Thursday, November 17, 2011

Farewell Brunch...3rd Day!

Brunch, at Perry's on the Embarcadero-sponsored by Godiva Coffee...Granola, Yogurt, and Assorted Berries
I'm already nostalgic about posting the last day of the Blogger Festival, but then after everyone else has left, I stayed on, an additional 3 days to stay at another, more economical hotel with Joanna, since she stayed till the end of the week, it made more sense to try to economize.
"Local Farms" Stone Fruit Medley, and Artisan Cheeses...the most amazing cheeses you can imagine! There were of course hot chafing dishes of Fluffy Scrambled eggs, Crispy Bacon. Challah French Toast with 100% Vermont Maple Syrup, Homemade Fennel, and Cranberry Sausage...did not have most of these...therefore, no photos taken. The crowd waiting in line, was "overwhelming!"
No brunch is complete, without the Deviled Eggs Casserole...Yumm!
Plattered Gravalax, on Marbled Rye Toast
I'm not a "breakfast fan"...but brunch is more my style, which in this case worked, because by 10:00am, I'm ready for something good to eat, so I opted for some of these goodies, a nice cup of Godiva Coffee!

A word of advice: If you're planning a trip for next year,
do plan your money, it's not so costly as you think it would be, because if you are a Fooddbuzz Publisher, your entry would be only $30.00...compared to $300.++. You get a huge discount for the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and even though the other 2 hotels they recommend are less expensive, but you have to take into consideration, that you have to walk 2 blocks to get back and forth to the Grand Hyatt Hotel, to meet up to take the shuttle bus to other places where the event is being held.

Also, you have to plan with other bloggers to get together, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO JOIN THIS EVENT BY YOURSELF! Do plan ahead, because you would not want to pay nearly $200. per night for the hotel room, get a buddy or bring a family member, or a friend with you. Also, you do have to take a taxi from one event to the other, and it could cost you up to $10. each way, so share the taxi with some friends! Do not venture out too far by yourself...the city is full of "crazy" people that actually approach you, if you make eye contact with them! Also, another advise!

I don't know how to tell you, other than being truthful about other food bloggers...there's a lot of bloggers that think they are "all that"...and trust me, they are NOT! You,...Me, being as friendly and sociable, as I am, had the worst time trying to make friends with others, than my little group of very, very, nice friends. We all just came together, each of us making friends, and brought them to join our table. I noticed the "young food bloggers" (20 something) are not as gracious, and/or friendly...some were totally "unapproachable"...when I actually checked their blog, I nearly fainted that here, I thought my blog was just so, so, and to think I am approaching "royalty" when I tried to make friends with them!...OK, enough said!

Just be who you are...and yes, you will be "snubbed" by some bloggers, but you are there, because you are invited, just as they are, and wouldn't it be nicer, if all of the bloggers could extend their welcome towards each other, instead of just checking out your badge...hanging in your neck on a rope, like a "puppy"...grin, and smile at one another, and say "Hi! it's nice to meet you"...and not just turn their back on you and walk away, because they never heard of your blog...Well, it goes both way, of never hearing of the other person's blog, as well!
I could go on, and on about other incidents, but I just know I had an amazing time, and on most part, almost all the bloggers I met were very nice! More photos, to continue, of the last day of the 3rd Annual Blogger Festival!

Hope to see you next contact one-another, to plan meeting up, ahead. I planned at least 3 months ahead, and as a "thrifter" my plane ticket with Delta, with one stop, cost $348. less $200. with my Amex award points!
A total cost of $148. round trip...I kid you not!...perseverance, pays, by scouting for cheap prices at least 2 months prior!

This trip was from West Palm Beach to Atlanta Georgia...stop over, no waiting, just 45 min. layover, to San Francisco! I even had my seats assigned and just had to pick up my boarding pass, at the airport!...Now isn't that amazing? Why do you think my blog is called, food and thrift (finds)!

The ever famous Bay Bridge, behind Perry's Restaurant
Four of us girls walked over from the restaurant, to the Ferry Building, for more spectacular browsing, and shopping!
The famous Ferry Building...with lots of local food vendors, and farmer market stands.
 Inside the Ferry Building...locals, and tourists checking out the shops, and local farmers market

Just look at all those gorgeous pumpkins, in every color, and shapes
Jo, photographing her favorite sweets from her beloved Miette sweet shoppe
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I guess theres a downside to everything,, to bad about the snoby ones but you are such a friendly out going person I'm sure they are the ones that lost out in not being friendly.With your skills they learn alot from you.What a wonderful event and I want to thankyou for sharing, i would have never ever saw anything like this if you didn't blog about it, thats why I love coming here, its a diffrerent world for me,, its a blizzard here right now,, how would you like that, wanna trade places,, lol

  2. So good to know, funny you'd think they would all be as friendly as you and I are! :) I better start planning now! Can you pick me up in Sarasota on the way? ;)

  3. I'm always amazed at how huge food blogging is in the states - here, I mean there's a lot of food bloggers but the community organised events are much smaller and not so common.

    It's a shame some people have to be standoffish - I had to laugh Elisabeth, it sounded just like high school and the 'cool group' ;). It's lovely you had your own crew together and had fun.

  4. all i can say is WOW...what a trip....I am just drooling over the food and living vicariously through your photos....such a shame there are some who aren't warm and welcoming, I just don't understand that at glad there was core group of sweethearts to mingle with!!!

