Wednesday, November 23, 2011


What was I thinking? This is the "butt" of my turkey from last year, which I actually posted on my blog last year! Now, I feel like I must have been the "butt" of the turkey jokes...yet, everyone was nice with their comments to me. No "butt" jokes! I still don't understand what was the reason behind this "turkey pose!" with yet, a scar on it's backside...what a turkey...turkey! The turkey was moist, and delicious...perfectly stuffed, and roasted to a golden bronze color! I will share with you our friends' turkey, after Thanksgiving, where we are invited for a feast!

Actually, I decided to upload the other photo of my beautiful stuffed turkey from last year...not to be rude, and just show the backside! I kind of miss, not baking a turkey for the first time, in over 30 years!

At any rate, I do have my lovely cranberry sauce with
vanilla, from last year...the more I look at those weird twigs (vanilla pods) the more I'm trying to figure out why I used it for decoration...the one pod looks like the letter U...for "unknown" perhaps, and the other pod is just uselessly leaning behind it! Just an observation from last year, but the cranberry sauce was so delicious, and just the right texture!

Cranberry Sauce with Vanilla, Maple Syrup, and Cassis

6 cups (about 1-1/2 lb.) fresh or frozen cranberries, picked over and rinsed
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup fresh orange juice (from 1 orange)
1/3 cup crème de cassis (black-currant liqueur)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 Tbs. finely grated orange zest (from 1 orange)

Half a vanilla bean, split and scraped
Put 3 cups of the cranberries and all the remaining ingredients in a 3- or 4-qt. saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce the heat to medium, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries have popped and broken down and the juices look slightly syrupy, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in the remaining 3 cups cranberries and cook until these have popped, 3 to 5 minutes more. Remove from the heat, discard the vanilla bean, and let cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate if not serving right away.


I have so much to be thankful for, this year... and you, my food blogger friends and my other blogger friends, facebook, and Twitter friends, are on top of my list this year!

I have spent way too much time on my blog this year, but the rewards were worth every minute of it getting to know more people, and actually making friends on a personal level that will be remembered for a lifetime I learned a lot from other cultures, and feel that I have traveled around the world, just by reading their amazing stories, and to learn about the foods of their region. You get to learn so much just by sharing your ideas, opening your homes, and kitchens, talking about families, friends, trips, but mostly food...good food, and that is what food blog is about, making friends, laughing, crying, but mostly sharing!
I have a beautiful family; children, grandchildren... which I am blessed with and I am thankful for, every day of my life!

As for social networks... Twitter, and have just recently joined facebook...but haven't delved into it yet as much as I would love to!
Every day, I check comments, and comment back as much as I can, and/or find new blogs to comment to, and make friends...hopefully! It is so important in our foodie community to support one-another, and through Foodbuzz, I have experienced just that, by joining the Foodbuzz Blogger Festival, for the first time this year, which was the 3rd annual event.

I have not joined hardly any...actually "none" networks, other than Foodbuzz! All the other ones, which I did join, I forgot my password, or even the name of the site! For instance, just recently, I signed up for YELP...which is about restaurant, and business reviews. I did upload some restaurant photos, but have not posted a review yet. Also, Taste Spotting...I forgot my password there, as well!...and there is another! Well, I signed up for that too, but have abandoned it, and forgot all about it. There's Etsy shop, and on that one I'm still trying to figure out how to copy and paste a logo!

There's Stumbleupon where I would get all those blogs to my e-mail, to stumble it...when I'm still stumbling here on my own, trying to figure out all these social networks. I actually joined FoodieBlogroll at the same time I joined Foodbuzz, but there, I felt lost...did not know how to connect with other food bloggers. I guess Food Gawker, is the biggy of them all where you have to have impecable photos, or else it gets rejected...I heard. (did not try out for that one either.) One very good networking I did sign up for is the Very Good Recipes, where you just register, and they do all the work for you to upload your posts!

A little preview of  my Hungarian Kifli that I made today for Thanksgiving to take to our hosts' house
So, I wish you all, here in the United States, and in other parts of the world where you reside,
A Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, and may you have a safe one as well, if you are traveling!
Hugs, to all!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Your butt joke is too funny. lol. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Elisabeth! I'm thankful for your friendship!

  2. Kedves Elisabeth! Rólam is szólhatott volna ez a bejegyzés, ami a blogolást meg az internetes írástudást illeti.
    De azért valahogy megoldjuk.
    Kívánok boldog Hálaadási ünnepet családoddal együtt!

  3. Hi Elisabeth. Happy Thanksgiving to you and family. With hugs and warm regards.
    Thank you for being my friend.

    I like your turkey butt joke, hahaha....
    By the way your cranberry sauce & Hungarian Kifli looks delicious.

    enjoy your thanksgiving dinner.

