Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chocolate-Banana Frozen Pops...and Giveaway

I've been wanting to make something with all the Dove chocolate products that my daughter Lora received from the Dove people, to try out their products. She shared some with me, but every time I get the chocolate cravings, I just nibble on the silk and smooth Dove chocolate pieces, and little nuggets...even though some are for baking. They are incredibly rich, creamy and so amazingly delicious!
As far as I'm concerned, when you get the craving for chocolates, Dove, or Godiva chocolates are the only ones that can satisfy your craving...although Godiva has not come up with their product to bake with, but Dove, should be available in the supermarkets by now. I really wanted to melt these little chocolate silky nuggets to dip them into strawberries, but I did not have the large ones, so I settled for nice, not too ripe banana pieces. I've seen the "store bought" simple chocolate covered frozen bananas that a friend of mine boasts about...nothing compares to the cute little pop sized ones dipped into melted down chocolate pieces, and sprinkle them with the confetti sprinkles, and pop them in the freezer. I could not wait for them to freeze and grabbed my camera to take the photos, while I had some sunshine streaming into my condo!
BTW-It's been 2 months now since I started my Weight Watchers program...and have lost 13 lbs. which averages out to about 1.6 lbs a week...gaining 2 lbs during the weekend, and losing it again the following week, plus 1 more!
So, there you have it...who says you cannot enjoy a chocolate Banana frozen pop, or satisfy your sweet tooth? They are 5 points each...just be cautious!
As a way of thanking all of friends, I have this beautiful authentic LENOX candy dish to give you, as a giveaway for all your kind words, and support for not just the last 2 months, but for the nearly 2 years of supporting my blog, which I so reluctantly wanted to do!
The LENOX candy dish is 4 inches in diameter, the original pretty simple beige, with the gold trimming, and little heart shaped design around the dish. Isn't this a pretty photo I took, with the reflection of the heart shape in the sunlight? The dish is about less than 3 inches tall!
Better you know my blog is not just about "good food", but "good thrift finds"...and I was totally blown away when I found this gorgeous little candy dish at my local was just staring at me, or me staring at it, when I saw it sitting on the shelf, I immediately recognized that it's a LENOX. My hand was shaking to see the price on the back...$4.99...seriously! There is not a mark, or any kind of flaws on this beautiful dish. It retails, at least $40.00 if not more; I'm sure of that! This is the original style, and color.

Again...same rules apply: Just make sure you follow my blog...that's all! My FRIEND CONNECT Google list was totally taken off by Google, so that means I lost 112 additional followers. I specifically asked a few new followers to please follow me on my existing follow list, after I followed them back...well, I'm hoping they will do so, because I am -112 followers, as of the first of March!

I will use my number generator, on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 to determine the winner.
The giveaway entry will end on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 11:00pm EST. I will ship to any country, outside of the U.S....isn't that great? You will love this little dish, as much as I do, but I have a lot of pretty things, and DO find just as much in my search for great "thrift finds"

...and now, for the recipe!

Chocolate- Banana Frozen Pops
my own recipe

3 to 5 firm-ripe bananas cut into 2 inch pieces
1 cup of Dove semisweet chocolate little nuggets, or
semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 to 2 Tbsp sprinkles

In a medium microwave-safe bowl, heat chocolate chips in 10 second increments, stirring between each, until melted smooth. You can put a drop or two water, for smoother consistency. Place the banana pieces on a wax paper lined plate, and liberally spoon the chocolate sauce over the banana pieces. Sprinkle liberally over the chocolate covered bananas, and place them in the freezer for about 20 minutes.

Insert a toothpick into each banana piece. (I used a plastic cocktail pick which is prettier) Chocolate will set quickly in freezer. Keep them wrapped in freezer, for up to 1 week. Totally yummy, and very, very, popular with kids and adults, alike!

Some of my weekend friends' house
Clams with Linguine

Nonno Sal's BBQ Pork Ribs...

Twice baked potatoes with melted Cheddar Cheese...

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Elisabth! A csokoládés banán nagyon finom lehet, egyszer ki fogom próbálni!
    A Lenox bonbonier pedig gyönyörű!

