Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alexia Foods Cooking Demo, and Gala Dinner

When you are attending a Gala Dinner, just make sure it's actually a GALA! According to the Webster Dictionary, it is referred to, as: Festive Occasion, Celebration, Special Entertainment, and Showy...and that it was! Anything less than that would not have been the proper name for this festive occasion, hosted by Alexia Foods!
Yes, all these flavors of Alexia's fries, were served for the appetizer course, open bar, and afterwards, the Cooking Demo, by Chef Tyler Florence, and the Gala Dinner. Doesn't this sound exciting, already?...you bet it was!
Jo, and Angela munching on the yummy Alexia french fries!
Such a fabulous cocktail party...and afterwards the GALA CELEBRATION!...from left to right: Joanna, from Chic&Gorgeous, and Angela, from Fab Find Foodie, who was a finalist in the Alexia french fries creation!
Getting the stage ready for Chef Tyler Florence to demonstrate a simple, and delicious Pork Chops dish, made gourmet!...(sorry, no photo of the dish)
Watching the cooking demonstration, so amazing, Chef Tyler Florence making this simple dish with such style, grace, and so comfortable, with such ease, was so nice to watch. The did show the the dish on the large screen, but my photo turned out blurry, so I had to delete it!
The table setting was so elegant, the appetizers were divine, and starting with the first course: Bibb Lettuce Salad, with Honey Roasted Pears, Glazed Pecan, and Bleu Cheese Vinaigrette
For the Entree: Brandt Beef Farms Filet Mignon, and Meyer Lemon Roasted Prawns...Heirloom Carrots, Celery Root Puree, and Peppercorn Demi Glaze. For an entree: as amazing as this, I tend to forget that I shouldn't consume eating a lot of beef. (well, maybe once a month)...I just exceeded my limit...guilty, but a happy feeling!
For dessert: Scharffen Berger Chocolate Mousse, Sourdough Bread Pudding, and Cowgirl Creamy Cheesecake...yumm!

Totally forgot to add this photo, from the Gala Dinner held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel (not a very good photo, so dark in the room, but you can get an idea of the large turnout for this event!
...and for my dinner companions, Chef Dennis at A Culinary Journey, with Chef Dennis , and the sweet, and lovely Gina, from SPCookiequeen.
Across the table, lovely Joanna, from ChicGourgeous...whom I had the pleasure of meeting up in person, all the way from Malaysia. Now, do you see how far bloggers were willing to travel for this special 3rd Annual Blogger Festival?
A huge thanks to Foodbuzz, for making all the possible to bring so many food bloggers together!
Can't leave the photo of myself, and Chef Dennis! He is every bit of nice, as he is on his blog, Such an honor to have him as a dining companion, and to meet him for the first time!
Afterwards..."girls nite out"...upstairs from the Grand Hyatt Hotel, from the 36th floor, a final cocktail! Emily, and Gina, in the background!  Cheers!...Salute!...Salud!...Egészségedre!
Back at our hotel room...before turning in for the night, couldn't resist taking a photo of the night scene. I'm such a fanatic for view photos, and my little trusty Canon camera does take great photos in pitch darkness, as long as there are lights in the background!
This is the sunrise scene, at approx. 6:30am, Sunday, Nov. 5th...our final day for meeting up at the Farewell Brunch. I hope you don't think I'm a lunatic for taking all these photos (don't answer that.LOL) I'm an early riser, actually it was one hour ahead...changing the clocks back, 1 hr.
My next, and final Foodbuzz last event, coming up, and more photos to show you of the city, from the open two Decker tour bus!
Until then, have a wonderful day!
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  1. what beautiful views you had, I love that too.What a delicous meal you had and i'm so glad Bobby is as nice in person, I always liked him,

  2. Nagyszerű élményekben volt részed! Szépek a fotóid. A tejszínes sajttortát szívesen megkóstoltam volna.Jó a kép ahol Denisszel "pózoltok".

    Lehet, hogy a fekete macskádat kölcsön kérem, mert egér járt a kamrámban...

  3. Great pictures of the event! Thanks so much for posting those pics of us at dinner, it was such a pleasure to be able to spend time with you and Gina. I can't wait to show my wife the gala, sadly I had no pics to share...sigh
    Have a wonderful week my friend!

  4. So glad all your photos came out so great, I should have hauled, I got a lot of fuzzy ones, a little too dark. Love the one of you and Chef D and the one of me and him, thanks for taking so many. I'm playing catch up on work now after having all that fun. Here is to next year!

  5. Looks like you had a blast there Elisabeth! I'd love to come and meet and eat with you, Chef Dennis and fellow bloggers. I always like Tyler Florence and glad to know he is as nice in person. Lucky you meeting him and had a picture taken as well :)
    Have a great day.

