Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chocolate Buttermilk Bundt Cake...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm back on track with my Weight Watchers recipes...and yes, this light and simple Chocolate Bundt Cake is from my Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook. Surprised?...you shouldn't be. It's only 4 points per serving, unlike the the little Pogácsa (biscuits) which I made, had at least 2 points per serving...and you just can't stop at eating one piece.We're on a new track now...still lost 1 additional lb. when I thought I gained some of the weight back...exercise does help!

On a lighter note...as in weight wise, and otherwise, I am staying on the Weight Watchers program and will be featuring mostly, my Weight Watchers' recipes, even for my Guest Post, which I am so excited about! For my Chocolate Bundt Cake recipe,  click over...check it out!

Linking to: http://mizhelenscountrycottage.blogspot.com/ 

Chocolate Buttermilk Bundt Cake
from: Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook
2011 edition

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 ounce semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 cup boiling water
1 cup low-fat buttermilk
1/3 cup canola oil
1 large egg
1 large egg white
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a 10 inch Bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in medium bowl.
Combine cocoa and chopped chocolate in small bowl. Pour boiling water over cocoa mixture, stirring
until chocolate is melted.
Whisk together buttermilk, oil, egg, egg white, and vanilla in large bowl; stir in cocoa mixture. Add flour,
mixture, stirring just until no longer visible. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake until toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean, 45-50 minutes. Let cool in pan on wire
rack 10 minutes. Invert and remove pan. Let cool completely. Serves 24 slices
Points Plus value: 4

note: You can substitute low-fat buttermilk, by making your own.
To a 1 cup glass measuring cup, add 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar, and fill to 1 cup, low-fat milk.
Do not stir, just leave for a few minutes and it will get thick, just like buttermilk...only cheaper, and just as good!

Gong Xi Fa Cai...Happy Chinese New Year...The year of the Dragon!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Wat a prefectly baked cake, looks absolutely stunning and incredible.

  2. wow.. that tempting chocolate slice in your weight watcher menu?? so it must be heavenly chocolate bundt... keep on going dear, I think you are petty succeed in your program.. :)

  3. That is one yummy treat..:)) loved the presentation..:))

  4. A great recipe! I omitted the coffee and put in 1/4 cup extra buttermilk.

    Raspberry Angel Cake

    1. You probably meant you omitted the cocoa...no coffee in this recipe!

  5. Oh, how fabulous, Lizzie! Congrats on your continued weight loss...and for sharing some delicious, lighter fare for all of us whose pants fit a little tighter this month! xoxo

  6. Oh boy chocolate and raspberries great combo! I would love some of this with some coffee a shot of Amaretto! When are we meeting?

  7. Chocolate on a diet?! Yes please!
    Congratulation on sticking to WW and congratulations to your friend for the new bundle of joy!

  8. It is hard to believe that that cake is not that naughty of a treat!!

    Thank you!!!

  9. With the words WW and Chocolate in the same post, I got really excited. That's amazing. I don't have to feel guilty about eating chocolate bundt cake? I assume moderation is necessary...and that could be the hart part by looking at this delicious cake!!! You make gorgeous cake Elisabeth! Happy Lunar New Year!

  10. Elizabeth, How wonderful you can eat cake on your diet....so excited for you on your continued weight loss! I would love this cake. It looks so rich, moist and chocolaty....just my kind of cake!

  11. That looks amazing! I love chocolate and raspberry! This combination is just irresistible. Perfect Valentine's Day food!

  12. yay for light chocolate cake! this is calling my name. i love chocolate! and those hungarian bread biscuits look soooo good. i wouldn't have been able to stop eating just one either!

  13. Szépséges sütemény, szépséges fotó! :)

  14. Kérnék egy szeletet, isteninek néz ki:)

  15. Gyönyörűséges!!! Ó csak egy szeletkét, ha kóstolhatnák belőle. Már nagyon kiéheztem egy finom süteményre, de megpróbálok még ellenállni és nem sütök. Örülök, hogy szépen megy lefelé a súlyod, nekem napok óta változatlan, pedig alig eszek, most szomorú vagyok.

  16. This looks good Elisabeth. I am collecting the links for these - and eventually I will capitulate and start watching what I eat too. Will that be the end of the Hungarian dishes? Oh, more than likely and abrupt end for awhile.

    1. Zuzsa-for sure I will continue making Hungarian dishes. I just ordered a Hungarian cookbook from Amazon. We shall see if it's a good book or not, at least it's in English! No abrupt end, here!

