Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Warm Chocolate Pudding Cakes...and a special 7 Links

People tend to have addictions to all sorts of things, which I do not want to list right now, but if you would have a chocolate addiction like I do, and my granddaughter would understand why I on purposely do not bake a lot of things with chocolate, or even tempt my granddaughter with it.

I cannot trust myself to have chocolate around me, because I would eat the whole thing. Same thing goes for chocolate cake. So, I simply stay away from it, and have it once in a while, but honestly, if you're a "true chocolate lover" this would really satisfy your chocolate addiction. Not too sweet, not heavy, no cream added, just pure "chocolate heaven."
She must take after me, because she and I taste tested this Warm Chocolate Pudding cake, with the excuse of taking a photo of how it looks on the inside, just before my daughter served dinner...Gabby said to me "please don't tell mom I ate most of this...or she'll get so mad at me!..."and me"...I said. We not only taste tested it, but we ate the whole thing. The other spoon you see on the right is with another empty dish...and after that, we proceed to eat a nice dish of pasta, with homemade fresh tomato sauce, and a light salad.
Has any one of you done that? ...or are we just strange?

I'm linking my Warm Chocolate Putting Cakes, to Full Plate Thursday,
@Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Incidentally, I have left a comment @ Vicki's Blog At Home with Vicki Bensinger how I love to eat this pasta, with the fresh tomato sauce. She has just posted her recipe on it. Yumm!
Another delicious fresh tomato sauce recipe with Pennette, from Linda @ Vittles and Committals

Also, I wanted to share with you a special 7 Links from a wonderful blogger friend, Shabs,
@Yum and Delish whom I have tagged a couple weeks ago, if she would like to participate in rounding up her 7 links. She was so gracious and kind to keep me informed through e-mail, to let me know that she is still on vacation in her homeland, Kerala, India, and that she will post it when she comes back. Now, she has let me know on my previous post, commenting that she posted her 7 Links. She chose this gorgeous Strawberries and Cream Cake as her Most Beautiful Post...I do have to agree, and I'm sure you will too. Check out this amazing cake, and recipe, and her 7 will be glad you did!
Strawberries and Cream Cake

Warm Chocolate Pudding Cake
adapted from American Bistro
by Diane Rossen Worthington

6 ounces of Semi-Sweet chocolate, cut into small chunks
1/2 cup=4 ounces unsalted butter
3 large eggs
3 large egg yolks
1/3 cup granulated sugar
5 Tbsp. all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly spray, or
butter 6 1-cup ramekins. In top of a double boiler, over simmering water, (you can stack a smaller pot over a large one for this method, it will serve as a double boiler)

Combine the chocolate with the butter. Heat until completely melted, stirring to blend. Remove from over the water, set aside to cool a bit.

In a bowl, using an electric mixer, beat together the eggs, the egg yolks, and the sugar for about 5 minutes or until the mixture is light and lemon color.
Add the flour, blending it in completely, and then add the cooled chocolate. Bake for about 11 12 minutes, or until each cake is set around the outside
edges, but the center trembles slightly, when the
ramekin is moved.

Watch carefully, you don't over bake the cake, or it will be dry, instead of creamy in the center. Remove from the oven, using a fine mesh strainer, dust the tops with confectioner sugar. Serve while it's still warm, or at room temperature. If you refrigerate it, just pop it into the microwave for about 30 seconds to get the temperature a little warm.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Много вкусно и красиво:)

  2. Mennyei! Naná, hogy tesztelni kellett az ízét, én sem tudtam volna ellenállni. A receptedet mentem, köszi. :))))

  3. Hi Elisabeth

    am winding my way back all things delicious...amd am gonna call up your daughter right away and tell her how Gabby and you licked the bowl clean and left the testimony wide open for us!!

    Good to get back in touch with you. you wont believe...i have this entire choc cake right there on my dining table now for the past five hours and i haven even touched it but hey that jus me...:)

    oh Shabs in Kerala?

  4. That's a gorgeous pic of the pudding! And the inside looks sooo sinfully delicious too! Think we can do an exchange? Passionfruit ice cream for chocolate pudding. :D

  5. Well I am not to be trusted with chocolate either.You cakes look so delicious!!!:)))

  6. Looks awesome, I would love to have it right now!

  7. If I bake a butter cake, it may last a few days but the chocolate cake will only last few minutes in my house! Love the gooey bit, licking my lips!

  8. One of our favorites, yours are perfection, love the photos

  9. Good Morning Elizabeth,
    I know that these are not for breakfast, but why do I have to wait, they look delicious. Thanks for sharing and sure hope you are having a great day!
    Miz Helen

  10. Oh man, that pudding looks brilliant! Perfect to feed my chocolate addiction ;)

  11. thanks for the links,, loks so good, now,, this is one of my favorite deserts as well.I make it maybe four times a years but our family calls it Down in the dumps pudding,, it has magical powers.

  12. Beautiful pictures of this dessert. A look at the interior so had me craving one. Lovely job.

  13. wow, this chocolate cake looks soo good. i have a weakness for chocolate too! i developed a cocoa sensitivity b/c i ate too much of it! carob just isn't the same for me!

  14. and you changed your quote at the top! just noticed!

  15. I love stories about grandchildren and chocolate;-)
    Your chocolate cakes are beautiful and so tempting;-). I would want to have one before dinner and afterwards too!

  16. Thankfully, I'm not addicted to I can bake these with no concern :-) These look delicious, my friend! I hope you are having a wonderful week. I've been busy baking a cake for my grandparent's anniversary. Much love...and thanks for making me smile.

