Friday, September 23, 2011

Restaurant Review, Pets...and Awards!

This is organic green iced tea, served in a glass, and a separate carafe $2.50
As you can see, I'm having a better week this week, thanks to all of your kind words of encouragement, I thought about each and every comment that you posted, and it made me feel so happy that you shared with me. I do have two posts from this week, but I'm saving it for another day to post it...instead, I thought this would be more fun and versatile!

So, I get a call from my daughter, the other day from Lora, (cake duchess) asking me if I want to go to get a "quick bite" for lunch...OK, I'm thinking, she's asking me at the last minute, not giving me time to even get ready, just to jump in the car and go with her, thinking, she wants to go to the Bagel place downtown, that is a very casual trendy breakfast and lunch place where they make the most amazing bagels, and the service is great, no waiting, and you are in-and-out in no time. She says, "we're going to Joy's Noodles"...what the heck is Joy's Noodles? Oh, it's an Asian "mom and pop" little place, for lunch and reservation required, and it's around the corner! come I didn't know about this place when I pass by almost eerie day?...oh, it's "low key"...they never advertise, and the place is always packed, because of the great food, amazing owners, service, and great staff! Well, that explains it all!

This is the menu for Joy's Noodles

located at:
2200 S. Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Fl. 33401

A beautiful sunny Wednesday, on the right is the main street, which is S. Dixie Highway, and on the left, is the back of the building which is the parking, You can enter from either side of the building. I took this photo quickly, on the way out. We were really in a rush, and a fabulous fresh and warm lunch was served within about 25 minutes...I kid you not!

As you can see, I ordered a Sautéed Spicy Khmer
Noodles, with squid, $14.95
Udon noodles, with a mixture of spices and herbs, and let me tell you, this was the freshest, and most succulent squid I've ever had, with the most amazing spicy sauce...not overly spicy, but just right, with a mixture of vegetables of scallions, carrots, and tiny broccoli florets...yumm! oh, so delicious!

Now that I've taken a closer look, there were of course chili pepper flakes, as well, and edemame too!
I shared some of the pasta with Lora, as she shared her rice and tofu with me!

The best thing about the noodles, and the rice dishes, is that you get to choose about about 8 different sauces, vegetables, and combination of chicken, beef, and seafood with your sauce. So many choices!

Lora chose the White Rice, with Mixed Vegetables, and Tofu, in a Lemongrass Coconut Sauce...$11.95
so amazingly mellow, and absolutely divine!

After lunch, Lora had to rush off to go to the kids' school, to meet with a teacher, and I went back to her house, to wait. By that time the pets were getting hungry too!
So, this is the back door, Stella the (chubby Chihuahua is already greeting Michetta, Dr. Eric's cat from next door who comes over for a meal once a day, like he really needs it...ha, ha (waiting for me, as soon as he spots my car, outside)

So, on one side of the dish Michetta gets the soft food, that he went for right away, and on the other side, the dry food the the puppy dove right into, as soon as I put the dish down. I had to physically lift her up and take her inside to get her to eat her own food...ha, ha. what a little "brat!"

In the meantime, as I arrived home, Prince, my "princely" kitty, was waiting for me in my computer chair, even though he has his chair next to mine and sits there when I'm on the computer and just hangs out with me.

Now, at this point I have to let him stay on my computer chair, but I put a beach towel over the cushion (for the cat hair shedding)...he comfortably sits back, I sit on the regular chair...he taps my arm...that means we hold "paws"...and "hands" which he likes, and I continue with my blog. As soon as I move my left hand, he taps me again, and nudges me as well! Aren't pets sweet?...they are so predictable, and sometimes, not so predictable!
In my world...I know the "routine" so well!

Now, on to the awards!

I am so fortunate to have the most wonderful food blogger friends, whom some I consider to be closer than some of my friends that I became friends with, over the last 10 years...the reason for that?...well, it's because I have more thing in common with my food blogger friends on a daily basis, then my local friends that I see on occasion, to get together for lunch or for an invite.

