Friday, February 17, 2012

Rajma...and WW Corn Bread

Just recently, I was browsing through some food blogs of friends that I haven't visited for a while, and my eyes
got caught on a simple spicy bean Indian spicy vegetarian chili that inspired me so much...
knowing that I had all the spices, and it's a Weight Watchers approved dish, as well, plus the fact that I truly love, spicy foods!
When something really inspires me that someone makes, I usually leave a comment saying that "I would love to try this"..."I'm going to make this"..."I'm bookmarking it to print and copy the recipe" many of us say these over and over again?...only to just put it aside and forget about it! Nancy, and her husband Veejay are the authors of the Kitchen Gypsies, and I mentioned to my friend Nancy, that I would like to make this dish, and I actually did, in my slow cooker...a huge pot of it! So thanks for the inspiration, Nancy!

 Do visit their blog for the recipe, and browse through for some amazing authentic Indian, and American cuisine, that they have to offer.
Points per serving with rice: 10

Linking to: Cookbook Sundays @ Couscous-Consciosness

When I get inspired about a recipe...especially if I have the ingredients on hand, I could hardly wait to "jump" on it to make it, especially when it doesn't require an electric mixer, or a long time for preparation, and baking time. I can honestly say that this Weight Watchers Corn Bread recipe is the BEST by far, and guilt free light, super moist, and delicious of any corn bread or corn muffins I have made. It's pure, and butter, no fat, or oil added, just pure buttermilk!
Just look at the beautiful color, texture, and natural thickness of these healthy and delicious red kidney beans, soaked, and then cooked for several hours in the slow cooker! I served them over Thai Jasmin rice...amazing, spicy, and totally comforting and satisfying!

You can see the lines on the slow-cooker crock pot where it started to cook, cooking down and getting thicker.

The next day, I served it with my cornbread, which is a Weight Watchers recipe, that I will share with you.
I topped the Rajma with a generous spoonful of Lebni, which is a thick Middle Eastern Kefir, that can only be purchased in a Middle Eastern market, which we have here, locally, in West Palm Beach.

Recipe for the WW on!

Corn Bread
from Weight Watchers Complete Cookbook

1 1/4 cups yellow cornmeal
1/4 cup all purpose flour
4 teaspoons sugar
2/12 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup + 2 tablespoons low-fat buttermilk
1 egg

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray an 8" square pan or a 11-cup muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.

(Quaker Yellow Corn Meal is by far, the best to use, and Pam Original cooking spray.)

In a large bowl, combine the cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a small bowl, beat the buttermilk and egg. Pour over the flour mixture; stir, just until blended (do not overmix).

Transfer to the pan. Bake until golden brown and toothpick inserted in the center come out clean, 20-25 minutes. Cool in the pan on a rack 10 minutes; serve warm.
Makes 12 servings
Points per serving: 2

Just a little update...maybe, not so short; to share with you on my weight loss project. Since I mentioned to you, that I gained back 2 lbs of my 9 lb weight loss, since Super Bowl weekend.To make matters worse, I skipped a WW meeting following that week...knowing I had gained weight back. Well, I did get the courage to go get weighed in, this week, all bundled up in sweat suit, jacket, and heavy sneakers (going to the gym afterwards) I told the lady, I am not removing my jacket, or my sneakers, I know I gained 2 lbs, plus, all these heavy clothes, and shoes, and late afternoon...already had lunch, another 2 lbs will be packed on. Sure enough she marked 4lbs extra weight!

I am not going to the meetings any more for a while, did have to pay $42.per month, to get back online to be able to get the E-tools. When they say it's FREE online...sure, it's free, just to sign up, but then you have to pay for what the call the PASS to get you started, to be able to track your own weight, and follow with the program, at your leisure time. Now, this way I could go to the meetings (just to get weighed in)...and not have to sit through the meeting, and just come back home to get online, and follow through! Also, this way it still comes out cheaper, than the $15. you have to pay to go in person to the meetings, once a week!

OK...last, but not least. I have been carefully watching, and counting my points this week; I decided to get on the scale...wouldn't you know, I made my goal of the 10lbs loss...actually lost probably about 11, or 12 lbs. since Jan. 2nd. of this year...slow, but sure! Whewww! ...a huge guilt is lifted from my conscience, and also the weight. It's been 6 weeks of trying...failing, and determined, but I did it, and will continue!
Thanks for all your support, and caring, and I am determined to continue because I do want to be healthier and live longer to see my little grandchildren grow up, and be there for my family!

Hugs... and have a wonderful and Blessed weekend, my friends:DDD

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  1. Diffinitely worth the points!!! How are you doing with your adventure? I noticed for me its slowed down and stalled for now... guess I have to eat more that burns off... I am all saladed out! Lol looks like your meals are still hearty and wonderful! love this!