  6. Beautiful photos...love the chefs...especially Tyler...I am so glad you had such a wonderful time...you should be planning for next year!!!

  7. Mennyi finomság, milyen kár, hogy nálunk nem nagyon vannak ilyen rendezvények.

  8. Valóban csodás élményekben és találkozásokban volt részed. Szépek az ételek, a fotók! A mézes körte a kék sajttal ...., egyáltalán a grillezett körte nagy kedvencem, kecskesajtot szoktam grillezni hozzá, a garnéla a marhával merész párosítás, de imádnám :)

  9. Elisabeth, what a great post. That's all I could say. Things I've left out you got that covered. It's been really fun to hang out and spend time with you and Gina. I'm loving how our photos sync with one another's post. Can't wait to share with them our double decker bus adventure too. Stay in touch via twitter or emails in fact. Missing our SF time right now.. XOXO.. Huggsss

  10. One more amazing post...you brought event closer to us that didn't go :( Would love to meet you all! Thank you for sharing!!!!

  11. How fun to put a real face with the person we type to everyday! I love these photo's its so much more personal now, having more than bonding with your blogging friends!

  12. Elisabeth, thank you so much for sharing these wonderful event with us. You look gorgeous in the photo with Chef Denis. You have a lovely smile as always! Hope someday I can meet with you in person. HUGS!

  13. Great post , it's like being there with all your fab pics so thanx for sharing these with us Elisabeth :D .

  14. Oh, what FUN, Elsabeth! So happy that you had such a wonderful time. Lovely photos!

  15. That loks like so much fun. Glad you got to meet all these special blogger friends!

  16. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos. Glad that you had lots of fun. And the foods look extremely delicious too. Have a nice day.
    warmest regards to you and family.

  17. Wow! What an evening. The food, the company, the sparkle! Thank you for making my morning brighter! I'm so glad I have your blog to make me smile. I hope you have a great day.

  18. Yeah, thanks for stopping by my blog - I am happy to follow you too. Looks like a super time, I am jealous you met Chef Dennis!

  19. wow the foodbuzz festival seems fabulous! did they accomodate for different eating patterns too like vegan and GF? just wondering if i ever decide to go :).

  20. Junia-I do know that some bloggers opted for vegetarian...as far as for vegan, I'm not sure!
    Nowdays everything has butter addition...especially the desserts. Even the glazed pecans in the salad was no doubt-butter added!

  21. Ah, Elisabeth! If I could not have been there, you sure did a great job of making feel like I was! Looks like so much good fun.

  22. Csodálatosak a képek, és köszönöm hogy megosztottad velünk az élményeidet. Nagyon jóvolt olvasni az élménybeszámolódat, jó volt látni ezt a sok finomságot, a remek társaságot, de legfőképpen annak örülök, hogy Téged megismerhettelek még, ha csak virtuálisan is.:)

  23. I'm catching up on all your Foodbuzz Festival posts!!! But this one is the BEST...with pictures of all our friends!!!! PLEASE say you'll go again...so I can join in on the fun. Great photos...and I'm so thrilled you got a photo with Tyler Florence...just icing on the cake!!!! xoxo

  24. Ohh I didn't hear about the girls night out from you. Sounds like you ladies have a lot of fun!! And oh boy the food looks great!!

  25. This looks like SO MUCH fun! I really need to try to make it to the fest next year...in my current job, Oct/Nov is the busiest time of year, so it's hard for me to get away.

  26. Elisabeth thanks so much for taking such lovely photos and sharing them with us. I feel like I am included in the fun! Of course I would liked to of seen Tyler in person! :)

  27. Such lovely pics..Im sure u had a great time..Thank u for sharing them and u look beautiful :)
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  28. All the way from Malaysia to SF for the Foodbuzz festival? wow..Jo, I am impressed.

  29. Elisabeth it looks like you had a fantastic time! I've just looked through all your previous foodbuzz festival posts and I wish I was there. How fun that you met Tyler Florence!! You also posted a photo of a pomegranate dessert with candied kumquats, I need that in my life! :) Thanks so much for sharing :)

  30. Elisabeth I sure enjoy reading about your adventures and looking at your pictures! How cool that you got to meet Tyler Florence and get your picture taken with him!

  31. I so wish could have been there with you all!!!! Hi Chef Dennis and Gina!!!!!! you all look fantastic, simply wonderful!!!!

  32. Reading your blog makes me feel like I'm there with you. It's so nice to see all the great things you did. Have a nice weekend!

  33. I'm so envious of your time at the festival!! I so wanted to go this year and will make a point to be there next year. What wonderful pictures and I'm totally envious you spent time with Dennis and Gina!!

  34. The photos look fantastic...such a great event!
