Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Great Pasta, and Fish...and a Bad Week!

Amazing fresh pasta with fava beans, and mixed vegetables, topped with goat cheese...courtesy of Chef Fabrizio,
 (my son-in-law)
Do you ever get one of those days when it starts out with a series of things going wrong, and the next day it's the same, and as you go through the week your realize that nothing is going right, only because of that one thing that is tugging at your "sleeves" and you know you have to take care of it. It started exactly one week ago.

Fabulous baked Mahi-Mahi with lemon-butter sauce and veggies...courtesy of Chef Fabrizio (my son-in-law)
My central air condition, which is only about 3 years old, just gave out and water was dripping...then gushing, thinking it's my water heater, or the neighbor's that busted. It was neither but my AC. I live in an older building on the beach where we are sharing "pipes"...now don't get me wrong...not the kind of pipes that is illegal...ha, ha...but the pipes that is connected to our water system.

The AC guy came out and fixed the problem, only to last 2 days. I waited for another 2 days for him to return the call...as you see, we live in South Florida, and here independent workers run on their own schedule. When they say they will be out in an hour, you should know it will be 2 hours...maybe 3 or all day, depending where they might get stuck on another job. Well, in the meantime it's still in the upper eighty degrees here, and at night the upper seventy degrees. No sign of fall here, till about November. I could not wait for this guy to come back to fix the problem, so my son called his AC guy to come and check the problem...by that time it was towards the end of the week. He promptly came out and drained the excess water, but by that time I have used up all my towels...even the good ones to mop up all the water from the floor.

Problem fixed...oh, but NO!...still the same dripping water existed coming through my ceiling pipes in my closet where the water heater and the AC unit is. Mind you, I had to cancel all my appointments that entire week, to deal with all this...not over yet! By Friday, I had no other choice but to call my condo association and tell them perhaps it's an outside problem. Sure enough they sent their AC man, and they checked the outside pipes, drained it...and DONE!...3 AC service people...$100. service charge to each of the first 2; (son paid for the second.)
The 3rd service man didn't charge for the service call, since it's an outside problem...but the inside problem was my responsibility...No air condition for 1 whole week...so appreciating the breeze in the early morning, and evening...but no fun stuck inside not wanting to cook or bake in that heat. So grateful for at least I got to eat two truly amazing meals made by Fabrizio!

Also had a beautiful dinner at my son's. He is the "grill guy!" ...such a nice grilled fish...this time a grouper (didn't take photo, darn!) ...so all in all, I still have my loving family, regardless of all these aggravating issues that have a way of working themselves out!

I picked up rotisserie chicken from my favorite local Publix supermarket that was at least 2 dinners, and 1 lunch for me...also picked up fresh sushi from the same market that they make fresh every single day! So it wasn't so bad. Spent some quality time by myself... and sat around enjoying the breeze on the beach this weekend...have not cooked even 1 meal. I feel so bad for not having anything to post of what I made! didn't make!

I sat out here on this beach lounge for at least 2 hrs under the umbrella Sunday, just chilling and reading cooking magazines!
Such a beautiful scene I captured with the ocean and the sky!
The palm trees gently swaying in the breeze!
Walking along the shore getting my feet wet...waves too rough, they actually knock you down when you go in the water!
About a mile from where I live...drawing the line from the "rich and poor folks" These are the "millionaires' section" ...only in the U.S. can you see plain folks, next door to the rich folks! ...I still prefer my little condo, that has been there a lot longer than these fancy rich ones...that's why we have our "prime select beach"...that they don't have.
In the seventies when ours was built, these fancy condos were just a gleam in the builders' eyes!
Have a wonderful week...hope yours is a better one than mine was...but then again, this is a new week!

I apologize for not commenting back to all your comments. I don't know where my head is sometimes! I will catch up with my comments and hope I didn't offend any one for neglecting them!
Hugs, to all! 

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  1. Life will always be of good and bad hings, don't worry, focus on the good and forget the bad. The mahi mahi and the pasta dishes look absolutely fabulous! These made my day!!

