Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hungarian Nut Roll...and Counting Our Blessings

The holidays are almost over, and the new year will begin, in less than one week. We have so much to be thankful for...but mostly for our life, our freedom, to enjoy our choice of practicing our religion, our ethnic tradition, and respect one-another. This is the time of year when families get together and celebrate the "gift of giving!" It's not about how expensive, or how bright the gift should be...it's about the true meaning of our giving from the heart, and not putting a price on it!

My daughter Lora specifically asked me to make her Kalács (Hungarian Nut Roll) and I just put it off not realizing that it's the traditional value of the holiday season that she still remembers from the time she was little and my aunt making all the wonderful bake goods every Christmas! So, on Christmas Eve...just a few hours before we went to our dear friends for their Southern American/Italian dinner, I, at the last minute literally threw this wonderful quick nut roll together to have it for Christmas day! I rarely make yeast dough, but I made this with the full recipe, and freezing half of the dough! The filling is the same filling, that I used for my Kifli, in my previous post. I just did not have the time to make it the traditional way.

Googled the recipe, for the dough...just did not have the time to figure out the metric system to our American system. Turned out real moist, and everyone loved it. I got the nicest compliment from Lora, telling me that this was the best Christmas gift...better than any other present!

Hungarian Nut Roll
Adapted from Taste of Home

2 packages (1/4 ounce each active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm 2% milk
1/4 cup plus 2 Tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter softened
1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream
3 eggs, lightly beaten
6 to 6-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

my own recipe

1/2  lb. walnuts
1 cup apricot preserves
1/4 cup sugar
Grated zest of 1 lemon
1/2 cup light raisins (optional)

In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm milk. Add the sugar, salt, butter, sour cream, eggs, and 3 cups flour. Beat on medium speed for 3 minutes. Beat until smooth. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.( Dough will be sticky.)
Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-9 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

This is how the dough will look, doubled in size, nice and puffy!

Recipe calls for dividing dough into 4 portions, I divided mine into three. Roll out dough on a floured surface. Roll each into a 12x10 inch rectangle. Spread filling within 1/2 inch of edges. Roll up jelly roll style, starting with the long side; pinch seam to seal. Place seam side down on parchment paper lined baking sheet.

Cover and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. This is how it looks after 30 minutes...doubled in size. You can use egg wash with 2 eggs beaten with about 1 Tbsp. water, and with a pastry brush, just paint the tops and sides. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 30-40 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from pan to wire rack, and cool.

For traditional walnut filling:

4 cups walnuts
1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 Tbsp. brandy
1/3 cup hot milk

Mix all the ingredients in a food processor, ending with the brandy, and hot milk. Spread on the rectangles, and roll up jelly roll fashion, and proceed with the instructions!

Having our Christmas Eve dinner celebration with our friends...saying "grace"...with our Southern Baptist friends, and Italian/American Catholic, with traditional Southern and Italian feast!

Nicest people you would ever want to meet...One family, of extended family!

The weather was exceptionally warm, in the upper seventies, with a nice breeze...dinner was buffet style, held outside on their patio.

You guessed it...that's my plate of yummy food!

Such delicious homemade foods. I really loved the meatballs, and the sauce, the sausage looked really good, but I didn't have any of that. Loved the Broccoli Rabe, as well!

Anne's Southern Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting....The BEST...ever. She graciously offered to share her recipe with me.

My contribution of New York Style Cheesecake, with Christmas decoration.

Lora's contribution of pear, and chocolate chip cake.

Yummy fudge...different kinds!

Such a beautiful, blessed, and joyful Christmas Eve...finally crashing for the night at Lora's

Taking my last photo of the night, just the Christmas tree light glowing in the dark of the night...everyone sleeping, and grandchildren waiting for Santa Claus to arrive!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Elisabeth, your nut rolls is very delicious and so well baked. Thanks for sharing your Christmas dinner gathering, from your plate I see you're enjoying yourself to all the delicious foods. Everything looks so nice and make me drooling now... LOL Have a nice day.
    Warm regards & hugs to you

  2. Oh my, what a feast you must have all had, everything looks amazing! You're a good mom - it's always those special acts of love that are remembered and treasured :)

  3. I can feel all that love just from your writing. What a lovely night. And what lovely food! I love the nut roll ... especially love the sound of brandy in it :D I definitely will try this out soon. Hugs.

  4. Nagyon szép ünnepetek lehetett, sok-sok finomsággal! A beigli nélkül nálunk elképzelhetetlen a karácsony. :)

  5. Boldog, szeretetteljes Karácsonyt kívánok Mindnyájatoknak!!! Mennyi finomság készült :)

  6. Kedves Elisabeth! Nagyon szép karácsonyotok volt! Jól sikerült a bejglid, ezután én is teszek a töltelékbe 1-2 kanál brandyt. Ha nálatok bevált, biztos jó bele!

  7. Great roundup of food, my plate as yours was (smile) would have been totally empty with that awesome spread! The family is gorgeous and happy, thats what its all about your right your blessed... love the nut roll would also be gone in this house, never made mine this year... maybe when I finally retire!~

  8. Csodálatos volt a karácsonyotok, hogy a családon kívül a kedves barátaitokkal ünnepelhettetek együtt. Nagyon sok finomságot készítettetek, de a Te bejglijeid csodaszépek, és biztosan nagyon finomak voltak. Én mindig teszek a töltelékbe rumot, vagy rumaromát, attól is nagyon finom ízt kap. A feldíszített fenyő, gyönyörű szép, és biztosan sok ajándék került alá, az unokáid nagy-nagy örömére.

