottage cheese look appetising no matter how much I love it. Sharing these small family recipes is so special, thanks :-)

  25. Oh, your noodles look wonderful, Lizzie...especially those crispy bacon bits. And even though I need another cookbook like a hole in the head, I just can't resist! My favorite bedtime reading is a new cookbook. You are so generous with your great finds :)

  26. The photos of your noodles is like a piece of art! I can't wait to try this recipe of yours.

  27. Még sosem ettem turóscsuszát, jó lenne kipróbálni.

  28. Oh! Cheese.. glorious cheese.. yummm yumm yumm.. Oh my.. I'm out of words. They are just so tempting. I can just hear your noodles calling out to me right now.

    P/S: btw, I got an award for collect it from my blog okay? ;)

  29. Your family tradition for enjoying cottage cheese noodles looks delicious-not to mention soul satisfying too.


  30. Those noodles look insane!! I am going to have to make this this week ;)

  31. Lovely post as always, Elisabeth! What a tasty looking cottage cheese noodles! All recipes from the cookbook sound good I would love to have it! :)

  32. What a wonderful noodle dish, would be a fantastic alternative to mac and cheese that my kids seem to have weekly...and of course they will want the bacon :)
    Hope your week is starting out beautifully Elisabeth

  33. There are some dishes that make you want to grab n eat it immediately , this is definitely one of them! ;) Great recipe n thanks for shharing Elisabeth .

  34. Elisabeth,
    Love your noodle dish with all the creamy cottage cheese goodness, and then bacon! Pure comfort food! Have a good week!

  35. Darn, I'm too late! I hear you, I've been doing so many life changes and sorting through stuff, it's crazy isn't it. I'm taking your advice and sticking it out! Hope you have a great week.

  36. Hey there Elisabeth , finally I am back from my vacation .The pasta looks so good , very creamy and buttery , yumm!!!!. I have posted the 7 links , tell me what you think of it , cheers :D .

  37. So delicious, and with those bacon bits its gotta taste great!

  38. Elizabeth, I remember my grandmother making a dish with noodles and cottage cheese. It was delicious and I haven't had it since I was a child. Thanks so much for the recipe...I will have to give this a try! Great post! Nice tribute for 9/11!

  39. This is so funny. I was just talking to someone yesterday telling them how I grew up eating buttered noodles with cottage cheese. I loved it. We didn't put bacon on it but I'm sure that makes it even better. Afterall, everything is better with bacon.

  40. Hi Elizabeth, thank you so much for the cookbook - I can't wait to flip through the delicious recipes!

  41. I've seen this many times before but I've never been inlcined to make it.....until now. I'm gonna make this!

  42. Mennyi beírás, örömmel látom, alig tudtam letekerni az egérrel az oldal aljáig :D Nagyon jól sikerült fotót készítettél, nálunk tegnap este volt túrós csusza vacsorára, csak füstölt szalonna kockákat olvasztottam ki, pirítottam, házi! Jól esett az ízlelőbimbóimnak :)

  43. This is one of my favorite pasta dishes. I could eat this every day. I am not kidding. I am addicted to this dish. Sometimes I add chopped dill .... hmmmm. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your recipes and your stories.

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