  2. Love the saying I saw somewhere: I know everything about life in three words:Life goes on:)
    I love the apsta that must have gioven you some good comfort:)

  3. What a coincidence , I went thru this too 2 days back , my a/ c went out too and it is about 47 degrees celsius here , so you van imagine how horrible it was , had to go thru it for two days and now I am celeberating it with chocolate cake :D.

  4. I'm sorry about your bad week dear... but look at those photos you've been taken... they are so heaven! forget about those bad things *_*
    And I want to share something for U in my page:
    I know You already have dozens of awards, I just think you deserve more :))

  5. Egy ilyen rossz hét után csak jó következhet! Az ételek nagyon guszták. A lima babról még nem halottam, milyen az íze?
    A tengerpari fotók gyönyörűek. Én is szívesen elüldögéltem volna itt.

  6. I know what you mean. At least on the plus you got to enjoy the beautiful weather. And you live so close to the beach, almost on the beach!

  7. What a nightmare! I don't know what we'd do without our AC at night. We usually just catch the breeze in the daytime but we're not leaving our windows and doors open at night, that's for sure! At least its all sorted now, and you had this SUPER YUMMY pasta and fish :)

  8. Awww.... so sorry about your troubles. I'm sure things will look up from now. Could be worse ... like not having enough towels to mop up all that water? Ok , stupid remark. Ignore that. Hey, great 2 dishes! That must have more than made up for all that stress.

  9. well that was a week to forget,,so sad, we don't realize how lucky we are to have A until it screws up.What a mess, thats alot of work too soaking up all the water.The meals look wonderful, how lucky to have a chef inthe family!!!I love to read your posts,

  10. I meant AC, guess I had better pay attention to what I'm typing!!Sorry!

  11. Hát vannak ilyen hetek, napok, hogy semmi sem sikerül, de csak lejárnak azok is. Gyönyörű helyen laksz, még ha adódnak is ilyen problémák. az a friss tészta nagyon tetszik nekem.

  12. Nagyon jó ez a tészta és a látvány óóóó csodálatos

  13. So sorry to hear about your problem. There are some day when everything goes wrong. Hope everything is ok now. Wow, enjoy your beautiful photos, it's like paradise lives just a stone throw away from the beach. ;)

  14. I had a week like that early this past summer when my computer crashed. Something I never want to relive. I didn't have a Fabrizio but Mr. Rosemary did get us some rotisserie chicken which is, indeed, often a lifesaver!

  15. Ahhhh...yes... the agravations of AC repairmen. We have an old Florida home and have to deal with these issues of replacing things that are wearing out, but like you I love my older home... rather than those new cookie cutter ones. But we have a fairly new AC unit that we had trouble the first weeks we had it installed, then last spring we had issues but were lucky to find a good reliable AC repair man that is in the running club with my husband. He found what they did wrong when the first installed it. We live within walking distance from the beach, how lucky you are right there!

  16. Elisabeth, I could imagine the test of patience you went through! But it was not that bad after all, relaxing under the umbrella, sea breeze, BEAUTIFUL sky and scenery. That's a blessing. Also a blessing is your son in law, Fabrizio, he could cook delicacies. I would LOVE a son in law like that. If he has any single brothers send them my daughter's way in six years! lol :)


  17. Oh do I ever have those weeks..I have it in the last three months on and off..just keep your head up and keep going..my advice:)
    Your pictures are truly beautiful..hope your next week is better though!

  18. Eli, sorry to hear that you had a rough week. Keep smiling and say "I will conquer". ;-)
    The mahi mahi with tangy lemon butter sauce looks droolworthy!

  19. Elisabeth,
    Hope that you're week is going better than last week, and that your AC is finally fixed. At least you had some wonderful food to get you through the week:)

  20. oh my I know what its like to be without AC... but that fish pasta is awesome! hope your doing ok now!

  21. i would love to live with such a beautiful view. i think my life would be so serene waking up to that! ahhh i had that my first week back at work (a couple weeks ago). hahaha here's something funny that will encourage ya!

    “I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there’s gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running and I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”

    — Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

  22. Sorry to hear about your bad week! I think we all have weeks like this! My air conditioner had some major issues this past weekend too. It's such an inconvienence! On the other hand, this pasta and that mahi mahi look so tasty!!

