Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reese's Peanut Butter Chip Chocolate Cookies

Now that Halloween is  over, and your little ones have their candies sorted out by the parents, just to make sure that there are no unsafe, opened candy or something suspicious in the their "goodie bags." Such a fun time of the year for kids and adults, all alike...except for early snow, as some of you have experienced it.
In the meantime, while the kids are enjoying their Halloween goodies...sparingly, for their health sake, I decide to make a large batch of these wonderful chocolate cookies, made with Hershey's Cocoa Powder, using less sugar, because the Reese's Peanut Butter Chips are just perfectly sweet; made from real peanuts and are so darn addictive, you can just snack on those Reese's chips by themselves, packed with peanutty goodness!
Now, for the big announcement! I will be leaving early...I mean real early morning, on Friday, Nov. 4th flying out, at 5:45am to the Foodbuzz Festival, in San Francisco. This is the 3rd. annual event, and it's my first time that I am attending. It is from Nov. 4th, thru Nov. 6th. I was saving my excitement until now...and now, I can hardly contain it. Finally, I will be meeting up with other food bloggers, and get to know them in person.

The sad part is that I have to leave my poor old kitty, Prince, a tall Maine Coon... who is close to 19 years old, and getting frail, otherwise he is still quite alert, and very sweet and caring. He is my "alarm clock" in the morning, and at night reminds me it's late, and makes sure I don't stay up past the 11:00 funny!

Also, I feel bad for not arranging for a guest post...I could have used at least 2 guest posts. Unfortunately, I never had a guest post on my blog, in the 1 1/2 since I've been blogging. I did make a small mention to Sandra, on her fabulous blog... but did not follow through...sigh...that's what happens when you don't make clear of what you would like!

"I never had anyone guest post on my of yet, in almost 1 1/2yrs...seriously, I have to get together with you on that, to invite you. You are always ever so gracious, and accommodating!"
October 24, 2011 6:40 PM

Even Lora mentioned that I didn't give her enough notice, she would have guest posted for me. Oh, well...whoa, is ME! Just bear with me for having this post on, for 1 least when I return, I will have lots of photos to share with you of this exciting event! In the meantime, here's the recipe for these yummy cookies!

Reese's Peanut Butter Chip Chocolate Cookies
 largely adapted from the back of the Reeses's Peanut Butter Chips bag

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsweetened Hershey's cocoa,
2 teaspoon baking powder
or a different brand
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 stick= 1/2 cup unsalted butter,
at room temperature
1/2 cup pure vegetable shortening
(or, another stick=1/2 cup unsalted butter)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 10-oz pkgs Reese's Peanut Butter Chips,
or another brand

Heat oven to 375 degrees F.(190C)
Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, Add the 1 cup of sugar, the butter, and the vegetable shortening.

In another bowl, mix together flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder

With an electric mixer, beat the butter, vegetable shortening, until fluffy. Beat the eggs, in one at a time,
and add the vanilla, beating well.

Reduce the mixture to low, and add the flour mixture, mixing just until, combined. The batter will be very stiff.
Stir in the peanut butter chips. Drop rounded tablespoon size mounds of the batter 2 inches apart on the prepared
baking sheets. Bake until firm around the edges, but still soft in the middle, 10 to 12 minutes.

Let the cookies cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheets before transfering to wire racks to cool completely.
Makes about 48 cookies.

This is what the mixture should look like. Stiff dough, mix just enough to hold together

This is the shape you want to achieve,  when cookies are done... bit rustic looking. 