  17. Chocolate and rasperries are always a delicious combination! I'm really enjoying all of the recipes you've been featuring Elisabeth. It's important not to feel too deprived when dieting - makes long-term maintenance that much easier.

  18. Gorgeous...and what lovely raspberries! I love WW recipes and cook one at least once a week...don't always feature them on the blog, but we love to eat them!

  19. This is a beautiful chocolate bundt cake-Proof that lower calories and fat do not mean you are giving up presentation or taste. Awesome.

    Wishing you the best of luck in your weight loss journey. Weight Watchers is a great program.


  20. This is so beautiful! Love the pic ... dark chocolate and red red berries! ... Sexy! Perfect for WW :D

  21. Gorgeous cake, Elisabeth! So does it mean that I can eat the whole cake by myself without feeling guilty? :) LOL probably not! Thanks for sharing this one... I have a feeling I will be making it soon!

  22. Hi Elisabeth,I'm glad to visit on a day with such a nice cake recipe..It somehow feels great to be able to eat things that don't taste like cardboard and yet lose weight!Congrats on the weight loss,keep up the good work!!!Have a great day,XOXO

  23. Ooooh , I am gonna make this , it looks delish , whew fnally I got my net at my new place .

  24. Elisabeth! I always get so excited to see your comments, you brighten my day more than you know!!! I'm catching up once again, reading your last few posts, drooling over those hungarian biscuits....the chick pea curry and black beans and rice looked so wonderful....oh I wish my husband would appreciate the variety of foods that you and I do....he is definitely good about trying new things, but he just doesn't get into all the wonderful dishes that he could be enjoying. silly boy. he doesn't realize what he's missing. The other night I made a butternut squash ravioli to accompany our steak and asparagus, he tasted it, and it wasn't for him....sigh....ah well, more for me! not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing haha! I'm so proud of you once again, for just moving forward with weight watchers regardless of the teensy setbacks here and there....that's the key bella, if we fall off the bus, just get back on! And the extra 30 minute of cardio??? fantastic!!!!! We missed 2 days of P90X....sigh....but today, I"m back on the bus! It's a bit chilly right now but warming up, and this cake is something I would really like to try....note to self: must get myself a bundt cake pan and try this recipe!!!! hugs to you bella xoxo

  25. Hi Elisabeth, your chocolate bundt cake looks extremely tempting and delicious. Wish I can have a slice now, LOL
    Have a nice day.

  26. Szeretnélek megajándékozni egy díjjal. Kérlek nézz be hozzám! :)

  27. Can't believe that a decadent chocolate could be included in WW diet!! The cake looks so pretty with raspberries.

  28. Paired with raspberries?? Pure love!

  29. Finom és nagyon szép a tortaalátédet is!!!

  30. when i clicked at your site and the first pictures appeared, oh my i thought it was one of those sinful cakes or bundts. it doesn't seem like a "diet" at all... I absolutely love to have a slice if it's only 4 points haha. thanks for sharing your recipes!

  31. I am excited to see this recipe. I just got a bundt pan and wanted a good recipe to use it in...actually it is two smaller bundt cakes but in one pan. I had a WW cookbook years ago. I was dissapointed with it though...it seemed like they used fruit or sugar in many of their main dishes, I never understood why, I guess less fat, but more sugar? Anyway I am looking forward to more WW recipes from this newer version cookbook.

  32. Kedves Elisabeth, Látod, elég régóta követőd vagyok már, megtalálsz a rendszeres olvasóid között:) Kommentelni nem szoktam, de mindig menézem amiket készítesz. Ez a süti is nagyon szép és a fotóid is nagyon profik.

  33. What a great recipe! I love bundt cakes because they are so beautiful and no frosting is needed--which means less calories!

  34. It's hard to believe that this is a light recipe, it looks so good! I'm looking forward to trying this one. :)

  35. wow those photos have come out beautifully. the lighting worked perfectly here. and yes i thought you've broken your diet when i first saw the pic!! hope you enjoyed the beauty!

  36. Hi Elisabeth,
    What a lovely presentation for your delicious Chocolate Buttermilk Bundt Cake. Those berries are just a perfect pop of flavor and color. This is a great recipe! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  37. Nagyon jól néz ki ez a kuglóf,nekem még gyakorolnom kell,de igyekszem!!!:):)

  38. where did you get that cake plate? so pretty and versatile!


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