Monday, January 9, 2012

Grilled WW T-Bone Steak...Fairy Hobmother, and Award!

I hope you don't find this lovely T-Bone steak repulsive...but I've been sooo good on my Weight Watchers diet, except at the end of the week. Mostly vegetarian!
Still, all you have to do is to count up all your points, and see the result at the end of the week. I was under 3 points of my allowed points, even if I "fell off the WW diet wagon"...Grilled T-Bone Steak? no way! Yes way! You are allowed to have that...of course, not this entire huge steak...half of it will do!
Did I also forgot to mention...I lost 3 lbs in one week...yeayyy!!!
I have to be honest with you, the side dishes are not in the WeightWatchers cookbook! It's just a sweet potato "nuked" in the microwave, with a pat of butter, and steamed baby spinach!
I'm not ashamed to show off my George Foreman Grill (thrift find $6.99) brand new, with book and recipes, as well! Retail price? at least double, or triple!

Grilled T-Bone Steak
Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook

4 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh sage
1 1/4 lb T-Bone steak, at least  1 1/2 inch thick
trimmed of all visible fat
1/2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste

Spray the grill rack with nonstick spray. Preheat the grill.
In  a small bowl, mix the oil, rosemary, and the sage. Rub the steak with the herb mixture; place on the grill rack. Grill 3 inches from the heat, turning once, 6 minutes on each side for rare. (In the George Foreman, you don't have to turn, it should be done within less than 10 minutes)...although, you can turn if the steak is a large piece!

Season with salt and pepper as soon as the steak is done. Transfer steak to a small cutting board. Let stand for about 5 minutes before slicing.
Points value-6
In the meantime...I got this surprising letter from the Fairy Hobmother...that I won! Just haven't picked out a fabulous gift, yet...from! Thank you'd Fairy Hobmother!

Be sure to mention "The Fairy Hobmother"...also, you could mention what kind of small appliance you would like to receive!

Good morning Elisabeth!

Greetings, I am the Fairy Hobmother from Appliances Online from the UK! My mission is to bring joy and happiness to the world’s bloggers by providing treats for great, hard work in the blogosphere!

Whilst browsing the web this morning I stumbled across your comment on this blog post so I decided to have a look at your own blog, which I really enjoyed looking through. As I have a sweet tooth myself, I particularly enjoyed your Snowflake Muffins...and Neighborhood Christmas Lights post – those cakes look delicious! I know from your comment on the above post that you did not request anything specific. However, after seeing all the hard work that you have done on your blog I have decided to offer you a small gift – a $30 Amazon gift card. I can send this straight to your email address so you can start spending it immediately J (on whatever you wish!)

If you would like to accept this gift then the only thing that the Fairy Hobmother requests in return is that you give us a brief mention in your blog (with this link - http://www.appliances (“Best Washing Machine”) . It can either be a full post or simply a brief mention at the bottom of one of your regular pieces. As an added bonus, any of your readers that leave a comment on that post and make a wish, could be visited by me!

...still have to pass forward a fabulous Inspirational Blog award from my friend....Amelia @ Amelia's De-ssert
Thank you, Amelia...I'm truly honored!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. How sweet of her...and your steak Looks amazing...enjoy your dinner!!!

  2. food and thrifting! two of my favorite things! :) I'm glad I found you (through laurie) :)

  3. I had a grilled steak tonight too. It was a nice Porterhouse on my charcoal grill. I also grilled some squash and steamed carrots and kale. I haven't had a steak in a long time so it's not repulsive to me. Yum!! Cheers!! Great minds!!

    Congrats on loosing 3 pounds and the visit from The Fairy Hobmother!

  4. How cool that you were able to enjoy steak on your WW plan...and that Fairy Hobmother paid you a visit! If she visited me, I'd ask for a replacement blender since I killed my Kitchen Aid one making a smoothie this summer!

  5. How sweet, I like that as steak in weightwatchers plant. Nice that you got a visit from Fair Hobmother.

  6. Sweet!! Congrats on fairy hobmother's visit!
    Now this diet I can definitely do! :D Anytime! Sounds a little bit like the Atkin's diet ... no carbs and no sugar, proteins are good.

