Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best Potato Latkes...and end of Holidays

As the holidays are winding down, and we're facing the new year, we can reflect back to last year, at this time, already thinking about the changes we are going to make in our lives, our homes, our friends, our bad habits, and start our diets for the hundredth time!...Yeah, sure! I do this every year, and keep promising to go back to Weight Watchers where I actually successfully lost 35 lbs, and kept it off for about 3 years, but gradually gained it back...and then some! So now, I will try the Weight Watchers online, and don't have to go to those boring meetings!
Well, let me tell's a good thing that the year is ending, because December is the last month we can "pig out" with all the good food, and desserts...never say "never" to latkes, at least once a year, which is at Hanukkah! I promise you that I stand by my "best potato latkes recipe!"'s not even a recipe it's really from all the failures of trying out different ways, but the best kept secret, is adding equal amount of Matzo Meal to your flour, a small amount of baking powder, and to make sure your grated potatoes do not turn brown, adding a tablespoon of whit distilled vinegar to the water. I will be glad to show you the directions, and promise that your latkes will come out crispy, light, and you don't even have to blot any excess grease if you use parchment paper...honest!

Having a 10 or 12 inch well seasoned cast iron skillet is another helpful utensil, that I feel every kitchen should have. It has so many uses, and will never, ever wear out....the older it gets if it's treated properly, the more use you get out of it. Just look at the fresh clean vegetable oil bubbling away, and the potatoes so light, and crispy. Never overcrowd the pan, or it will slow down the cooking process!

Best Potato Latkes
recipe by; Elisabeth

For single batch:

4-5 medium Russet (baking) potatoes, or your favorite
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup Matzo Meal
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
salt and pepper to taste
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 medium onion chopped
vegetable, or canola oil, for frying
1 Tbsp. white vinegar
In a large bowl add water, and add the peeled potatoes and vinegar.
(you can use double batch by doubling the potatoes, 8 to 10, but it's less work with half the amount)
Cut the potatoes in half lenghtwise and in a food processor feed them right into the water, just like it's show in the photo.
Note: The starchier the water gets, but not dark, the crispier and lighter the latkes will be.

This is how the grated potatoes will look in the water...all starchy, cloudy, and beautiful. That's how you want it.

Now, you're ready to put the potatoes with the liquid, and strain it. Rinse it if you like, but you don't have to. The important thing, is to squeeze out all the liquid.

Add the potatoes back into the cleaned out bowl, and add all the ingredients, (except the oil, and vinegar)

With clean hands, or wear plastic gloves, mix together all the ingredients to combine well.

With a small ice cream scooper, scoop out portions, and add to the preheated heavy skillet, if you don't have cast iron skillet.

You can easily scoop out as much as it can fit, but make sure when you drop the scoop, do not touch it for a couple minutes, fry them over med-high heat, without disturbing them.

You can now flatten them down with a spatula, and turn them over to fry until lightly golden. Have your oven ready, at 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet, or two, with parchment paper. When all the latkes are ready to be taken out of the frying pan, just line them up on the parchment lined baking sheet, and bake for an additional 25 minutes, turning them once.

You should have about 12 small latkes. Serve them with apple sauce, and sour cream!
Yields about 4- 6 servings

When you see the jagged, lacy edges, is how you know it is perfect, lightly need to blot with paper towel, no grease is left on the parchment paper!
The latkes are also really delicious with brisket, or pot roast, you can serve them with chicken, or just on the side. Every one loves this, especially young children, and adults alike!

Linking to:
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 16 @ Katherines Corner
Full Plate Thursday 12-29-11 @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage 

I would like to share this special  event with you...I enjoyed taking these special  photos. The photo below, is my granddaughter Mattia at her violin concert. She is in kindergarten, and a beginner, with children in her age group.they did an awesome performance of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!
It was such a beautiful event...beginners, intermediate, and advanced students took part!

Before the concert...
Such a beautiful concert with amazing and talented kids!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Elisabeth, by just looking at your potatoes Latkes..... I'm cleaning my keyboard with saliva now,LOL
    It's look so tempting and delicious but I can only admire cos we do not have matzo meal over here. Anyway thanks for sharing.

    Talking about weight, I have not being able to lose the 5kg that I wanted for the past 364 days, guess I have to make a new resolution again in 2012 to maintain my weight. hahaha

    Your grand daughter is so pretty and cute. A big hugs for her and to you too. Have a nice day.

  2. Elisabeth, what beautiful photos of your grand daughter, she is so poised and is such a beauty. Thanks for sharing with us.

    The latkes look like the best I've seen...hehe! My daughter loves these, I should really make these soon...I have plenty of potatoes for our small family!

    I actually couldn't eat much or drink much this holiday season...due to my sinus infection and not feeling well enough to eat much. I did enjoy plenty of food...just in small portions. I felt bad at our friends at Christmas, because the plate-full that I took, I just could do it justice.

