Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Paula Deen's Banana Nut Bread...and Awards

If you're feeling sluggish in the mid-afternoon, here's a very nice "pick me up" ...a slice of Banana Nut Bread, and a cold glass of organic low-fat milk. Of course, you can substitute it for a nice steaming cup of tea, or coffee...the choice is yours!
You"re probably wondering why I chose Paula Deen...the "queen of fatty foods" ...
Is it because it's FAT TUESDAY?...would that be appropriate for someone who is still on the Weight Watchers program?...or just recently finding out that she has type 2 diabetes, that she had for three years already, and we just found out!

It's really true, that we don't have to cook like that, with all the butter and fat, she is not encouraging us to cook that way, but it certainly is very tempting to try those recipes. I have found an easier method...just cut down on the fat, and make it a lighter version!
I found a super great thrift find, recently, at Goodwill. Paula Deen's first cookbook, before she became a famous food network star. It was copyrighted in 1997. The price, as you can see it was $1.29 soft cover book, filled with her early famous recipes. She owned a small restaurant at the time, in Savannah Georgia, with her two sons working there. Very cozy, simple, and down-home good Southern foods. I was really impressed with the Banana Bread recipe, and would like to share it with you. As far as for points value...it has to be at least 3 points pr slice...compared to 2 points with the WW Banana Bread, which I will also make soon. I lightened it up a bit, but I must admit, this was an incredible Banana Bread, enjoyed by all!

Linking to: Full Plate Thursday, @Miz Helen's Country Cottage
                Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop, @Katherines Corner
                Food Photography @Crisp Photoworks

Banana Nut Bread
The Lady and Sons, by Paula Deen

1/2 cup Crisco shortening
(I used 1/3 cup vegetable oil)
1 cup sugar (I used 3/4 cup)
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt (I used 1/2 teaspoon)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 eggs beaten
3 ripe bananas mashed
1/3 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream shortening and sugar. (whisk oil, and sugar, if you're using oil.) Stir together flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda and add to creamed mixture.

Add remaining ingredients; mix well.

Pour into a well greased pan. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes.
( I baked mine for 30 minutes on 350 degrees, and lowered the temperature to 325, for an additional 25 minutes.)

This is such a cute award...besides the fact that it's called CUTE AWARD! I received this from my friend Csilla, in Hungary, @Csilla Konyhája . She recently made a fantastic cheese danish...a childhood favorite of mine, which I will attempt to make soon.

These two lovely awards, I received from my friend Ping, in Malaysia, @ ping's pickings. Check out her latest refreshing carrot, and ginger cocktail...so pretty, and refreshing...a good way to have your daily carrots...lol

"A word of Love can make a world of difference".
These beautiful bouquet of roses, I chose to take as an award, instead of the awards that was returned to me, by my friend Amelia, from Malaysia @ Amelia's De-sserts. Check out her latest cute, and funny "chick creation" and her yummy coconut topped light dessert.
The Liebster award, I cannot accept since it is for bloggers with less than 200 followers. With the 2 lists of followers I have twice as the 200, so I decided that I would accept these beautiful roses as the award!

Thank you Csilla, thank you Ping, and ...thank you Amelia, for the lovely awards. I am really and truly honored...I will make the best effort to pay these forward, and link them!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Congrats on all your awards, so deserving. I love a good banana bread. This one looks perfect except I will leave out the nuts...just my personal preference :D My mom used to make a seperate little banana bread without nuts fom me when I was a kid. Spoiled I know :) anyway I like finding recipes that don't use as much sugar or butter...another personal preference! :D

  2. Congratulations on your award Elisabeth! So happy for you! I love banana bread.But I have always been a bit too lazy to make my own....I've always been intrigued by Paula Deen but have never tried any of her recipes. I will definitely try your lighter version!Thank you so much for sharing! Have a great day!

  3. Hi Elisabeth, congrats on your awards. One more for you. I am glad to pass on The Versatile Blog Award to your lovely blog.

    I love banana bread. I usually add walnuts too. Yours is looking yummy.

  4. I love Banana nut bread! My supervisor loves to make banana nut bread and I can't stop eating (guilty pleasure) whenever she brought it to the office. Yours look sooo GOOD makes me craving banana nut bread!

  5. banana bread is the best. i like how you subbed in some of the ingredients too! :) i have yet to try a butter free banana bread, but mebe i should try making one. :) hope you enjoy your day, elizabeth!

  6. Congrats on your award Elisabeth, Banana nut bread looks delicious. If you increase banana amount then you can skip the vegetable shortening too.