  2. well done on the weight loss, those do ,ook yummy, I LOVE Dove choclate, they don't have the baking varity here yet though. it is a lovely candy dish so delicate.

  3. First, Congratulations on your weight loss! Bravo to you, Elizabeth! Second, these look like such a wonderful snack when you just need a little something to hold you over! My grandkids would love these. So would I! I love Ghirardelli for baking but love Dove for eating! Especially the dark! I didn't know they made a version for baking. Will have to check it out! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  4. Hi Elisabeth, congratulation on your weight lost. Feel so happy for you.

    I love your chocolate banana pop, I don't mind to have a few right now.
    It looks so delicious and I love Dove chocolate too. It's very chocolate-ly rich.

    Wow...I love your giveaway, the candy dish is so cute and pretty. Let see who is the lucky owner of this Lenox candy dish.

    Have a nice weekend. Regards

  5. You are on such great track...even though you indulge now and then, you are drifting downwards! Congrats!!! And this yummy treat is so much healthier than the little nibbles I tend to snack on...and what a lovely dish! Great score, my friend!

    PS...I still have some of my Dove winnings from Lora...mostly mousse mixes, which I imagine are fabulous!

  6. Igazán finomabbnál finomabb ételeket kivántatsz velünk, azok az oldalasok, hmmm.
    A bonbonos tálkának én is szivesen lennék a gazdája, de azt hiszem rengetegbe kerülne a postaköltség, vagy esetleg eltörne még ha meg is nyerném:)

  7. 13lb in two months! Congratulations!!! So happy for you.
    I love those chocolate-coated frozen banana pops.
    I used to think two google widgets were the same..;0(

  8. love all the photo's especially the clams... what and awesome giveaway lenox wow! nice~

  9. Yummy and a giveaway too, yea!!! I follow through gfc and email. xo

  10. Imádnivalóak ezek a kis csokis banánfalatok, ezt nekem is ki kell próbálnom, a gyerekeim nagyon örülnének:) Gratulálok a sikeres fogyókúrádhoz, csak így tovább:) Mennyit szeretnél fogyni?
    További szép hétvégét:)

  11. Did I mention I admire your will power? Great job at losing 13 lbs, Elisabeth!
    Those pops are perfect for a less guilty indulgence ... can't go wrong with bananas :)
    That sure is a pretty bowl. Great find!
    I'm going to be following on FB with my new FB page. Are you on Google+? I'm all ready and prepared for the demise of GFC.

    1. Ping-you are so sweet to say that you admire my willpower! Well, in a way you're right, but then again, I get so much distraction, temptation, and cravings when I see all the amazing foods on the weekend, that's why I'm trying to stay away as much as I can from the weekend food indulgence.
      Weighing in at the Weight Watchers helps too, so you can't "cheat"...I don't stay for their meetings because I just can't get into the "small talk" about how many points is this-and-that, and comparing with each other about what we ate...what we should on, and so forth!
      Group system is good, only if you cannot do it alone!

  12. Yum...chocolate! A little bit sure can help curb the cravings...yes? You're doing great with your weight're an inspiration to food bloggers everywhere!!

  13. Love chocolate. Good job on the weight loss.

  14. Bravo on your weight loss - you'e done really well to lose 13 lbs and all while enjoying delicious food! Your weekend indulgences look sooo good! Like everyone else, I LOVE chocolate and those banana pops look very tempting. Please enter me in your draw, I would be thrilled to receive this pretty bowl - I'm a big Goodwiller and am always amazed by the treasures I stumble across every so often :)

  15. Congratz Elisabeth on your weight loss . I absolutely love chocolate and bananas and these look really good *slurp* . I don't think there is the dove brand of chocolates here in dubai :( .

