Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sweet Potatoes with Vegetarian-Vegan Black Bean Chili

As I mentioned to you in the near past, that we have vegetarian, and vegan meals at least 3, 4 times a week, seafood once a week, and the weekend is pretty "iffy"...never knowing what we're going to eat. That's where I get in trouble with my WW points system, even though I'm allowed extra points, every weekend I gain back at least 2 or 3 pounds; then, start again on Monday, and it takes an entire week to lose those extra pounds, and struggling to lose another pound or two. So, this is the "lifestyle". As long as I'm on track and know what's taking place, I'm more conscious of it!
This dish is the ultimate vegetarian...vegan, if you don't top the chili with the Lebni (kefir/yogurt)...but I must confess that Lebni is so creamy, tangy, thick, and the perfect topping to tame the hot and spicy flavor of this gorgeous chili topped baked sweet potato! I don't claim to be a recipe developer, or a food stylist, but then, I am a professionally trained chef, for decades now... which I never talk about, but I do mention it on the bottom of my  "about me" section. I guarantee, that you haven't seen a chili assembled like this, but there are plenty of sweet potato chili recipes out there. This way, you have the best of both...baked sweet potato, cooked black beans, and separately cooked spicy vegetables, all assembled...with LOVE!
I totally went off the original subject that I want to post about...oh yes! The Red Gold Tomato Giveaway winner!
As you can see these beautiful spicy vegetables that are still simmering, and steaming (you could actually see the steam)...they are made with the Red Gold Tomato Diced Tomato Chili Ready tomatoes.

Here's the tricky part. I did calculate the winner on my handy little Random.Org widget, and wouldn't you know who came up as #14 winner? Wendy @ The Weekend Gourmet. She specifically asked me not to include her, since she also hosted a giveaway last year, and this year, she had the opportunity to visit the Red Gold Tomato plant in person...you can read about her fabulous trip on her blog!

Next, the generator picked my Hungarian food blogger friend, Erzsi @ Troll a Konnyhamban...so sorry, but only U.S. and Canada are eligible....that was # 7...so now, I didn't want to spin the numbers again, that's how I went to the next number, which is # 8...Claudia @ What's Cookin' Italian Style!

Congratulations, Claudia...I will get in touch with you by e-mail...to get your address, so I can send it to Red Gold, and they will ship your giveaway package to you, directly!

Linking to: Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
                Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Corner

Sweet Potatoes with Vegetarian-Vegan Black Bean Chili
my own recipe

1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 red bell pepper chopped
1 medium onion chopped
3 cloves of garlic chopped
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1-14 1/2 to 16 ounce can diced tomatoes with juices
(I used Red Gold diced tomatoes, Chili Ready)
1 15- to 16 ounce can black beans, rinsed, and drained
( I made a large pot of black dried beans, the day before, and used 2 cups of it, rinsed and drained)
3 small yellow crookneck squash diced 
1 Tablespoon minced seeded if you like, jalapeno chili
4 lime wedges

Plain nonfat, Lebni, our sour cream (optional)
Chopped fresh cilantro (optional)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Pierce sweet potatoes with a fork, and wrap them separately in foil paper. Place sweet potatoes in baking dish and bake until tender, about 1 hr. 15 minutes.

Note: the day before, make a large batch of dried black beans, and refrigerate in large plastic container, to make at least 3 different meals out of it, or just season it to make a side dish chili, or black bean soup. This is optional, you can use a good quality canned beans for this recipe, as well!

Meanwhile, heat olive oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Add diced bell pepper and shopped onions and saute until golden, about 10 minutes. Add minced garlic and stir mixture 2 minutes. Stir in chili powder and ground cumin, then the diced yellow squash. tomatoes.Reduce heat to low, and cook for about 15 minutes, adding about 1/4 cup of water if it's needed.
Add diced tomatoes with their juices, and cook for another 10 to 15 minutes...not longer, to keep the diced pieces whole.

Heat the black beans separately in a small saucepan. You can add an extra can of beans, or the fresh cooked beans to make sure you have enough. Important: in order to spice up the beans, take a small portion from the spicy veggies, and stir them into the beans.

Arrange 1 sweet potato on each of 4 plates. Split potatoes open; mash slightly. Spoon some black beans in center of each. top with the spicy vegetables, and squeeze lime juice over.

Top with Lebni, Greek yogurt, or sour cream (optional)

This is an amazing healthy, colorful, and filling dish.
I figured out the WW points value, which is 7 points.
Even if you're not a vegetarian, you will love this!

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  1. Nice! I am liking the look of that!

  2. this not only sounds wonderful its a work of art!

  3. Nagyon csábítóak, gyönyörűek a fotóid!
    A cicát az elmúlt héten nem találtam, bizonyára elkóborolt, de örülök, hogy visszatért!

  4. That looks delicious, I will definitely have to try this!

  5. Congrats to the winners :) I love sweet potato anything - this looks amazing.

  6. Elisabeth, ez pazarul néz ki! Amilyen egyszerű, olyan csodás, és a sok zöldség miatt egészséges is. Az édesburgonya pedig mindig jó választás.