  9. Everything looks so beautiful, Elisabeth...you know how lucky you are to have such amazing family and friends. The food looks very delicious. I will have to try the Hungarian thing for Dennis...he will be thrilled...kind of a challenge for me but I will give it a go.

  10. beautiful, I love working with yeast dough,

  11. Un rollo espectacular luce delicioso y tentador,muy buena receta,abrazos y felices fiestas.

  12. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful recipes

  13. Wonderful get together and delicious food. Glad that you had a wonderful Christmas. Happy holidays. Love that nut rolls.

  14. Kedves Elisabeth!
    Itt válaszolok Neked. Mégegyszer nagyon megköszönöm, hogy belinkeltél az előző bejegyzésedben!!! Nyugodtan elhozhatod bármelyik képet a blogomból, az nekem bizony nagy megtiszteltetés, hogy megosztod az olvasóiddal.Nagyon örülök, hogy tetszenek a receptjeim, csak azt sajnálom, hogy nem tudok Neked kóstolót küldeni.:)

  15. Feasting with friends and family! Who could ask for anything more. That nut roll looks out of this world. I can taste it!

  16. The people, the food, the Christmas are showing me "warm and love." It's great to have you as a friend through my cooking journey. Have a great New Year with lots of delicious recipes!

  17. Happy Holidays, sweet friend...looks like a wonderful time was had by all! Michael's family is half Catholic and half Baptist. When we get together for Thanksgiving, we have grace...then a Catholic prayer with the sign of the cross. Takes a few minutes longer, but everyone's happy!

  18. Oh, what a feast, Lizzie!!! Everything looks amazing...and your nut roll is spectacular. I could never get away without making my fudge...I think that's our only must have treat! Bill may say prime rib AND fudge!!! Thanks for sharing your lovely celebration with us all...you are blessed with such a wonderful family and friends! xo

  19. What a wonderful celebration, with friends, family and food! :) Your nut roll looks scrumptious- traditions are so important to us all. I hope you had a lovely Christmas! :)

  20. This looks so scrumptious! And looks like your Christmas was filled with great food, friends and family....as are all your days seem to be, Elisabeth. Pray you will have a New Year filled with many blessings. :)

  21. Looks like you had a great holiday with your family. Everything looks so good! Happy New Year!

  22. I'm in awe of your Hungarian Nut Roll, what a delicious family tradition!
    Looks like quite the feast with your family and friends as well as a lot of fun. We had a small group at our house this year for Christmas but I love the big group with all the shared special dishes from each family definitely a night to remember! Have a great week Elisabeth;-)

  23. Lots of nuts in this bread roulade! Eli, if I ever visit you, could you treat me with some broccoli rabe? I love them!

    I hope (I bet;-) you had a blessed and fun Christmas!

  24. Elizabeth!!!
    Szuper finom lehetett,szívesen megkóstolnám!!!
    Sütöttem én is karácsonyra 4 rúd bejglit, kettő diós,kettő mákos,hát finom lett az biztos.

  25. Elisabeth-Your Hungarian Nutroll meant so much to your daughter, and that is what Christmas is all about. Looks like you ahd beautiful Christmas celebrations with family, friends, and delicious foods.

    I count my blessings that you are my blogging friend.

  26. Nut roll looks absolutely stunning,seems u had a fabulous celebration with ur family and fabulous dishes..

  27. This was just a lovely, lovely post! Thanks so much for sharing your meal, your friends, your grace, your heart... (Oh, and the nut roll recipe!) :) Blessings, all.

  28. I am impressed with your nut roll.Yeast cakes have the most wonderful fragrance. I bet, this one does, too.

    I enjoyed your photos and love the variety of food you got to share.

  29. Elisabeth, gyönyörű lett a kalácsod és úgy látom, igazán fantasztikus karácsonyt töltöttetek együtt!
    Előre is kívánok neked és szeretteidnek nagyon boldog új évet!

  30. Hey Elisabeth , thank you for your warm wishes . These rolls look so delish , all the food looks good . Have an awesome year ahead , Happy New Year dear Elisabeth :D .

  31. Hello Elisabeth, szép bejglid, a karácsonyfád.

  32. Elizabeth, Last week I made Poppy seed rolls and didn't get to my walnut this year. Yours look fabulous! Happy New Year my friend, hope it is full of joy, health and happiness!

  33. What a day you had!!! I love how it all melded together with so many different "ingredients".
    I just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday, and all the best in the coming New Year!
    While our temps didn't quite meet yours, especially at night, we did have low 70;s during the day and my beach walk was beautiful!!

  34. oh my mouth is watering!!!! YUMMY!!!!! i do believe this is on the breakfast list on Sunday! thanks for sharing and so nice to meet you -- i found you through Katherines Corner blog-hop and now i am your newest follower -- hop on over to thecottagemarket.com if you have a chance : ) holiday hugs to you and yours!

  35. Looks like a wonderful holiday feast! And this nut roll looks fantastic, something I have never had but will want to try :)

  36. Beautiful rolls! How to find the recipe for the Anne's Southern Carrot Cake ?
