Thursday, November 10, 2011

3rd Annual Blogger Festival...part 1, cont. & part 2

Well, I'm back to take you along for some more amazing foods, and desserts...speaking of which, I guess I was too busy sampling all the Sabra Chocolates, and  I realized I only took 3 dessert photos...but oh, my! I wish you could have been there to try this gorgeous, and elegant dessert!
This is a Silky Pomegranate, with Candied Kumquat and fresh Pomegranate Seeds!
Are you ready for this scrumptious dessert?...Heirloom Pumpkin Tart. A gingersnap tart shell, candied pumpkin seed nougatine, and milk chocolate crunch center! Go yourself to one, or more. I just wish I had the recipe for you. Guess will have to google this amazing dessert, to try to make it.
First row, from left is; Colorful Christmas Macaroon, in the middle is; Chocolate-Coffee Cream Star Cookie, and another Christmas Macaroon. In the back row, Heirloom Pumpkin Tart, Creamy Italian Nougat Ganache Bites, with Marcona Almond. The last one is Mascarpone Cheesecake, with Calvados Quince, and Gingersnap Crumble...and in the middle is the one I really loved is the Silky Pomegranate!
Foodbloggers intensely listening to the announcement of the Foodbuzz Award Winners!
Food Bloggers enjoying the festivities, getting to know each other, and mostly all the fabulous foods, drinks and yummy desserts!
Wow, an actual authentic Cable car in San Francisco...just like in the movies!
Saturday, Nov. 5th. I did not sign up in time for the Session Programming. so Joanna and I were on our own to venture out in the morning and walk a short distance from our hotel, to get a light and affordable quick breakfast.
A fair warning! One thing you have to keep in mind in a big city, is all the "crazy people" and the "bums"...not legitimately "homeless."...but just the way they happened to end up this way. Sad, but true!
To think that this poor man's entire "possessions" are in this tote bag. At least he was able to get a cup of coffee!
This poor Asian elderly "bag lady"...just roaming the streets, really makes you wonder...where is her family? her children?...when is virtually unheard of elderly Asians to be abandoned as such! Maybe she doesn't have any family!
 Same cable car...picking up more people, hanging on to the pole!
Joanna, walking to the bagel shop that we finally found!

Finally found the bagel place, called; Posh Bagels. Such fantastic fresh bagels, muffins, rolls, danishes!
I chose the salted bagel, with omelet and veggies, topped with a slice of cheddar cheese. Also, a large Cappucino!
You can actually see the freshness of the yummy bagel, and the perfect omelet! By this time, it's 9:30am...this should hold me over until 1:00pm for the Taste Pavilion...can't exciting!
That's me! All bundled up, under the "paper thin" wind breaker jacket...another jacket, and scarf. It actually kept me warm! (I wanted to take photo to prove I was in San Francisco...still can't believe it!)
Back at the Grand Hyatt, and getting ready to go to the Taste Pavillion. at the Metrion!
We finally arrived at the CITY VIEW, for the Taste Pavilion! Just look at the size of this Pavilion...still early, and in another 20 minutes it started to fill up with Foodbloggers...Food Vendors were already inside, welcoming us with their incredible products, samples, and valuable coupons!

Nothing like a refreshing cocktail; a Sicilian Sunset! I did try it, and it was very good with blend of Vodka with Blood Orange infusion, Campari, Lemon Juice, Rosemary Syrup, and Club Soda!

So I will say Good Nite again...hope you enjoyed the tour...will continue tomorrow, with the Taste Pavilion, and the GALA DINNER, and Chef Tyler Florence!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I am glad that you had some great time in SF! You look great on blue!

  2. Jó a folytatás!
    Nem szoktam irigykedni senkire, de ezen a fesztiválon azért nem lett volna rossz ott lenni!

  3. Ooooh , I am drooing looking at the gorgeous desserts , good to know that you had a fab ti e :) .

  4. That sounds like a lot of fun.Who did you meet..taht you knew only from blogging?

  5. Hi Elisabeth, I'm drooling..... wow the dessert looks extremely good. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos. You looks beautiful and gorgeous *hugs*

    p/S I'd posted the butter cream rossette in my blog, when you free drop by.

  6. Its nice to see Florida isnt the only place that have beautiful scenery. Looked beautiful out. So sad about the homeless man, seems we just cant help our own country to get back on track! WE spend it everywhere else. lots of hard work went into the planning of this event, nice job with the photos

  7. Úgy látom a "nagyokat" is megihlette a gránátalma, nemcsak engem, nagy kedvencem a fügével együtt. Csodás desszertek!
    Jó a széldzsekis képed és a San Fransisco-i fotóid. Itt is óriási probléma a hajléktalanügy, fény és árnyék, - együtt. Ezzel kell élnünk, sajnos.

  8. This looks like fun...And what fabulous clicks!!!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  9. Ó, ezek a desszertek... Fantasztikusak! Ott le is ragadtam. Mindent végigkóstoltam volna. :)

  10. De jók azok a rózsaszín desszertek, bizony sokszor nem gondolunk arra amikor dóskálunk az ételben, hogy van aki nincs mit megegyen, elfér a vagyon egy tasakban.Sajnos. Nálunk is egyre több az ilyen.

  11. Biztos szuper élmény volt, szívesen ott lettem volna, de legalább a képeken keresztül picit mi is ott lehettünk :)

  12. That looks like so much fun! Since I couldn't go myself, I'm loving my virtual visit. :)

  13. What a wonderful experience, Elisabeth! Love all the food you have shown... the bagel is what I going to prepare for breakfast!


  14. I am so happy for you dear, that you got to go and meet awesome bloggers and have a pure good time!!!One more lovely post!!!

  15. Elisabeth I've so enjoyed (with great nostalgia) your SF recap. I lived there myself and my Grandparents did when I was growing up. I felt it was more like leaving a friend than a city when I moved. Your food photos are wonderful and everything looked delicious! I'm hoping you had a great time.

  16. Thank you for your wonderful support and your comment... I appreciate your friendship ...

  17. Hi Elisabeth!Looks like you had a great time in San Fransisco!Love your photos!XO

  18. Hi Elisabeth,
    Thanks for sharing this interesting post. You must have had a wonderful time! Have a great weekend.

    Spoon and Chopsticks

  19. Elizabeth, What a wonderful post...I so enjoyed hearing about you trip to San Francisco.

  20. Elisabeth Your photos are wonderful, and all of those desserts! I'll take one of each. I feel like I was with in SF. Too bad that I wasn't really there. Looks loke you had a great time.

    Looking forward to reading more of your SF experiences.

  21. Nagyon sok finomságot kóstoltál, és a séta is szuper lehetett. Nagy és felejthetetlen élményben volt részed. Jó volt olvasni a beszámolódat, köszönet érte.:)

  22. Lots of good food! Thanks for sharing all those lovely pictures!

  23. i love the pics!!! as usual i'm a bit behind, but this sickness thing has really taken me really bad head cold turned into a monster sinus infection..this has been the craziest 2 weeks of my life for sure!!!! trying to get better, and catching up on posts when I can - these desserts look amazing, truly, and that sicilian sunset sounds like just what I need right about now LOL