  7. I agree with Laurie.. this looks like a work of art. Love love love the vibrant color and the way it's presented/prepared.

    I understand your plight... weekends for me are a bit challenging. it's also a time where hubs is at home so the one thing that we love doing together is to eat hayayayay... that's when i get in trouble with my diet!

    i hope you are enjoying your week Elisabeth,

  8. Absolutely beautiful! And I'm a meat-lover! Impressive. And such wonderful, wonderful pictures.

  9. This sounds wonderfully delicious! I love meatless meals! This dish has such beautiful color!

  10. I am so thrilled that I was the third random pick, my lucky day and couldnt come at a better time, this was a 15 1/2 hour work day so what a nice surprise! I am delighted to be picked thank you so much! I cant wait to try these they look yummy! I am amazed at this colorful healthy dish you made here, you sure have been making the healthiest perfect dishes for my diet, I just love them all thank you so much and thank you for the giveaway I am thrilled!!!!! xo

  11. Hi Elisabeth, what a nice colorful meal you've put together!!!You've almost convinced me to become a vegetarian..haha..Seriously, I really love this recipe, a keeper..XOXO

  12. Your chili looks so colorful and healthy. I love the sweet potato presentation, so cute. I have used a butternut sqaush for a vegetable chili before. It's fun to be able to eat the serving "bowl".

  13. You did an amazing job photographing this...

  14. That plate of food looks SO good... and I love the presentation and photography too, Elisabeth! :)

  15. I am envious of the quality of these fresh vegetables Elisabeth, I crave summer when I look at your yummy recipes.

  16. Love spicy dishes..this is right up my alley with lots of veggies!

  17. Elisabeth, ismét gyönyörű színes zöldségeket főztél, nagyon finom lehet. Főleg hogy erős paprika is van benne, és is nagyon szeretem az erőset, mindenhez meg tudom enni :))

  18. That is definitely one colorful dish! And they say eating by the colors is good ... you've got that covered! The cut green chillies on the top ... whooo, I Like!! Congrats to Claudia!

  19. Dish is amazing with vibrant colour and surely loved by everyone.

  20. What an amazing riot of colours, love your pics...a dish this fab to look at, must be tasting really delicious :-)

  21. Hi Elisabeth, this look good and delicious. Very colorful vege dish and pretty presentation too. Have a nice day.
    regards & hugs

  22. I really want to try this Elisabeth, it looks like my kind of favorite veggie inspired dish for dinner! Hang in there with your WW eating plan, it sure can be frustrating at times;-)

  23. sweet potato chili sounds comforting and healthy at the same time! ahhh the weekends are always difficult! at least you know when your weak times are! mine are at 10pm at night.... hahaha.

  24. Csodálatosak a színei, már a színekkel jól lehet lakni:) Sajnos az én családom imádja a húst, nehezen lehet nekik húsmentes ételeket tálalni, de szerintem ez még nekik is bejönne. A csípős ételeknek mi is nagy rajongói vagyunk.

  25. This dish looks stunning! Love the colors and presentation! I will have to find some lebini to try...so excited, thanks!

  26. Delicious Elisabeth, it has all the wonderful flavors. Love to try them. They make beautiful photos too.

  27. That looks absolutely delish !!!! Very , healthy , colorful and flavorful . Have a great weekend Elisabeth :D.

  28. Beautiful photos Elisabeth! This looks amazing, it's right up my alley with some of my favourite ingredients. I'm excited because it'll be cooler here soon, being our Autumn and I can make dishes like this.

  29. Mmmmmmm....so beautiful! Such vibrant colors...and delicious looking as well! I know I'd love black bean chili...I just need to get going and make it! Congrats to Claudia...I loved my pack of tomatoes from Red Gold!

  30. i make chili quite often (the meat-less kind)but have never paired it with sweet potatoes. what a delicious and great looking dinner that must be!

  31. This looks healthy and delicious! The combination of greek yogurt and chilli sounds so good! I will definitely share this with my vegetarian friend, she will totally love this!

  32. Hi just found yor site and this is a beautiful meal. Hearty, healthy and delicious photographs.

  33. I am loving all these mouth watering vegetarian recipes!! I need to try them and soon :)

  34. Hi Elisabeth,
    This is a beautiful dish, the color combination is just outstanding! I know that the flavor is going off the chart with with all those wonderful veggies. I would just love this dish!! Congratulations on your 13 pound weight loss, that is awesome, I am still cheering you on my friend! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  35. Elisabeth, this looks awesome! I feel hungry just looking at it.
    Congratulations on being closer to your goal, I don't know how you can do it eating all these yummy dishes!


  36. What a tasty and healthy dish! Love all the colorful ingredients in it. I would really enjoy for lunch today :)

  37. This looks so delicious! Thanks for the recipe.

  38. This is so a must try for me...wonderful flavors!
