Saturday, January 28, 2012

Smoky Manhattan-Style Clam Chowder...

Still going strong with Weight Watchers and their amazing recipes from the Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook. Also received another one from a friend, called Weight Watchers One Pot Cookbook. I can hardly wait to check out some of the delicious recipes. I actually signed up for the meetings...only, because a lot has changed in the program in the last few years, and it's a different point system now. As far as the weight loss, I'm still at 7 lbs of my weight loss, but I do splurge at least once a week, where I don't even try to count the points because it would totally fall off the points track. As you can see, that really does make a difference when you are trying to lose weight!
If you like clams, then you will most likely love Manhattan Clam Chowder. So light, rich, yet oh, so satisfying, and it's actually a Weight Watchers recipe, that I barely altered. The only difference was, that I added a dry chipotle pepper, that I soaked in boiling water, to give it the smoky taste, instead of using fire roasted diced tomatoes. Chipotle has more of a smoky flavor than fired roasted tomatoes would. I must confess, that I'm totally enjoying this new program, and are looking forward to each day with so much enthusiasm to plan a different meal every day, knowing that it's so flavorful, and healthy with lots of fresh vegetables that can be made so many ways. Just look at the robust color, texture and flavor of this gorgeous Manhattan Clam Chowder. I'm so happy to share the recipe with you.

Linking to: Cookbook Sundays @couscous-consciousness

Smoky Manhattan-Style Clam Chowder
adapted from: Weight Watchers Complete Cookbook

2 teaspoons olive oil
(I used 1 Tbsp.)
1 onion chopped
1 large garlic clove minced
1 (1/2 pound) all-purpose potato, peeled, and  cut into 1/2 inch dice (I used 2 large potatoes)
1 small zucchini diced (I omitted it)
1 carrot diced (I added 3)
1 (14 1/2 ounce) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes)
(I added 2 cans of diced regular tomatoes)
1 bay leaf
(1 chipotle pepper)
2 (8 ounce bottles)clam juice
( I used one bottle)
1/2 cup of water
(I used 2 cups of water with 1 Tbsp vegetable base, boiled in the microwave)
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano (I used 1 teaspoon)
1/8 teaspoon black pepper (I used 1/2 teaspoon)
1 (6 ounce can chopped clams (I used 2 cans of chopped clams)

Soak the dried chipotle pepper, after you have boiled it. Let it soak until soft. Cut in half, and clean the seeds out, and cut pepper into small pieces to add to the chowder.
It's optional, you don't have to use it, if you are using fire roasted diced tomatoes.

Heat the oil in a large pot, over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; cook stirring until onion is softened, about 5 minutes. Add celery, carrots, and zucchini (if you're using it) and saute for another 5 minutes. Add the oregano, pepper, and stir through.

Add the tomatoes with their juice, the clam juice, the water, the bay leaf, the chipotle pepper, diced, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer partially cover, for about 25 minutes.

Add the clams with their juice, and cook, just until heated through, about 2 minutes. Do not boil, or the clams will toughen.
8 servings
PointsPlus value:4

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  1. I love the red! My whole family only likes the new england white! I just adore this one.. This recipe sounds wonderful! WHAT A great photo too! Now I am totally wishing for it!

  2. Such a beautiful and appetizing chowder!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I love the colors! This looks delicious!

  4. Szia!
    Trollanyunál láttam a kommentedet, így jöttem rá, hogy magyarul is tudsz, aztán átjöttem és láttam a pogácsádat, sajna angolul ilyen mélységben nem értek, pedig olvasnám a jó kis magyaros receptjeidet.
    Úgy nézem, jófajta gulyásfélét tettél ide fel, biztos nagyon finom lehet, bár az összes külföldi rokon - ismerős (és magam is) azt mondja, hogy a paprika - ami az igazi ízét adja a magyaros ételeknek - csak az itthoninak - abból is csak a szabadföldi, háztáji - van jó íze. Máshol másképp süt a nap, más a föld, stb.
    Tetszik a kuglóf is (nekem sajna még nem sikerült ilyen szépre), csak a recepthez igénybe kéne vennem a gyerekek tudását is (akik mostanában nem érnek rám). Majd megpróbálok hozzá fejlődni a nyelvhez..Jó sütögetést!
    A lapcsánka szabolcsi étek (férjem oda való), lereszelik a nyers krumplit, só, bors, fokhagyma, kapor, krumpli mennyiségétől függően 1-2 tojás, (néha teszek bele 1-2 kanál lisztet is), majd a palacsinta sütőbe kis olajozás és a forró palacsinta sütőbe 1 merőkanál a tésztából, ki kel sütni, mint a palacsintát, megfordítani, ha pirosra sült, kifordítani. Tejfellel , joghurttal megkenve szoktuk enni (laktat és kissé hízlal, de nagyon finom). A tócsni ugyanez, csak más tájegységben máshogy hívják!Éttermekben köretként adják sült húshoz, vagy pl. megtöltik csirkemájas, gombás raguval és ketté hajtják, stb.
    Jó étvágyat!

  5. This looks beautiful Elisabeth , vibrant colors . Have a great weekend :)

  6. Un gran guiso sabroso me encanta con ese colorido espectacular,abrazos hugs,hugS.

  7. Looks excellent and rich . . . nice adaptations, too. If you hadn't told me it was from Weight Watchers I wouldn't have suspected! Keep up your great work!