  5. Hi Elisabeth,I just love your photos and feedback from the event!!I'm glad that the overall experience was good andI hope you'll be able to go next year..I wouldn't really care much about the individuals who were rude,as Maria and I have discussed many times,our goal is to share our "kitchen experiments" with our new friends through blogging and to enjoy every moment of the process..We are very happy and thankful for the kind people we can communicate with from around the globe and very glad you're among them..XOXO

  6. Elisabeth dear..great advice. I completely agree on about planning early. I'm glad both of our great minds thought alike. I think as long we stay true to ourselves, eventually people will know who is genuine. Have a good weekend!! Huggggssssssss

  7. Hi Dear Elisabeth, thanks you for sharing all the lovely pictures *hugs*
    And all the foods look so extremely appetizing and delicious.
    Have a nice weekend
    Warmest Regards

  8. This is trip you will remember for a long time to come.Looking at the pics I can see you had wonderful time;)

  9. Hi Elizabeth,
    Thank you so much for taking us on this wonderful trip with you. I have been following along and feel that you took me right there with you. It has been great! Hope you are having a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  10. SUper delicious spread, seems you had a wonderful time there..

  11. I can't believe that bloggers were ugly at the event! Shame on them! What did they think they were there for? To network, dummies. Oh well, the young ones you have to forgive. They're still wrapped up in the 'high school clique' mentality. Thanks for the travel tips!

  12. What a wonderful adventure you had , apart from the snobs ( name and shame them ;p ) . Well , it's their loss , they didn't get to know you . I once again thank you for blogging about this event , it's like I have been there myself , loved reading about it :D . Have a great weekend Elisabeth .

  13. Nagyszerű beszámoló, gondolom az "érintettek" még jobban élvezték. Sok közös élményben, pozitívban és negatívban is volt részetek, de ez mindenütt így van, sok az öntelt, önhitt alak, mindet ignorálni kell. Nem érdemes foglalkozni velük.
    A végén úgy is "csak a szépre emlékezem"!

  14. I am glad to hear your warning about blogger snubbing. I guess it never crossed my mind that people would be arrogant and rude. I look forward to going next year and will heed your words and start planning early.

  15. Hi Elisabeth, Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a wonderful blog too, now start to follow you. I just checked the Sur La Table website, i love everthing there, hehehe..Have a nice weekend.

  16. Fantasztikus program lehetett. Az ételfotók nagyon tetszenek megint. A jót őrizd, a rosszat felejtsd el. :)

  17. Elisabeth, what a great trip! Everything looks delicious. Great post!


  18. Looks like you had such a wonderful trip! Thank you for all of your tips. I will take them to heart. Your pictures are gorgeous, as always. I look for the bargains, too, but you did very well, saving lot sof $$$$.

  19. Lizzie, thanks so much for all the great tips. And I'm thrilled to know you plan to attend next year...hope I can join you! I promise not to be one of the snobby ones :) Have a wonderful weekend~

  20. Gosh..I would probably stand in front of that cheese platter and finish the whole thing! Thanks, Eli, for sharing them.

  21. Elisabeth!
    Csak a szép dolgokat tartsd meg az emlékezetedben!
    Főleg a mai napon, ami az Erzsébetek névnapja nálunk. Nem tudom, ti tartjátok-e ezt a szokást, de én azért kívánok sok boldog névnapot szeretettel:Marisz

    Ha meg tudod nyitni, ez a dal neked szól.

  23. Hi Elisabeth,

    Nice post summing up your trip with lovely photos. Thanks for the great advice too.

    Spoon and Chopsticks

  24. Didn't want to miss a day. So glad you made the best of it, I can't believe anyone would be rude to you, you are such a sweetheart. Maybe they just haven't matured enough to know what they are missing out on. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. If I don't get a chance, just wanted to wish you and your family Happy Thanksgiving. p.s. Hope I get to see you again next year.

  25. Great tips, Elisabeth! I may need all that for when I do finally get to the festival ... one day. Sorry to hear of those "royal snobs". The heck with them! They'll learn. Happy to hear you've got yourself a nice little group. And CONGRATS on getting Top 9 with your lovely pic! What a fulfilling trip!

  26. Hi Elizabeth!
    I'm so sorry to have been away while you were visiting my neck of the woods;-(
    Next year I hope to meet you!
    People are weird and probably just super insecure, like in high school, to make new friends! Don't ever take it personally because you rock lady;-)
    Congrats on your top 9 and have a nice Thanksgiving holiday with your family;-)

  27. Elizabeth,

    Glad to know that you have wonderful time in San Fransico. Happy thanks giving holiday to you.

    Very nice clicks.

  28. You must have had a really nice time there! We got to see new places through your pictures!

  29. Kedves Elizabeth!
    Nagyon élveztem a beszámolót, visszanézve biztos egy meghatározó emlék marad számodra.
    Szívből gratulálok a top 9-be kerüléshez. :)

  30. Congrats on Top 9 Elisabeth!!! If the flight only cost less than $148 I hope to see you more often in SF. ;-)

  31. Elisabeth, if I was there, I would have hugged you the moment I've seen you haha. But you're right there are a lot of feeling royalty and such snobs. I felt that when I joined a bloggers worshop in LA. I thought i was treated that way because of me being ME but oh well there are the friendly ones like us too haha.
    great tips. i hope to see you next year!

  32. I think I lost my comment half way through?
    Anyway, I am not much of a breakfast person either, but a great brunch is a different story :)
    And great tips on planning ahead etc :)
