Sunday, October 30, 2011


The Haunted Chambers (photo taken with my trusty Canon Power Shot SX130 camera, in this pitch dark)
For the last three years, we have enjoyed a fabulous Halloween celebration, usually the last weekend, before the actual Halloween evening. It is held downtown West Palm Beach at the Flagler Montessori pre-school, that has such wonderful staff, and the little children just love going there. My little 5 yr. old granddaughter just graduated from their pre-kindergarten this summer, and still loves going back there for fun events.
Another scary scene from the "Haunted Chambers"
Also, it's so much safer to attend a party such as this, and will cost you less money! So, for tomorrow on Halloween, the kids will be going "trick-or-treating" in the vicinity of their neighborhood escorted by adults, of course, and making sure to have all their candy examined when they bring it home!
This particular cake was a donation from my daughter's dear friend, Ilaria, who just recently started her baking treats, such as this beautiful Italian Ricotta Cake, decorated with cute little fondant ghosts! Her little daughter, Giorgia attends the pre-school, and she named her business after her: GIORGIA'S TREATS. You can reach her by e-mail, GIORGIA'STREATS@GMAIL.COM if you are in the Palm Beach County area. She is a talented true Italian baker, who has been making the United States her permanent home, for the last 10 years, or so!
More treats, from a local bakery!
They have what they call a "cake walk"...which is held outside, but unfortunately we got rained out by this ongoing remnant of Hurricane Rina, which is not unusual to get in the last week of October! All we got from the hurricane is several days of heavy rain and wind, strong, and lots of it! I feel for you folks up north who are having early snow surprising you at this time of the year. No fun, while your lawns are still green, and your lovely trees with the fall color leaves, to all of a sudden go into "winter wonderland" when you are still enjoying the beauty of fall! Mother Nature sure is temperamental at certain times of the year!

I got permission to take this picture of "Dr. Frankenstein" creative, and funny!

More cakes in a special room, featured. At the end of the event, we were getting raffle tickets, and if your ticket was called, then you can pick any cake of your choice to take home.

Another beautiful cake, from a local bakery!

Halloween Greetings bats graphic word art

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Happy Halloween, Elisabeth! It's pretty low key here altho I think it's more happening in the expats circle. Still, you can't get in the mood unlike in the States. Have a scary one!!

  2. now thats the way to celebrate,,

  3. Hi Elisabeth, Happy Halloween. Loves those spooky picture. *hugs*

  4. Happy Halloween looks scary and yummy:_

  5. Azt hiszem, azon kevesek egyike vagyok, akik örülnének, ha nálunk is lenne hagyománya a halloweennek. A lányaim nagyon élveznék a vele járó maskarákat, cukorkagyűjtést. :)
    Az a narancs alapon fekete mintás torta valami gyönyörűség! :))

  6. Micsoda remek buli és sütemények

  7. Remek Halloween parti!!! A torták csodaszépek.:)

  8. Wow what a blast! I love Halloween this was awesome made me smile all the way through to the bone!!!!! :) HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!

  9. Sounds as though you had an awesome time...
    The cakes are beautiful!!!

  10. Csatlakozom Csipethez! Én is örülnék az ilyen buliknak. Gyönyörűek és mókásak ezek a sütik és a dekoráció. :)

  11. I hope you were able to grab one of those cakes to take home. I loved stuff like this when the girls were still little. Well actually I still do, but they think they are too old for it. Wishing you and your family a Happy Halloween, looking forward to Friday!

  12. Nekem is az a sárga torta tetszik nagyon.

  13. the cupcakes are my favorite hands down! oh bella, still no baby....but today i go to the dr. to find out "the birth plan" - will keep u posted....hugs!!!!

  14. Happy Halloween Elisabeth, I am not taking little one for this year trick treating, may be in couple of years. Food looks delicious. Decorations looks spooky.

  15. yay for sugar overload! that spider cake and the ghoul cake are beautiful. hope you are enjoying trick or treating with your grandkids! :)

  16. Happy Halloween to you too! Have a spooky one :)
    The spider web cake looks great!

  17. Happy Halloween! How much I wish I get a raffle and take one of the cake home. There is rarely any kids do treat or tricking in the area I live in Australia but I still keep some lollies handy just in case someone knock on the door.

  18. you guys know how to (halloween) party over there huh! it's pretty quiet over here now that I live in a condo, nothing much like living over there or in a house!
    happy halloween... boo! haha!

  19. What a perfect Halloween celebration...
    Looks like so much fun...
    Have a great Halloween..

  20. Your Halloween decorations look like so much fun! You are making me wish I had decorated for the holiday. Those cupcakes look devine. I bet they were delicious!

  21. Ciao Cara!!:-)
    Ma che belle immagini con ricette e torte bellissime e golose e anche i costumi..troppo bella questa festa,brava!!!
    Un abbraccio

  22. Ohmigosh! Those cakes are brilliant! I wish I could bake like that :) Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

  23. hope you had a spooky creepy Halloween Elisabeth.
    Loved all the decorations, so much fun!

  24. Looks like you had blast Elisabeth , the part looks great .Happy hallowee.

  25. That looks so fun! And the cakes just look fabulous!

  26. Looks scary, but the cookies were too cute! I am not a big Halloween person, but I might just make cookies like that next year!

  27. Sounds like you had a wonderful Halloween, my friend! And even your site is decorated :) I'm loving all the fabulous cakes...such talent! Have a great week~xo

  28. Elisabeth, it seems like you had a crazy fun Halloween. All these cakes and sweets are amazing. People are so creative making sweets and dressing up in costume. I guess now you need to start packing for SF! ;-)

  29. What fun...hope you all had a great time :)

  30. Wow sure had a lot of fun...great Halloween party!
    Enjoy your week :)
