Sunday, November 13, 2011

Taste Pavilion, and Book Signing, from Chef Tyler Florence!

As I mentioned in my previous we are at the Taste Pavilion, on the second day, November 5th. at the Metreon! I happened to stop by the Alexia station to sample their delicious Sweet Potato Bites. Spicy, light and totally addictive.
Judy's Breadsticks lovesticks...all organic incredible, crispy, and so delicious!
These amazing breads are all organic, and vegan. I enjoyed the bread with cream cheese spread...had at least 3 pieces...yumm!
Lynda Najarian...Creative Director-Founder

Different kinds of fig dips featured...on the left, and right is pork tenderloin on skewers

Lettuce wraps, a huge favorite of mine...from ALASKA SURIMI SEAFOODS!
The famous Warren sweet, and juicy!
Food tasting is not complete...unless you can have cupcakes with the creamiest swirled frosting!
I decided to check out the terrace, and of course...the VIEW!
I met some feathered friends, who were also checking out the view!
The BEST part was, Celebrity Chef, Tyler Florence...from the Food Network, signing his newest copy of his cookbook!...I missed out on getting a book...sigh!
Another magnificent view, from the terrace!...a cloudy, windy, and chilly day, but the photos turned out great!
Chef Tyler Florence came back to the Grand Hyatt Hotel where we were staying...just happened to catch him outside and asked if I could take his picture...he was ever so gracious, and said yes. He then asked me if I would like to have my picture taken with! I was not expecting that, from my all-time favorite celebrity chef from the Food Network! He is so, so creative, talented, and super laid back kind of person!
Patience is a VIRTUE...and patient, I was! I could not get through the crowd at the Book signing, to meet him in person, and unexpectedly I met him, afterwards. Later on, for the Gala Dinner, he gave us a fabulous cooking demo, that was equally laid back, and done with ease, and sheer casual, but with elegance, that only Chef Tyler Florence can do! Looks like I have more to show you of this unforgettable event!

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  1. Great stuff,fun and yummy day by the look of it;)

  2. Tetszik, ennyi finomságot. Jól nézel ki a képen

  3. woowow, Thanx for sharing your adventures , it was fun and you look very pretty in the pic :).

  4. Oh I love the last picture Elisabeth! Much better to see the photo in the big screen computer than from your camera! Gee, you are so lucky!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures from the festival!

  5. Ciao Bella!!
    Da te ci sono sempre cose e argomenti interessanti,accompagnati da foto bellissime,complimenti!!!
    Hai uno splendido sorriso!!;-)
    Un bacio

  6. Oh, sounds like you had a ball! Your picture with Tyler Florence is just great! Too bad about the book, though. I love the looks of all that food but I love those lettuce wraps best. Can't wait to see more. One of these years, I've got to go!

  7. Lucky lady nice to have to meet him, and the photo is beautiful! I love that fig and pork together, then the cheeses, I got full looking at all the foods you got to eat.. sounds like you had the trip of a lifetime.. nice job with capturing them moments!

  8. I love Tyler Florence!!!
    You look cute together!!!

  9. oh my gosh, I forgot everything I was to comment on after I saw your beaming smile with Tyler,, oh my gosh,, you are a lucky lady, its good to know he is just as he seems, I loved the show with the cheffs in the food trucks,, it was amazing,, we don't have those in our town,, oh I'm off track,, sorry.Your photos are lovely,, such a wonderful selection to sample, it looks like an amazing time,

  10. This sounds like you had a great time. That photo is certainly one for the memory books:-) This was my first visit to your blog, but I'll be back. I've done some browsing and reallyl ike the food and recipes you share with your readers. Ihope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. What a great picture of you and the chef! Looks like you had so much fun. Happy for you.

  12. Lucky duck...Tyler is such a cutie AND a fantastic chef! Looks like you had fun...I'm going to try my best to make it out to SF next year. I hope you're there as I'd love to meet in person!

  13. Great recap and awesome pics, I was bummed I missed the party! To meet Tyler like that is a total scoop for you, well done,
    Take care

  14. So great you got to meet a celebrity chef Elisabeth!

    Am enjoying your photos from SF immensely, thanks for sharing them :)

  15. Love the photo of you and Tyler. How cool to run into him outside the hotel and have your photo taken with him! So glad you had a good time!

  16. Loves all your photos and the all the yummy delicious goodies, oh.... my... I loves them all.
    You look beautiful *hugs*
    Glad that you really enjoy your trip.
    Have a beautiful day.

  17. Great posts on festival. It was nice meeting you at the Elisabeth. Hope you had a safe trip back home. I love your pictures, especially the one you got with Tyler Florence in front of the hotel last minute.;-)

  18. Thank you so much for the photo tour and first-hand-write up of this fantastic event -- especially the part about you and your chance meeting (and photo) with Tyler Florence! Sounds like a good time was had by all -- especially you! :) So happy for you!

  19. How cool you caught up with him later! You took lots or really great pics. Fun to see what you saw and great being there with you too. Hope you had a relaxing weekend.

  20. Hi Elisabeth! What a great write up on the foodbuzz festival. I think the best moment is you having a photo taken together with Chef Tyler Florence. Btw, thanks for highlighting to me on the linking back in my posts. Made me realised that it was not done right, and I have now gone back in and fix up the issue. I am still drafting my posts and can't wait to share with everyone on what else we did togehter. Take care my friend. Hugssss, Jo

  21. gaSP!!! picture with a celebrity?! you so lucky!!! what a way to finish the foodbuzz event. all the food looks so good, esp. those lettuce wraps!!

  22. Csodás élményben volt részed, és általad, nekünk is. Személyesen megismerkedni neves séfekkel, mint Tyler Florence és még fotózkodni is :), szuper!
    Én is nagyon kedvelem a grissinit, a saját sütésű kenyereket, a körtét, nyersen vagy grillezve. Szívesen betérnék én is egy ilyen Taste Pavilonba"

  23. Csodálatos!! Csodálatos ez a sok finomság. Jó nagyokat nyelek, és sóvárogva nézem a képeket. Minden egytől-egyig egy ételköltemény.
    Gratulálok a híres séffel készült képhez. Nagyon jól néztek ki egymás mellett, csinos vagy. Sokkal nagyobb élményben lehetett így részed, mintha a könyve dedikálásán a közelébe kerültél volna.

  24. Glad to see that you got to meet Tyler Florence! :) Nice pictures!

  25. I enjoyed reading about your travels to SF. Looks like you had a wonderful time! All the photos are so beautiful, thanks for sharing Elisabeth

  26. Patience is virtue, isn't it! You certainly had some great time in SF.

  27. Just checked both posts this one and the latest one..and I am sooo happy that you had a chance to attend foodbuzz festival, and of course I love seeing your photos!

  28. Továbbra is fantasztikus ételeket mutatsz nekünk, azok a kenyerek csodásak!
    Na és, hogy végül sikerült egy közös fotót készítenetek a séffel! Egy dedikált könyv semmi ehhez képest! ;)

  29. what a fabulous pic of you two - so awesome!

  30. You are such a lucky and beautiful gal!!! :)