  2. whooohoo for 10 lb goal! i'm so happy for you!! :D the buttermilk corn bread looks delicious and so does the chili. :) looks like u are enjoying the creative world of healthy ideas!

  3. The bean dish looks hearty and simply mouthwatering. Besides rice, bet it would go perfectly with these cornbread too.

  4. Az ételek csodásak, különösen a kukorica kenyér tetszik. Sütöttem már én is de más recept alapján. A tiéd csodásan néz ki, ki fogom próbálni. Gratulálok, akkor olyan 4,5-5 kg-ot fogytál, az már nagyon szép eredmény. Nekem könnyebb a metrikus mértékegységet használni:) Csak így tovább, kitartást a diétához:)

  5. Elisabeth gratulálok a sikeresen leadott kilókhoz, jó sokat sikerült neked is eddig lefogynod. További kitartást, és kívánom hogy sikerüljön elérned a kitűzött célt. Én eddig 4 kg fogytam, és valahogy most megállt, de nem adom fel, mire jön a jó idő és lekerül a kabát rólam, már szeretnék újra a régi lenni.(na nem karcsú, csak kicsit fittebb:))

    Nagyon finomakat főztél, a babot szívesen megkóstolnám, a kenyeret pedig én is megfogom sütni.:)

  6. This Rajma looks very colorful and delicious! I have never tried Rajma before but I love kidney beans, so I'm pretty sure I 'd love it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. This looks really good...and great news on your weight loss!!!

  8. Hi Elisabeth, The Rajma looks delicious served with corn bread and Lebni..yum! Thanks for trying it out and mentioning us in your post :)

  9. Wow, Elisabeth, 12 lbs!! YOU ARE AMAZING!! Bow, bow, scrape, scrape .... You are quite an inspiration.
    This must be the 2nd bean dish I've seen within 5 minutes. And I can see more on my dashboard ... bean season?
    Love the corn bread! Such a lovely color! These two dishes really make a great combo and like you said ... very comforting.

  10. An Indian dish :) My daughter LOVES rajma beans cooked any way. The Rajma dish looks really great... and the corn bread is amazing! I must try your recipe! Thanks for sharing, Elisabeth! And 12 pounds?! That's really AMAZING! Great job & more power to you!

  11. Everything looks really tasty and healthy!

  12. Nagyon jól néz ki, szép a színe :) és szépen is tálaltad!

  13. Fantasztikus étel, és a kukoricakenyér remekül mehetett hozzá. :)))

  14. We like spicy food in this house. This dish looks so good Elisabeth - I visited Nancy and Veejay's blog and it's a simple recipe with ingredients most of us already have on hand - always a bonus! I love cornbread, it brings back a lot of wonderful childhood memories of my mom's - do you serve your's warm with butter, wink, wink :)

  15. Ohmigoodness! I'm a big fan of spicy anything. These look brilliant :) Gonna have to give them a try.

    On the rum cakes, I used the small cups of ready-made pudding. The kid you put in kids lunchboxes for school :)

  16. Lovely Rajma preparation at Nancy and Veejay's blog!I also love the texture of the corn bread!Beautiful :)

  17. I have never had Rajama, it looks and sounds wonderful. Thank you for linking up at Katherines Corner xo

  18. Rajama looks and sounds wonderful and I won't say, I am going to make it, although I do want to. I think, we are all sincere, when we say that but then, we look at the list of wonderful recipes, we want to make and know time does not allow it. It is frustrating. I would like to make it and maybe I will.

    I am a corn bread fan, as well and make it often so a new recipe is doable. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Casey-thanks for visiting, and commenting on my blog. You also have some great recipes on your blog...sorry, I couldn't find a comment section on your blog, otherwise I would have left you a comment!

  19. Hi Elisabeth, your corn bread sure look good. And the recipe look simple no yeast is needed. Looking forward to try out but my to do list is getting longer than toilet rolls.LOL

    Love your Rajma presentation, very nice color. I have not try this dish but it looks delicious.

    Congrat on your weight loss, keep up the good work.
    Have a nice day.

  20. I simply adore rajma!!!
    Yours look absolutely delicious!!!
    And the corn bread Yumm...

  21. That is a great recipe, love the warming winter spices, and perfect with the corn bread! Lovely meal :)
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend :)

  22. I don't think I've ever made corn bread, Elisabeth, but this looks great and a perfect complement to those beans.

    Good on you for your determination and your progress on your weight loss :-)

    Thanks for sharing again at Cookbook Sundays.

    Sue xo

  23. Elizabeth, When I see a recipe, I really do want to try it....I now have folders of printed recipes I'm trying to conquer. I call it an obsession! But it's a good obsession, right?
    I've never heard of looks and sounds delicious! Your cornbread also looks wonderful...I love cornbread! Have a great day!