    Wish you all the best for the new year!


  3. I really should make latkes more than on Chanukah. Yours look fabulous and I also love those cast iron pans. I treated myself to two, over a year ago, an 8 inch and a 12 inch but I should have gotten the 10 inch. I am happily working around that.

  4. Oh potato latkes.. These are just so good. I can't stop staring at the golden goodness and it's fried. Oops I just let out a small shriek at my office table. Happy New Year Elisabeth! I am joining in Lora's Virtual New Year party too.. it's going to be so much fun. I must really dig through my archive. Till then.. take care and eat well!! Hugggssss, Jo

  5. Just buzzed you when I saw your latkes.. YUMMMM.. 2 great minds think alike eh?? Huggsssss...

  6. Happy New year wishes dear..potato latkes looks seriously incredible and my fav anytime.

  7. eating healthy cooking healthy feeling great

  8. Mattiára nagyon büszke lehetsz! Gratulálok!
    Boldog Új Évet kívánok!

  9. This is one of my favorite comfort foods. Thank you so much for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop at Katherines corner xo

  10. This will be my new go-to latke recipe...such wonderful tips! Happy New Year to one of my favorite food bloggers (the nicest, too!!!). xoxo

  11. Aww ... I'm afraid your little grand daughter took my attention away from your lovely latkes :D She's adorable! That must be the mini sized violin she's got. So talented! So cuuuuute!!

  12. Hi Elisabeth, Your granddaughter is adorable - gorgeous hair! What a treat this concert must have been :)

    I am a huge fan of parchment paper - absorbs grease and makes clean-up a breeze. Your latkes look absolutely delicious!

    Let's all enjoy this end-of-year celebration - it's our last good excuse to indulge for a while!!

  13. Happy New Year to you Elisabeth! We make latkes every year, actually my husband makes them and our family loves them. I think your recipe and instructions are excellent, I'm thinking about spooning on the applesauce and sour cream right at this moment;-) Look forward to following you in 2012, hard to believe another year has passed!

  14. Gratulálok az unokádhoz Mattia-hoz!!! Gyönyörű szép, és biztosan csodaszépen tudd hegedűlni.

    A recept nagyon tetszik, jó ötlet ecetet tenni a vízbe. Köszönöm, hogy megosztottad velünk, legközelebb én is teszek majd a vízbe. Én már sütöttem reszelt céklából, az is nagyon finom.

    Boldog Új Évet Kívánok Neked és Kedves Családodnak!! Puszillak

  15. Oh Elizabeth your latkes look so good..I know I would have to stay away from things like this..but how??:))))
    I still have half of the January to pig out..due to my Orthodox tradition as well..two Christmases more excuse to eat:))) or better said overeat:))
    Have a Wonderful New Year...

  16. Elisabeth!
    Boldog Új Évet!
    Gyönyörű az unokád,büszke lehetsz rá,igazi kis művésznő!
    Nagyon finom lehet a latkes!

  17. Woow...que sabroso me encanta,felicitaciones por tus recetas,abrazos y feliz año nuevo lleno de bendiciones,abrazooooos,hugs,hugs.

  18. oh wow, these latkes look AH-mazing. Your granddaughter is just precious!!! I loved catching up on your posts - I've really fallen behind but I know it's to be expected given the circumstances's definitely a FULL plate these days. I am so happy they are so close in age, but I know this is the hard part when they are so young like day at a time! happy new year bella!

  19. Oh MY I would definitely 'never' pass up these latkes! And your granddaughter is absolutely adorable, I'm sure you are very proud of her!

  20. Elisabeth, WOW! your grand daughter is playing the violin? So talented at such a young age. I wish I can give her a big hug. Your potato latkes looks very delicious. Happy New Year to you and family. May 2012 be filled with lots of love, hope, joy, happiness, peace and good health. Hugs.

  21. With Chinese New Year just round the corner, the pigging out may continue for a bit more for some of us...yikes!!! Your latkes look very fantastic. I know my boys would absolutely enjoy them. You are so right about the cast iron pan. I love mine. Happy New Year Elisabeth!

  22. Hello Elizabeth,
    Your Granddaughter is just beautiful and what a wonderful memory of her concert. Your Latkes look so delicious. I see that you have use Matzo Meal in your recipe, I will have to try that, it will make them better. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year and Abundant Blessings in 2012!
    Miz Helen

  23. Your latkes look so good...a favorite of mine :) And the photos of your granddaughter are just precious :)
    Happy New Year Elizabeth, wishing you and your family a wonderful 2012!

  24. Mouthwatering potato latkes (very much like German Kartoffelpuffer). My parents-in-law usually enjoy them with Apfelkompott.
    Mattia looks so beautiful..those photos are so precious.
    Happy New Year!

  25. one of the joys of life - seeing kids and grandkids grow up. i can't wait to see my future children at their music concerts!

  26. i like your step by step photos. :D