I do agree that most people are busy with their work, home, family life, but when you have single friends, what is really the excuse?, relationship, family?! Most of the time it's the "relationship" they're in, or out. I will not subject myself to being a "sounding board"...a shoulder to "cry" on because they just don't get it!...I mean, don't they know better than to get involved in a relationship where the guy is very much "still married?"...and keeps saying..."my wife and I just don't get along"..."she doesn't understand me"..."she is refusing to give me a divorce"...OK, you get the picture now. I'm getting off the subject, so let me get back to the awards!
Citra, my dear food blogger friend, whom I got the pleasure to be friends with about 1 year ago, has the most beautiful blog called My Home Diary in Turkey

She is originally from Indonesia, and is transplanted in Turkey. She has mastered all the amazing Turkish dishes, and has the most amazing recipes from her own homeland, as well. Her cakes are a "work of art"...her desserts are "to die for" beautiful, just beautiful. She is gracious, kind, and generous!
She awarded me, and a list of other bloggers, so talented, with 3 of my very favorite awards...2 that I have received a while back, and mean a lot to me. I have paid it forward to quite a few bloggers, and will do it again. I don't think I will have the time or the energy to be linking each award to 15 bloggers x 3...but will do at least 10 or more!

Thank you Citra, for this wonderful honor, and I will pay it forward, as well! (as soon as I can)

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  1. Ok...everything looks yummy...especially the tea...and the noodles...and the tofu and rice...what a fun lunch...

    I read all about you air conditioner issues...thank goodness it is fixed and done...but you poor thing in that heat!!!

    And Prince...looks beautiful...I love the paw holding!!!

  2. There goes my crazy iPad again!!!

    You should be your!!!

  3. Wow.. you compliment me too much.. :)) You are most welcome dear, You've been a great friend also these time to me.... ^,^ Lucky you have some Asian restaurant in your town... Here I must (read force) to make my own to fulfill my craving on my Asian taste... those picture make me drolling and I'm planning to make homemade tofu for tomorrow ^,^

  4. what a beautiful post,, lovely kitties and such delicous food, wow!I'm going to find your daughters blog and this good friends blog sounds very interesting too!

  5. Love that mom and daughter time- throw in a good meal and it doesn't get much better than that!
    I'm glad your week turned around, looking forward to your next post. I also love a bowl of noodles especially with the squid, yum;-)

  6. Nothing betetr than going out with your mum and having wonderful food.Cats look happy too:) And glad you are happy..again:))

  7. Nice awards Elisabeth. So good you are having a better week. So funny I just posted Amy's Pho Vietnamese Noodles and Subs on my blog. Your noodles looked very good, it's such a cute place. Love all the cat photos! Thanks for sharing, and I consider you a friend even though we've never met in person, hope we can some day!
    Have a great weekend,

  8. Congratulations on the awards Elisabeth. Om my everytime I come over here you have new awards... you are most loved and appreciated and i don't wonder why. You deserve it girlfriend!
    Now with the array of food you lined up here, Im going to dig in, in each and every plate hahah why not, everything looks divine. But i think I will order the same as what you ordered!
    Take care and have a great weekend,

  9. You deserve the awards, congrats. I agree we all share of a love of food that is hard to explain to the non-foodie. Poor thing, I'm glad things are going better, I think I had your week this week. I guess it's just the ebb and flow of life. Great looking lunch. Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. Haha! Congrats on the awards ... again, Elisabeth. You must have received these 5 times around already! 5 times more won't hurt. It just shows how much we love you and treasure your friendship.
    Prince is looking super good ... I'm so glad. And he's such a great companion. I wish my cat could sit long enough by my side like that... and I mean by my side coz he just loves sitting on my tummy! And he's close to 16 lbs!

  11. The restaurant has a very interesting architecture, and it matches the food!

  12. Elisabeth- You are so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. Your impromptu lunch looks delicious, as well as the green tea.

    Your kitties and puppy are adorable, and they do keep you company. Bailey, The Wonder Dog, is dozing at my feet by my computer.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Oh, what a lovely convalescent lunch with your daughter! The meal looked wonderful and that tea so refreshing. Sorry you haven't been feeling well and sorry that I didn't know - things have been crazy busy here and I'm just catching up (again!). I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Take good care and have a nice weekend xoxoxo.