  16. Well done with the weight loss...those pops look adorable...better still they have banana in them and not cake....please do enter me in your draw...that candy dish looks so dainty :-)

  17. Congratulations on your weight loss elisabeth, that is a wonderful accomplishment!
    I have to make some frozen chocolate banana bites, they are just speaking to me;-)

  18. Elisabeth nagyon tetszik ez a csokoládés banán!! Nekem sem lett volna türelmem kivárni, hogy megdermedjen rajta a csokoládé, csak ameddig Te a fényképezésre koncentráltál addig én szépen befaltam volna mindet.:))
    Örülök a sikeres diétádnak, én most valahogy megálltam, és egyszerűen nem mennek lefelé a dekák sem, nemhogy a kilók. Na de még nincs itt a tavasz, így a kabát mindent eltakar.
    Csodaszép a bonbonos tálkád!!!

    Nagyon finomat készítettek, és ettetek a barátaitokkal, nagyon guszta minden fogás.

  19. Isteni lett a banán pop, a tál pedig nagyon szépséges:-))
    Gratulálok a fogyókúrádhoz:-)

  20. Csodás bon-bon falatkák. Nem lehetne minden napra?

  21. That's a great deal of weight loss. Congrats and keep it up! Once a while weekend indulgence is fine, after all, we all do need a break right? I really do love Dove chocolates and you are absolutely right, they are rich, creamy and ultra smooth. Till this day I have not had chocolate banana pops and it's high time, I make these little treats. Take care!

  22. Oooh look delicious!
    And congratulations, you are making amazing progress!

  23. Good for you Elisabeth, for losing all that weight and keeping it off! Oh and banana and chocolate are a delicious combo and I LOVE Dove chocolate.

    Have a lovely week :):)

  24. Csodásak lettek a csokis banánok !!

  25. There are times when only chocolate will do... :)
    I haven't had frozen bananas in a long time. Looks mouthwatering... and that spaghetti with clams and the ribs?! YUM. I just have to have both if offered :)

  26. What a bargain on that Lenox dish! These banana pops look amazing too =)

  27. Just switched you to a different reader. Haven't even figured out that whole thing yet. Congrats on two years and the weight loss, you are doing so good, I wish I could say the same. Maybe I should make these banana pops and it would help. Great giveaway, thanks but you don't need to include me, with the moving, I'm afraid it would get lost. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  28. follow blog jelaws5
    thanks for the giveaway
    congrats on losing weight I am envious :)

  29. Delicious this pops with banana I love. Nikhil wakes up two-three times in the night. still now whole night sleep, that would be great.

  30. I love frozen banana pops! I remember making these as children, every summer! And thoroughly enjoying them! I love Dove chocolate, and this must taste even lovelier with that! :) lovely memories! Awesome giveaway :) Thanks for making it international! Appreciate it :) I just double checked, and I am still following you on GFC :) Nice post, Elisabeth!

  31. Thank you all, so much for your kind comments, and support for my weight loss, which seems easy and successful, but it comes with a lot of discipline, and exercise. The weekends are the worst, but if you're on track, you start back on Monday, and work hard at eating right, and watch your portion of foods!

    As for the giveaway, I promise you that I will pack this delicate LENOX candy dish very carefully in bubble wrap, and a sturdy box to make sure it gets to you in one piece. I promise you that you will love is so pretty, delicate, and the "real thing"...can't feel guilty for getting it at such a great price! Good luck to the winner!

  32. Elisabeth, Congrats for the weight loss. You are right it takes lots of discipline to get the results but you did it! YAY! I have not made any pops before, I think it is high time to try doing it. KIV your pops to try. Thanks. XOXO

  33. Gratulálok!!! Szeretem a banánt, imádom a csokit, nekem való recept! Ki kell próbálnom :)Szépek is!

  34. Congrats on you weight loss. Yeay!!! Pops look fantastic. :)

  35. Nagyon gratulálok!!! Finom, banánt gyakran veszünk, kell egy kis változatosság :) A tányér és a tálka meseszééép!!!

  36. Congratulations on the 13 lbs...Wow! And the dish is so lovely, sorry I missed the giveaway.
    And since frozen bananas are pretty much my favorite treat since childhood...I so want these :)

  37. Wow you are so healthy! Congrats :D
    And what a great yet healthy way to celebrate - yum!

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Tropical Caramelised Baked German Pancake

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