Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out With the Old...and In With the New Year!

Savory Stuffed Cabbage Rolls- click on the link, for the recipe!
With the new year quickly approaching upon us, where as in Australia, New Zealand, China, Malaysia, and Japan, already has celebrated the New Year 2012...we will be be doing the same, at midnight! I will be featuring some of my dishes from 2011 that in our Hungarian/Italian tradition we celebrate.Savory Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, or Sweet Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is our tradition, to start the New Year off. The ground meat stuffed cabbage, is made with beef, but the fresh sausage is pork, and pork is traditionally eaten, for good luck!
Italian Sausage with Grilled Cheddar Polenta-click on the link for recipe
Here's another suggestion: Italian Sausage with Grilled Cheddar Polenta. One of our very favorites, but if you're a vegetarian, you can omit the fact, don't omit the sausage, just try the delicious polenta, filled with chopped jalapeno pepper, and grilled potatoes, onions, and zucchini, is sure to satisfy your hunger, and it's such a fabulous meal combination.
Garden Lentil Balls
No...these are not meatballs, they are actually Garden Lentil Balls and are packed with fresh gremolata, made with a combination of fresh herbs and fresh garlic, of course. Check for the recipe for the gremolata, as well. You can use lemon, in place of orange to make it traditional.You can also add Marinara sauce on top of these yummy lentil balls, and eat it as a main dish, with past

In Southern Italy, there is a tradition: OUT WITH THE OLD...meaning, on New Year's day, you throw out old objects, out the window, or over the balcony...just with caution!

Last...but not least, another Italian tradition, I don't know exactly which region it comes from, but listen to this one...WEAR RED UNDERWEAR!...yes, it's a tradition, but not just any old "ratty" red underwear, it has to be a new one!...most importantly, a gift from someone...LOL

...another suggestion for New Year's, is brunch... too early for breakfast, and maybe you want to chuck the suggested tradition, and go with BRUNCH!
Home fries-click on the link for recipe
There's nothing more comforting for a brunch than Home fries, bacon, scrambled eggs, or pancakes, waffles, and most comforting and so yummy, are the french toast!
Mark Bittman's Perfect Pancakes
 ...or how about these totally delicious and perfect pancakes...Mark Bittman's Perfect Pancakes. I was on a blueberry "kick, when I made these yummy pancakes! So amazing, really good!

It has been such a blessed year, with family, and friends, my life is fulfilled with such joy, you have all given supporting my blog with all your sweet comments, love, and caring!

Wishing all of you a Very Happy New Year, in health and prosperity...with Love!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Happy New Year!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!

    Dennis is crying because the stuffed cabbage looks just like his mom's!! ,

    I want to make everything on here over and over!!!

  2. Elisabeth!
    Kívánom, hogy eredményekben gazdag, boldog 2012-es esztendőd legyen szeretteiddel együtt!
    (És sok finom magyaros töltött káposztát!Én is nagyon szeretem.)

  3. I just made cabbage rolls yesterday, we always have new Years eve, I want to thankyou for all the great recipes I have found on your blog and most of all your friendship which I treasure, Happy New Year to you!

  4. Love the photos everything is mouth watering happy new year cant wait to see what you bring to our tables n 2012!

  5. Happy Yummy New Year, dear Elisabeth! You're correct to say we've already celebrated and all hungover... don't even have a post to show for it ... LOL!

  6. Happy New Year to you Elisabeth :) And those recipes look incredible!

  7. Happy New Year Elisabeth, to you and your family!
    I was going to make cabbage rolls (my first time) but Publix was out of their ground pork. I picked up a pork loin so we'll have that...and as the "southern" tradition to eat black eyed peas, greens, and will we. I'll make the cabbage rolls this week. All of your dishes look yummy! I like hearing what other regions eat on New Years day!

    No how to get someone to gift you, red underwear to wear on New Year's Day?

  8. Hi Elisabeth, all the foods look so delicious and appetizing. How to go on diet cos I'm practically drooling on every single dishes that serve from your kitchen.LOL
    Happy new year to you and family. Wishing you all the best and continue to cook/bake more yummy food.
    Have a nice day.*hugs*

  9. A Blessed and Happy New Year!! I look forward to reading and eating :) along with you in 2012.

  10. Everything looks delicious! We always have cabbage rolls on Christmas but it’s not exactly the same as yours.
    Happy New Year Elisabeth! May this year be joyful and delicious!

  11. A very Happy New Year to you too Elizabeth, full of joy and prosperity! The cabbage rolls look like the ones we make in Greece only we use different ingredients! All the plates are gorgeous!

  12. It looks so decadent and delicious - all of it! Yum.

  13. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR BELLA....FAREWELL 2011 & AND HELLO 2012!!!! what a year of learning it has been! I'm STILL recalling things I have learned just in this past year alone, trying to be faithful to put ink to paper & journal these life lessons so I can always remember what the Lord has done in my life & share it with those He puts in my path ~ here's to the next chapter! My seatbelt is fastened and I am ready for the ride....p.s. I am going to make your Israeli Couscous tomorrow to serve with some Tilapia :)

  14. Best wishes for a very Happy New Year,Elizabeth,to both you and your family,lots of health and happiness!!Browsing through all these lovely dishes makes me so hungry,although I feel I still haven't digested a great week,XO

  15. Loving the look of those cabbage rolls, and sausages with polenta - yum, that's serious comfort food.

    All the best for the new year ahead.

    Sue :-)

  16. Happy new year, Elisabeth! Hope that you have a wonderful 2012. These dishes look great...particular the cheddar polenta (love the idea of the jalapeno in it!) and the garden lentil balls. And what funny traditions they have in southern Italy with throwing stuff out and red underwear. Love it! All the best to you.

  17. Happy New Year Elisabeth and a great 2012! I am so blessed to ahve you as blogging friend, and hope to meet this year;)

    I love all of your dishes, and my husband would love the cabbage rolls. I especially like the red underwear

  18. A very yummy cabbage recipe, one of my favorites! Happy New Year!May 2012 be a GREAT year for you and your loved ones.

    Hugs :)

  19. Red underwear?!?! What a hoot! I'm all for out with the old. Got way too much stuff I don't need. Love the stuffed cabbage. Pork and sauerkraut is our NY tradition. Not my fave, but if it brings good luck, I'll do it!

  20. To the Chinese, red underwear always mean good luck as well. In Chinese New Year, my husband's parents like to give their son new underwear and long pants for prosperity. We don't throw old thing from the balcony but we aren't allow to sweep the floor on New Year's Day to retain good fortune at home. This year's Chinese NY is on 23 Jan and we have another celebration to count on!

  21. I think we need a NY tradition!!! Love your ideas, Lizzie...except maybe the new red underwear...LOL. Hope 2012 brings much joy to you and your family! xo

  22. PS...I'm excited to hear what you've planned next! Hope you're feeling better, too...xoxo.

  23. i am obsessed with steamed or cooked cabbage. i love making cabbage wraps! and those lentilballs look delicious!!!

  24. HAPPY NEW YEAR sweet Elisabeth! What a great post, and so nice of you to mention Malaysia. Truly honoured. Sadly my internet was down back home and that delayed my posting. I can't wait to see the new you. I am sure it's going to be a fantastic year. Take care now.. Hugggsss

  25. Happy New Year, Elizabeth!! Loved your post...found it very interesting...especially about the red!! Great looking food...I love stuffed cabbage!