  14. I forgot to mention - your kitty is so sweet! I love cats but I'm so allergic that I'm surprised I'm not sneezing just looking at Prince on the screen. My little poodle likes to sit on my lap or near me all the time, just like a cat! Very cute.

  15. Glad everything is taken care of! Lunch looks great! What a great find. Love your 'field trip' posts Elisabeth.

  16. Glad to hear things are going better. Loved that you spent quality time for "you" in the midst of it! These lunches (and tea) look delicious. (Nice to discover a gem when you least expect it.) You certainly deserved it, and the award! Buzzed. :)

  17. What a fun lunch with Lora! And I love your pet menagerie...I think Lambeau would push them all out of the way and eat all the food (she LOVES food!). And how sweet that Prince likes to hold paws...awwwww.

    Citra is such a dear! I think I found her wonderful blog through you. Congrats on your awards!

    Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo

  18. Congratz on your award , and you really deserve it Elisabeth and also I visited Citra's blog and really loved it .
    P.S : wish i had that bowl of noodles right now * slurp*

  19. i love citra! her recipes are amazing, esp. her steamed cakes. :) congrats on the award! well deserved :)

  20. I love love to find little local food joints...chains are good sometimes, but you really can't beat a local gem! Those noodles look wonderful...glad you're feeling a bit better, dear!!

  21. Ohhhh I love stir fried udon (we call it yaki udon)! It's one of my daughter's favorite. Adding squid will always add nice flavor and I usually add it to yaki soba (another famous noodle dish). This place is a nice fusian place!!! Congrats on the award Elisabeth! Please take good care! :-)

  22. How nice to have your daughter call you for lunch. I look forward to my daughter coming back in town so that we can go out to lunch together.

    What a fun place your daughter picked. The dishes looked beautiful and from your detailed description they sounded extremely flavorful. Now you have a new found restaurant right around the corner. Lucky you!

    By the way, your kitty's are darling!

  23. Ciao Bella!!!!!
    Mi piace tutto quel che c'è in queste foto..una bevanda fresca al limone..dei noodles spettacolari e dei dolcissimi
    Bravissima sempre Cara tanti baciiiii
    Good sunday*

  24. Nagyon finomakat ettetek, azok a teák nagyon jól néznek ki.

  25. Beautiful dishes, love to try them. I like it. Love to try the iced tea. I will e-mail you. congrats on your awards, you deserve every award.

  26. Love the pics of your cats! And the food from the restaurant looks and sounds wonderful! Congrats on your awards!

  27. Szuper kis éttermet találtatok. Minden nagyon guszta. A macskáid édesek. Díjakhoz gratula. :)))

  28. Congrats on all the well deserved awards, Elisabeth! You're really doing good with your blog and you're such a wonderful bloggy friend that's why you are loved by many!
    I'm glad that you are feeling a lot better now! Hope it stays that way! Take care always!

  29. Prince looks so cute..and how nice that he even accepts your neighbour's cat coming over for a meal.
    Such a delicious and satisfying lunch!
    Congratulations on the well deserved awards!

  30. Hola Elisabeth!! Delicious noodles, cute princely kitty, and loved the friend story. I hope she get it soon! Congratulations on you awards, very well deserved :)


  31. Looks like a great place and so nice that you guys were able to have an afternoon together before the rush of things :) And your kitties are all just precious!
    Congratulations again for the awards, you deserve every single one :)
    P.S. Glad things are going better and wishing you a fantastic week!

  32. What a nice outing,wish I could join you as well...The food looks delicious and light all at the same time!Your pets (and the neighbor's) look very cute!!!XOXO

  33. What a nice outing.. it's nice to spend an afternoon enjoying some good meal. But I think the companion is the most important person ;). Well deserve awards Elisabeth!! You have always been a huge supporter to so many of us.. You take care now, and stay in touch ok? Hugs, Jo
