Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hot-and Spicy Chickpea Cakes with Pico de Gallo...and Guest Post

Hot-and Spicy Chickpea Cakes with Pico de Gallo from Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook

I am so honored to guest post for my dear friend Swathi, @Zesty South Indian Kitchen... who at this time, needs all the rest she can get. Glad to know she also has a few other blogger friends that will guest post for her, while she is recuperating. She needs a lot of "mommy and me" time at this very fragile first few months!

I am so thrilled to celebrate the birth of Swathi's little prince...Nikhil! A beautiful, and healthy baby boy! Such a perfect addition to the happy family, and a pride and joy to his big sister, Nidhi.
Swathi dear, I just want you to know, that I wish you and your precious baby all the best of health, and happiness. Congratulations to you, your hubby, and princess Nidhi!
May you, enjoy your new bundle of joy!

This dish is one of may favorite dishes to have for lunch, and for the Pico de Gallo, it's zero points so, healthy, spicy, colorful and delicious! I will be back to add more good news, but in the meantime...here's an easy way to cut the veggies perfect!

Linking to: Full Plate Thursday, @Miz Helen's Country Cottage

just click over to: Swathi's blog  to get the recipe!
Thank you Swathi, for giving me the opportunity to guest post for you, again!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Oooh...this looks so good!!!

    I want to make it for dinner!!!

  2. Going, going .... love chickpeas! Gone.

  3. I love chickpeas and this does look so healthy and delicious!

  4. what a swinging pic; definitely a pick me up! i did visit Swathi's blog and saw Nikhil and Nidhi. they're lovely.

    this is a wonderful, honourable post Elisabeth. hope you enjoying your programme.

  5. Beautiful photos! This recipe sounds delicious and healthy! Too bad i have allergic reactions to spices! I will definitely recommend this to my mother-in-law! I know she would love this!

  6. love the chickpea cakes. they are gluten free and healthier with more protein (rather than the average corn cake). and pico de gallo is always a plus in my book. :) have a splendid week, elizabeth!

  7. Elisabeth, thanks for the wonderful guest post, helping me at this time. chickpeas are common item in my household. sure I will try when I re enter the kitchen.

  8. Superb colour in this recipe, and I love chickpeas! I'm planning to give this one a try :)

  9. Super tempting dishes together,looks absolutely divine and inviting..Incredible guest post Elisabeth..

  10. Csodálatos színes ez a saláta, és a csicseriborsó sütemény nagyon jól illik hozzá. Éppen van is itthon csicseriborsó, így miden képen elkészítem én is. Megnéztem Swathi blogján a receptet, így könnyű lesz elkészíteni. A kisbaba pedig csodaszép, gyönyörű nagy haja van. Persze a nagylány Nidhi is nagyon aranyos.
    Elisabeth, nagyon szép a terítőd!!! Te varrtad, vagy Magyarországról kaptad ajándékba? Nekem is több ilyen van, és én varrtam őket.

    1. Gizi, Trollanyu-ezt a teritőt még álmomban sem tudném himezni. A Nagymamám himezte, legalább már negyven éve. Ritkán használom, és nagyon vigyázok rá! Én csak, örököltem, de nagyon hálás vagyok érte.

    2. Elisabeth, köszönöm a választ. Nagyon szépen tudott hímezni a nagymamád, csodaszép a terítő!!! Biztosan Te is megtudnád csinálni, itt nálunk elő van rajzolva a minta, és csak ki kell hímezni. Igaz türelemjáték, de én nagyon sok terítőt kihímeztem.

    3. Én sem hiszem, hogy ilyen terítőt tudnék hímezni:) Csodálatos emlékeket idézhet fel benned, igazi kincs:)

  11. Norvég billentyúzettel írtam, azért töröltem a megjegyzésemet:)
    Nagyon finom és egészséges ez a csicseriborsós étel, az indiai konyha különben is a kedvenceim közé tartozik:) Remek ötlet ez a vendégposzt. A terítőre én is felfigyeltem, nagyon szép. Anyukám rengeteg ilyet hímzett, rá emlékeztet.

  12. I like your Weight Watcher's recipes, everything looks so healthy and fresh!
    Congratulations on your guest post;-)

  13. I just want you to know that I am loving these recipe and in the same boat. The diet is so much easier to be able to keep coming here to be inspired to eat such fabulous looking foods that are good for me too!