  4. Hello Elisaben, valami csodás ez a pulyka, de az áfonyaszósz varázsolt el engem igazán és a "magyar kifli". Még sosem sütöttem egészben pulykát,(itt MO-n nem is szokás) ez szerintem külön tudomány.
    Lányomék egyszer New Yorkban Hálaadáskor a barátokkal megpróbálták, de a füsttől, beindult a tűzjelző :), a pulyka viszont jó lett.

  5. Happy thanksgivine Elisabeth to you and ur family, wonderful sauce and irresistible Hungarian kifli..

  6. Elizabeth, I, like you, are struggling thru all those social networks. I just joined stumble and am still not sure how it works. I have been on FB for awhile and just started a page for my blog. I have also forgotten my password for twitter...thats one I don't get.
    I think that your turkey looks absolutely perfectly browned. Your kifli looks delicious...would you share that recipe? I have been looking for one for quite some time. Wishing you my friend, a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving! Hugs!!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Elisabeth! Let's stumble happily along together. I have probably signed up for as many sites as you AND like you, have forgotten most of the passwords and where I've actually signed up. Have been rejected by Foodgawker so many times, I've given up. I'm happy and contented having you and all those who drop by my blog. Thank you for being you ... really appreciate your friendship. Hugs!

  8. what a great post, thats a beautiful turkey from every direction, Have a wonderful day, your desert look lovely,

  9. What a beautiful color on the turkey , it looks beautiful and also Happy thanksgiving to you and your family :D

  10. Elisabeth, this turkey is incredible and what a giggle with the rear end jokes. Too funny. I am so glad to have found you this year - and can hear you totally about all of the various sites to join, not to mention become overwhelmed and lost. Ditto! Gosh, your hosts are in for a treat today - these kilfli pastries look wonderful. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and happy holidays. J xo

  11. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Elisabeth! I just joined StumbleUpon too. Will look for you there after the holidays :)

  12. Sexy looking 'butt' ;-) Didn't know that you have already joined so many social networks...can't expect you could remember all the passwords.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Boldog Hálaadási Ünnepet Kívánok Neked És Kedves Családodnak!!!

    A pulyka csodaszép, és a mártás színe....!! A kiflit imádom.:)

  14. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving Elisabeth! What a lovely Thanksgiving spread. Have a wonderful day with the family.

  15. Have a very happy Thanksgiving Elisabeth!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving, Elisabeth! I am thankful for great blogger friends like you :-) And your cranberry sauce sounds wonderful, I am considering making it (we're having our T-day dinner tomorrow) and using it with champagne/sparkling wine to make cranberry kir royales. I'll let you know.

  17. wow..sauce sounds amazingly delicious...
    wonderful post..;)
    Tasty Appetite

  18. Elisabeth-Your turkey jokes are too funny. Your Hungararian Kifli is lovely.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

  19. LOL...Elisabeth, you are so cute! Your turkey looks great from every angle! I love the thought of your Kifli with a nice cup of coffee!

    I hope your thanksgiving was blessed beyond measure and just wanted you to know that I appreciate you so much and I'm so grateful that God brings people together in such unique, creative ways! Your blog is a delightful expression of your talents and an insight into your kind heart. Thank you for your eagerness to encourage and help others. You are a blessing, Elisabeth and I give thanks for you and your beautiful heart! xoxo

  20. Ha! Turkey butt :) Baby got back!

    I hope you had a fantastic holiday!

  21. o wow. looks like you made an amazing meal! my turkey turned out gr8 but it def did not look that pretty!

  22. I had to giggle at your turkey butt...I think both our photography skills have improved since last year...LOL. Hope your holiday was wonderful...can't wait to see your kifli recipe...they look fabulous!!! xoxo

  23. that cranberry sauce sounds magnificent bella!!! blessings and joy to you today, hoping you had a wonderful thanksgiving, so thankful for our friendship xoxo

  24. I don't like to do much social networking either. But I'm so glad that I always have your blog to visit. You make me smile! Your turkey (last year's that is) looks amazing! Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you are having a relaxing weekend with family and good food. Many blessings this week, my friend!

  25. happy thanksgiving elizabeth!! golden turkey looks delicious!

  26. Oh my that turkey looks epic and so delicious. Happy Thanksgiving dear Elisabeth :)

  27. The turkey looks delicious! I am sorry I didn't come sooner, but I am sure you had a marvelous thanksgiving. Thanks for the recipes.

  28. That's a nice looking bird! Read your latest email and saw all those delicious dishes your had. YUM!
    I'm thankful for meeting you and reading your blog. You're a wonderful friend Elisabeth!

    p.s. to answer your question, I told Tiffany happy belated birthday on my blog since her birthday was 2 weeks ago, just didn't find the time to write about it on my blog

  29. Hi Elisabeth! I am drooling over your photos, we have come a long way my friend, and your photos taking skill definitely have improved. Well don't we all? over a period of time? I completely agree with Lizzy on her statement. What a wonderful Thanksgiving that you shared with Lora and new friends. I am so fortunate to have you who not only is my foodie friend but a real friend. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am so happy that you are back cooking and baking. I have yet to start ;). Till then.. Hugggss, Jo
