Monday, November 21, 2011

Butternut Squash Risotto, and more of San Francisco

I almost totally forgot that, before I left for the 3rd Annual Blogger Festival, I did make a fabulous Butternut Squash Risotto, and I was reminded by my daughter Lora to be sure to post my risotto for the month of November, which is the SQUASHLOVE MONTH!  So, I'm linking this to the wonderful squash recipes that other bloggers have participated in, before the month is over.!
I love risotto so much, but I rarely make it, because Lora makes it often, as do Fabrizio, her executive chef hubby. He makes the most amazing seafood risotto, which really is my all-time favorite!
If you don't think this is the most perfect Butternut Squash Risotto, you've ever seen, or might have tasted...then I can personally come to your house to make it for you, just to prove it! As you can see for yourself, each grain of rice is perfect, and separated...yet, still the right amount of crunchiness on the inside! The flavor is, divine...I promise you, that!
I must sound like a broken record because, time, and time again, I keep bringing up Mark Bittman's Cookbook. As for me, it's like a "bible"...and a thrift find, which I have been bragging about, over, and over again! This is the basic book, where I adapted my Butternut Squash Risotto from.

Although, the recipe calls for Risotto with Vegetables, I followed the recipe, only to substitute vegetables, for butternut squash...therefore, adapting it that way.

Butternut Squash Risotto
adapted by me: from Mark Bittman's Risotto w/vegetables

4 to 6 cups, chicken, beef, or vegetable stock
2 Tbsp. butter, or extra virgin olive oil
plus 2 Tbsp. butter, softened
1 medium onion, chopped
1 bunch curly parsley, chopped
1 1/2 cups Arborio  rice
4 cups cubed, peeled, butternut squash, about. 2 lbs.
Salt, and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1/2 cup dry white wine
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese (about 1/3 cup)

Warm the stock over medium heat. Place the butter, or oil ( I used oil)... in a large saucepan or skillet, preferably non-stick, and turn the heat to medium.

When it's hot, add the chopped onion, the small cubed butternut squash, and cook stirring occasionally, until onion and squash is softened...about 3 to 5 minutes.
Add the rice, and stir until it is coated with butter. Add a little salt, and pepper, then, the white wine. Stir, and let the liquid bubble away!

Begin to add the stock, 1/2 cup or so, at a time, stirring after each addition. When the stock is just about evaporated, add more. The mixture should be neither soupy, nor dry. Keep the heat to med. to med. high, and stir frequently! (Constant stirring is not necessary.)

Begin, tasting the rice after 20 min. after you add it; you want it to be tender but with still a tiny bit of crunch. It could take as long as 30 minutes to get to this stage.

When it does, add the 2 Tbsp. softened butter, a handful of the chopped parsley, and Parmesan. Check the seasoning, adjust if necessary, and serve immediately, with extra Parmesan cheese if desired.
4 to 6 servings.

When you are on your own, after the Blogger Festival, you can catch the Open Top Sightseeing Bus right across, from the Grand Hyatt Hotel, by Macy's, at Union Square.

It costs $35. for a 24hr. pass, and you can save money by purchasing your ticket for $31. right at the hotel. It takes you, right around the city, and back. You can get off at designated stops, and catch another bus every 15 minutes to continue...just don't lose your pass!

Sights that I captured from the open top bus!

The bus makes 22 stops, where you can get off, and back on again, at the designated stops. This is about # 9 stop. Alamo Square.

I just love the Victorian style houses that they have all over San Francisco!

The ever famous HAIGHT-ASHBURY streets, from the sixties "hippie" era! Still, almost untouched, and the same. Old "burned" out hippies roaming the streets.

Would have love to get off the bus here, but would have to walk from # 10 stop, or backtrack from # 9. Did see a Goodwill store, right along the way!

My heart goes out to unfortunate homeless people like this poor man...his entire life in that shopping cart, and trash bags. So sad!

We're approaching the Golden Gate Bridge!

In the far distance, you can see Alcatraz. Too bad I didn't zoom in with the camera, for a closer shot!

I'm leaving you with this last magnificent view of the way back, from the Golden Gate Bridge. Good thing I had my nice royal blue windbreaker jacket. The weather was clear, sunny, and beautiful, but oh, so windy, and chilly!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Risotto looks delicious and really nice pictures. When I saw Hyde and some of the pictures I thought it was in the UK

  2. I have been waiting for you posting a new recipe ;-)) The close-up of the risotto looks so great!

  3. Nagyon jól néz ki a rizottó! A városról készített fotók is remekek, szinte odarepültem. :)

  4. I have never made risotto and your's look easy and delish , just how I like it . This is on my next to do list . Good one Elisabeth , have missed your recipes .

  5. ahhhh so happy that you joined squashlove!!! this risotto with butternut looks DELICIOUS!!!