  17. A férjem odalenne érte, nagyon guszta

  18. I think I would have to eat one before dinner, too...

  19. Elisabeth this is Delicious, delicious, delicious! I wish I could have some of this pudding right this moment.


  20. funny how you said "and me". You know, One of my excuse not to bake any dessert is that I have no control over dessert. I'm like you, I'm a crazy chocoholic that if there is some piece left, I "feel" I have to finish it. And I don't feel good until it's gone so that I can focus on other things... I think this is a total adiction. Same thing goes to any kinds of desserts. If I bake something, more than half will go into my stomach. I always ask why bakers are skinny and don't have my problem, and they all say they share with neigbhors or family. Um... maybe I'm not nice. Before I even think about sharing, most of it is consumed by ME! I was smiling to read this post since I see similarity in you, but for only chocolate though. I'm worse! What a delicious pudding cake Elizabeth!

  21. Delicious, this is ultimate dream for a chocolate lover. Love to tast.

  22. Your blog is great! I'm fascinated by the variety, delicious recipes and amazing photos! We'll visit with pleasure! Dessert looks very gentle, subtle, and certainly with exceptional taste!

  23. There is not much you need to do to entice me when you show me gooey chocolate like that and when you do it like that, its just irresistible for me. Where's my bag of chocolate chips :)

  24. Wow delicious pudding,sure it melts in mouth...

  25. yum yum yum.... chocolate pudding, yours looks extremely good. I cannot resist chocolate too :)

  26. Oh, that looks so good. I would love to have one of those puddings. Unfortunately I am on a diet. I hate it.

  27. OH My God , that chocolate pudding looks brilliant , I too am a chocolate addict , can't trust myself with chocolate , it looks too good Elisabeth and a big THANKYOU for mentioning me , you are too kind :).

  28. O you finally updated your blog!! And yes, it's pretty chilly here, esp. in the morning time, I think it's about 18C degrees today.
    Warm chocolate pudding...isn't it just great for any time of the year!!

  29. That's look so yummy and chocolaty ...brilliant pudding recipe!

  30. Hi Elisabeth,these are a masterpiece!!!Although I'm not into chocolate I have to say I'm seriously tempted...Maria would "clean them up" in no time!!haha..As far as the pasta consumption after the chocolate, I have to tell you that my husband once went to an "all you can eat restaurant",had all he could eat including dessert,and then he saw a fresh tray of lasagna coming in...Needless to say he dove in "because he couldn't resist a good thing, no matter what"..R.I.P., you're not alone..haha..Have a great day!

  31. Ciao Cara..:-))
    Troppo golosi questi budini,slurp!!!
    Bravissima a presto e tanti baciiii****

  32. Oh, you KNOW I'm all over this beautiful dessert! Your pudding cakes would be a huge hit at our house...and I imagine a few might disappear before dinner here, too :) And now I'm off to visit the blogs you shared. xoxo

  33. Hi Elisabeth, Sorry to be away so long..busy summer :) Love your new background picture!! I am not a huge chocolate fan but these pictures look so appealing I might have to go over to the dark side!

  34. I'm afraid those wouldn't last very long around me. I love chocolate- especially gooey chocolate- and these look heavenly. :)

  35. These really look delicious and you certainly have presented them beautifully. I always enjoy the time I spend here and I never leave empty handed. I always find a recipe or suggestion that fits right into my kitchen, It is a pleasure to visit here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  36. Nekem is jöhetnek a csokis dolgok, jól néz ki ez a puding! Stimulálni kell a boldogság hormon szintet :D

  37. Your warm chocolate pudding cakes look so velvety and delicious. Thank you for mentioning my fresh tomato sauce. The other mentioned recipes sound delightful as well. I will definitely check them out.

    Have a great weekend!

  38. Oh death by chocolate - you are killing me, lol! I LOVE your pudding and your photos, Elisabeth! And have I mentioned lately that the changes you're making on your blog are looking great. Thanks for linking me and sorry I'm so late in responding. I was away for a few days - a little outing with lady friends, ahhh! I didn't have any chocolate while away, though, shame on me. Well, I'm printing the recipe because we love fresh homemade chocolate pudding and I like the lack of cream (too much lactose to digest). I love the story with you and your granddaughter - it's "sweet" and at least you both ate your dinner!!!

  39. Yes, this does look too delicious to resist! Yummy! I hope no one got in trouble!

  40. Wow! Your warm chocolate pudding cakes look so divine, Elisabeth! I really wish we're neighbors, so I can always have a share of the gorgeous treats you bake! :)

  41. Your warm chocolate pudding looks really inviting! How can you wait...I would have done the same and eaten it before dinner ;)

  42. Elizabeth,
    Your warm chocolate pudding is divine, and so easy. That could be a problem, because you could whip these up in a flash! I need more willpower.

    Can you believe that my youngest son, the /groom-to-be, doesn't like chocolate? He doesn't know, what he is missing, does he?

  43. Milyen csodás ez a csokoládé puding torta
    ,régóta hajtok ilyen felfújtas edénykét,de mindig lemaradtam róla mikor lehetett kapni,sosem értem rá elmenni érte,amikor árulták,és főleg akcióban.
    A torta pedig egyszerűen szuper!!Jókat készítesz az tuti!!!

  44. I can hardly look at this, because it is making me want it so bad. I was just eyeing the frittata too, mmm. So funny, I think people mistake frugal with being cheap. I think it means wanting to not spend a lot, but getting the best you can with that little amount. Hope you have a great week. Can't wait for Nov.

  45. Elizabeth, These pudding cakes look amazing...I have an addiction to chocolate, too! I will have to try these!

  46. wow..this is one of my fav dessert..its so sinful but love the immense pleasure that u get after having it...truly chocoholic..i love it...
    nice presentation and well made dear.