  7. Congrats on fairy hobmother's gift,yummy steak..

  8. Oh my goodness Elizabeth,
    A T-Bone Steak and The Fairy Hob Mother all together, two of my favorites things. I would so gobble up that steak and would love for the Fairy Hob Mother to visit me. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a great day!
    Miz Helen

  9. Tetszik!!!
    "Dinom-dánom, dáridom,
    mostan áll a farsang
    zeng a szél a várhidon,
    zeng a várban karhang."/ Babits Mihály: Tél

  10. Congratulations on your gift Elizabeth! And I can see that you used it straight away! Very juicy and tasty steaks!

  11. Lol, 'Fairy Hobmother!!'
    That steak looks amazing, we love our George Foreman! I'm also a big thrift shopper - and like yourself, I've gotten sooo many great deals. Congratulations on your gift!

  12. Sometimes you just have to have some steak.... I would love a visit from the Fairy Hobmother! I am in dire need of a new food processor to replace our dying model.

  13. the sweet potato and the steamed greens look awesome! yay for losing for 3lbs. your hard work is paying off!!! :D

  14. Hi Elizabeth, Yeah! How nice that you lost 3 lbs. already! Love your george forman grill...what a find! I also love that steak...yummy! I would love the Fairy Hobmother to pay me a visit! It would be so nice to have a Soda Stream!

  15. You truly earn a nice piece of juicy steak after many vegetarian meal. Congrats on losing more weight and the giftcard and award! You are not far from fitting in some new clothes after losing weight.

  16. I've been off meat for some reason but the potato and spinach are my favsa for sure and my husband would make short work of that syaek I tell you that,

  17. Hi Elisabeth, I have a couple of small lean steaks in the fridge now, nothing wrong with treating yourself once in awhile. I love veggies too but could not live on them alone! Again, congrats on the weight loss and on your thrifty find, that grill is really going to come in handy on your healthy eating plan, don't like the word 'diet' lol!

  18. Elisabeth-Glad that you are getting good results on WW. Your steak looks delicious, as well as the veggies. I love sweet potatoes. Your George foreman Grill was a great find:)

  19. Me repulsed by meat, lol! I can't believe how fast you are losing, I'm just trying to exercise more, but cutting back will hopefully help too. Great score on the grill. Maybe we can request the festival be moved to Jan and we can make a stop off at my house! Hope you are having a great week.

  20. congrats Elisabeth!!!! 3 lbs?????? that is so exciting!!!! and what a juicy steak! and that is so awesome about your amazon gift from the fairy hobmother....and the award.....the blessings have begun, what a glorious year it will be!!!!

  21. Oh, what a gorgeous steak! My boys would love this for dinner....done to perfection! And congrats on the weight loss...such excellent news!!! Keep up the great are an inspiration (and even this skinny chick has noticed my jeans are tighter after the holidays :/)

  22. Hi Elisabeth, sorry I'm late in my comment was tide up with baking this few days. My dear friend, thank you for the mention but you truly deserve the award. Your blog is fill with wonderful recipes and you're a amazing, wonderful friend. Glad to know you.

    I sure love the T-bone steak, make me drooling here, hahaha...
    Look extremely good and your grill is really value for money USD6.99, can't believe it. But it's a real handy gadget. Looks beautiful.

    Congrat on your visit by Fairy Hobmother.
    I wish and would love Fairy Hobmother will visit my blog. I am wishing for a ice cream maker. :)

  23. Oh wow Elisabeth! That T-bone steak looks fiercely delicious! My mouth waters looking at it. I wish I'm having that for dinner later.
    Lovely visit by the fairy hobmother. She can come anytime to my blog. I'd love a free standing mixer, just saying... :)

  24. Nice, you already started to lose weight! I need to work hard to lose some weight. I'm right behind you! Wah your steak looks yummy! Look all teh extra fat going down. ;-) Fairy Hobmother is awesome! I got some benefit from her too. =)

  25. Kedves Elizabeth!
    Gratulálok a Hobmother-hez, és a díjhoz!!Biztosan nagy hasznát veszed majd a konyhába, csodálatos steak-et sütöttél vele.Én is szívesen megkóstoltam volna, egy finom salátával, a diétámba éppen belefér. Én ma pisztrángot sütöttem, és egy kis desszertet is engedélyeztem magamnak.:)

  26. Oh wow! I can never say NO to a grilled T-Bone steak.. I love it when a good piece of meat is seasoned well, and cook to perfection. I have been reading about Fairy Hobmothe in a couple of food blogging sites. I must really go check it out. It would be nice if she rings over at my blog and grant my wishes..LOL.. just saying ;P. Huggsss..

  27. Wow, congratulations on the 3 pounds, fairy hobmother and the are on a roll :) The steak looks wonderfully prepared :)
