Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Left My Heart, in San Francisco!

You all remember the song..."I left my heart in San Francisco?"...or I left my heart at the 3rd Annual Blogger Festival, in SAN FRANCISCO//NOV 4-6, 2011... hosted by Foodbuzz!

For the last 3 months, I've been planning to join this exciting event, since I missed the 1st and the 2nd event for the last 2 years. It was a sudden decision for me, but once I decided to attend, there was no "backing out." Besides, my food blogger friend Joanna, of ChicGorgeous told me that she is planning to attend, all the way from Malaysia, and asked if I would like to be "roomies" with her to split the cost. After all, the Grand Hyatt Hotel, at a great discount, and split by two people is more affordable, and very luxurious!
The fifth building from the left, on the 17th floor, is where we stayed, overlooking the most beautiful view of the city, and a portion of the Bay, Very elegant, and I must say a perfect room assigned to us with a fabulous view!
Such an amazing place to hold the 3rd Annual Blogger Festival.
So, this is the spectacular view from the Grand Hyatt Hotel, from the 17th floor. You can see a glimpse of the Bay, behind the skyscraper buildings. As for the weather...around 61 degrees F in the daytime, and about 47-51 at night, wind blowing every day. A little "nippy" for this Florida girl! Good thing I packed a warm light jacket, sweater, and the trusty little windbreaker light coat, that really protects you from wind, and rain, which we also experienced, and sunshine, as well!
Another view from our room, through the full length window... one of my favorite stores, Macy's, staring right at me! So far, I'm just showing you the immediate view, as we settled in our hotel...wait till you see all the foods, provided by the Foodbuzz team, Alexia, and Godiva Coffee!
Spacious large room, with 2 Queen size beds, a large flats screen T.V, and the view!...did I mention the view?...of course I did...just cannot get over the magnificent view!
My beautiful friends...Gina from SPCookiequeen, and my roommate, and friend. Joanna from ChicGorgeous
Our first stop was at the Terra Gallery, for the Welcome Reception, to meet up with all the attending foodies, and start out the feast with appetizers, and an open bar. I just stayed with my Chardonnay wine. Such a great turnout for this event!
Endless appetizers, fresh veggie crudities, and dips. This is where people were mingling around! You might recognize a few people in some of these photos!
Here we are having all these fabulous dinners upstairs. This is from the Comfort food station...sponsored by Electrolux. Tuscan Beef Stew, with Honey Cornbread!
Housemade Beet Ravioli, Wild Arugula, Fine Herbs, with Shaved Holly Springs Aged Goat Cheese...Yumm! This was to "die for" delicious!
This is one of my favorite photos...waiters bringing endless food, and some of the bloggers self serving, at the Buffet Station!
This is the "small plates" Action Station, serving Glazed Marin Sun Farms Pork Belly, and Pan-Seared Day Boat Scallops.
Glazed Marin Sun Farms Pork Belly...Broccoli Puree, Wood Roasted Florets, Pickled Shiitakes and  Chile Morita Vinaigrette.
Chefs, plating the small plates with the Glazed Pork Belly!

Jennifer Che (Tiny Urban Kitchen) winner of the 2010 Project Food Blog Competition...with some encouraging words!

This has been part of Day 1...haven't even shown you the dessert station from the Foodbuzz Awards Dinner yet. I will be posting it tomorrow! It's getting very late, I'm still tired from the trip, and the 3hr time difference, which really isn't too much!
All in all, I can't seem to stop talking about my trip, and the Foodbuzz people for making this event so successful, and thanking all the sponsors as well, for their generosity to participate in the 3rd Annual Blogger Festival. Also, I am so sorry for not being able to comment to my food blogger friends, since I was so busy enjoying the festivities and meet up with my food blogger friends, and getting to know new bloggers, as well!
I am so glad to be back in my little S. Florida sky scraper building here...among other strange but interesting things I noticed in San Francisco, which is not food related!
Will catch up with more, in at least 3 parts...Nite, nite!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hát igazán nagy élmény lehetett!
    Gondolom, jókat ettél, ittál (egyébként a kedvenc fehér borom a Chardonnay).
    Várom a folytatást!