So, I will be saying good-bye for now, till next Wednesday...wish I could bring all of you with me.
Hugs, to all!
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  1. Oh my lord!!Peanut butter and chocolate.. this what I am seeing everywhere. And resse's peanut buttercups??? I am seriously in heaven. I want these so badly.. wish I could pack these along with me for my long haul filght. 20 hours to be exact.. These are lovely Elisabeth and you do come up with the most wicked recipes. So happy I will be finally meeting you in person. Btw, I would gladly guest ost for you if you like. Hint..hint.. thought I don't quite know what it is all about ;). Till then have a safe and pleasant flight and do revert back to me on my last email to you too if you can ;). Hugggssssss, Jo

  2. Great cookies;)Don't you worry about blogging ..go and have wonderfull time:) We will still be here when you come back:)

  3. p.s I have a nice walnutcake ready if you want a guest post:)
    Just write me your email and I will psot it to you:)

  4. wow...these look sinfully delicious...going to bake them soon. but i have not seen peanut chips here. will have to go looking for it..any ways will surely bake them.
    The background picture looks very it the photo that u took when u went to the farm with ur family. I always love to walk under shady trees. During my childhood days I would pull my desk and chair underneath the tree and study there during week ends...

  5. Hi Dear Elisabeth, wow your cookies sure looks extremely good. Can I exchange my red velvet cake with you? LOL
    Have a lovely day *hugs*

  6. Hát... ha nem kéne fogynom, akkor biztosan nekiesnék, de a feleségem örülni fog a receptnek. A családban népszerűek az efféle rágcsálnivalók, és ez kiválóan néz ki.
    Érezd jól magad a Foodbuzz Fesztiválon!
    Majd beszámolsz róla?

  7. Absolutely delicious. Pretty hard to go wrong with the combination of chocolate and peanuts. Hope you have a great time in San Fran.

  8. Oh My !!! Elisabeth , these cookies look absolutely delishhh , Hvae fun at the foodbuzz festival and can't wait to see the photos ,take lots of them :D .

  9. Peanut butter and chocolate! Perfect! And I love the fall colored leaves ... aaahhh, the colors of fall. I miss them so. Have a super time at the fest. Will be looking forward to all the pics. Hope Prince won't be too lonely without you. (That's one reason I can't take long holidays. I miss my baby too much). Have fun! Hugs!

  10. This looks good, looks like a good recipe. I haven't had cookies with whole peanuts for a while, been thinking about it recently

  11. Have a ball! I know you will have a great time... I will never be able to attend in this life time! this is 4th quarter in retail actually in coral springs for a week, going home tomorrow a grueling meeting week at that! Take lots of pictures, I just love the loot you come home with... enjoy!

  12. Suhaina-The background photo is taken by me, this summer, when we visited the Jupiter Lighthouse, in Jupiter, Florida, abt. 1hr. drive from us.
    The tree is at least 200yrs old, and it is on a very old property, which is now a museum. I have more photos, but did not get a chance to post about this interesting historical event...yet!
    Thanks for enquireing!

  13. great cookies and I hope you have a super time, I'll miss your friendly face and kind words,,

  14. Omg, those cookies looks super addictive and inviting.

  15. Love reeses peanut butter, but it can be difficult to find them here. Enjoy the festival! I look forward reading all about it!!

  16. Oh Elisabeth! You have my email, you could have dropped me a line and would have been my pleasure to guest post for you! If you ever need, let me know, please!
    Have fun in San Francisco, can't wait for all the details with tons of photos!

  17. Elisabeth,

    Have fun in San Francisco, These peanut butter cookies looks so delicious. waiting forward to wonderful experience .

  18. ow woww... this is perfect combination of peanut butter chip with chocolate... I wish I have some of those near me now... ^,^

  19. Elisabeth,
    HAve a wonderful time at the festival. Can't wait to see your pictures! I'm green with envy, but with my son's wedding so recently, this wasn't the year for me, maybe next year!

    Love the peanut butter chocolate combo! Even if I can't find the chips, I could sub the little Resse's cupcs.

  20. would love to have these with my morning coffee right now.
    Elisabeth, it would have been great to meet you in person at the Foodbuzz Festival. I was scheduled to attend but now that I'm in STL, the plan was pitched hayayayay. But do enjoy, have fun and I'm sure we will be reading a lot from the festival in your upcoming blog posts. Travel safe,

  21. Wonderful, These cookies look great! Thank you for reminding me I have a bag of those peanutbutter chips in the fridge, I am of to mix and bake :)

    Have a great trip.