  8. Hi Elisabeth, looks delicious and colourful.I like the diced tomatoes. And congratulation on your weight watcher result, keep it up. We are all here to give you moral support. Have a nice weekend.

  9. your food is so beautiful and so different

  10. You know what? Following all your WW recipes so far ... I, too, believe I might be able to do this. All this yummy dishes! It's nothing like any diet stuff I've seen.

  11. hmmm it's always exciting to do something new; especially if it suits and benefits us! that smoky red chowder really is lip smacking and i love how you tried to give it a smoky taste; am a sucker for it!

  12. Oh, how fabulous, Lizzie! Another wonderful recipe that doesn't break the calorie bank! I know how many you are inspiring with this go, girl!!! Keep it up!!! xo

  13. Congratulations! You're an inspiration, I love your attitude! This does not look like a diet soup, the flavor sounds wonderful and I'm sure it was very hearty and satisfying for dinner!

  14. Of course it looks delicious...I love these recipes!!!

  15. Csodálatos színek, tele zöldséggel, csakis nagyon finom lehet ez a leves. Éppen a napokba nézegettem a kagylót a boltba, de mivel nem volt hozzá receptem, így visszatettem a hűtőbe. Legközelebbi vásárlásnál megveszem, és elkészítem a recepted alapján. Ugye attól hogy diétázunk, még nagyon finomakat főzünk, sokan azt hiszik a diéta egyenlő az éhezéssel.:)

  16. Wow! This is my kind of clam chowder. I love tomato based soups. Delicious and healthy. Thanks for sharing with me...and thank you for your kind words! I hope you are having a happy and relaxing Saturday.

  17. Cooked tomato is on of my favorite ingredients! This is a great soup especially with the extreme cold we are having these days here!

  18. Seriously cant take my eyes from ur irresistible click,super tempting chowder..

  19. Egy ilyen finom kagylólevessel szerintem élvezet a diéta:) Sajnos az én családom nem nagyon szereti, néhány kivételtől eltekintve. Ez a paradicsomos nagyon finom lehet, magamnak egy kisebb adaggal próbát teszek.

  20. It is amazing, it looks so delicious I can't believe it is weight watchers! Thanks for sharing these recipes with us.

    Hugs from Dom. Rep.

  21. Kedves Erzsébet! Nagyon tetszik a blogod, sok finomságot készítesz, nézz be hozzám van egy meglepetésem számodra! Üdv: Eszter

  22. Oh my goodness Elisabeth! Your Manhattan style clam chowder looks EXCELLENT! I recently learned about this tomato based clam chowder when I posted (creamy) clam chowder. I need to try tomato version for sure. Looks so delicious!

  23. your tomato based clam chowder looks inviting! what with vibrant colors and creamy texture. wow who would have thought that watching your diet is so much fun!
    Happy Sunday mon amie!

  24. Clam chowder always reminds me of when I travelled to the US on a family trip when I was a kid, and we had clam chowder at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco with crackers. I've only ever had the creamy based one though - I'm really interested in the tomato one, it looks so delicious! Especially with the chilli added.

  25. THat looks delicous and so flavorful! Never tried a tomato chowder before, but it sounds very interesting! Thanks for sharing your recipe :)

  26. Seven pounds already, you are certainly doing something right. Don't think you miss anything with this soup. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Your guys are probably getting lots of sunshine over there, huh.

  27. I am drooling over my keyboard. I love soup and this looks so comforting on a chilly winter day.

  28. Elisabeth- Your chowder looks delightful. My hubby and I like clams, and this chowder looks so good and healthy. We'll be making this one soon.

    Keep up the good results with WW. All of these yummy recipes, make your journey easier I'm sure.

  29. Elisabeth, I love Manhattan Clam Chowder, and it's something I haven't had for ages - thanks for reminding me of it - I'd love to try this version. It looks so healthy and flavourful, and I love your idea of adding the chipotle. We can't get bottled clam juice here in New Zealand, but I'm guessing I could use a good fish stock instead.

    Thanks for sharing this at Cookbook Sundays.

    Sue :-)

  30. This does look good! Just love all those colors and it's chocked full of goodies!!! I like coming here to check out all your healthy recipes!

  31. Dear Elisabeth, Your chowder sounds absolutely delish! I could not think of anything better on a brisk January day! Blessings dear one, your friend, Catherine xo

  32. i'm so glad that you look forward to these healthy recipes every day. this chowder looks so flavorful! i would have devoured a bowl~ :)

  33. Elizabeth, We must be on the same wave length...I just made a big pot of clam chowder! Yours looks so wonderfully delicious! Perfect for a winter day...even if you live in Florida!

  34. Yum!! this is so tempting. Loved the recipe!!

  35. just found you from a comment you made on Lyndsey's recipe. Saw you were doing WW and thought I'd see what kind of recipes you have. :) I'm WW too, but I don't usually post much of that on my blog. Like what I've found so far. The chowder looks so good! Will do more digging around here, I'm sure you've got other things I'll want to try!

  36. smoky??? chowder??? clam??? count me in!