    1. Thank you Swathi-actually, I did skip the shortening. Instead of increasing the banana, I used to add apple sauce to skip the 1/3 cup of oil. I found that if I add more than 3 mashed bananas, the bread would come out too soggy!

  7. Szeretem én is a banán kenyeret! Gratulálok a díjakhoz, megérdemelt- a szép, jó blogodért és finomságaidért :)

  8. this sounds great, what a great buy on the book.
    I have had trouble commenting but please know I read your every post.

  9. Congratulations on your award, Elisabeth! So happy for you!
    I loved your banana bread.
    I will try your recipe!Thank you so much for sharing!
    Have a great day!

  10. Congratulations on the award Elisabeth. Very well deserved.
    Beautiful looking loaf. Love banana bread. I just baked some banana and white chocolate muffins for a friend's birthday today, so I know the lovely smell coming out from your oven...

  11. Gratulálok a díjakhoz Elisabeth!!!

    Csodálatos lett a banánkenyered. Már jó ideje készülök én is sütni, de valahogy mindig elmarad. Most kedvet kaptam tőled, mert olyan guszták azok a szeletek ott a tányéron. Reggelire szívesen elfogadnám a pohár tejjel együtt.:)

  12. Gratulálok a díjakhoz, megérdemeleted:) Remélem nem haragszol, hogy én nem adtam tovább a díjadat, nem azért, mert nem örülök neki, csak pár hete úgy döntöttem inkább csatlakozom a "Szavakat a díjak helyett" kezdeményezéshez.
    A banánkenyered nagyon gazdag, gyönyörű a belseje, szoktam én is sütni, de így diókkal még nem készítettem. Szerinted jó lenne ez muffinként elkészítve?

  13. Erzsike-egyáltalán nem haragszom hogy nem adtad tovább a dijat, mivelhogy már te is kaptad. Én ujra vissza kaptam a magyar dijat, akinek adtam, és kértem tőle hogy adja a rózsa csokort amit feltett a blogjára, és bele eggyezett.

    A muffint nyugodtan ugyanugy készitheted, de muffinra még ennél is jobb receptem van, mert a tetejére tettem a streusselt ami barna cukor, kis liszt, kis vaj, fahéj kombinációbol van, és ugy sütni. A banán kényér tetejére is lehet tenni. Majd oda adom ennek is a receptjét, de nyugodtan csinálhatod muffin formában, csak magasabb tüzön és nem több mint husz perc. Jó ötletet hoztál!

  14. Congrats on the award... your bread looks divine!

  15. Congrats on all the awards, Elisabeth! You deserve them all :) And that banana nut bread looks delicious! I love the aroma of banana bread... Great post! Thank you for sharing this with us! :)

  16. Congratulations on your awards Elisabeth - most deserved! I love banana bread (probably too much!) and always keep frozen bananas on hand on case the mood should strike. This looks like a very rich, moist recipe with the shortening that's added to it - Ithat's an ingredient I've never tried in banana bread before.

  17. Congrats on the award! The bread looks great. Can't go wrong with Paula Deen recipe.

  18. Gratulálok a díjaidhoz, megérdemled! A sütid finom lehet, és úgy olvastam gyorsan elkészíthető. A banán nagyon finom lehet benne, én nagyon szeretem :)

  19. Type 2 diabetes? Who? Paula Deen? You? So sorry to hear that (to either one) ... not nice. My dad has it too but it's ok if the diet is controlled. So I guess what you're doing is a good thing.
    I've always loved banana cake/bread. And this one (without butter even!) looks mighty good! I'm having my afternoon coffee right now and wishing I had a big slab of that ... sigh.
    Thanks for the mention and congrats on the other 2 awards!

  20. Congratulation on the award, Keep blogging and stay Healthy.
    Banana bread looks yummy.

  21. Nekem is tetszik ez a banánkenyér, bár én még sosem készítettem, nem volt hozzá bátorságom:)

  22. Napok óta azon járt az eszem, mi legyen az egyre csak barnul, barnuló banánjaimmal, lehet hogy épp banánkenyér? Most megerősítést nyert az elhatározás ;-)))

  23. This looks like the perfect pick me up, and delicious too.

  24. A banánkenyeret már régen el akartam készíteni, köszönöm a klassz receptet, el is mentem. :)
    Gratulálok a díjakhoz!

  25. This banana nut bread looks really good!
    Congrats on your awards!

  26. This bread looks fantastic! I would love a slice right this moment! Congratulations on the award.


  27. I love banana bread/cake....actually everything with bananas! This looks lovely with some tea!
    Congrats on your awards!