  23. Oh, ick...no AC for a week is bad! Especially in Florida! And water in your condo? More bad. So I'm hoping this week is much better!!! xoxo

    PS...gorgeous photos! I'm glad you're not teasing me with them in January or you might have a house guest ;)

  24. Sorry to hear about your bad week Elisabeth! Hope you are doing better now.
    I have not been away. I have had internet problem and it's fixed, well at least for now :)
    The pasta looks delicious and so is the mahi-mahi.
    Have a great day!

  25. Elizabeth, So sorry you had such a bad week. The aggravation of dealing with repair men that don't show up when they say they will is universal. Looks like you were well taken care of by your son and son-in-law. I just love where you live...such a gorgeous view...and no snow! Here's to a better week!

  26. I have say that despite the AC problems, you still live in an amazing looking part of the world!!! Look at that beach!!! :-))))))

  27. I'm sorry to hear about your bad week. Seems like when it rains it pours. Hope next week is better.

    I see there's more than just one chef in the family? These dishes look delicious and so colorful. They make me hungry.

    Not sure why I haven't received your past couple of posts. I'm signed up to get your emails. Wonder what's happened?

  28. Ugh. I hate having this kind of issue and it takes long time to fix. I can't forcus on new thing and can't move on... It must be so warm in 80F weather having no A/C. SF usually doesn't have AC and we're having 80F weather this week. It's hot! At least your view is so relaxing...I'd just lie down on beach and forget about it... maybe not. =P

  29. Oops forgot to talk about food! Your son is such a great cook! Pasta looks delicious!!

  30. Oh no! I sure hope this week will go better for you. I know from experience that having no air conditioning isn't fun. Those beach photos are gorgeous though! :)

  31. Sweet friend...please don't worry about catching up with comments. It sounds like you've had a challenging week! This is too tempting! I want a bowl of this pasta right now instead of my boring plate of crackers. I should have known not to visit...you're always making me hungry :-) Love and hugs from Austin!

  32. I'm sorry about the bad week,Elisabeth..sometimes when it rains it pours.Looking on the bright side however,it is over with and the meal looks amazing!!Hope the rest of this week turns out great for you!!XO

  33. Understand completely about that kind of a week. It happens. But look at that beach. You are so lucky to have that out there and chill out. Just what's needed, eh? I bet with these lovely dishes from son-in-law you're inspired again. Come on - we're wanting YOUR inspiration! Can I come over Sunday and sit on that beach chair, puleeze?

  34. Törvényszerű, hogy most sok jónak kell következnie!!! :) A fotókon maga a Földi paradicsom látható, klassz a kaja is!!!

  35. Sorry you had a tough week Elisabeth, sometimes we just need to vent! Glad all is fixed & these dishes look amazing! The pasta topped with goat cheese looks fabulous & so does the mahi-mahi with butter sauce!

  36. Love your blog and the pasta made me so hungry, I am on the way to the kitchen right now. Keep on writing, I always say writing liberates

  37. It does look like you've been eating well this week!

    I love your gorgeous beach photos....thanks for sharing! I would love to live on a beautiful beach.

  38. Oh, what a week! Yesterday when I commented on your recent post, I got the impression you were sick - didn't have time to read what happened and reserved the time this morning to finish catching up. I hope it wasn't too hot and humid last week. But, thank goodness for the kindness of your family and great your son-in-law's cooking skills! You have a charming place and what a location! Loosing AC probably got you out to enjoy it a little more than usual, perhaps? Beautiful photos - I'm glad I took the time to visit!

  39. So sorry about your AC...hope things have improved. But on a good note, that pasta photo is fantastic! Would love to reach in and grab
    a bite :)

  40. darn...such heavy stuff do happen to take the wind out of your sails and the worst part of it is there's nothing sensational about it! good you've eased out of it on some fabulous pasta and that gorgeous mahi mahi...special compliments to the chef! yes i mean it..run run to tell him!

    lovely clicks you've up here...and next time something bad like this happens you can quickly remember mahi mahi and pasta coming out to you!!

    hail Elisabeth!

  41. We would love to have you link your favourite recipes to Simply Delish saturday if you have time.

    I am sure the coming week will bring new and exciting adentures to share.

    have a great week.