  22. I hope you have a wonderful trip! I wish I could go. Thank you for sharing another delicious and tempting treat with me. It was a nice way to begin my if only I could bake all day and not go to work. Many blessings and hopes for a beautiful week!

  23. Eli,I hope you have some wonderful time in SF. ;-))
    I look forward to the exciting stories you are going to share here.
    Peanut butter and chocolate are great together. Those cookies would disappear very fast in our house.

  24. Oh, these look fabulous, Lizzie! The cookie monster in me is now thinking about another little nibble after dinner. Wish I had one of your cookies here to sample....mmmmmm.

    I'm SO excited that you're going to the Foodbuzz Festival!!! Please hug everyone for me! I wish I could be there, too. You will have a blast!!! And I know you'll come back with a full report. Have fun, my dear friend! xoxo

  25. Cookies look good. Yum! Have at the Foodbuzz festival. I wish I could be there.

  26. heyyy elisabeth....thanks for stpoping by ystday!! Yea, I know the lil break I gave myself just got extended and extended...hehehe...
    Mmmmm....I have been splurging on chocolate and ice creams for the last whole month..and its getting visible on me ;) Now your peanutbutter and choco cookies are really tempting me to bake some....RESIST!!! lol...take care...and have fun at teh fooduzz festival!! Lucky you :)

  27. That is exciting, I have always wanted to got to one, but just haven't had the chance. Wish I could come with you.

    Don't you just love all the flavored chips they have out now? These cookies are so cool, they look like opposite cookies. I like the texture. Now we are getting into some baking weather, course I use the oven anyway! :)

  28. simply tempting cookies...surely cant stop with just one

  29. Hi Elisabeth,

    Your peanut butter cookies looks so delicious. They are wonderful.

    Spoon and Chopsticks

  30. Hope you're having a great time! I'd love to meet some of my blogging friends one day. These cookies look scrumptious- I do so love chocolate and peanut butter. :)

  31. Hope you're having a great time! I'd love to meet some of my blogging friends one day. These cookies look scrumptious- I do so love chocolate and peanut butter. :)

  32. Elisabeth, I know you will have some great stories to post when you return. Until then, enjoy every moment and every bite of those yummy cookies. I do love chocolate and peanut butter and these look great! I'm looking forward to hearing all about the fun you are about to have, sweetness! xoxo

  33. Mmmmm...i veri cokkies americani..slurp..:-P
    Buonissimi Cara,complimenti!!!

  34. I would have guest posted for you Elisabeth! No problem though, blogging can be put on hold while you have fun in San Francisco you lucky duck :)

    I can't post a comment without talking about your chocolate and peanut butter cookies, one of my favourite combos.

  35. Elizabeth, These look so delicious and what could be better than chocolate and peanut butter! Yum! Love the new look of your blog! Simply beautiful!
    Have a great weekend!

  36. These look and sound delightful! Hope you are having a fantastic time at the safe, hugs :)

  37. First of all, these cookies are my favorite combo ever. Chocolate and peanut butter should always be close by. You can count on me making these and sending people your way for your recipe!

    I'm totally jealous that you got to attend the Foodbuzz Festival! How was it? Did you try good food? Did you get to meet everyone you hoped? I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear about it!

  38. i just think that pb and chocolate are the best thing ever. seriously. :) love the delishness here!

  39. Elizabeth,these cookies are absolutely adorable and I can eat them by the handful;)You must have had a wonderful time at the food buzz meeting all the lovely food bloggers,what an experience for you,cant wait to see your next post with all the updates and pictures.lots of love & hugs:)

  40. I'm so happy and excited for you attending the Foodbuzz Festival! Hope you have a wonderful trip and enjoyable moments meeting with other foodies! ;)
    These cookies are calling my name! :O

  41. I absolutely love this idea....Amazing recipe, and I am so sure that my kids would enjoy it very much!!!

  42. Nagyon kívánatosak! Nem tudom, nálunk lehet -e mogyoróvajat kapni, majd utána nézek, mert szeretném kipróbálni.
    A fekete macskád a szimpatikusabb. Amikor nálad járok, ő mindig dorombol nekem.