  28. Elizabeth, What a lovely looking bread...banana bread is a favorite of mine. Yours looks so moist and delicious! Congrats on all your awards!

  29. Köszönöm a kedves szavaid, és gratulálok Neked! Nagyon szép a blogod! :) Elraktározom ezt a receptet, meg a muffinos ötletet is belőle. Köszi! :)))

  30. My kids adore Banana bread!!!
    Yours look so perfect and moist, will sure try your recipe.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  31. I made banana bread today too! I love banana and walnut in it but my kids don't like nuts, so raisins have been their option for nearly 2 years.... I hope they will start liking nuts soon; otherwise I have to knock on your door for some. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on all these awards!

  32. Looks deliciously moist and crunchy! :) Very nice.

  33. Beautiful, lightened up banana bread, Lizzie! And congrats on ALL your awards :) I'm sooooo behind on commenting...but I was very excited to see this bread on the Top 9 this morning and had to stop by. Hooray for you...and your delicious bread! xo

  34. Elisabeth,
    Congratulations on all of your well deserved awards! The lightened up banana bread looks so moist and delicious.

    Congrats on the Top 9 today!

  35. Hi Elisabeth! I'm back again to congratulate you on getting Top 9 for this! Yay!

  36. Great post, totally deserving of the Top 9! I like how you lightened up the banana bread. Paula is a great cook, but she sure loves her fats and sweets.

    Are you going to the Food Bloggers Forum in Orlando next month? Hope so...would love to meet you.

    1. Hi Kristen-I do agree about Paula, she is a super great cook, but she really needs to cut down on all the fats, and butter in her recipes. Her son has a new show out on Food Network, and he's keeping things a lot lighter.

      No, I'm not going to the Food Bloggers Forum in Orlando...and it's only a 3hrs away drive. My daughter Lora... (cake duchess) is going. She loves to sit through all those conferences. For me, it's the food festivals that appeal to me. They're having a food festival in South Beach (Miami Beach) this weekend...skipping that one too!

  37. congratualtions on top 9! when i saw that it was by FOOD and THrift at the bottom of the screen, my face warmed up... I was so happy for you girl!
    You deserve it and with all your awards because you are simply amazing!

  38. Well done! Congrats!!! Thank you for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop linky party xo

  39. Hi! I am new to your blog so I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi! I browsed through your posts and I have to say I LOVE your photographs! I recently started a photo food linky called Weekly Photo Stew and I would love you to join and share your wonderful food photos!

  40. That looks so delicious! I love banana bread.

    1. Thank you Bridget, I tried to reply back to you but couldn't find a link!

  41. First time here :) Congrats for being Top 9! I LOVE LOVE LOVE banana bread so thanks for the great recipe :)

  42. I have a great recipe for banana bread and I agree it the perfect afternoon snack with a hot mug of tea.


  43. I love Paula Deen and I love banana nut bread:) Congrats on your awards. I have been blog hopping on the Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop and I have learned so many things from so many amazing and talented people. I am following you and would love a follow back:)

    My Turn (for us)


    Thanks so much, I sure enjoyed the visit!

  44. I'm probably one of the few that don't like Paula Dean. there's something about her I don't like, starting with the South accent :)
    The banana bread looks great! did you know today was the National Banana Bread Day?!

  45. Hi Roxana-maybe that's the reason I got on Top 9 with my Banana Nut Bread, from Paula Deen! I hear you, about Paula Deen's southern accent... ya'll!

  46. Congratulations on your awards and top 9 Elisabeth! Your top photo is gorgeous, love the bright colors with your banana bread slices. I probably make banana bread for my grand kids every other week, they love it;-)

  47. Belated congrats on Top 9. I see why, this does look wonderful. I have been craving banana bread myself. I like the new grey background. Looking good over here my dear. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  48. Thank you all, for your kind comments, and congratulations, on the Top 9, and the awards!
    It must be because of Paula Deen...she is very popular, and is loved by many!

    I will be using more of her recipes, just have to lighten it up a bit. I haven't given up Weight Watchers, and I am still trying out new recipes from the book, as well!

  49. Hi Elisabeth, Thanks for joining Weekly Photo stew! I really appreciate your linking and hope to see you next week too. I am your newest RSS subscriber. :) Have a great weekend!

  50. Delicious looking banana bread Elisabeth! Perfect right about now with a big cup of coffee! Congrats on all your blog awards too, well deserved :)

  51. Good Morning Elisabeth,
    What a fun find to get that cookbook. Your photo presentation for this bread is really awesome. I love this recipe, it looks so mosit and delicious. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen
