Saturday, September 17, 2011

Easy Frittata with Vegetables and Bacon...also an Award!

I'm not trying to cover up, or making excuses for not posting a fabulous favorite quote..."it is what it is"..."what you see is what you get"...well, it holds true. I'm quite a frugal person, but that does not mean I'm "cheap" I like to get good quality produce, small amount of meats, seafood, and the freshest and best eggs possible.
 I have been buying the 18 carton Egg-Land's Best at Costco's and I always have more than enough. I don't bake enough, and I don't eat enough eggs, so when I have a lot left over, I end up making a frittata on top of the stove, and finish it off in the oven, to melt and brown the top with the cheese on it, but this time I didn't have any cheese...but did still have the organic bacon, so I cooked that separately, to sprinkle on the top. Leftover eggs are always nice hard boiled too, to make egg salad with it.
You probably also didn't know...which some of the 7 things about me, is that I love iced tea better than hot tea. The only time I drink hot tea, when the temperature drops below 65 degrees F. outside! Strange, but true! Also, I love Lipton fresh brewed tea. I literally make a pitcher of fresh tea for iced tea, which both my son and I love. He comes over to my place, at lunch time (works from home)...runs on the beach, and when he returns. he practically drinks the entire pitcher of ice tea with fresh lemon slices, and sweetened with "blue agave" syrup. So that's my little secret with the iced tea!
What you see on the forefront on the left, is little chunks of cooked potato, and little diced pieces of zucchini,
chopped onions, peppers, and diced fresh tomatoes, and beautiful sliced tomatoes  from that glorious bag of fresh tomatoes that I buy for $1.00 when they have it at my favorite local produce market!

Easy Frittata with Vegetables and Bacon

In a nonstick skillet, add 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, and saute 1 medium chopped onion, 2 medium potatoes diced small,1 zucchini diced small, 1 green pepper diced. When vegetables are almost tender, add 1 chopped tomato. Add salt and pepper, and cook until all the veggies are nice and fairly tender.
At this point, you can continue, or put into a plastic container, and save for the next day to continue the frittata.

You can cook up the bacon ahead of time, as well.
Cook 3 or 4 slices of organic, or any other bacon of your choice till crisp. On a double folded paper towel, let the bacon absorb the grease, when cool, you can place it in a small baggie, and refrigerate it.

You can proceed to warm the vegetables the next day, or proceed to continue after everything is cooked, on the same day.

Beat 8 large eggs lightly, chop the cooked bacon coarsely, or you can eliminate it, since the eggs are being cooked without the bacon.

Pour the eggs into the skillet, on top of the vegetables. Let it cook for a minute or two without disturbing it, and gently pull a little with a spatula to let the eggs set, but do not scramble it.

When the frittata is done, you could see the edges nicely set and the rest of the eggs are still moist, no runny parts, it is done, and ready to be served.
Add chopped bacon separately on top on each serving, or serve plain.

At this time you can reheat the cooked bacon in the toaster oven, or regula oven and toast your bread; actually on bake, at 350 degrees F. till  bacon heats up and gets crispy, and bread gets nice and golden.

Just look at the nice solid portion you can serve, not falling apart. Yields, 4 servings.

Scatter the bite size pieces over the top, yumm, nice and crispy, and enjoy!

I received an awards from two amazing food bloggers... that I have received as well back in May of this year.
Such an honor to receive this award, from a talented food blogger, who has been so kind to me in this short time that I had a pleasure to meet her. Remember the wonderful and really amazing watermelon knife? Well, I was the lucky winner of Vicki's givaway for that. Vicki is the author of At Home with Vicki Bensinger, In Home Culinary Classes Thank you Vicki for honoring me with the Versatile Blogger Award!

The next amazing food blogger is a dear friend of mine whom I met and became friends with the first week she just started her blog about 1year ago. She make all the pretty rainbow color cakes, and cupcakes. No wonder Joanna's blog is ChicGorgeous. Thank you Jo for honoring me with this wonderful award, as well!

I have already followed the rules from before, and paid it forward to 15 bloggers...did the 7 things about me, so there's nothing new since.
Please feel free to take the award to keep for yourself, or pass it on. You all deserve it...each and every blogger!

Blogging is not an easy task, and I don't mean that you are not "computer savvy"'s just that when you prepare a post, as in foods, it is quite a project to cook, or bake, photograph it properly, and post the recipe, and also prepare a new post. It takes time, and energy, and to promote it. Makes no difference how many posts you do in a week, they all take up hours of your time.
Take care, and have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Congratz on your award Elisabeth and the pics looks really mouth-watering . Have a great weekend :D .

  2. Congrat on your award. I'm drooling.. hahaha... your fritata looks so good. Have a beautiful weekend.

  3. Congrats on the award ... again, Elisabeth :D I received this from you sometime ago and now I've received it again from Jo. She's sweet.
    This frittata and iced tea is the way to go for our weather. Lovely pics .... mouth wateringly droolish!