  2. Can't wait to read the next post! Sounds like such a lot of fun! Must make sure to visit for the next one.

  3. Wowowo , can't wait to see the next post , esp coz it is about dessert :) .

  4. Köszi a beszámolót, érdekesen, érzékletesen írsz, már-már "érzem" a hangulatot, légkört. Már várom a folytatást.

  5. Beautiful beautiful photos...and glad you had an awesome time and are home safe and sound...

  6. Looks like fun. Been to San Fran many times never went to the convention, maybe in my next life when I dont work retail and get time off in the fall months.. This would never happen now.. but thanks for the pictures at least I get to see what its like!

  7. Sounds like fun and lots of good food. Lovely pictures too. That first picture of the bridge is awesome!

  8. I'm so envious of your trip! I loved San Francisco when I visited there a few years back and how lucky you are to have met all those bloggers and eat all that gorgeous food.

    I have to say I enjoy all your photos but that first photo is stunning :)

  9. Hi Dear Elisabeth, wow....thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. Glad that you enjoy your trip and waiting for your next posting.
    Have a lovely day *hugs*

  10. I would have loved to attend this event. You are lucky. At such events I can imagine the endless supply of good food and drinks

  11. So glad you are home safe. I can't believe you posted already, I thought you would be exhausted. I see you got a lot of great pics. I didn't get as many as I hoped, but I know where to get a cute one of me and Jo now. It was an absolute delight meeting you and spending time with you and Jo. Next year if you come out, I'll spend the weekend or better yet, I need to get me some of that FL sunshine.

  12. How fun! Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I am looking forward to your next post!

  13. Sounds and looks so much fun and exciting! How I wished I'm there too! Tks for sharing all these wonderful photos and can't wait for your next post! ;)

    Rest well and sweet dreams.

  14. Definitely planning to do this next year--looks like so much fun!

  15. Wow, I am so jealous! Sounds like you had an amazing time! I wish that I could go someday as well. That beet ravioli looks insane - I want it NOW!!! Did they share the recipe?

  16. ahh i wish i went to the food buzz festival!!! san francisco is one city that i must must visit....

  17. Looks like you had a wonderful time there, waiting for the more updates.

  18. Csodálatos élménybeszámoló!!! Igazán nagy élmény lehetett, nagyon várom a folytatást.:)

  19. Wow you are fast! Thanks for sharing the foodbuzz pictures so we can see how it was like. Happy to see Gina in the picture! You took a beautiful Golden Gate Bridge picture! :-)

  20. Elisabeth,
    What a wonderful trip you had with all of that food, and getting to meet other fellow bloggers. Thank you for all of your commentary and gorgeous pictures. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the Festival!

  21. What a lovely festival! The opportunity to meet all the folks without their computer screens and to enjoy lots of good food, is something not to be missed!:)
    Looks like you've had a great time, I know how it feels, I wouldn't want to leave either!;)

  22. Oh my I bet that was a blast! I can only imagine a huge room full of food bloggers tasting food...but it sounds like the chefs had their act together! :) I'm glad you had fun and I hope you adjust back those 3 hours. It seems really hard to adjust even though the difference is small.

  23. I'm on a bus coming home from annual shopping trip for the moms from Nick's high school, but I couldn't wait to read your post! Lucky you meeting our blogger friends! Seriously thinking about going next year, so start saving ad I have to meet you! xoxo
    I gave you and Lora a shout out on my Wed post:)

  24. Elizabeth, What fun you must have had in this beautiful city! Meeting all your blogger friends had to be so exciting. Wish I was there and wish we could have met! I know I would really like you! Have a great weekend! Looking forward to your next post!

  25. Lucky you meeting all the blogger friends!! Hi Gina ;-))

  26. Awesome POST!!! Love your photos, and Gina and Jo are so adorable..I would love to meet them too, you are so lucky!

  27. How exciting, and double nice that you got to meet up with your blogger friend from Malaysia. I would jump at the chance too! I got here a little late, but I'll catch up reading all your posts.

  28. what an experience! i can only imagine bella, so exciting!