  6. Mark Bittman has such great vision of the new eating, clean and simple, this sounds lovely, I love squash and this would be great!

  7. I must say it is the most perfect risotto that I've seen. I was thinking just that when I read it from you :) Beautiful! I love the color...texture. I've made baked pumpkin risotto, but it didn't look this good.

    P.S. - I would love to tag along next year! I will rely on all your good planing skills!

  8. Szuper recept,TÖK jó! Már a fotó is kóstolásra csábít. Ki kell próbálnom! Nem szoktam risottót készíteni, de miért nem? Pedig Arborio is van mindig itthon. Amúgy is imádom a tököt, de eddig még csak sütöttem, vagy krémlevest készítettem belőle.
    off Jó veled "részt venni" ezen a kiránduláson, idegenvezetőnek is nagyon jó vagy.

  9. Bizony én sem készítettem még soha rizottot, valahogy nem volt szokás nálunk, de ki kellene próbálnom.

  10. Omg, super delicious irresistible rissotto..

  11. Nagyon guszta ez a rizottó!! Én nagyon szeretem, és már többféleképpen készítettem, de sütőtökkel még nem. Olyan élethű a képen, hogy legszívesebben belekóstolnék.
    A városról készített képeid is csodálatosak, igen nagy élmény lehetett élőben látni.:)

  12. A rizottó nagyon gusztusos! Egyszer majd sort kerítek rá, most vezetem be étrendünkbe a sütőtököt. Ebben a novemberi szürkeségben kedvderítő, immunerősítő hatása sem elhanyagolható.

  13. Yummy the photos...we used to live just outside of San Francisco and I would take BART into the city as much as possible...we love it there...we were supposed to go in November but time ran away from us.

  14. Oh, what a delicious risotto...and can I say I'm jealous that you get to sample Lora's and Fabrizio's versions, too! I need to make it more often...since I love to eat it :) In case I'm too busy cooking to get over here again before Thursday, I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving! I'm grateful this year for all my foodie friends...and you're at the top of the list! xo

  15. What a lovely dish! I can see each grain and that's look so perfect! That was great posts of your trip to SF. I am planning to travel there next year and I couldn't wait to taste the food and visit the site!

  16. Hi dear Elisabeth, thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos. And your lovely presentation Risotto looks delicious no doubt I'd not eaten this dish. Have a lovely day.*hugs*

  17. Hi Elisabeth, can you sent me your email address as I could not open your email from your profile.
    My email

    Thanks & regards

  18. I love how your rice still holds its shape. Never liked those mushy, porridgy types.

  19. This is really beautiful butternut squash risotto! I'd put a lot of cheese on it and I'd be so happy. =) You took lots of great pictures during the bus tour! Beautiful blue sky!

  20. I love all risotto, too. Would love to try it with squash. I have made squash ravioli. I agree that the Bittman book is a bible. So many great pictures, Elisabeth; sure had a good time!

  21. I love risotto too and like you i seldom cook it. however they say it takes a lot of patience to cook risotto so if you want to test if you have the virtue of patience go ahead cook some risotto haha. but this butternut squash risotto looks delish. i would imagine the squash added the silky texture to the dish.
    I love SFO and even though you've seen the city so many times, every trip over there gives you the same feel good feeling just like what your lovely pictures have done to me this morning.
    Have a great day Elisabeth!

  22. Squash love, indeed! I know I'm certainly loving the squash in this dish :) Well done!

  23. Ó, ez a rizottó nagyon finom lehet, "muszáj" lesz kipróbálnom! :)))

  24. I positively adore risotto, but I've not been the most successful in my tries to make it. This one looks like something I can handle, and I LOVE all of the ingredients you have here. Nicely done!

  25. Elizabeth, I love risotto! This one looks particularly good with the squash. I would love some of this right now...I have the late afternoon munchies! Almost time for dinner.

  26. Elisabeth, ristto with butternut squash looks awesome. Nice clicks. I love to visit San Francisco one day. Nice clicks you have lot of awesome memories.

  27. Oh goodness this looks so lush and delicious.

  28. Hi Elisabeth! I've really enjoyed reading all your San Fran posts. Hopefully I get to see you again next year. Have not heard from you for a while, so thought I drop by to check on you here ;). I replied back to your e-mail as well, so not sure if you receive it. I've posted a photo taken together with you in my blog, and linked it back to you. Hope you don't mind. Well I hope all is well for you and the weather is good in Florida. Do enjoy using the "batik" cloth I got you. Take care.. huggss, Jo

  29. What a perfectly gorgeous risotto!
    Wanted to stop in and wish you and your family a very lovely holiday...

  30. this looks so savory and wonderful, we must be on the same wave bella, I just made some butternut squash ravioli with a butter thyme sauce and covered in parmiggano reggiano!!! great minds think alike!!!!

  31. Love squash in risotto! This is absolutely divine!