  4. Fantastic frittata.Will check later the blogs yoiu recomended.Congrats on your awards .It is true blogging is not easy ..whatwe don't do for the love of food:))

  5. Nagyon ízletes, tetszik, hogy cukkinit is raktál bele. Ötletes. Gratulálok a díjhoz.:)))

  6. WOnderful platter, am just drooling over here, congrats on ur award..

  7. What a perfect meal! I would love to try this for breakfast some day :)

  8. Frittatas make wonderful meals. A little of this, a little of that and it's a delicious meal.



  9. you have inspired me, I'm going right now to make this for our brunch.Yum!!!

  10. I like to make frittata's as a quick dinner when I am out of ideas and short in time. We love them.
    Try to buy certifued humane eggs at Costco next time. I buy "Nestfresh" It is a Denver based company. They are the only company in my area keeping their chickens humanely. The eggs are delicious, too. I am sure you could also find a local brand. I'll be in South Beach in Okctober and take a look. Can't wait to see the beach!
    Check out this link:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=239&cntnt01returnid=72

  11. I'm so hungry for breakfast, maybe I'll cook up some eggs with toast, unfortunately no bacon in the house;-)
    Congrats on the award Elizabeth, you're correct blogging is a lot of work, a blogger's job is never done! There's always the next post;-)

  12. Congrads on ur award dear. Fritata looks very yummy..nice clicks.

  13. This is pretty fabulous, despite not being a dessert! To be honest, I'd take bacon over chocolate ANY day of the week :) Congrats on your very much deserved award!

  14. I have been thinking of making frittata for a week, crispy bacon on top sounds divine. It's interesting to have blue alagve syrup with ice tea, sound refreshing. Congrats on the award, blogging takes up a lot of time but it's a good way to share food, thoughts and meeting friends!

  15. Your frittata looks wonderful! I like the bacon on top too so it stays nice and crispy! Hope you're having a great weekend! xoxo

  16. before i became vegan, i loved eggs! such a easy healthy meal to make. :) hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  17. The frittata looks so good- it would be a perfect weekend lunch or weeknight dinner. My "girls" give me two eggs a day, so unless I'm baking I always have plenty on hand. :)

  18. Ciao Carissima!!!!
    Che dire...una ricettina buonissima e anche bella da vedere..complimenti!!!:-))
    Good sunday a presto..

  19. Eli, I love frittata and yours looks absolutely delicious with a well balanced mix of veggies and bacon.

  20. Hi Elisabeth! I posted a frittata recipe a bit ago using duck eggs. Frankly I really need fast, good recipes on many days and a frittata can't be beat. I always think about what to put on top of it; I would not have thought to mix ingredients INTO it. So simple but such a great idea. I'm already thinking of some ham in my freezer I could use. Always so nice to visit you. I love, love, love your background photo!

  21. Hi Elizabeth,
    Congratulations on your award! Your Frittata looks delicious. I love a meal like that any time of the day. I really like your tomatoes on the plate, I can almost taste that wonderful combination. Hope you are having a great week end and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  22. What a lovely frittata. Why I don't make this more often for dinner or lunch is beyond me. Full of delicious veggies, it makes a perfect meal. I'd make it exactly like yours and add mushrooms, too...yum!

    And I always love how you reveal a little tidbit about yourself in each post. I drink only hot tea...even when it's 100º! Bill looks at me like I'm nuts.

    Hope you've had a great weekend! It was a busy one here and went way too fast. xoxo

  23. Congrats on your award. Great looking frittata.

  24. I love your frittata, very flavorful, but all your dishes are full of flavor and very colorful.
    On the tea, I would say I love both, mostly I drink hot before bed, and cold during the day instead of juice:) did you try ginger-lemon is very very good.:)
    Anyhow Congrats on well deserved award, yes blogging does take a lot of time but when you love something nothing is hard, right?
    hugs and have a wonderful night!

  25. Heya Elisasbeth! I'm back from my short beach vacation. The fritata is calling out to me right now. Or isit because it's my lunch break and I've not gone out for lunch. Yummmmmm.... Hugs, Jo

  26. Bravo on the well deserved award. Makes it all worth while in the end!
    Love this frittata - can just about smell that gorgeous bacon from here. What a wonderful way to start the week!

  27. Fantastic frittata, looks so yummy.:-))
    Congrats on your deserved award!

  28. You are right food blogging takes a lot of work, but it is so worth it when we meet others that we can share it with. Love the frittata, and the fresh veggies. I like to shop like you do, I would rather get smaller amounts, fresh and local! Congrats on the award.

  29. Elizabeth, Such a nice post and your frittata looks wonderful! You are so right about blogging...if I didn't blog I would have never met you and so many other wonderful people with like interests! Congrats on your award!

  30. Hi Elizabeth! Congratulations on your blog award! I love this frittata! My husband used to make it for breakfast...but I don't know what happened, we haven't had it for months! Definitely we need to get it back on weekends....and your recipe sounds perfect to start with. :-)

  31. Your frittata looks amazing,Elisabeth!It's such a great idea for a lunch!I so much agree with you on iced tea;I only have hot tea when I feel sick to the point of "kicking the bucket"..haha Congratulations for the award,enjoy your day!:)

  32. What a hearty and tasty breakfast! I do drink hot tea but love it iced even more...funny both of my sons only drink iced, and allot of it as well :)
    Congratulations on another well deserved award...

  33. The frittata looks delicious. I'm craving for it now. I love iced tea too. I even drink it in winter :) Congratulations on the award. You are amazing! I mean it.