  14. What a wonderful looking dish...will have to check out the recipe! I love chickpeas, this has to be delicious! Congrats to Swathi and her family on the birth of their new son.

  15. What a lovely guest post! Sounds like a dish bursting with flavor and it is obviously bursting with color too... Fabulous post, Elisabeth! Will go check it out... And congrats to Swathi on the birth of her baby boy! :)

  16. That looks delicious! I love hot and spicy!

  17. I signed up as a follower last week, Elisabeth! Looking forward to keeping up with your posts! :)

  18. Congratulations to Swathi and her family! I'm new to her blog, so I'm going to stop by as soon as I write this comment. You are right, this is such a beautiful healthy dish! I need to check out how you made them.

  19. Hi Elisabeth, this looks absolutely delicious and tempting, wish I can have some now. LOL
    Beautiful presentation & congratulation on your guest post.
    Also congratulation to Swathi and family.
    Have a nice day.

  20. Hi Elisabeth,your dish looks absolutely delicious, colorful and spicy!!!Congrats to your friend upon the arrival of her precious "cargo"!XOXO

  21. Hello dear..Its so wonderful of u to do a guest post..Saw the well explained recipe...I would definitely love to try this out. Chick pea is paced with protein and I love it very much...

  22. This looks delicious! And great presentation too!

  23. Looking healthy and delicious as always Elisabeth. Added you on Bloglovin also :)

  24. Chickpeas patties are so delicious and in combination with pico de gallo makes the pleasure double!

  25. Nagyon szép színes a salátád, piros, fehér, zöld.....
    A terítőd is csodaszép, én is nagyon szeretek hímezni, lánykoromban sok kalocsai mintásat hímeztem, mostanában főleg erdélyi motívumokat, közölük jó pár látszik is a blogomon, a tálalásokkor...
    Én is kitettelek a szívesen olvasott blogok sorába.

  26. Love the presentation. Looks so colorful and fresh.

  27. Loved the colours in this recipe & the tempting click too!

  28. Now, that's the BEST reason to guest post ever! Congrats to Swathi and her family. Wow, your pico de gallo looks fabulous...and I'd love to try the spicy chickpea cakes, too! Off to find the recipes :)

  29. Oh that truly is the best reason to guest post....congratulations on this beautiful new miracle!!!! Oh bella, your comment lifted me up extra special when I needed it most. I am behind on commenting as usual but I've been a little overwhelmed because all three of my babies have been sick for the last 12 days, and I thought they were better friday but Saturday they got WORSE...the dr said it's just a nasty virus that is taking 2 weeks + to get over, so I just need to hang in there with them. Even baby Luke is so congested and miserable. Poor Joshua cut two new teeth during all this so add that to his misery...and bless my lil Sophia's heart, tonight she is complaining of her ear hurting on top of it all...praying it's not an ear infection!!! My husband is having minor surgery friday and it will take him out for the weekend so I really need an extra measure of strength to endure this weekend....nonetheless, this too shall pass, and your comment and scripture has lifted me and encouraged me, I keep going back to it. Thank you for your special touch in my life. It means so much to me!!!!! and I'm loving these chick pea cakes.....sounds soooooooo good. xoxo

  30. The opening photo looks mouthwatering! Off to check out the recipe.

  31. First, time here…
    Great post with inviting clicks.
    Do visit mine in your free time..Following you

  32. I Love, Love, Love pico di gallo! And congratz to Swathi and family!

  33. Finom és egészséges étel, szép kivitelezés! Köszi a linket , szeretem az indiai konyhát, jó ötlet!

  34. Dear Elisabeth, What a beautiful dish. It is vibrant with color and healthy.
    I wish Swathi and her new little one all the blessings in life. Catherine xo

  35. Elisabeth a very healthy and delicious recipe,looks great!
    Wish a happy healthy life to Swathi and his little prince!

  36. Congratulations to Swathi and her family! A baby is always a joy!
    You prepared a healthy and delicious meal! Would make a wonderful lunch. If only I could grab some now ..

  37. Such a beautiful dish for such a beautiful guest reason. I love chickpeas. Those cakes look fabulous.

  38. Elisabeth, we would just love these Chickpea Cakes, they look amazing! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  39. What a great guest post Elisabeth! I will check it out at Swathi's!

  40. Congratulations to Swathi and her family...and what a tempting post! This looks just delicious. Thank you for sharing...and thank you for all the support. It means more to me than you know. Hugs and love from Austin.