    1. Kathy-I try not to print out any more recipes, unless I know I'm really going to make it. I have so many inspirational stuff from other bloggers...just can't keep up with it. I try to stay with the WW recipes, for the points, and also Cooking Light which has all the specification for the calories, fat, carbs, fiber, etc. that I can figure out on my handy "points plus calculator" from WW. Thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate it!
      Have a great week:DDD

  24. Elisabeth, It is so good for you thatRajma fits in your WW plan, and served with the WW cornbread, makes a complete, satisfying meal. congrats on meeting your goals!
    You can do it!

    1. Becky-thanks for the encouragement, but the weekends are very, very difficult, since I eat out, and go to friends' house for cookouts, and dinners. Very hard to keep track of points, which now, in the new program WW lets you expand the points for the weekend, which is good for me!
      The Rajma is an amazing vegetarian bean dish, just like CHILI, but Indian style, with different spices!

  25. Yay! Way to go Elisabeth! It is a constant change of eating habits to keep it going. I was going to say struggle, but who wants to struggle everyday? This corn bread looks so good. I have been trying to find a good cornbread recipe that is right for me. How does it hold up? Does it crumble easy? That is my seems it is usually too hard or too crumbly and falls apart. I usually try to find recipes that use less fat and sugar anyway, just because.

    I have made several recipes from other blogs, and I usually don't say I am going to make it or bookmark it unless I really am going to make it. I know I'm weird! :D

    1. Lynsdsey-I was surprised to find a corn bread recipe in WW. Also, even more surprised that it didn't call for butter, or shortening. The buttermilk makes it moist, not too crumbly, and certainly not hard, and dry. I will want to stay with this recipe, and include chopped jalapeno, maybe even a little grated cheddar cheese. Trust me on this one...less fat...less sugar, and very easy to make:DDD

      p.s. the funny thing about me mentioning I'm bookmarking a recipe, which I actually do, and when I say I'm going to make it...unless I have all the ingredients, I tend to forget to make it most of the time. No, you are not weird...just cautious!

  26. How did you know I was craving cornbread? I've been wanting a slice all day. Now I just have to do it! Thanks for sharing, sweet friend. I'm sorry I've been absent this week. I've been driving back and forth to Houston. I'm glad I got a chance to visit you today. Hugs and love from Austin.

    1. Monet, it's so nice to see you for craving for cornbread, I can eat it every day, and the good thing about this particular corn bread, it freezes nicely, and will defrost on its own within minutes. Glad you're back home in Austin!
      Hugs, and love to you too!

  27. Kedvenceim közé tartozik az indiai konyha is, szeretem a fűszeres ételeket!
    Szép az étel a kenyér!!! Még nem sütöttem kukoricalisztből kenyeret, ki kell próbálnom!

  28. Wanna-tegnap, Vasárnap voltunk egy Indiai fesztiválon a városban...annyi finom füszeres ételeket én még életemben nem láttam, amit ők készitettek. Rengeteg nép volt, és mindenki rendelt a sok finomságbol.

    Most már tudom hogy hol vannak az Indiai üzletek, és restaurantok itt a tájékban. A kokorica kényér készitése nagyon könnyü, és finom lenne még egy magyaros bablevessel is!

  29. I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while...I'm quite behind on my comments as we went out of town this weekend :) Your vegetarian chili looks does the WW cornbread. I just love pairing chili with cornbread...and I'm glad you're still able to enjoy this delightful combination! I had to laugh at your comment about Bill enjoying mussels for Valentine's way! LOL, he picked meatloaf...not quite as romantic of a dish. Have a great week, my friend~

  30. Those chili beans look fabulous, and so does the cornbread. That's the kind of meal I love! I'm visiting Kitchen Gypsies for the Rajma recipe. :) I've been considering Weight Watchers too- it's been successful for so many people I know. Thanks for including the points!

  31. Looks gorgeously healthy as always Elisabeth. Vegie chilli is one of my favourite things.

    Re: the cornbread - buttermilk is one of those amazing ingredients I find, it just makes everything so fluffy and lovely and you definitely don't need butter or oil.

  32. Oh I forgot to say, I love the new layout!

    1. Emma-it's by pure accident and desperation the new Layout came about. I added the stat counter widget, and when I went to the design section to try to get in on the bottom of the list, I wiped out several of my other widgets by mistake...also changed the former layout and could not bring it back the way it was. Blogger has several options to change "layout" that's where I am now! Thanks for the compliment:DDD

  33. I am so glad you managed slowly but steadily to approach your weight goal. The meal looks delicious and I am sure you have enjoyed it a lot since it is consistent to your diet!
